World of Warcraft is no Longer for Warcraft Fans ( Stream Clip / Rant)

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Malonze Gaming

Malonze Gaming

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@damnsurfer522 4 ай бұрын
The biggest changes that were made between expansions I didn't agree with: Vanilla >TBC: No more difficult rep grinds TBC>WOTLK: Getting rid of attunements WOTLK>CATA: LFR addition CATA>MOP: Added overdone catch-up mechanics. MOP>WOD: Cellphone gameplay (not talking about the auction house) I played more expansions but at this point I don't care anymore.
@BvictoryforChrist 4 ай бұрын
I quit after mists came out, I’ve been playing vanilla for like 8 years on Kronos XD
@candyogato9638 4 ай бұрын
how about we just enjoy the game and create our own takes of said lore after wrath? instead of just being on a endless negative angst towards wow nowadays? war within is good, but i still want playable ogres, kobolds, murlocs, rot hides and those weird elder draenei and the naga, it's mah dream to be a naga, or be the playable hogger >:)
@thekoochy6347 4 ай бұрын
Dude respectfully I heavily disagree with you. This just screams as a a guy who didn't grow, and isn't really paying attention just hearing what you want to hear, you have your opinions and that is fine, as I have my own. Before people ask yes I have read all the books, played all the games and WoW for 19 years. With the new people in charge of warcraft now, if you paid attention you know who they are, they do care and is working really hard to get it back on track, which I would say and what I have heard as someone who actively still plays the game, it truly feels like warcraft again, and believe DF gets too much hate, the expansion did what it needed to, it was a step in the right direction. Going back to basics with the gameplay was great and finally feels great to play again, narratively TWW is the strongest any expansion has been: You say that you want the game to be good again, but this video says otherwise honestly. And with the whole "tumblr" "furry" shit, cmon man grow up, I don't like them either but I just think it's great to have those options for those that want it, and makes it feels like high fantasy, and as Metzen put it DnD. But I do agree with what you said about the whole being a Champion.
@Sp4c3gl1d3r 4 ай бұрын
well said
@Gyallarhorn1 4 ай бұрын
They are constantly making steps in the right direction... and then ruin it again. The Nightelves have been a badass race from their creation to WC3 TFT. And everything after that was a joke. How can a race that fought off Sargeras himself WITHOUT the help of any other race, hell even with parts of their own kind standing against them, lose Teldrassil? They have massacred the orcs in Ashenvale. They have massacred the humans in Ashenvale. Grom Hellscream himself called them "perfect Warriors", yet nothing they do seems to have any significant impact after that. Let's talk about characters! Tyrande Whisperwind was reluctant to even work with humans and orcs even in the face of the legion. And that same Priestess, after seeing Illidan after 10 000 Years still being a power hungry villain, after seeing a human mage (Kel'thuzad) once again bringing the Legion to Azeroth, probably after learning that Medivh did the same only a few years before, after seeing the magic addicted Bloodelves, descendants of the High born that brought the Legion to Azeroth before, literally becoming servants of the Legion... after seeing all that literally herself during her lifetime... that same leader of the Nightelves suddenly allows Nightelven mages to exist and enter Darnassus? The same woman that ordered her warriors to kill all those humans and orcs without even trying to negotiate, is suddenly fine with someone doing the very same thing that brought all the big troubles Nightelves had to deal with, with the only exception being the Silithids? Or maybe Varian Wrynn. The fucker was imprisoned by the black dragonflight. An enemy the horde fought as well. But fuck the orcs for destroying Stormwind under the influence of demons. Let's never make peace with them. What's that? Deathknights of the Scourge want to join us, after breaking free from the Lich king's control? You mean the very guys that are responsible for the downfall of Lordearon, the Kingdom that took in all those Stormwind refugees a few years back? That fought the horde and drove them back even through the dark portal so we can rebuild our Kingdom of Stormwind? I don't see any reason why we should not ally with those. DKs yay and fuck Lordearon and fuck Jaina. Maybe Thrall fared better. In Lord of the Clans, the Orc campaign and the Rexxar campaign Thrall's biggest goal is to create a home for the orcs. He wants peace with the humans. But that same thrall doesn't stop the Warsong from chopping wood in Ashenvale, thus creating a war with the very same people he needed to drive the demons back that would have enslaved or wiped out his entire race. And suddenly the guy goes... nah... I'm done being a warchief and caring for my people. You there! Power hungry tyrant! You lead the horde now and fuck you Baine and Vol'jin. And if that fails... let's make a fucking undead creature, a creature that only exists because of the legions power (necromancy comes from the legion) control our finally shamanistic people again. What could possibly go wrong? Or what about the dragons? The dragon aspects used to be a very big deal. So big that even when Deathwing became evil he wasn't just killed by the other dragonflights. These dragon aspects were important to the world. At least that's what it seemed like. "Dragon aspect of Life" or "Dragon aspect of nature" or "Dragon aspect of Magic" or "Dragon aspect of Time" all seemed to be something important, doesn't it? Yeah... fuck it... it doesn't really change a thing when two of them die in a matter of a few years. What were they there for to begin with? Why were they needed if them dying doesn't do much? I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but no... they are making the old characters of Warcraft so incredibly inconsistent, it hurts to watch.
@FlasKamel 4 ай бұрын
I've only played since Warcraft 3, not the games before that, and I still really like modern WoW. But I'm tired of people saying "WoW didn't change, you did." WoW most certainly DID change. I don't think WoW is objectively worse in any way now, but there has to be more room for people to express how something they loved grew into something they don't anymore. It's fine to like old WoW, it's fine to like new WoW, and it's fine to like both - but they're not the same.
@tylerk2211 4 ай бұрын
Ay, some people get left behind, and that’s okay.
@d.t.bigley7254 4 ай бұрын
Nailed it. I wish Blizzard would wake up and see that WoW has diversified it's audience over the years, and go back to copying Games Workshop. Warhammer has ages, and different games per age, each with a unique feel and style of play. I'd want live development on the first vision of WoW as a sequel to Warcraft games, it's original intent. This is how I had hoped Classic+ would be, and how some pservers apparently do as well, but Blizzard seems blind to this reality.
@a.f.7650 4 ай бұрын
14:55 from WARcraft to HelloKittyCraft
@Frankthegb 4 ай бұрын
NPC ahhh comment lmfaaaaao
@joezar33 4 ай бұрын
​@@Frankthegbmore like bliz turn Warcraft turn into a Pixar Movie , hello kitty a bit much 😅
@epidemiologic8838 4 ай бұрын
Iam a Warcraft Fan and still really Like playing
@HAXRLITSXY 4 ай бұрын
same. been playing for 18 years. still love to play retail.
@sixghill1925 4 ай бұрын
yeah i relate. i played classic after warlords of draenor and went back to retail for the war within and it honestly is in a better state than its ever been. everything is fun and cool
@gabewhite6943 4 ай бұрын
If I remember correctly, most of the lore for warcraft 1 was written during vanilla-cata in order to give context for dungeons.
@silentsorrowbane 4 ай бұрын
? Warcraft was released long before World of Warcaft even was in planning
@gabewhite6943 4 ай бұрын
@@silentsorrowbane no like. The actual lore that people revere about Warcraft 1 wasn’t in the game but in books and the caverns of time.
@FlasKamel 4 ай бұрын
@@silentsorrowbane lmao yeah what? You think a game released in 1994 was written with an MMO released in 2004 in mind?
@HuffleScrumblo 4 ай бұрын
@@gabewhite6943 i didnt get what you were saying at first, but i see what you mean. i cant verify, but i hope u feel validated haha
@gabewhite6943 4 ай бұрын
@@HuffleScrumblo most characters in wod were actually created in 2006. And a good chunk of the actual clans mentioned in Warcraft 1 were completely omitted. Shit wow retconned stranglethorn vale, duskwood, and the badlands into existence as it was just the swamp of sorrow, redridge, and elwynn down there originally.
@joezar33 4 ай бұрын
Miss those dos/win 95 1990s *RTS* Warcraft 1,2,3 , Command and Conquer, Total Annihilation map editor in W3 custom my own heroes
@l3x1c0n1c 4 ай бұрын
If you weren't so obviously millennial, i'd assume you were an angry boomer getting mad at other people moving into your neighborhood. The game has moved on and improved without you.
@NikuaRanger 4 ай бұрын
can not understand how with so many studios and franchises even like game of thrones since 2010s, no one to this day can deliver us a new wow vanilla experience when theres clearly a gigahuge demand for it. Just make 2 races, 4 classes, max level 20, perfect the quests lore (defias van cleef style) and the combat (slow and methodic like classic) and go from there, slowly discovering the world, adding classes, professions and races and their quests. If the combat is good and it feels like a world, players will stay and see whats coming next because theres nothing else, even wow classic is being destroyed.
@marcnolin816 4 ай бұрын
I havent paid attention to WoW since BFA because the story stopped making sense to me. Private servers are promising for sure, IMO we have to start looking for indie companies to form new MMOs.
@BvictoryforChrist 4 ай бұрын
I quit after MOP and have been playing on Kronos for like 8 years doing vanilla lol.
@Tovigonbar 4 ай бұрын
I think wow is peaking right now:p
@DarkMegaPlague 4 ай бұрын
I agree with the worgens being to cute looking,,,, the damn gnolls new models looks damn meaner than the worgen XD,,,, plus were are the playable ogres,,, they should have been released already since TBC to be honest
@VictorVonVikernes-cm2wh 4 ай бұрын
Bye 👋🏻
@malicant123 4 ай бұрын
I'd wager that a sizable chunk of WoW's subscribers are lads in their 30s who are only there for the nostalgia factor. Personally, I haven't raided since WOTLK, I rarely interact with people and WoW's lore these days is just insipid to me. However, I always play each expansion simply because it reminds me of happier times.
@Nightstalker314 4 ай бұрын
You want to have pity for classic purists but they will forever be stuck with a game that's heavily restricted and can never move on.
@MalonzeProductionsGaming 4 ай бұрын
That is the whole reason why people want classic plus, you moron. We enjoy the mechanics of the original game. But we want something NEW. Post cata has stripped it of everything that made it fun. Why do you think every expac has had lower and lower numbers? Blizzard themselves said SL was a failure. And DF also had low numbers. Higher than SL? Sure but not impressive.
@Nightstalker314 4 ай бұрын
@@MalonzeProductionsGaming Most of the people that made it the sucess back in 2004-2010 have either moved on or play in China. You will maybe get a slightly higher budget for the team that gets to experiment with the first 3 iterations.
@FamineWolf 4 ай бұрын
Okay boomer.
@helloidharbl6753 4 ай бұрын
WoW was never for Warcraft fans. Real Warcraft fans played 1, 2, and 3. We then looked upon the wretched cash grab that is WoW and saw a half assed game with wicked cool cutscenes. You could have been playing a better game. You didn't. You guzzled nuBlizzards feces and asked for more.
@a.f.7650 4 ай бұрын
Warcraft 1 Malonze gameplay WHERE
@MalonzeProductionsGaming 4 ай бұрын
I was thinking about it. Lol
@a.f.7650 4 ай бұрын
@@MalonzeProductionsGaming I can already see it; "Here we go, here's another catapult for ya, suckerz! Haha!"
@MalonzeProductionsGaming 4 ай бұрын
Bruh im already raging on lv 4 (deadmines) lol. I get all the way to the end. And all my guys get decimated
@a.f.7650 4 ай бұрын
@@MalonzeProductionsGaming … and we're left with no peak content like that. Just how cruel can you be?! 😆
@joezar33 4 ай бұрын
​@@MalonzeProductionsGamingdon't sleep on Warcraft 2 n 3 "Map editors"
@merix2741 4 ай бұрын
Warcraft felt epic, unique with all the characters from both faction written well and overlaping into this giant web of world building. Thats gone now, replaced by few key characters making the scale small instead of big world. The same Anduin that tried to achieve peace, stood againts Garrosh and almost died, overcame the loss of his father and rose up to lead the Alliance, the clash at Lordeaon in BFA where this guy casted fucking mass ressurection has been turned into sobbing whimp that needs strong female,black,"Lothar" chick to put him back together. Thrall that was in place for ASPECT OF EARTH in Cataclysm, known as one of the best shamans on Azeroth after killing Garrosh turned into angry issue pleb that cant even control elements anymore. Eveything epic they turned into soft shit.
@ryanhansell2082 4 ай бұрын
Sounds like you need to come play some Turtle wild buddy
@MalonzeProductionsGaming 4 ай бұрын
Sounds like you've never heard of my channel before. Lol. I have a lv.60 on turtle and I play like 8+ other private servers.
@adambaranek5813 4 ай бұрын
Fantastic video! Super easy to follow and understand!
@Frankthegb 4 ай бұрын
The melodrama won't make you like it again. Move on.
@MalonzeProductionsGaming 4 ай бұрын
It's called passion. You clearly don't have any.
@itooflemma 4 ай бұрын
@@MalonzeProductionsGamingpassion for a game that’s a bit gay, get a real passion.
@sirmarshall9521 4 ай бұрын
As a 15 year Warcraft fan - this title is absolutely ridiculous.
@s1os2s3 4 ай бұрын
I am not nostalgic. I cant be nostalgia baited. I have played classic on private and a bit on retail on someone elses account while on their PC. I do not want to play it again nor have I felt the need to play it again. I have done it. I have experienced what I wanted out of it. I am not going back. However, WoD has one of the best leveling experiences and has one of my favorite cinematics. Frostfire Ridge cinematic, and I liked the story untill they made Grom the good guy all of a sudden. I know he was ment to be the big bad, the last guy and then a raid after that would link us to Legion similar to WoTLK's Ruby Sanctum. As for killing gods.....I dont hate it. Certainly, it is weird because killing a god usualy means the end of a game. So, killing a god at the end of what Blizzard considers a trilogy it is not that big of a deal. It is very JRPGesque, and it does represent the end of a "game". I love Old Gods. I love the Void theme and the lovecraftian inspired horror themes and games when it is well made. I do not like what they did with N'zoth but I moved on from it. As for TWW. IDK, it is far better than SL and DF. It has alot of elements from Legion. You have your Suramar, you have your artifact weapon talents although more condensed and with no grind involved in the form of Hero talents. Alleria is the Illidan of TWW, I am sure that I am not the only one that sees it. I am disappointed in how some cinematics were handled but atleast it is not DF snorefest and visit at a psychologist kind of cinematics. Anduin has never been a manly guy. So, him needing encouraging from that Arathi chick is not out of line. Sadly,, masculine and macho WoW is gone for the forseeable future.
@babissj4 4 ай бұрын
Pandaria was a 1 April joke many people quit back then ,then stupid transmog came stupid pet battles plus 100 skil icons and 100 add ons in order to play the end game. No thanks.
@owenswabi 4 ай бұрын
Besides for the skill and icon clutter, these are horrible points
@randomanun4278 4 ай бұрын
I just hot finished playing cata classic with an entire raid guild who only played retail... they nearly had a collective aneurysm when I told them I didn't use a billion different add-ons to raid and still clocked 96-99s on warcraft logs as a blood dk... this new gen can't function without add-ons.
@valfader 4 ай бұрын
DEI ruins games? Say it ain't so! I predicted this back in 2008 when Activision bought Vivendi Universal Games (old Blizzard Entertainment parent company). Certain interested parties can only destroy. They never create anything worthwhile, which is why we're finally seeing the player base no longer giving a single f--k.
@TheGooseIsLoose9000 4 ай бұрын
Wow you really annoyed the new "modern audience" with this one, as it would seem by some comments (lol). Good job, I agree with you. Blizzard has courted a new audience of blue-haired weirdos that want WoW to be a feelings fest. It is a fact and TWW is nauseatingly filled with this crud.
@BADGOY-45 4 ай бұрын
You are "shocked" by the lack of "respect", you still cant see that games become just another delivery mean to propagate "the message". Games will never go back to just being awesome worlds where to escape from reality untill we fucking get back our reality from the people pushing "the message".
@opvask 4 ай бұрын
i meeaan.. BG3 and Black Myth Wukong dont really have those problems. I could probably come up with a lot more if i tried
@Cylus024 4 ай бұрын
​@@opvask That dude is just an Alt right mouthpiece watching too much Critical Drinker
@scs-yt 4 ай бұрын
OG warcraft fan here starting with WCII. Been playing WoW since March 2005. I have my face on the highest sold newspaper as the first person who bought WoW:TBC in my country cause I was in a line at midnight. I spent my life on Warcraft. I am the OG Warcraft audience. Mists of f. Kungfu Panda bullshit is not Warcraft. TWW story and gameplay is Warcraft. Stop your clickbaiting and go do something else.
@MalonzeProductionsGaming 4 ай бұрын
No. Go play your furry game. I'll continue playing WARCRAFT
@johnmcstabby2699 4 ай бұрын
@@MalonzeProductionsGaming oh no there is fantastical races in my fantasy game WAH WAH
@TheGooseIsLoose9000 4 ай бұрын
@@johnmcstabby2699 shame on you weirdos for ruining Warcraft and having the nerve to gaslight
@johnmcstabby2699 4 ай бұрын
@@TheGooseIsLoose9000 Yes because i created the concept of anthropomorphs you got me. gaslighting? maybe know what words mean before entering a conversation might help with the whole mad cause something is different.... a common sign of low intelligence.
@johnmcstabby2699 4 ай бұрын
@@TheGooseIsLoose9000 lmfao
@SCMSD 4 ай бұрын
Damn Mal' your videos always seem to trigger the redditors. Makes me wonder if they all sit in a discord channel together crying that someone isn't enjoying their favourite gruel all the time. I wouldn't pay these 'people' much attention as if they even play the game in the first place they're the type to jump ship onto the next big thang as they have no actual love and passion for the hobby they just want to exist in the space. On the point you addressed in the video. Blizzard is never going to go back to what lit the match because the current 'modern audience' has been fed a different feed and the game industry is too big of an entertainment medium now; meaning that core demographic doesn't matter because its a minority in comparison to the candy crush mobile audience blizzard has been slowly making overtime. The solutions to these problems are just too low of a chance of happening as well. Maybe in the future but for now we have the private scene full of passionate hobbyists who love the franchise. I'm optimistic for the future because the scene is moving away from the 100% authentic then and now experience with no divergencies to vanilla+ and alternate takes. If Blizzard won't do it, we will!
@ns-tech1304 4 ай бұрын
Casual players ruined the game
@miloslolz5164 4 ай бұрын
You do realise that the game was MADE for casuals compared to other MMOs at the time. Classic/TBC and WOTLK are FAR more casual than War Within.
@joezar33 4 ай бұрын
​@@miloslolz5164Vanilla, TBC , WotLK for everyone to enjoy , nowadays, Blizzard doing diversity check off and cluster fk lore writers
@joezar33 4 ай бұрын
​@@miloslolz5164Blizzard WoW Trinity was for everyone to enjoy , nowadays, current retail for casual and appeasing the 1%er on social media.
@lancejohnson3278 4 ай бұрын
If anything retail caters to more hardcore players way too much, this is a wild take 😂
@owenswabi 4 ай бұрын
See, you people want things for yourself at the expense of the developers. Blizzard fucks up consistently, but get real. You need to attract new players to keep a game alive
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