World of Tanks - Ker-Ching!

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The Mighty Jingles

The Mighty Jingles

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Strap yourselves in and get ready for a rough ride in the comments section, today we're talking about all things Pay To Win. It's going to get rough!
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System Specs: Core i7 4.3Ghz CPU, 32GB DDR4 RAM, nVidia GTX1080 8GB GDDR5 GPU, running at 1920x1080 resolution
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@QCpowarr 6 жыл бұрын
Last time I was this early Jingles was still called Bohemian eagle.
@QCpowarr 6 жыл бұрын
For the question about gold it all depends on the tank. I will load a few in some and a lot for others.. For example I don't have a lot of gold in my Tortoise (about 10), but I will load a lot more in my T69 that only has 181mm pen at tier 8.. vs tier 6-7 it's fine but good luck shooting at a Jagdpanzer E 100 or a Type 4 & 5 for example. HEAT makes it easier at 250mm pen. I know I'm grinding for the 183 before they remove it from the game.. And I'm also aware that I'm going to shoot HESH with it, but it's just a tank that needs to fire gold imho.. That's why they're removing it from the game I guess. Same goes for the Type 5.. It's stupid that gold HE does 1400 alpha but if you're playing this tank you might as well load gold to do more damage. If I had it I would probably do 50/50 though. I'll still continue to play the game even if I think the game is cancer and RNG based. After about 6 years I can't just drop it after all the time i've invested in the game.. I'll still play other games and not always WoT though.. One can only play wot for a few hours before going completely insane..
@nicecube9555 6 жыл бұрын
good old time :) :')
@busyend 6 жыл бұрын
Many moons ago and more than a few of his scalp hairs are missing now...
@tailsofUSSR21 6 жыл бұрын
Last time I was this early. Clint Eastwood was still being played on the radio.
@busyend 6 жыл бұрын
@Sleepy.Time. 6 жыл бұрын
id be fine with gold rounds if they caused barrel wear that would result in a broken gun if over used, just like how the engine governer remover consumable does.
@electric26 6 жыл бұрын
First time I’ve heard about an idea like this, and I quite like the sound of it.
@Sleepy.Time. 6 жыл бұрын
and it would get people using even more repair consumables so WG would love the idea
@romulanphantom3376 6 жыл бұрын
Sleepy .Time That's brilliant! This must be put on the forums at once.
@Rosivok 6 жыл бұрын
love that idea...would really punish the spammers, while not removing the ability to actually USE gold rounds.
@AmazingAce 6 жыл бұрын
holy shit this is brilliant
@marksman712 6 жыл бұрын
Jingles you're a special kinda great. it took you 7 minutes to actually ask the main question you are basing this video on. You should do TED talks man
@michaelmartin8605 6 жыл бұрын
Matthew Ray, a ted talk on the world of tanks issues regarding money and the ethics of using said money... haha yea
@MrJJandJim 6 жыл бұрын
Michael Martin I'd watch it!
@xeagaort 6 жыл бұрын
God I find it so hilarious when people defend gold.
@MegaRaven100 6 жыл бұрын
*Jingles in the morning, Jingles in the evening, Jingles in the afternoon,* *Jingles may be silly, Jingles may be forgetful but he never lets his minions drool,* *All of us are grateful, all of us are waiting for another episode of cool,* *We who got here early, you'll never see us surly but we all like to act like LOONS!*
@B.A.P_Golden_Eagle. 6 жыл бұрын
very nice
@Raz0rking 6 жыл бұрын
upvote this shit!
@vonclaren1 6 жыл бұрын
The Type 5 Heavy is the same as all Artillery - Premuim HE, eg it's always better to fire gold increasing the damage of an HE shell is the same as increasing the pen = Both result in MORE damage EVERY time
@davidj9677 6 жыл бұрын
It is also similar to arty in that it takes skill-based engagements between players and makes it so that whoever has the better artillery on their team wins. So tired of having fair 1-on-1 fights ruined by artillery stunning me.
@Rosivok 6 жыл бұрын
Well, no, artillery doesnt ruin games...butt hurt whiners ruin games. Artillery has been nerffed, and nerffed, and nerffed, etc until the 152mm gun on the tier 6 KV-2 does more damage and has better pen than the 155mm CANNON on my tier 9 artillery...where is the logic. And I STILL get blamed for 'ruining' matches when I play it and not one round of premium ammo either, thats SKILL. Knowing where to site your arty, how to lead shots, when to move...its all part of knowing how to use what you got. So back to the pay to win use of gold ammo. I'm of the opinion that if all you fire is gold, then you suck. Thanks for playing, now go learn how to play right, meaning how to aim. Mixing your ammo types and using gold when its the right choice (EEK! its an E100...LOAD THE GOLD).
@Gorgotrove 6 жыл бұрын
The only thing that really bothers me about premium ammunition and some PTW premium tanks, isn't so much that people use it - you use the tools at your disposal - its that WG is still adamant that this is not a pay to win game at all. Either tweek the gold rounds or come clean, that paying money will help your game play and performance.
@Stubbari 6 жыл бұрын
+ Trigger Me Timbers Go play 2 hours of skirmishes and get 2 mil which you can then go and spam in your Type 5. I don't see any problem with that. Tier 10 tanks don't come for free, you have to grind for them. Prem ammo doesn't come from free either so you have to grind for that.
@TheGeoCheese 6 жыл бұрын
Trigger Me Timbers it’s the main reason why I stay at tier 7 when I played on console. You see a tier 10 tank, I’ll bet everything I have that guy is using gold.
@sjakierulez 6 жыл бұрын
Dunno how it is now, but like 2 years ago it started at tier 3/4
@TheGeoCheese 6 жыл бұрын
Jasminewynja maybe it’s because the higher you go in tiers, the more in game credits you lose. It’s especially true on a standard account because in order to play those high tier tanks, you need to put REAL MONEY into a PREMIUM tank which SHOULDN’T be a thing in a FREE TO PLAY game. I can tell you only play at mid tiers otherwise you wouldn’t be making this stupid comment.
@Gorgotrove 6 жыл бұрын
Point being you cannot simply play casually and spam gold. You either have to grind hard for a time or pay. Or, of course, just not. See the EA debacle over Battlefront II as to why it doesn't TECHNICALLY have to pay to get something buuuuut.... you have to pay, really. Just admit it, eh?
@Chickymasala 6 жыл бұрын
I've never gotten involved in the gold ammo discussion up till now because it tends to devolve into a mess. But I've not seen anybody really bring up the reasons why I personally disagree with premium ammo. I disagree with premium ammo because: 1) To maintain balance, a strong buff in one aspect (pen) should be compensated by an exploitable trade-off to allow tactics to counter. Prem does not have that design in place,and counter plays another big part of the game, armor. It's just flat out better regardless of what Jingles says. I'm particularly sore about this as a history nerd, who enjoys playing 'historical' games with a level of tactical depth and prefer to win by planning better (working with the team, better positioning etc.) 2) Prem discourages team-play and smart playing because it allows people to get reasonable results (often top 1/2 of the team) even with no skill, rewarding 'lone wolfing', esp. bad lone wolfing. In WoWs you see much more cooperation on average specifically because you can't do that much yourself. 3) The game is not designed for prem ammo because penetration performance plays too big a role in the game balance. In WoT pen value makes the difference between not doing any damage and doing damage. HE in WoWs is the opposite because you can use it to damage any opponent big or small to a satisfying (even too-good) extent, so adding prem to WoWs (please don't) wouldn't be as bad. Also, By giving a tank with low pen as its main balancing factor, e.g T-54s, a button to remove that weaknesses, you're basically playing a different tank, one that rolls over opponents that it would otherwise be challenged by.
@reinbeers5322 6 жыл бұрын
The T54 example is a really good one. I'm currently driving the German superheavy VK 100.01P. The upper front plate is 200mm base, and goes to around 300mm effective. And everything bounces off it, even when they press the 2 key. But the differemce between tier 8 and tier 9 is so large, that when a tier 9 loads the gold, you just aren't safe. And that removes the tank's main advantage: armor. Once you remove that, what's left? A slow, big target, with a big HP pool and a mediocre gun. Why play it? I've been dipping into light tanks and I have been enjoying them, it simply doesn't matter if people spam premium or not, and pretty much no one carries HE these days. I'm as safe as I've ever been.
@curiousgeorge5992 6 жыл бұрын
It's wot random. Your playing wrong modes
@Mikosah 6 жыл бұрын
Situations like the Super-Conqueror and its spaced armor being a counter to HEAT are the exception rather than the rule. More often than not, drawbacks like HEAT being nullified by spaced armor or APCR losing more pen over distance just aren't relevant to the situation at hand. And because of RNG, the extra penetration is a valuable insurance policy even in situations where the standard shell is 'adequate'.
@Schmeethe88 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah, Quicky just recently showed a video where he used HEAT to basically counter the angling of the tier 9 Swedish TD. It pens up to 85 degrees of angle. There are a handful of situations where HEAT is bad, but buckets of situations where it either improves odds of penning, or gives you entirely new options to pen where you had zero chance before. When it comes to APCR, it is always better except right up next to that maximum angle of 73 degrees. Wow, a whopping 2 degrees of angled armor where AP is the better option. Whoop de doo. As far as losing pen at distance, let's just take an example with the 120mm T53 found on the T28, T28 proto, T34 etc. Penetration power drops the further the enemy is away, to a maximum of 500m- beyond 500m there is no more penetration decay (but you can't see them that far away anyway). So. Standard AP at point blank range has an average penetration of 248mm, down to 238mm at 500m. APCR has a penetration at point blank of 297mm, down to 255mm at 500m. APCR still has more penetration at 500m than AP does with your barrel right up their arse. And at longer ranges, you're still better off shooting the APCR anyway because the high muzzle velocity means it's easier to lead a moving target and land the shell in the first place. Other than spaced armor/modules vs HEAT, honestly there's no reason why premium rounds would ever be the worse choice vs standard AP if money isn't a concern. If you'd like to take a look at some data yourself, I've got a link to the spreadsheet here: Disclaimer: last updated for 9.10, so a few of the vehicles will be off, though the amount of decay has not changed, and the APCR is still going to be better.
@sharpfang 6 жыл бұрын
APCR losing more pen over distance is entirely irrelevant as before it leaves draw range its pen drops to just above AP point blank penetration.
@TechDeals 6 жыл бұрын
This is why I don't play World of Tanks... but clearly lots of people do, so more power to Wargamming... But this is just silly on so many levels, from the credit loss to the grind to the existence of gold ammo to start with, the whole thing is a hot mess... World of Warships isn't perfect, but it does this better...
@markbrown3587 6 жыл бұрын
How about not allowing more than 30% or 50% gold/premium rounds. No adverse effects on good players and prevents the noobs from spamming it the whole game.
@svidentkyrponos7530 6 жыл бұрын
Not an option in tanks that require an almost full gold load to even work like Char B1 and DW2
@TimoRutanen 6 жыл бұрын
If tanks 'don't work' without gold ammo then I would like to suggest that those tanks be fixed. Of course it's good for the company that people are forced to buy gold ammo so this will probably never change, quite the opposite. My suggestion is to allow 10% of your max load as gold ammo, and then you can have a loader skill to increase it to 20% or something. More skills that do stuff hooray!
@WHiTeSHaRK64Toman 6 жыл бұрын
Mark Brown that's a retarded design. To fix the problem you need to lower the damage and cost of premium shells.
@reinbeers5322 6 жыл бұрын
Svident Kyrponos the DW2 is very playable without full gold. I carried 30 AP, 20 APCR and the rest HE.
@weaboodoo2346 2 жыл бұрын
Even if 5 shells are allowed. Imagine 3 players shooting that at you. Still good enough damage.
@FlaviaPitariu 6 жыл бұрын
The ammunition being he is a big help though. The premium ammo didn't contribute that much. The type is a fair bit op
@Vasilinho84 6 жыл бұрын
The point is normal HE wouldn't even remotely do this much damage on a S. Conqueror's turret while hitting the spaced armor, that was a 500 damage hit.
@FlaviaPitariu 6 жыл бұрын
Vasilinho84 the difference between normal he and premium on alpha won't cause a direct increase in damage. So even if say normal is 1100 and premium is 1400 (I don't know the alpha on that) you will not get 300 more damage on non pen. Also no one seems to mention burst radius. If that's different also it will affect the damage like it does for the t49 152 mm, which has the same alpha but more pen and much bigger splash
@masterdynamo6457 6 жыл бұрын
No, it all has to do with blast radius. The prem HE has more blast radius. HE damage is calculated as a percentage of the HE alpha damage minus some factor if it's a nonpen times the amount of tank that's in the blast radius. You do in fact see huge increases on the HE damage as a result.
@mrb692 6 жыл бұрын
The damage formula for a direct hit, non-penetrating HE shell is 1/2[Damage Roll]-[Armor]. If you increase an HE shell's alpha by 300, you can expect an extra 150 damage on a non-pen.
@wargamingsupernoob 6 жыл бұрын
remove all the j** heavies Wargaming, or at least nerf their armor
@SaltySargefox5 6 жыл бұрын
Perhaps the main problem is the combination of bad/increasingly limited maps, power creep premiums, poorly thought out out tank additions lopsided teams AND gold spam. I have no beef with gold rounds per se (although the mechanics and/or balance definitely needs worked on), but it is what you said at about the 6:12 mark that galls me and so many of my friends. So many players are just firing nothing but gold, and so any armour you did have, how well you angled is now negated. I unashamedly play mid tiers, where the tanks are better credit grinders and (in my opinion) more fun because of each one's unique character. But when a Cromwell or t-34/85M can just press 2 to autopen my hull down jumbo's 152mm turret for full damage instead of using his superior mobility to try to flank, that is a problem.
@xados-49 6 жыл бұрын
All of this could be fixed with improved level design. WG seriously need to go back to the older style of map design where certain parts of the map cater to certain kinds of tanks and do away with the MOBA lane design they have had for the past few years.
@sarinhighwind 6 жыл бұрын
Shockwave was using basic tank tactics. The tank did the rest. Most of those are learned by tier 6 or 7.
@jimfrostpreaches 4 жыл бұрын
I choose option C, shockwave had a better team, the other team were dumb. They kept pushing around the corner, into a well dug in position, and basically suicided rather than retreat, regroup, and fight smart. They said, hmm 2 guys went around the corner and died, nothing has changed, I'll try it, maybe I'll have better luck, DOH! I died.
@umadbrowhite4143 6 жыл бұрын
It's not hard work if the window tastes good
@Shicksalblume 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah, it was the difference between the Type-5 Heavy on the 9.17 and 9.18 test servers that convinced me it was time to quit WoT. At the time I left WoT, I had a 929 WN8 rating (decent, but nothing special) with just under 7000 games played. On the 9.17 test server, the Type-5 Heavy performed well under my direction, but nothing spectacular. A few thousand damage per game, survived a few times and died a few times. Fairly standard for a player of my skill level, and the fact that the air was thick with gold (it was the test server, after all). On the 9.18 test server, however, I did over 5k damage every single game, I was in the thickest of fighting taking gold ammo shots galore and only died one time driving the Type-5 Heavy (and that was because I got nuked out of existence by 5 artillery all focusing on me). So "Dave's" performance in the Type-5 Heavy is no real shock to me. I'm not saying "Dave" is a bad player, but in the Type-5 Heavy as it is now, there's no requirement to be a good (or even decent) player leaving us no way to figure out how good they are. It's beyond ludicrous. Between the armor buffs and that new gun (and it's premium HE), the Type-5 Heavy is the tier 10 stat padder's tank of choice.
@bushmasterflash 6 жыл бұрын
No need for a premium tier 8 to earn credits. Just get into a T29 or pretty much any tier 6. OK, you will have to play more than one game but it is still possible to play for free. (Full disclosure: I do have a premium account and premium tanks.) How would that Type 5 Heavy game have gone if he had fired standard ammo? Not much different, it would just have taken longer.
@Voron_Aggrav 6 жыл бұрын
KV-1 can be a Great source of income, but lately it mostly faces tier 7 which just makes it almost useless,
@ainumahtar 6 жыл бұрын
Or use one of the several free premiums WG have given us a very easy chance to get lately. The 34-85M for example is a really good dpm credit farmer at t6 and they made it so easy to get that the only way to not have it is not playing at the time or starting after it got given out. The t25 pilot is awesome but takes a bit more work to be good at, and was a lot trickier to get your hands on, but either way I think most active players have at least those. Older players are likely to also have a t34 from when it was a t9 and got moved to premium as well. Just don't fire too much gold in those and you'll be raking in way more cash than in normal tanks.
@Darknamja 6 жыл бұрын
I don't know if it is relevant but I have over 95 million credits and just play arty mostly and some tank destroyers on occasion. I also use a premium account sometimes when I can spare the money.
@Ninenine-tc5uj 6 жыл бұрын
The main issue regarding the Type 5 Heavy, is that with that gun, it's truly monstrous, any bad player can play it, and use that gun, and end up doing well. Even more reason it's pay to win, is because it gets even more damage with the premium/gold ammunition, with no drawbacks like you can see on other types of gold ammo as Jingles explained. That gun and gold ammo especially is pay to win, and combine it with a ridiculously armoured tank, and you've got something incredibly overpowered and something that shrugs off lots of gold ammunition.
@shazf18 6 жыл бұрын
The way jingles said controversy 😂. Us Americans pronounce it completely differently.
@wargamingsupernoob 6 жыл бұрын
hahaha! honestly i didnt know there wasnt gold ammo in WoW until now. I just might have to try it now
@Tomy117_FR 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you Jingles 0.35s of video and you already made my blood pressure rise up !
@tacopowervpg9946 6 жыл бұрын
I like the idea of penetration/damage compensation, where premium rounds lose that massive price tag and cost the same as regular ammo, they still have better penetration, but lose alpha damage as compensation, making it a real decision as to whether or not you REALLY NEED that extra pen.
@enterprisegaming6980 6 жыл бұрын
You make a very good point about it Jingles... the same problem exists in WorldofWarships (no surprises there). I can take out my tier 10 US DD Gearing for a match and if i'm not running a premium account and do say, 100k dmg during the game, I barely avoid a credit loss. And when you bear in mind that the basic servicing cost for the Gearing is 180000 credits per game, it becomes almost impossible to sustain without high tier premiums to print credits Also with regards to WorldofWarships, the detonation thing is really stupid, because as mentioned above it costs 180k credits to service the Gearing. Now imagine (as has happened to me and countless others), you go into a match and the first shell that hits you detonates you... you probably haven't had a chance to do any damage and thats already at least 100k credits lost (or more if your team loses)... All i can say is I'm glad we don't have premium ammo in Warships...
@filip4396 6 жыл бұрын
The Type 5 Heavy tank is my first super heavy tank, and I so hope they're going to help it. The weakspots; cupola and little gunner hatch, are so small and heavily armoured, that it wouldn't matter at all if the enemy used regular shells. 260 mm armour for the gunner hatch and 200 well rounded armour for the cupola. The real weakspot is the cut-off corners though, and I'll tell you why: Just like the side of the turret, the ammo rack is located in those corners, and because of their shape you can't just angle them away. Gold spamming T110E3 and T110E4 will pen the angled corners if they're shooting at the front of the heavy tank. It is an 85% guarantee of removing the ammo rack, and it is a great weakness of the Type 5. I have tried before to play the tank with the 139 mm, but it just isn't good enough. The prem pen is 282, 2 mm better than the gold of the amx 13 105, and the reload is only 2 seconds better than the derp monster. Ad it is now, the 139 will only work on the Type 4 Heavy tank, and it's pretty bad there. Meanwhile, you do 600 damage with the ap gun, you have mediocre gun handling, and you have to sit and aim. The cheeks on the Type 5 are almost worse than the E 100, since angling them too much will give the enemy the side of your turret instead. They should remove the derp, improve the prem ap, slightly improve the gun handling, and make the cupola much weaker, 150 mm maybe. That way people don't have a good reason to not go for the cupola, and making the lower plate a weakspot would be the same as making half the S Conquerors upper plate useless, the Type 5's lower plate is just that big
@zollercamera 6 жыл бұрын
I understand what Jingles is trying to say with this whole premium ammo BS. Back in the day when I played WoT I wasn't a bad player, not particularly good, 52% player, not the "tomato" 49 or less. Anyways, I had a monster game with my E75, I loved that tank, the armor, the gun, the look, everything and I knew how to play with it, how to angle...etc. I had XVM installed with stats and a mod which showed the ammo type I was being shot at. So I had a monster game, blocked around 4000 damage or more and I did a lot myself. I was hyped, because that match would have been the first victory of the day, but no. 1-1 situation at the end and I had ~600 health left with damaged ammorack. Last player on the enemy team was a T8 Heavy tank and he was a tomato, his stats were so red I could see the red army marching in it. When I found him he was almost on full health, I knew I was a two shot so I hid the lower glacis and angeled the tank and the turret between shots. Next thing happened: Every shot he took was fckn premium ammo. What a surprise, huh? He dinged one or two maybe! three, than pen and than pen again. I was sitting there shocked, thinking maybe I did something wrong, but how? He could not see my lower glacis and I was angeled very well and he didn't took a shot on my cupola. After the match the battle results have shown he did almost nothing, he took 8-9 shot in the game and only 3 penetrated. HE WAS BAD EVEN WITH PREMIUM AMMO or he rushed the shots idk. He was no use to his team at all and he only won because of the premium ammo, because he payed. No skill, no pro driving, no pro shooting, no anything just paying. I do believe everyone had a game like that who played WoT.
@zhangjeffery1326 6 жыл бұрын
Yes a 20 minute WOT jingles video
@nottoday3817 6 жыл бұрын
Hello Jingles. On the toppic of gold ammo. Before getting my MT-25(tier 6 premium light) a couple years back, I barely fired any gold rounds. And even so, pressed the 2 key only when I got into tier 9 games. Then, again, a break from gold ammo for about a year(quit that line after getting LTWT) . Then I got the T-54. And it was horrible. I mean, up to the point of getting the top gun, again, no gold. Didn't seem usefulll. But after this. Damn. There is a good reason why people call this tank HEAT-54. I mean, it's historical. Soviet T-54 mediums(and perhaps T-62, cannot remember) had to rely on HEAT ammo, but in this game. Damn. The difference is just amazing. 330mm of penetration from 201? It's just... speechless. I felt disgusting playing that thing. Just right click and shoot. And it was not like using only gold, because I won't be firing 330 pen at a BC, but even so. Damn. This thing is disgusting. And I believe this brings us to another toppic: WG having tanks that are poorly performing with normal ammo, or nerfing tanks to perform poorly with normal ammo(ISU-152 for example), then giving them the option for an over powered premium ammo, or, in the latter case, use premium to get a close advantage over their non-nerfed state
@davidthomas2870 6 жыл бұрын
Personal opinion on how to balance premium HE: give it way smaller blast radius to balance out the higher damage, higher initial penetration, and higher damage. This way, in theory at least, this ammunition choice is better only if you are confident you can hit a weak spot or absolutely have to blow blow their tracks off or knock their gun out with this shot. Becomes a superior choice at close range, but almost useless at longer range. Idk if that would work but I like the idea. That, or make their premium AP like the KV-2 (which btw if you've never used, I suggest trying it and reliably deleting most tier 5 and 6 mediums and even some heavies in one hit rather than just doing 300dmg with HE. Where is your spaced armor and 800hp now tiny baby tanks lol.), which while incredibly powerful, has poor penetration and accuracy and does a ton of damage, and is really just a tool to punish thinly armored tanks for having the audacity to show you their face without making sure you're facing the other way lol.
@IslanderJerYT 6 жыл бұрын
its like strapping on 50mm armour to the front of an M4 sherman and giving it prem HE with 800 alpha rather than 400 (ish).... it is ridiculous.. thank you for making this video Jingles PC
@yuppotatoteam9573 6 жыл бұрын
Gotta love Dave the most featured and favorite WOT player of Jingles.
@richardbell7678 6 жыл бұрын
The thing about the Type 5 is that if two enemies are playing ridge lines against it or have other hard cover that they can duck behind, far enough apart that aiming at one enemy gives the other enemy a side shot at the turret, the Type 5 must somehow manage to withdraw or find cover against one of the enemies, hope a team mate can occupy one of the enemies, or hope that the enemy that your gun is pointing towards offers you a shot. The Type 5 Heavy gets to choose between two of the worst tier X guns in the game. In the match shown, if the enemies had backed out of the valley and mopped up the rest of the team, they would have been able knock out the Type 5 Heavy with ease In a one-on-one duel with an E-100, an O-Ho has better odds than a Type 5 Heavy because the Type 5's armor does not block much more rounds from an E-100 than the O-Ho and the O-Ho's 15cm howitzer has a much shorter reload time (I managed this on the Himmelsdorf map : ). The Type 5 Heavy is a terrible tier X tank and the 15 cm naval rifle does nothing to change that. The potential to overmatch a turret roof or engine deck can make it sometimes fun to play, but if they were going to give it a derp gun, they may as well have just mounted the tier VII 15 cm howitzer that is used at tiers VI, VII, and VIII because the reload time buffs for a larger turret and second loader would have kept it competitive. The Type 5 Heavy has to fire premium. The standard Semi-Armor Piercing round penetrates next to nothing so it seldom does full damage and the effective DPM is woefully inadequate. Firing the premium High Capacity round, the effective DPM improves to only being inadequate.
@perhagglund5595 6 жыл бұрын
For example: the strv 103-B... Penetration indicator shows red, red and some more red when you aim at some tanks... dab that "2"-key, and it's green, yellow, green and some more green...
@Saltmineworker 6 жыл бұрын
Per hägglund hell no, strv is shoot the side or capola or overmatch it oooooooooooor get fucked, except heat in lower plate
@perhagglund5595 6 жыл бұрын
I am sorry for not explaining properly: i mean when I drive the strv and i aim for other tanks. Sorry.
@Saltmineworker 6 жыл бұрын
Per hägglund now it makes sense lol
@reinbeers5322 6 жыл бұрын
Per hägglund I played it on Common Test and you only get 42mm more of penetration. I didn't carry all that much premium because I didn't need it.
@perhagglund5595 6 жыл бұрын
Strv was a bad example.
@427Arbok 6 жыл бұрын
There's a further issue with premium ammo, that being that it does not affect classes evenly. For a medium or a light tank, getting shot with premium ammo means little to nothing, and, in some rare cases, can produce bounces that would not happen otherwise (i.e. HEAT striking armor that AP would overmatch). For a heavy, on the other hand, it is a severe threat, and, in some cases, it can wreck your day. Take the ST-I, which is very tough under normal circumstances, but is still vulnerable to premium ammo, even when hull-down, meanwhile it lacks the accuracy and gun handling to pick-out weakpoints on enemies and retaliate. Against some opponents, this can produce engagements that aren't determined by who holds the better position or who knows their tank better, but rather who has more premium readily available to spend.
@johns1307 6 жыл бұрын
Complaining about Japanese heavies with derp guns but defending the KV2 every other video.
@Kallome1 6 жыл бұрын
KV2 is a tier VI heavy with 76 armor. There are tier VI mediums with better armor than that.
@baronvonlimbourgh1716 6 жыл бұрын
A kv2 is easy to kill by anything that can shoot at it with regular ammo.. Type's and arty aren't.
@reinbeers5322 6 жыл бұрын
It's russian, and fun! Besides, the KV-2's premium rounds are AP and have 110mm penetration. And the armor sucks.
@todddalle6306 6 жыл бұрын
because you don't spam gold in a kv2. You spam reg HE.
@somerandomanimeotaku1506 6 жыл бұрын
Todd Dalle exactly
@DavidAJBoyle 6 жыл бұрын
I used to have the mindset of "You don't need gold to play" which is true, but I've found that using gold when fighting tanks I can't normally deal with and retreating if even my gold will do nothing I have massively improved my gameplay. The problem with the gold meta is some tanks are becoming so strong, the unbuffed ones are starting to struggle to fight them.
@cerber3260 6 жыл бұрын
The very big problem of premium ammunition is the fact that for gamebalancing reasons the armour of tanks has to be raised higher and higher to stay competitive on the battlefield. That means that standart ammunition is becomes absolet against these tanks. So premium ammo is the actual standart against the armoured type of tanks. Because of that you are forced to load half of your tank with premium ammo. So you are actually adapting to tanks you most likely are going to meet and not to the different situations in the actual game. Most of the time the game is won or lost before it even started. World of tanks becomes some kind of a cardgame where certain tanks naturally counter others. And if the matchmaker gives your team a poor starting hand its basically over. And this is so wrong. WG pls fix this will slowly but surely kill the game.
@coop4269 6 жыл бұрын
I agree with you, i have depending on the tank about 10 rounds of prem ammo loaded. I very rarely shoot it but just having it there in a pinch is great if im a tier or 2 down.
@Finn_Lawless 6 жыл бұрын
I watched Dakillzor's stream once. He went into a brawl with multiple tanks, loaded HEAT (which he had way more of than standard APCR) and aimed all of his shots at close range into spaced armour such as gun mantlets and spaced sides. None of them penetrated and he got wrecked, before complaining that his HEAT should have worked. So he kind of paid to lose. This is a guy who's supposed to be a 'pro' player. On the flip-side I watch SirFoch a lot; a great player who won't spam premium ammo, unless it's HESH with Deathstar or Shitbarn. Often he handicaps himself by trying to pen tiny weak spots on really tough targets if he can't track and get around them. I've seen him lose many fights he could've won by pressing 2. Still, respect where it's due.
@brianhuss9184 6 жыл бұрын
The individual tank handling by Shockwave's opponents was fine, however they made a tactical error as a Team. When faced with a Type 5 with secure flanks, they should not have attempted to push up that narrow valley. However, hindsight is 20/20, and Teams are rarely cohesive in random battles on WoT.
@KWyzel 6 жыл бұрын
The alternative was facing the massive Doom rush from the other side of the map, which seemed to crush basically all opposition. So what exactly are they supposed to do?
@schuhsuppe7228 6 жыл бұрын
I am pretty confident that jingles wouldnt had the balls to do such a critic video about World of Tanks if he still was in the Wargaming contributor programm. Hands up for this. To be honest there are an ass ton of issues around Wargaming decisions: Powercreep with premium tanks, Premium ammo, credit economy, nonexistent historical accuracy, Pipelinemaps, RNG, nonrewarding "godplay", being part of an clan means almost nothing (aside from finding temmates who are able to find their own arse in the night), and bonus buffs for people who do keep playing clanwars just to punish the average player even harder for not shooting premium ammo
@Adierit 6 жыл бұрын
I believe it's kind of nice to have a counter to extreme side scraping, Jingles. If there wasn't a type 5 heavy, then IS-7's side scrapping would dominate.
@classicfrog80 6 жыл бұрын
If there is a choice between AP standard ammo and APCR premium ammo on a tank then APCR will always, ALWAYS, have more penetration, even after you count in maximum pen drop over 500 meters, over it's AP standard ammo counterpart. It's likely a lot more expensive to fire, but apart from the price it has NO downside. And considering the reload time it's not even always viable to reload different types of ammo for different targets if you are not sure what are you going to encounter.
@lolmcfluury5746 6 жыл бұрын
beyond a certain caliber (100mm iirc) apcr does not lose velocity more than regular ap even on the longest maps.
@jonathangreenwood24 6 жыл бұрын
What War Gaming need to do is to change how gold ammo works by making it more like a risk and only using it in the correct manner. E.g. Making gold APCR over-match on thin armour and doing little to no damage. Gold HE does less splash damage including on spaced armour and tracks.
@cheesetoastie9678 6 жыл бұрын
I've never really cared what people fire at me, not one bit. You didn't mention accuracy as a factor in the use of APCR. I used to carry 25 AP to 20 APCR in the T20 Medium. I found the accuracy of the 90mm to be lackluster for hitting weak spots, the APCR was there for when I had no option but to face a heavy frontally, and I absolutely needed to do damage with peek-a-boo tactics, even then you still had to know where to aim for some of the heaviest targets. I don't enjoy when I have to fire it, can feel the credits burning, but I believe carrying some is a must as it can be the difference between winning and losing. Not every game turns out like the replays you see, sometimes you just can't break through the line to start flanking, due to hopeless heavies on your team and so forth. In those cases, you can sit there in your medium with low pen and bounce most frontal shots, or you can load the gold and do damage. As you say, knowing what to use and when is what divides the good from the bad.
6 жыл бұрын
And another point to discuss, think about what you get with a premium tank. You PAY money to get it, play some games and if you want to use that exp in another tank, you PAY again to convert it :D Silver making and crew training is quite alright.
@gjtjuh7 6 жыл бұрын
Gold/Premuim ammo is always a difficult topic to talk about. Some tanks dont need prem ammo, some tanks do. Ex: Tier 7 tanks vs Tier 9 heavies, Pz II J (even though you already pay that for a 100 bucks), Shit Rii. Some tanks are made to fire nothing but gold. Ex: Type 5, T-54, E 100, Deathstar. Bad players spamming gold ammo have more benefit to do so, cuz they will pen and do more damage. Players who started when it was gold ammo, and not bought with credits had to learn weakspots, flanking maneuvers and knowing what tank to face, trade with or not. Now you press your 2 key, derp every tank through its frontal armor and profit from it. Armor is useless with the recent gold spam and making HT 12 missions almost impossible to do (block 2/3 times your HP) Get rid of the 2 key ammo in overall and make it AP (APCR) and HE only. Cant pen? Go around! EZ PZ
@petcali24 6 жыл бұрын
I do kit out my tanks with 5 gold rounds in their load out, but I mostly stick to standard ammo.
@K9TheFirst1 6 жыл бұрын
I'm reminded of World of Warships before they reworked the economy... Seems like two years ago. I remember unlocking my first Tier VI battleship, the Fuso. Now, I won't say I am a terrible player, but I won't say I'm great either. I'd call myself average. I just could not turn a profit, unless I had a premium account. Thankfully they've since reworked the economy where the cost of repairs and/or sinking your ship is set and low, and so I am always able to make at least some credits per battle, win or lose, sink or survive. Sounds to me like WoT ought to start considering it.
@sam7mann 4 жыл бұрын
Type 5 heavy = Armored Arty with full traversed turret 😂
@cjian92 6 жыл бұрын
Is number 2 pay to win? T-54 : Is that even a question? Type 4 & 5 : Hi!
@eefm99 6 жыл бұрын
What I do, as an average player, is to know my gun and know the tank. If I have a good gun, then I only carry about 10% to 20% of premium ammo (this means, if my ammo capacity is 60, then I'll carry around 10 rounds). You know, just in case, and because "Balance". In case I have a bad gun or I'm grinding to get the top gun, the I carry more premium ammo, around 30% to 40% (again, if max is 60 rounds, I'm carrying 20-25 rounds), because let's face it, there are some garbage guns that NEED premium ammo sometimes to compensate. I'm not against the use of premium ammunition, but I'm against spamming premium ammunition. You see a top tier Skorpion G firing APCR at some tier 6 medium or even light tanks, when it doesn't really need to. In fact *most* of my games I don't even fire the APCR, bcs It wasn't necessary at all.
@yagorbalotsin 6 жыл бұрын
Two things to say. One about the first replay, one about the second. First replay: Ok yeah sure premium ammo may not work against the S. Conqueror, but that's the only tier X heavy that I know of that has a considerable amount of spaced armor on the front. And the range thing with APCR: what if you're in a heavy? You should be close to the enemy (there are exceptions of course) and then range doesn't matter. Another thing, what if you're in a tier VIII heavy that relies on armor (ex. KV-4) and everyone spams HEAT at you that has over 300 mm of pen. Then what? Does skill really matter then? I've had it happen too often to speak of. It's incredibly frustrating, cuz you can't pen them with your gold, but they go through you like a hot knife through butter. Second replay: That is the absolute best example of pay to win. That tank's ammo is the definition of pay to win. Also, had he been firing regular ammo and NOT had a premium account, he would've likely lost money. Even in tier IX tanks it's easy to lose money on a win without a premium account. Every so often I have a pretty good match in my Strv 103-0 (3k+ damage), only to realize I lost money at the end, firing nothing but standard ammo. On a win. Tell me how that's fair. Conclusion: Make premium ammo cheaper like only 15% more expensive, while making it do say 75% of regular ammo's damage, and make tanks more profitable at every tier. And fix those retarded Japanese heavies. I started judging TDs not too long ago by their ability to pen a Japanese heavy. Seriously. Fix them. Please.
@CardScientist 6 жыл бұрын
I think the ammo should be how armored warfare did their ammo: AP is standard. APCR has higher pen but lower damage (it is a dart after all), HEAT should do higher damage but have lower pen and doesn't like angled or spaced armor (i know it historically has higher pen), HE being HE, and so on so there's more emphasis on the proper ammo choice for each situation
@killer33416 6 жыл бұрын
This thing I noticed is that Jingles mention that HEAT does not pen spaced armor. Now I used to believe this statement.. until I started noticing some of my tanks being penned by HEAT ammunition where they shouldn't be getting penned by it. For example I've had games in my T34 Heavy where my gun mantle, which is purely nothing but spaced armor, be penned by HEAT ammunition. I've also had my tracks, which is also spaced armor be penned by HEAT ammunition. So HEAT is not combated by spaced armor as much as it used to be anymore. I've actually been told, directly from War Gaming Support that HEAT can pen spaced armor. Which is downright stupid because I've done my research on HEAT ammunition. It's a shaped charge ammunition, and it was designed to pen flat thick armor, not spaced, rounded or angled armor. Yes I've had some HEAT round fail to pen spaced armor, but almost 90% of the time I am penned by HEAT in my tracks or turret front. So HEAT isn't balanced in any case compared to premium/gold HESH, HE, AP or APCR.
@michaelmeszaros6982 6 жыл бұрын
Welcome back, Ritagamer...Hope you had fun...We've kept him under control 'till your return.
@vavo4902 6 жыл бұрын
100% bang-on right. I have zero problem with gold, I do have a problem with OP derp heavies.
@cameronboyce4695 6 жыл бұрын
It seems that the best answer is just to remove premium ammo. It gets worse the lower tier you are. Having armor has become redundant when you can have tanks two tiers lower than you negate your advantage by pressing the 2 key.
@boysenbeary 6 жыл бұрын
Type 5, the tank that encourages firing premium, and encourages enemies to fire premium
@ovni2295 6 жыл бұрын
I understand that premium ammo is historically accurate- most nations did have small stockpiles of extraspecial ammo for various jobs (usually anti-tank stuff). But lets face it- That's the only thing left in WoT that has any basis in history. xD
@codename1176 6 жыл бұрын
Issues aside if I was a tank commander in the super conquer I would love having that spaced armor as it would provide some protection against rpgs
@rileylamb3025 6 жыл бұрын
I feel a new Jingles meme coming on..."I press 2 because thinking is hard"
@beardo52 6 жыл бұрын
The spaced armor would have no effect on HEAT munitions in the real world, the Jet routinely penetrates both sides of a Turret, even if it encounters interior equipments along the way. Spaced steel armor is only good against Kinetic penetrators, and some H.E.
@johnnywalked3581 6 жыл бұрын
Can anybody remember in which video Jingles mentioned something about Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad Apocalypse now and Francis Ford Coppola? I cant find the video but i think it was a world of warships video of some sorts. Any information is of help so please let me know if you remember anything?
@milkshake1993 6 жыл бұрын
After about 30k games and about 1800 wn8 i have observed generally 2 types of gold spammers, its usually either 1: noobs who dont know how to shoot but dont mind to pay for it and 2. unicums who spam gold at everything to make sure their damage stats say high
@Spinnie1 6 жыл бұрын
You say that the IS7 did not make any mistakes and stil lost. He did make one, trying to fight a heavy tank in a good position. There was nothing stopping him from retreating into a to a position where the Type 5 would have no change of winning.
@alanzimmer999 6 жыл бұрын
I absolutely hate premium ammo. If it at least had a lower damage for most types, that would be fine by me. But I am so tired of getting into a Tier 10 game with my Tier 8 and being killed by gold spam before I can even do anything. I try to help my team, as long as I have fun and make a profit at least on average I enjoy myself. Just recently I got on the Mines map for probably the first time in my Vk100.01p. I asked where I should go to help my team and they directed me to a spot to help. Upon arriving, an E100 and a Deathstar came around the corner I was helping defend and derped a gold round each into me, killing me before I could do anything. No damage, not blocked, no spots, nothing. I lost 11000 credits for a match that I was in for a minute and a half. And I know some people say the Vk100.01p is OP in the hands of someone who knows how to use it, but that's the problem. I die almost every match because I don't know how to use it. I haven't been able to survive long enough to actually learn how to use it. Not to mention almost all of my matches are tier 10 matches, so I have to fight players that know of weak spots I don't know of yet, or at least how to protect properly. The only time I have ever put gold ammo into my tank was in my Tiger P, and I never used it, I would always look for the areas I could pen rather then use the gold. Sorry for the long rant, I'm just frustrated in not being able to get the play time to learn how to use that glorious machine.
@backonninja2271 6 жыл бұрын
I think that the Type 5 is much more balanced on console. On console, the premium ammo is HEAT with 700 average damage and 320 (I think) average penetration (the standard HE is the same). The cupola on top of the tank is also penned quite often (on console.) It has 200 mm of armour and can't be hidden or angled.
@tobymclean2100 6 жыл бұрын
This is why I play console mostly and pc once or twice a week, the type 4-5 heavy on console get heat as premium which is the exact same as an e-100 Which is fine because it never hits where it’s aiming anyway
@Chrisf206 6 жыл бұрын
So my question would be, if the premium HE rounds for the type 5 have same armor pen but potential dmg difference and he only actually penetrated 2 shots from my observation, wouldnt he be better off using standard HE in the first place? Perhaps he would have broke even or made a little profit? Perhaps a slight end dmg result...
@procrastinator7408 6 жыл бұрын
It's technically not true that premium account has zero effect on gameplay. With a premium account you generate more XP and credits and can therefore increase your crew skills faster and buy more equipment and gold ammo. That affects gameplay in the long run. It's a small effect but it's there
@steweygrrr 6 жыл бұрын
Said it before and I'll say it again, WoTPC should adopt the WoTBlitz model for gold ammo ie make it do 25% less damage but higher pen than the standard ammo because that actually adds a choice to the gameplay - do you want to do full damage but risk bouncing or do you increase your chances of going through but do less damage. Imho that, among other things, actually makes Blitz a more balanced game (and more fun)
@blaster112 6 жыл бұрын
The problem I have with the premium ammo is just the fact that more heavily armored tanks pay for the armor, Just to get penetrated by premium ammo. Example T-28 max speed 22 kph. Making it pretty slow, despite having no spaced armor (With the exception of the tracks and mantlet). The 203mm frontal armor is just completely useless against any tank firing premium ammo. The tanks that normally have trouble penetrating it, Can just hit 2 and pen it most of the time anyway. That's the real issue with it. If it's armor was just strong with weakspots you have to aim for then it wouldn't be an issue. Flanking it is very possible, the side armor is bad, it has no turret and is slow af. Yet it's frontal armor is just too weak against any newer tank (destroyer), the Skorpion, defender patriot, liberte just don't have any issues with it's "heavy" armor. Basically you might as well drive a tank with no armor. You mention penalties for using premium ammo. Well you lose a bit of normalization but normally having to aim for weakspots on a t28 having 175 pen, now gives you enough pen to pen anywhere not angled or being a mantlet. There is drawbacks but they aren't really that big unless you are shooting at a tank with a lot of spaced armor. (Such as the super conqueror).
@kodiakfury1298 6 жыл бұрын
My issue with the prevalence of gold ammo, is that prior to gold ammo being purchasable with credits... I got a KV-5 and now that everyone is spamming gold with credits... it seriously makes it feel like the KV-5 got nerfed... I realize the tank itself has changed little or not at all but the high volume of gold rounds being set off, well it might as well be a nerf to the KV-5
@maygayming5275 6 жыл бұрын
I would like to know what the difference between the standard and gold HE on that tank is though. Because if it's something like 10% pen damage and splash meh he had plenty of ammo and a death star
@macdjord 6 жыл бұрын
I'd say no, that was /not/ pay-to-win. Consider: how would that battle have gone if he had been firing NON-premium HE? He'd have done less damage per shot, sure - but he'd still have been doing damage and the enemy still would have been /not/ doing damage. Victory would have taken longer, but it would still have been victory. You might argue that this replay proves that the Type 5 Heavy is OP and needs to be nerfed, but it's not the ammo that's the problem.
@jonathantraivers2835 6 жыл бұрын
+BohemianEagle I am one of those people that shoot gold at pretty much everything they see and I can honestly tell, that the reason for it is the dumb 25% RNG on everything. After you fire, you have to pass 25% RNG check on accuracy, when you hit a tank, you have to pass the auto-bounce mechanic check, then you have to get past 25% RNG on penetration to even damage the tank, and that is after you already lost some of the penetration due to distance, and there is still 25% RNG on damage and I am pretty much sure that I am missing a lot of RNG that is going in the background. It is like playing on a slot machine. What gold does is that it mitigates some of the RNG in the game by increasing the surface area which the shell can penetrate, game can roll with penetration much lower and still be sufficient to pen whatever you are shooting at, etc... All in all, you might be the best god damn player in the whole world, do all the things right but the RNG can screw you over so hard that you will have games with no damage done cause you have no control over where your shells go, how high their penetration value is and so on and so forth. I can honestly tell you, that there is nothing much more enjoyable like playing JPz.E100 and consistently bouncing or failing to hit Tiger II from 100 meters away and having to wait for an eternity for another shell to be loaded. This is not fair for either side but in this matter, you have little choice. You want players to stop shooting so much gold? Then WG has to reduce the RNG in this game.
@mangotapu 6 жыл бұрын
Generally, if you take your regular ammo and compare it to the premium ammo, I am sure you average higher damage if you load premium ammo only than the standard one. Yes, the premium ammo wasn't to effective against the conqueror in the first segment, but it was the perfect tank due to the spaced armor. Put any other tank there in its stead, without spaced armor. Saying it wasn't p2w just because the stars aligned for the conq is a bit inaccurate.
@sniperdude42 6 жыл бұрын
Saying that this particular example proves that gold ammo isn't P2W doesn't make sense considering the fact that HEAT has no effect on spaces armor and the super conqueror is covered in spaced most other circumstances with most other tanks, it's totally P2W when you spam gold
@DeathknightDragon 6 жыл бұрын
*Plays Broken Type 5 Heavy *Angles If you're angling that tank you're playing it wrong.
@MrEmiosk 6 жыл бұрын
The problem with facing the type 5 was that the opponent did the same thing over and over again and got wrecked when the result never changed. they could have gone around or done something else than trying to over power a tank. What I want to know is how different the type 5's damage would have been with standard ammo. If he'd been in the same position what would have changed?
@57thorns 6 жыл бұрын
But Jingles: The economics of WoT has always been that tier 9 and 10 are costly to play. Without premium, the idea was that you would have to play tier 6 or 7 to farm credits for you high tier tanks. With premium account, a non-premium tier 8 would make enough money to sustain a tier 10 "habit". Premium tanks, that had preferential match making, but more importantly are better at generation credits will make it easier to farm credits for your tier 10 battles. However, once those players who are willing to spend money got their tier 8 premium tank, they no longer needed bo buy premium prenumeration. This was a one time payment for a lifte time of free play. Or you could skip the premium tanks and buy the prenumeration, which is a better deal for Wargaming as they get a continuous revenue stream. So they created new tank lines (nations) but to get people to switch, they had to introduce new mechanics that made them better. The same with premium, the old premiums were not as good on the field as a fully equipped normal tank, but they were intended to print the player money, not win games. So a new class of premium tanks were introduced, the pay to win class that is better than the old premium tanks, as well as better than the non-premium tanks of the same tier. But for the whole, making money at tier X was never an option, except perhaps for a game lite the one showcased, ending top 3 of the winning team. And the whole discussion on gold ammunition misses the point: It used to be that high tier play would be either pay to play (premium account, lower tier premium credit printers) or grind to play (You want to play one round in a tier X tank, be prepared to grind your free tier 6 tanks for hours.) And I have no issue with that. Premium allowed people to get to the higher tier tanks faster, and it allowed those who had high tier tanks to play them more, but with all the way you can buy credits for real money, this is no longer true.
@attilabuki9944 6 жыл бұрын
Jingles, I use my T5H in almost same way, and love this corridor maps with it... in CWs... or in SHs... as play pub games with that tank is expensive as hell. Sometimes I do pub games too, but I have regular ammo for that, so I can use them for example, when tier 8s also in the game. A strange sentence I said to my platoon members in a 30v30 fight, I am going in, there is only a Mouse, and 2 E-100s behind that rock... Then realized what did I say... Still beat them easily... BUT... this tank is useless against Bat-Chats, and Obj140s. those meds are too fast to be hit with this accurate gun (oc you can be lucky, but most of the time, the Russian Number Generator protects them). but those meds have 320-330 pen with Gold, good camo, and incredible DPM so can kill me in no time at all... And here is the point on this comment... Cause this is the way when it is really Pay 2 win. Med's should outflank, and kill a T5H, would be ok... but even a noob can push double time 2 key in an OBJ140, and can pen T5H from the front easily...
@MastaChiefa99 6 жыл бұрын
Is the Type 5 Heavy a Baneblade?!
@darktigre2686 6 жыл бұрын
yes tier 10 are pay to win or at least play but you dont necessairly have to have a tier 8 premium to get back the money you used. there are alot of tier 6 tanks that make good amount of credits when you have them fully upgraded . i think the premiums are just there to pay to win faster
@brennanodea1878 2 жыл бұрын
I have been playing World of warships legends for ps4, for quite a while now. In that time, I haven't really applied "buying" much of anything from that game. I might have bought some experience points so I can boost the "stars" so I can get the next tier ship. I mean, who got 125,000 green stars just lying around. However, you won't see me buying a premium ship that way outside my tier just because I think it would allow me to win more. So to hear the question about gold ammo or using premium stuff "pay to play" I think of it this way, if you need to hit yourself with the "steroids" to bulk up your game, then it's you that loses. You can't play bases on your skills alone. Then why are your playing.
@shaneandersen7405 6 жыл бұрын
Even though I know you tend to stick to these ww2 type arena games, I would live to here your commentary on gameplay from eve online. The way you can analyze the load outs and tactical moves of other people would be interesting to hear
@Absaalookemensch 6 жыл бұрын
Nothing wrong with licking windows for a living.
@mlmack94 6 жыл бұрын
Videos like this interest me and not because of the topic but just the little differences in tanks between pc and console (i play on xbox) the type 5 got the same gun as this not long ago on xbox but we got less of an armor buff than on pc and also we get standard he but our prem rounds are heat. Its interesting to see what gets changed as the patches make it to console
@walterengler5709 6 жыл бұрын
I think the statement "it's just possible for you to play WOT as a free to play game with a standard account without buying any premium tanks without spending money on premium time, load up your tanks with premium ammunition, and not run out of money within a day" actually proves it's a pay to win and play game. The match making in the game consistently puts lower tier tanks in with higher. And yes good players with careful aiming and targeting can get standard ammo to penetrate the weak spots on higher tier tanks (as talented players like Quickie Baby and Circon have shown). But come on now, 90%+ of the players are less than good, some far less than good. So in these battles their only hope to penetrate the other tanks is using premium ammo. And that is the trap WOT has set. The average / lower skill players can't win without spending on premium ammo. Their only HOPE to win is to pay to play by spending $$$ on the ammo and even the premium tanks. But as Jingles points out, without the skill they still bounce the shots. Enough get through with the higher pen and concussive damage that the players do feel it is working though. They do not leave games having done 0 damage as they can't aim and don't know the weak spots, they DO hit and get damage done. So they keep spending so they can win some games here and there. This may not be pay to play in the traditional definition. Maybe it's more pay so you have a chance to be part of a winning team (for the lower skill players) because otherwise you get back so little in experience that you might as well stop playing.
@RLtMD 6 жыл бұрын
Now I wouldn't be using premium ammo, but that said: Some tanks are just better at certain things, in certain situations, than others. Imagine a Black Prince trying what that IS-7 did, against an IS-3... I'd be a slaughter, because the IS-3 is simply better in that situation and that's okay.
@vincentrobustelli9791 6 жыл бұрын
As a type 5 heavy driver I highly regret getting the tank because when you get a tank that relies on its armor so very much and every other tank in the game has a expensive choice to just bypass its armor then what's the point in that class of heavy tank?
@shawnpatel2780 6 жыл бұрын
If a player is perfectly angling their tank against fire from an enemy tank whose ammunition will ignore the angling, is that player really doing everything right? I think a point can be made that one must understand both their vehicle and the vehicle of the enemy to really come out on top.
@15DEAN1995 6 жыл бұрын
People dont complain much about the fv183 because that tank has so many drawbacks to counter the gigantic gun. Its a massive slow target it has virtually no side armor its gun dispersion when you move the tank or turret is horrendous and when you fire you have about a 25s time frame to kill it. Plus when you miss its devastating due to the lack of ammunition. Lets look at the type 5. Its slow and its a huge target with a slow reload just like the deathstar. However the type 5 has one of the strongest armor profiles in the game combined with a gun that doesnt even need to hit to do damage. So your going to do damage everytime you hit someone else but their going to find it impossible to damage you in return unless you are too aggressive or you're on your own. Other than that prem rounds are the only option. This tank seems like its designed to encourage people to shoot prem at it as well as fire the prem rounds itself due to the prem rounds on its gun being clearly superior.
@MrJones-bx9vp 6 жыл бұрын
Welcome to World of Tanks!!! With over 8 years on the market, maybe one day we'll fix our game.
@_Sporkz_ 6 жыл бұрын
Jingles-senpai I know how you feel but I would like to correct you, the "Super Heavies" of tier 10 do not normally get tier 10 matches they are suppose to receive tier 11 matchmaking. Now I know the next question would be: "What's tier 11 matchmaking?", tier 11 matchmaking is a tier 10 super heavy vs another tier 10 super heavies. That match is very unfair, but the matchmaker is to be at fault for not matching the Type 5 Heavy against another Type 5 Heavy, Maus, E100, etc... Still love you and not saying your wrong and your opinion is completely invalid, just letting you know that...
@serafine666 6 жыл бұрын
6:56 Yes. 7:19 But it means that skillfully using your armor is pointless except in special circumstances (managing to be at autobounce angle, or someone persists in firing HEAT at your spaced armor). 10:31 Except, they didn't because now you use a premium account to get enough credits to feed in the premium ammunition at will. Still pay to win. 12:23 I think it's worth pointing out, Jingles, that at tier 10 being hit with APCR doesn't mean that someone is using premium ammo because there are many tier 10 tanks (and even some tanks below tier 10) that use APCR as their standard ammunition. I'm sure you know that but the "everyone uses premium on him" line makes it sound like you forgot.
@jackcrossan4342 6 жыл бұрын
I usually load ap or if if u are in kv2 HE 😀
@qored6904 6 жыл бұрын
I think that the "goldspam" is a little too common, especially on higher tiers. But you put a lot of focus on that he just had to hit the tank to do damage, and I feel that's more a problem with derpguns then premium ammo. I don't know how much damage he'd have done with the non premium HE when hitting the armor. But if you look at the KV-2 for example the HE isn't premium. And it's still what makes the 152mm gun viable. In my opinion, put a cap on how high ratio to regular ammo vs gold ammo you can have (Say no more then 20-30% gold) and actually make it into a choice of when to use which ammo.
@fasteddie406 6 жыл бұрын
should just be a limit of Gold load max of 15% of ammo storage means people need to think right round for right target. High pen rounds exist in real world so should in game but to use every shot is about increasing your damage rate for cash. Lack of aiming at weak spots etc.. Agreed Jingles has point about some aspects of Gold failure but it is rare so only a wee point(like all matlows)
@THEFIRE360 6 жыл бұрын
the fv215b 183 i feel is the only tank that i feel is acceptable to fire all gold, and just maybe the fv4005 II. But not the type 5, the armor is OP enough, the ammo is just ridiculous.
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