IAmNinja [I.A.N.] No worries dude, It's really good :)
@ricksindzinski61748 жыл бұрын
I highly recommend Druid. From time to time I mained other classes but I always came back to Druid!
@bssniffer13378 жыл бұрын
+Rick Sindzinski Night Elf druid is the reason I stopped playing other classes. The Night Elf setting is also very dream-like and awesome, it feels right. Had a Warrior Worgen and kind of abandoned my character after trying Druid. Heh.
@ricksindzinski61748 жыл бұрын
Exactly. But if I have to play Horde I always go for Trolls and Spam kalythas to be a nelf:)
@bssniffer13378 жыл бұрын
Rick Sindzinski Never tried that :DD Ehehe
@WWFAttitudeEraFreak6 жыл бұрын
Rick Sindzinski I made a Druid yesterday I love it
@fizzytorkoal8 жыл бұрын
Can someone help me? I have a problem where i make a new character and i say to myself "im gonna get this guy to level 100. But then like 1 hour later i look at other classes and im like " ohhh i really want that class". And it keeps on going. Pls help
@sheriffthiccos95958 жыл бұрын
Id suggest either be a Warlock or a Healer. Warlocks can be allot of fun and being a healer just makes you feel better. Of course you can be a Demon Hunter which is kinda like a Melee Warlock(you must have a lvl70-or higher) Apart from that you can be a Paladin.
@zombiecarnivore8 жыл бұрын
+Teodor Manolov or a warrior or maybe a Mage even a druid
@fizzytorkoal8 жыл бұрын
lol same
@Sagegeir8 жыл бұрын
thats because you havent found the right class for you yet
@mulle5248 жыл бұрын
this is completely correct. i felt the same way until i played a mage. since then i now play as a warlock main with my mage as an alt, and i never have problems choosing who to play as anymore. now almost all of my other characters never get played.
@Roxywilde829 жыл бұрын
First class I rolled in 2005 was hunter...played all the classes and combos since then but always end up back to hunter. It's just the class I have the most fun with.
@PotterMarauder8 жыл бұрын
I just started playing WoW a few months ago, and after trying all the classes, monk turned out to be my favorite. And it was the last class I tried because I thought I would hate it. XD
@rasenko61518 жыл бұрын
+KimPossible Im laughing :D
@elitefew85378 жыл бұрын
quit now while you still have a life
@Burden-Boy8 жыл бұрын
In my opinion if you're like very new to the game try monk and get used to it because you can either be really op or really trash as a monk they're only good in the right hands lol
@elizabethvalentine89108 жыл бұрын
I've been playing for 9 years... rip
@Burden-Boy8 жыл бұрын
Elizabeth Valentine OK
@natallie50628 жыл бұрын
watching at 3am, and of course, the only ads are horror movie ads
@skilladunge8 жыл бұрын
2 Months later and now I'm experiencing this. Lights out movie made me almost poo my pants.
@Atemize8 жыл бұрын
You should try this magical thing called adblocker, it comes in many flavors like adblock, adblock plus, ublock origin, etc...Once you install them you will never see ads again! I have been using it for so many years that I totally forgot how disgusting is the internet without one.
@skilladunge8 жыл бұрын
It was on my phone
@gregorygimigliano8 жыл бұрын
stop being a vagina
@arcticwarrior34996 жыл бұрын
2 yrs later and I got the new Halloween trailer haha.
@daboi_yoyo9 жыл бұрын
5:01 those rhymes
@lethalurethral30569 жыл бұрын
@its_mxcel11928 жыл бұрын
+Inneryoyo ooo bars
@grantzsplayzgaming6028 жыл бұрын
+Inneryoyo ikr
@Wuthless-zq5se8 жыл бұрын
And 1:35
@boitahaki7 жыл бұрын
Guess we have a rap god here
@justin40189 жыл бұрын
Why do I play monk? well for me to really connect and feel like I am a PART of the game rather then playing it is I need to identify with my class, I remember my first *and main* my monk, I instantly knew this was my main at level five. the first time I got three chi and laid waste to a group of starter creatures was fantastic, and it built up from that with Storm earth and fire, expel harm, defuse magic, touch of death, drinking like a fish and a master of stuns as well as good balanced DPS along with the ability to literally target three people at the same time with SEnF. ^^ I know nobody cares about this paragraph but I thought I would toss in my input.
@peytonmann90708 жыл бұрын
I watched this and decided to start playing wow again after 3 years. Made a Druid. I play feral and I love it. Totally back in the grind
@skilladunge8 жыл бұрын
I've been on a break for a long time, been on and off but never really gotten into it. Is Legion worth it?
@peytonmann90708 жыл бұрын
skilladunge idk I just hit level 90 haven't even bought legion
@mulle5248 жыл бұрын
from my experience, legion is one of the most fun expansions for wow. i definitely love it. completely worth all of the money i paid, and it has sucked up, all free time i have. but that's just my opinion, and i don't know about what others think.
@justcrumble34988 жыл бұрын
Peyton Mann Nice y have the full legion
@TheDeathCrafter3 жыл бұрын
How is it going with that druid
@bitboxsabarov81449 жыл бұрын
That was a good video but I still don't know what class I'm going to play
@VKG_Varloki9 жыл бұрын
Play all of them them.
@VKG_Varloki9 жыл бұрын
@zalwow93639 жыл бұрын
+bitbox Sabarov I personally like warlock and DK, but its ur opinion on wat to play :P
@simonsalgueiro62179 жыл бұрын
+bitbox Sabarov Play palladin or shaman. Fun.
@Barigiet8 жыл бұрын
+bitbox Sabarov My life.... I'm literally trying like, every class to find out what I want to play! The ability to teleport on my mage is one of my favorite things in WoW so far, but I really loved my warlock and I'm leveling a prot paladin right now and I actually enjoy it a lot.
@Anidem99 жыл бұрын
Personally one of my favorite class and race combos is Undead Priest. Why? Well because technically undead are a sort of unholy thing, meaning that the Light will harm them, so why is there undead priests? Well to me it seems like it's a matter of them having strong willpower to be able to overcome the pain that comes with wielding the light, and being able to utilize it despite being undead.
@hamsterman19959 жыл бұрын
Anidem9 if that were the case we'd have undead paladins.
@Anidem99 жыл бұрын
That is true. Wonder why there isn't any, I mean clearly there's priests, but no paladins... Odd.
@user-kc2ig4wp2h9 жыл бұрын
Anidem9 Mainly because pally was brought about to the horde in BC so that horde had a pally race. This marked the first visible sign of Blizzard giving in. Sit on it and in time I'm sure everyone will be able to be anything after a few more expansions. ;D
@iPVPTV9 жыл бұрын
+hamsterman1995 well we have tauren paladins and that makes about as much sense
@mr.american45509 жыл бұрын
+Anidem9 The undead priest or "cult of the forgotten shadow" was created when the forsaken found Natalie Seline books that she left behind. Lore wise, they are only shadow priests. A blue post mentioned how undead where able to wield the light through their sheer willpower (like you said) and everytime they got healed by the light, the would feel tremendous pain.. same with death knights.
@totaleclipse88808 жыл бұрын
Lol he put "ROLLS" instead of "ROLES"
@simunheinesen6688 жыл бұрын
Well it doesnt matter, cause you clearly know what he means.
@BryanDaslo8 жыл бұрын
It does matter...
@gavinburke96718 жыл бұрын
He's a peon, he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer
@PrincessAshley127 жыл бұрын
Somebody once told me the world was gonna roll me.
@herechickens18097 жыл бұрын
Gavin Burke don't you mean the sharpest tool in the shed
@DraphEnjoyer9 жыл бұрын
I played a hunter for years but I simply can't anymore. They're so fucking boring now because they honestly have no weaknesses anymore. You used to have put some small amount of effort into kiting something but now you just run around shooting all your abilities while being able to leap miles away from whoever is chasing you No dead zone at all, no ammo, no pet stamina/happiness, they're 100% mobile and they don't even need their pets anymore. And on top of all that they still pump out shit tons of damage. A class needs some weakness to play to make it interesting. Hunters are now just super mobile steroid pumped mages
@Latarielle9 жыл бұрын
MrZurata Agreed. They are super boring now. They should add more interaction with the pet. The pet literally feels like a mount that runs off and helps you fight. You can't do anything with it.
@SaiidHann9 жыл бұрын
MrZurata wtf ammo sucked ass
@valkryry71699 жыл бұрын
the beast You know it did, hunters are seriously under-appreciated, when I still played WoW I was a BM hunter main with all of the wotlk spirit beasts, when I raided nobody really notices the amount of cc and or damage output I had, for example freezing some mobs with freezing trap or whatever, or even slowing enemies in pvp, even now with all the changes to how the hunter mechanics work, which I actually think suck, I miss my mana :(, even though we have been seriously op at times, we have been nerfed to hell and back, and yet some of us remain top dps in heroic raids.
@Kededian9 жыл бұрын
Brandon Van Scoy Cloud U never played other classes then hunter i suppose.
@MrMegamario12349 жыл бұрын
Brandon Van Scoy Cloud i completely agree with u man, hunters still have a lot of weaknesses that balance out with the other classes, but they are really fun to play, i also feel that most people who complain about hunters are just people who never really played them and have gotten killed by them a few times in PVP, people really need to stop complaining about other classes and let others enjoy them, besides, complaining about a class isn't gonna get rid of it, they are gonna stay whether people like them or not.
@MrKrille939 жыл бұрын
I don't even know why I'm watching this video. I've been playing wow since 2006. I guess I like the owner of the video too much.
@TheLazyPeon9 жыл бұрын
Next Video: Top 10 Raids In WoW, Cast Your Votes Here! - strawpoll.me/4293170
@Breezyyoutubechannel9 жыл бұрын
did some one say Thunberfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker?
@Dozylion9 жыл бұрын
TheLazyPeon Shouldn't that be "what ROLE do you wanna play" not "what ROLL you wanna play"?
@AnnInWonderland.9 жыл бұрын
TheLazyPeon you also misspelled Karazhan in the straw poll. you´re on fire today, Lazy.. :)
@sharanv91829 жыл бұрын
Breezy's KZbin Channel i see you in every video and kept saying the same thing, are you some kind of bot?
@Breezyyoutubechannel9 жыл бұрын
Sharan V nah
@Mutantcy19929 жыл бұрын
5:02 utility, abilities, good mobility you should be a rapper
@Jake-oj3dn9 жыл бұрын
Feral Druid has been my main forever. I highly recommend it to any new player. Pretty easy to master due to it being straight forward, high damage, good self-sustaining abilities, interesting play style, with the stealth and combo point system, cool theme background and visuals. And you're a bad ass cat. Nuff said
@dragonxx4449 жыл бұрын
Man i haven't played wow in 4 years (Played since vanilla)... this was a nice look back! Thx for the trip Lazy Peon
@ProbablyCoolerThanU9 жыл бұрын
Druid, Druid Druid DRUID!. Cat - Best Melee in the game. (Since blizzard turned Rogue into warriors in spandex) Moonkin - Best caster in the game (If we pretend frost mage isn't a thing) Bear - Best tank in th... (lol what the fuck is PvE?) Tree - Best healer in the game (because fuck you) Apply this + Hunter alt and you have won WoW.
@kippz13379 жыл бұрын
+Kha Zix scrub
@sans61389 жыл бұрын
+Kha Zix trees are smarter than huntards...
@Solaxe9 жыл бұрын
+rylan miller Says guy with Snake as his icon.. lol
@winthersalmon579 жыл бұрын
+Kha Zix Rengar instead, because fuck you
@robinsooha71249 жыл бұрын
+Kha Zix You do realize that there are no ''best'' and completely determines on scenario right? Or are you just fanboying your class?
@YoXeV8 жыл бұрын
5:50 The Rouge, combat, assassination and salty. xD
@andrewwoods5648 жыл бұрын
@Blazingwheel9 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't recommend Enhancement Shaman to new players. You really have to manage a ton of stuff with their ability's compared to other class specs to get the most damage with.
@braxatikus36409 жыл бұрын
thanx for posting, this helps lots with being a 1st month noob tho WoW world. Loving it, i just can't believe it took me this long to join the ranks.
@timda41698 жыл бұрын
Looks like I'm gonna try out a ww monk, thanks for the video!
@dragonsegg1009 жыл бұрын
Monks aren't ninjas though. They're based on Shaolin monks.
@cameronmccollum15589 жыл бұрын
Branflakes Loosely.
@dragonsegg1009 жыл бұрын
Cameron McCollum Still, they're no where close to being ninjas. Rogues are much closer to that then monks.
@cameronmccollum15589 жыл бұрын
Branflakes True.
@demonpride19759 жыл бұрын
Branflakes i was kinda waiting for him to say all classes had close ties to ninjas. rogues ninjas what hell no. rogues and ninjas are completely different. monks are not ninjas as they are based on monks. having martial arts does not make them ninjas in the slightest.
@maurice81949 жыл бұрын
demonpride1975 ninjas are just assassins (so they are sneaky and very fast) so i think rouge is pretty close
@Suntro8 жыл бұрын
I starting rolling down my stairs when I saw "what roll do you want to play?"
@Acronoss12349 жыл бұрын
My classes: Hunter, druid and rogue. :)
@madsemilholvad15519 жыл бұрын
Corvo A #agillity
@MikeMike-sr8oq9 жыл бұрын
Corvo A feral ftw
@massiekur199 жыл бұрын
Corvo A I love Rogue. I love sneaking around everywhere. If it weren't for subtlety I'd be dead. I do a lot of traveling when I don't feel like fighting, and spend most of the time in stealth. I guess you could say they're a lot like vamps.
This video is making me lean towards using my 100 boost on a Mage. I love ranged dps classes, and the fact I have 3 specs to choose from (all being strong in the pre-patch) is awesome! Thanks, Craig!
@joshsmith86988 жыл бұрын
Hunters look cool also, and monks!
@shady_mars32599 жыл бұрын
This guy makes every thing sound op
@jonathandahlberg4379 жыл бұрын
2:57 Wait a minute.. PvP on Pe-Ve-*Pe-on* PEON! ILLUMINATI PEON CONFIRMED! TheIlluminatiPeon TheLazyIlluminati!!
@slovakweeb4606 жыл бұрын
@@madmag1690 salty?
@renofarmer31185 жыл бұрын
@thethirdsicily48028 жыл бұрын
I have to say, I LOVE healing and damaging, in other MMOs I am a great healer, swtor, guild wars 2, although a few of the people I raided with wanted me to only heal the tank, even though I don't do that, I prioritize the person with the least health, and if that's the wrong way, then I don't care because it has worked for me in the past and it still works for me now
@pugler208 жыл бұрын
tanks matter way more in wow. if the tank dies you wipe
@thethirdsicily48028 жыл бұрын
true, true
@sophiejones77278 жыл бұрын
Ok. here's the thing: in WoW every class has a decent self-heal. Furthermore: all death-attack mechanics kick in only below 40% health. Tanks need to be able to absorb massive blows, so they need to be kept at higher health than dps. What you do depends on what kind of content you're doing. Dungeons: always prioritize tanks. Dps should not be falling below 40% health in this content ever. If they are doing it consistently, then kick them from your group: as they are draining your mana and putting the whole group at risk. Fights are short in dungeons, so don't worry too much about dps health: just prevent them from being death-attacked. The only exception here is if the boss has a fixate mechanic. Always heal the person the boss has fixated on. Raids: consult with your group. You need two healers on tanks, one for each. The third healer's job is supposed to be to dispel damage over time effects, debuff the boss and heal the non-tanks. You're also emergency healer, so save your mana and have a potion handy. Keep heal over time effects up on most raid members, dispel any damage over time effects the boss puts out or any removable buffs the boss has. This requires you to stay focused and have good reflexes. Specs that do well at this are druids, disc priests, and monks. Be the person who dispels and debuffs in LFR, and you'll quickly come to the attention of a raiding guild. However, these dispel and debuff mechanics don't exist in most other MMOs, so you'll need some time to familiarize yourself with them. Practice on training dummies, quest mobs and world bosses. If you're coming from GW I'd recommend rolling a druid, as it is very similar to most GW healers in terms of playstyle. Side note: heal non-tanking paladins only if they bubble themselves. A big orange sphere will pop up around them, they will stop attacking, and have the forebearance debuff. You have fifteen seconds to heal them to 50% health. This is their panic button, and they'll only press it if they're about to die *and* out of mana. Most paladin players will actually get angry with you if you heal them otherwise, so don't waste your mana. If you see this bubble pop up on a non-paladin, then immediately give them a big heal. That should prevent people from dying in emergencies.
@thethirdsicily48028 жыл бұрын
thanks for the tip!
@sophiejones77278 жыл бұрын
LOTR SOLDIER np, good luck :)
@flameless46449 жыл бұрын
First toon I had ever made was my hunter, to which I had loved over the years and had grown close to with different pets that had been at my side through all my new experiences as a wow player, from destroying the Illidan to dethroning the Lich King, and for the past few months i've had a weird distaste to mine and now realize the boredom and dissatisfaction. I couldnt find the words to explain but you hit it right on the spot, "Lacking depth and flavor to each individual specialization and the class itself" I couldn't agree more. To me I feel that the class is only a beginners guide to playing and really is in a sense. Dull.
@luiszepeda26928 жыл бұрын
After trying out almost all of the classes in the game I found that the monk is by far my most favorite class! Very fun to play for my type of play style and the mobility I have is really nice. I always avoided the monk because I thought for sure I would not like it, but u turned out to be my favorite. So do not be afraid to try out the classes that you think you won't like, you'd be surprised!
@darkki948 жыл бұрын
+Luis Zepeda i hate hunters and paladins for years do you think i should try them ?
@jmaguire9 жыл бұрын
Nice! Could you do a video on what class you think most appropriately matches a certain race? You could judge in terms of lore, looks, aesthetics and the general 'feel' in game for the combinations! There has been nooby - "it doesn't matter as long as your happy" - attempts at videos like it before but I'd imagine you could make it interesting! Cheers
@djstoj20638 жыл бұрын
My favourite flavour is bbq
@RealPsychz8 жыл бұрын
This video is really good, but could you do a new version on this video? :/
@wesleygriffiths80899 жыл бұрын
Ok so as a game design student, and a player of wow since vanilla, there are a few things I would like to say. First, great video as you did a quick overview on each class and got the key points for determining what to play, however I would like to clarify the order of those key points. First thing a player needs to think about is what play style do they want to play, as this will limit the options and also increase how likely they are to enjoy the game play. As you said there are many different play styles -as there are with almost all rpgs and mmos- the main play styles are healer, tank, melee damage (single target), melee damage (multi target), ranged damage (single target), ranged damage (multi target), and finally controller. If you know what you want based off that basic list you get very limited options in the game for viable classes. Secondly once you have selected your play style your role in wow is all but set in stone. Thirdly pvp vs pve, this is something that needs to be determined at different points in time based on the players personal game play experience, and by that i mean an experienced player should be thinking of this first, whereas a new player should be thinking of it as they play. Finally aesthetics -though important- should ONLY decide what class you play once the following CONDITIONS have been met - you have considered everything in making you character and you are still left with multiple classes, say I want to be a single target ranged damage dealer, and I want to be a caster, that leaves me really with mage or warlock -yes there are other classes that would work, but both of those tend to be solid choices- it is now that the condition is met to determine based on aesthetics-
@erelian_sardonic8 жыл бұрын
Awesome music mate! Especially loved the metal one.
@Danpet12349 жыл бұрын
You misspelled "Role"
@TheLazyPeon9 жыл бұрын
Grevius How the fuck did I manage that? >.
@Danpet12349 жыл бұрын
TheLazyPeon Idk lol. It's at 1:34
@Thedutyofbattle9 жыл бұрын
Grevius lol didnt see that :D i better pick my roll then
@WilliamElric109 жыл бұрын
It's a hidden message, he wants everyone to play a Monk.
@Danpet12349 жыл бұрын
WilliamElric10 Didn't think of that
@Kristers_K8 жыл бұрын
I love any class combos other people hate, like tauren paladins/priests, non-pandaren monks, etc. Salty roleplayers will always complain, but in my eyes, every race/class combination has a place in the game, lore can be bent and molded as needed, like a chunk of soft clay..
@boots9118 жыл бұрын
I've never have heard people say they hate tauren paladins or priest, In fact it would make since for them to be healers since they're pretty selfless and spiritually centered. But I guess lore wise they aren't really palladins or priests, they heal and fight through elemental means.. like shamans and druids.
@Kristers_K8 жыл бұрын
Boots Actually no, similar to Night elves using the Elune, Tauren use the sunlight as their source of power, in Legion there are literally tauren ''sun priests'' in Dalaran and paladins are always known as as sunwalkers. However the source of that sunlight is still unclear, chances are it originates from Elune, hence being able to draw upon the Light.
@boots9118 жыл бұрын
Kristers Krūka ah, I don't really know much about literal lore. Just what I can see through in game mostly when it comes to that, plus I don't play horde so I know little to nothing about taurens.
@Kristers_K8 жыл бұрын
Boots Playing one faction for 12 years has its benefits i guess ;p Could never bear playing Alliance due to its ideology and beliefs of those races. I tend to be more of a story geek, often paying attention to details in in-game storylines. Ironically, one specific tauren paladin in Pandaria actually speaks of the ''Light'', Sunwalker Dezco, though he specifies it as from the sun, so. Nonetheless, they are much different from Alliance paladins/priests.
@luspearsoram15078 жыл бұрын
Interesting. IMO the weirdest are orc warlocks and night elf mages.
@sanjinorth9 жыл бұрын
For a lazy peon, you are very active.
@christopherlawrenc_8 жыл бұрын
Damn...I'm new to WoW and this video was incredibly helpful. Thanks for the going to such informative depths for each class. This game can get a bit overwhelming.
@thewhitetigergod9 жыл бұрын
Looks like I'm gonna just have to play all the classes and see which one suits me best, because even after this video, I can't decide! They're all pretty damn cool in their own way. None the less, this video was super helpful.
@eddie98099 жыл бұрын
if the litch kings mout is called invinsible why can I see it?
@Netfreak89 жыл бұрын
+Eddie Swinney Invincible, not invisible
@eddie98099 жыл бұрын
Netfreak8 I was trolling
@icewolf81908 жыл бұрын
+Eddie Swinney No.
@TheGamersGuild19998 жыл бұрын
+Eddie Swinney Also it is Lich
@sannaing52978 жыл бұрын
Cos hes John Cena
@MissDiamond2209 жыл бұрын
I've never played WoW before, and I've only just sparked an interest in it. I'm planning on getting the game (the trial first) not long from now however I don't know what class to pick. I'm a female who prefers to full on fight with enemy's outside of raids but is better at ranged attacking in raids. Any help or advice to my choice of class?
@CosmicOnGameboy9 жыл бұрын
+Swizzabell I don't think you could go wrong with a druid. I've personally never really done much raiding, just stuck to pvp and dungeons and what not but druids are relatively easy and fun to play and are versatile.
@aaronvandijk81819 жыл бұрын
+Swizzabell Honestly, Shaman might be the best class for you. It has both a melee and a ranged spec for DPS as well as self healing. It has good utility for leveling and raids. It might not be the most user friendly or easiest class to play, but if you have some experience in MMORPG's, than you probably don't need a beginning class anyways.
@arhbitionr12649 жыл бұрын
+Swizzabell Try a druid,or hunter they are good for beggining and both in pvp or pve.But try to decide what u like more raned dps or going full on.If u would to try to play from ranged make a female human mage they are sick.
@KlockworXMusic9 жыл бұрын
+Swizzabell - Hunter is the only ranged class that can move while attacking (generally), every other class has to be stationary while casting unless using an instant cast ability. As its been pointed out, Druids can do pretty much everything, so you can try different specs and get a feel for range dps, melee dps, healing, tanking, whatever you want. If you like range dps, Balance Druids are fun and interesting with there abilities based on cycles of moon and sun, and from what I have seen if you learn to play them well will do some of the highest dps in game currently. Fighting outside of raids for PvE you can pick really whatever you want, PvE is pretty easy and accessible to every class and spec. For PvP Rogues, Druids, Paladin, Mage, Death Knights are the classes that come to mind immediately as being strong for PvP, but really anything you want as well is doable in PvP, but warrior, warriors seem to be a bit weak at the moment in my opinion as far as PvP, but its still doable they just don't seem to be the strongest PvP class or easiest maybe. Blizzard tries to keep everything somewhat balanced and competitive, but some classes and specs will be stronger then others, and there are nerfs and buffs so nothing is set in stone, so really its hard to say what you should pick or what is best, so pick what you want to play and that is the best way to enjoy the game. You can make multiple characters so you can always make a few different ones and try them out, leveling is very fast to level 20, so even without buying, doing F2P to level 20, you can do quite quickly and get a taste of a class, as well as aspects of the game like dungeons and PvP.
@SylvieMoon9 жыл бұрын
+Swizzabell Get a warrior, its a really fun class but you need to learn how to deal damage before you do pvp & raiding & Skrimish Ect.
@-Miasimon9 жыл бұрын
I completely disagree on the "3 roles" idea... there's tanking, healing, and dps, sure... but we also have offhealing and offtanking.. such as, let's say your healer runs oom, an experienced ele shammy can help take some pressure off the healer until they can recover some mana.. same with a DK taking over if the tank dies, until the druid can battle rez.. they aren't efficient, but in the right hands, can save a raid from a possible wipe. Tbh, i think WoW would be better off with a proper support class or spec... where they dish out dps which gives buffs or minor healing.. like dps/heal hybrid. I can see druids having this, monks are almost there with their fistweavers.. and I can see Unholy DK sapping health to heal allies.. way too many dps classes, we need more variety
@aneejit90799 жыл бұрын
Miasimon I agree with you on this. just as an example, you have a 10man raid. 2 tanks 4 heals 4 dps. All can ONLY do that one roll, the group lacks flexibility if a couple of people die. But if you have a class that's not bad in 2 out of three rolls. So it would have a 50/50 heals dps spec. a 50/50 tank/heals spec and a 50/50 dps/tank spec. Not the best at any one particular role but helpful across two. Back in the day i remember running a 10 man the boss had 10-15% health left with just the MT, a hunter and my enhancement shammy. So i just kept on dpsing but insted of using my free instacast chain lightning every 6 secs i used healing wave instead. With my high crit chance and it having no mana cost we were able to finish the fight.
@Nillowo9 жыл бұрын
@elhayden9 жыл бұрын
sgt pAndAjAm ret pally can use seal of insight which will provide light, smart heals, plus holy prism. druid can pop nature's vigil which will heal similar to atonement. a warrior can pop defensive and equip a shield, and druid can pop bear. just a few examples of how this already exists in game. maybe not to the 50/50 extent (disc heals in MoP were probably the closest with atonement), but you wouldn't really want someone with 50% of their utility being limited to potential situational use. but for the most part, dual spec helped a lot with this. i would see a 10 man raid with 2 tanks, 2 heals, and 6 dps, but in a fight that needed more healing you would have a dps swap specs to heal. wasn't really the case in vanilla, where you would have to port to swap specs at a trainer.
@brandonsullivan95049 жыл бұрын
Miasimon the way that i play my boomy is a passive/ active off healer just to try and help out the healers that are in dire need
@aickavon9 жыл бұрын
Miasimon You can build your ret paladin to be far more supportive of the team in both terms of damage and healing. In my raiding guild I have a ret paladin which has a split focus. I don't use him on dps checks because he lacks in that department (pumps enough for other bosses, but not for a dps check), but I certainly use him on survival checks (Paladins have multiple abilities that heal allies without any real effort thrown into it). Monks can also be build for a 'hybrid' playstyle but you need a guild that appreciates these hybrid builds. Simply put, a support/hybrid class idea IS amazing sounding on paper... but... it would be a nightmare to balance things out and you will have many... many patches that make you horrendously weak. Plus, you'd need to find them a stable spot in dungeons. I honestly don't want any current trees to be converted into the 'support' class as it would just... really... really piss off a lot of people, but they'd need to introduce at least three classes that have a tree that specializes in such events (for example, a cleric ideal, heals teammates and off-tanks effectively, but doesn't do well as a full time healer or a full time tank unless specced occurdingly. It could have a healer tree, a support tree, and a tank tree.) Supports would need a strong gimmick too that defines them as a support. Perhaps dropping out powerful buffs and aoe cds that aid allies, or placinng protective auras in certain locations. Their focus shouldn't be Healing and dps but not good at either, instead it should have their own specific thing that makes them really good. They should also feel important and have an impact, and not feel like they're in the guild to be a buff stick (Shamans know what I mean with this one) All these ideas are of course, great on paper but once moer, a nightmare to balance... so I don't think blizzard would ever actually consider it.
@ghettomarket9 жыл бұрын
All your graphics look f.u.c.k.i.n.g. AMAZING!!! -Nice video too, made me wanna start playing again :D
@themrnails8 жыл бұрын
Vlog resurrurectionuuu!~ My main is a Paladin. Love your transmog.
@Musicismyarmor8 жыл бұрын
Don't have a favorite I love em all as long as it is Horde cause I hate alliance I'm good GO HORDE!
@Erratasx8 жыл бұрын
horde ftw
@vaporizedfruit36828 жыл бұрын
@Musicismyarmor8 жыл бұрын
+VaporizedFruit horde are the best faction ever
@szencziboldizsar65328 жыл бұрын
@1595pie8 жыл бұрын
+Padraig off with your head! FOR THE HORDE!
@Rhytmicfoil9 жыл бұрын
My biggest wish is for paladins be able to dual weild and add a blessing to your sword. Imagine the fucking 2 handed holy warrior with two glowing swords. "sigh"
@Fjall999 жыл бұрын
Rhytmicfoil I'm pretty damn sure blizzard wants fury warriors to be the only ones with the double 2-handed weapons. I agree that your idea is cool, but imagine all of the furious fury warriors when they lose their originality.
@goran77ish9 жыл бұрын
Rhytmicfoil That blessing is not bad idea, if it is just visual effect. If it is 60min spell that you have to apply to weapon, just ask rogues how cool it is. But, then again, we already have enchants and some cosmetic enchants.
@lucasmac159 жыл бұрын
My biggest wish is for pally caster spec, shockadin ftw
@ianhorne95949 жыл бұрын
***** What would be cool if Blizz made it viable for 2handed enhancement for shamans
@ianhorne95949 жыл бұрын
Well yea, but like make it viable now
@beating28 жыл бұрын
wat do i rol if i wona do garrisons mon?
@conanwow10878 жыл бұрын
any. u get a garrison once u get to draenor
@conanwow10878 жыл бұрын
any. u get a garrison once u get to draenor
@JackyLeeJL1258 жыл бұрын
Troll accent asking for class suggestions #trolljoke
@aosshi96238 жыл бұрын
@kadachi169 жыл бұрын
Played Hunter main for PVE from Vanilla to Cata. They were very fun, but PVE at that time was very difficult. The dead zone and relatively few ways to effectively kite early made them more of a battleground class for PVE and arena was quite challenging to do well with. I am glad to hear they are in a better place now in PVE
@kadachi169 жыл бұрын
Now in pvp*
@catalyzt99 жыл бұрын
If you are planning on playing pvp only, like a lot of new players do, i would highly suggest looking at the 3v3 leaderboards on world of warcrafts site, and going off of that plus your preference on what you want to play. Go to the Leaderboard, click ont he class and spec you find interesting, and see how many people are in the top ~500 before you level a toon all the way to 100, and then find out it's terrible.
@davidsmithsmith56798 жыл бұрын
i kind of miss the old talent system wotlk type
@DarkWolper6 жыл бұрын
It was too difficult for casual players :-( Miss it too
@c.d.dailey80135 жыл бұрын
I like it too. I also miss the large movepools of the early days. It was fun to play with. The old talent system is not too hard. I would just pick a tree and invest all my points in it.
@dimitriweber12049 жыл бұрын
@lazyfrisky38319 жыл бұрын
yes love druids
@bssniffer13378 жыл бұрын
+Arceus *__* yes
@goblinexplosives56297 жыл бұрын
@yugioh15819 жыл бұрын
@jefftc149 жыл бұрын
Harichi Kashanami DK is cancer
@synneful9 жыл бұрын
jefftc14 someone has been killed by one too many dks haha
@jefftc149 жыл бұрын
ESPURRFECT I play a DK as well... Anyone will tell you they are ridiculous.
@deezeemb30429 жыл бұрын
+jefftc14 ridiculously good? Damn right!
@gackttcamui99959 жыл бұрын
DeeZeeMB Lmao yes. I love playing as a DK.
@Spacenutz8 жыл бұрын
If you're looking for variety, go Druid. Cool armor sets, abilities are fantastic and transforming is one of the coolest things
@paulvictor74893 жыл бұрын
woaaaah sounded so different 5 years ago!
@nattigheid59299 жыл бұрын
Affliction Warlock. 'Nuff said
@TheShadowKnight10039 жыл бұрын
+Hennep Jan ehh, i like affliction when i first started, but a vet friend of mine told me i should go DES instead, best choice i ever made. but none of that matters cuz feral druids are a thing ;)
@VKG_Varloki9 жыл бұрын
No no no destruction warlocks FTW.
@jackstebbing19769 жыл бұрын
+GMD JNok Yea
@burgonyasalata52699 жыл бұрын
"shamans weak in terms of dps" ok
@voljin19168 жыл бұрын
my main is hunter marskmanship
@Galyte8 жыл бұрын
THIS WAS SO HELPFUL !! thank you for this!!
@volo78 жыл бұрын
5:00 utilities in their abilities as well as good mobilities. I like it
@DragonBassist9 жыл бұрын
@Ryygor9 жыл бұрын
DragonBassist op druid
@TheMrMinish9 жыл бұрын
Balance Druid is my love
@FushiguroMegumi799 жыл бұрын
DragonBassist nuuu. restoo. restoooooo. They're so HoT!
@leonardovieiraperes85279 жыл бұрын
Balance is the most fun, thought.
@TheMrMinish9 жыл бұрын
Leonardo Vieira Péres That's what she said haha :D
@jacob12029 жыл бұрын
Wtf is a DPS?
@nated56069 жыл бұрын
+Penisu Damage Per Second. In this context, it refers to damage dealing classes.
@nated56069 жыл бұрын
+Penisu Damage Per Second. In this context, it refers to damage dealing classes.
@lazyfrisky38319 жыл бұрын
@lazyfrisky38319 жыл бұрын
@lunaceless5787 жыл бұрын
Made my day. Arigato
@divinefever9 жыл бұрын
W E. N E E D. T O. G E T. B L O O D. E L F. D R U I D S.
@mrraymoo54609 жыл бұрын
+Quasha A lot of the reason why you can't play certain calsses to race combo (e.g. can't have undead paladins) is because of the lore, blood elfs are arcane magic users.
@divinefever9 жыл бұрын
DeadSkillZ true, but i would just really like to play a belf druid for some reason. i know that it wouldn't really make sense when thinking about the lore, but still, i think it would be cool.
@Dylanpanman9 жыл бұрын
+DeadSkillZ +DeadSkillZ funny thing is.. lore wise you wouldnt be seeing thousands of Demon Hunters wandering around in Major Cities as they despise them for wielding dark powers. If anything they only rest at inns from time to time. Blizzard is only releasing such as a last effort for WoW...breaking their own lore in such a way unless many were to fulfill it by RPing which i highly doubt would happen.
@PaulRoneClarke4 жыл бұрын
Love the vid. Good general advice. Realised I play the game with very different priorities. I don’t like melee at all and never got a rogue above level 80 in 14 years of playing WoW. I don’t like PvP either. All the same the breakdown of classes at the time of WoD is pretty well laid out here.
@KeanaMorrison7 жыл бұрын
I love my shadow priest!!! My favourite so far and my main, it was my first character I capped and once I researched a bit about rotations it was a great spec that felt like it did a sh*t ton of damage imo, or at least felt super powerful, I always did the most dps in dungeons without a doubt, about mid range for raids if I remember correctly. Felt like he made it seem like it wasn't good but I found it super fun besides lack of mobility but I preferred and didn't mind to be more ranged, just realizing now that it's nice to be able to move while casting with other classes but doesn't compare yet to how much I loved how powerful I felt as a spriest. Haven't played it much in Legion so hopefully it will still be great!
@camille92909 жыл бұрын
This video is so unecessary. It's sad that people are really that incapable of making their own decisions. There is a brief explanation for each class on the character creation screen. Secondly, I notice that there's a lot of morons who view the "best class" as what most ppl have theorycrafted as having the "top dps." It doesn't matter. Play what you like. A good player will play a healer, tank or dps and do it well. If you're choosing your character based solely on theorycrafting and who has the most POTENTIAL for damage or healing or whatever else, you're doing it wrong. Word of advice: Best potential can't fix stupid.
@PunjabIndialthebest9 жыл бұрын
Stop crying about it
@PunjabIndialthebest9 жыл бұрын
+CloudyCakes why are you so upset about my comment? Let me state my own opinion Hypocrites are really cry babies
@PunjabIndialthebest9 жыл бұрын
CloudyCakesi do not treat them like crap. stop bullying me?
@Sion519 жыл бұрын
Cornelius Vermuyden Yeah ok buddy
@PunjabIndialthebest9 жыл бұрын
CloudyCakesgood boy
@WatercolorMush8 жыл бұрын
i've mained a windwalker monk and a disc priest for the majority of WoD, and before that my frost dk was my dps main, even though I've also mained my priest since vanilla. I usually like to have a dps main bc it's hard af to solo content as a healer (while I survive just fine in most situations, killing things takes FOREVER since your spec isn't really designed for it), though I sometimes return to shadow as an offspec. That said, my sister pretty much considers me as her go-to healer as she's a big fan of melee classes in general (fury warrior as her main). I know people don't really care but something I really regret?? Using my Legion preorder boost on a mage. I don't know why but I always think they won't be so bad and that I can get good at them every now and then but the reality of it is that i end up frustrated bc i keep dying/almost dying.
@mariomeetslego9 жыл бұрын
I am so happy bout' all dis Monstercat moosic! ^_^ It looks like someone is a Nitro Fun fan. :P
@bencoelho35779 жыл бұрын
3:55 I MUST KNOW OF THIS TRANSMOG SET. Someone with an analytical eye please tell me what the set pieces are (or at least look like)!
@Seylah2469 жыл бұрын
Tanking heroics in WOTLK with my PVP spec Enhancement shaman in PVP gear was the most fun i've ever had with WoW. Gotta love keeping aggro with high damage and Earth Shock :D
@BonkHazard7 жыл бұрын
I prefer taking any tank role class, because it is straightforward to tank damage and your survivability is improved quite a bit by healers, and because you're not focused on dealing damage you aren't overwhelmed by the pressure by being a mandatory glass cannon that if you don't deal enough dps or generate too much threat you are endangering your whole party, so it allows me to leave the more complex tasks to others while i allow them to do it.
@adampriestley59939 жыл бұрын
Factoring in Dual Class perk, I love Paladins. Ret Pally during PVE and solo game work, and Holy during raids/dungeon runs.
@0oidiedinatimemachineo0248 жыл бұрын
Cool channel man *subscribed* I just started playing wow (I know I'm REALLY late to the game lol) and your videos have been hella helpful so thanks dude!!!
@surgedhaven86078 жыл бұрын
My favourite always used to be Paladin, Mainly because of its self-sustainability, I always loved playing a Retribution Paladin, And would change specs if my dungeon ever lost a tank or Healer, I wouldn't be good due to the gear I had, but it was fun
@missRudite8 жыл бұрын
I mainly enjoy playing with Rogue and Monk cos i like playing DPS in raids ect. The reason why i enjoy using rogue is cos of the amount of damage it does per second and especially the fact that you have to be sneaky and close to ur enemies. And the reason why i enjoy playing Monk is pretty similiar to rogue it does insane amount of damage and the fact that you have to use ur fists and feet instaed of the regular weapons and you also have a lot of mobility and it can also run 3 specs tank,dps and healing . And in my opinion they both have good looking armour.
@xgrayx15338 жыл бұрын
i enjoy your videos alot, and im a newb for the most part. i have a level 98 disc/shadow priest but i mostly play it in disc for leveling purposes bc in the dungeon finder i found that as healer the ques pop faster and also as a tank. but i have a level 67 hunter that i absolutely love bc i like attacking from range but i like melee classes and the hunter seems to fit both of those. And its easy to solo old cata raids with him bc my pet is a turtle. My priest however is getting boring to play bc i made a bad decision when i bought WOD and quickly made the decision to use my level 90 boost on a shadow priest, bc i had started an alt that i hadnt even gotten past level 20 but thought was soooo fun to play, worst mistake ever. I only play it to get it to 100 so i can have my first capped char. But i found that i love hunters more but it seems everyone hates them in the arenas and bgs bc they say we are just newbs that picked the easiest class to play, but they are fun to play so i just brush off the haters and push on. I found i do more dps on my hunter in arenas and bgs then i do on my dk or priest. But your videos are great, keep up the awesome work.
@sicksadperson80937 жыл бұрын
My main is hunter since BC. IT was a clear choice for me for I always played ranged classes (distance makes me feel secure, I am too unsure in face to face combat and also a complete moron in it, when I tried to pvp with my DK I would run around trying to kill people and then I realized that I lost my sight in the chaos and my target is far away from me and I'm not even doing any dmg to them), but I am not into magic and shit, and also I wanted to have a pet because I am fond of animals (also a reason why I love druids - you don't have an animal, but you ARE an animal).
@darkheart90449 жыл бұрын
When I started playing, I was recommended playing hunter or mage, as they back then, were the easiest to play for beginners regarding lvling. I still play mage today :)
@ZoTiXGames9 жыл бұрын
Helped a lot! Especially for my 90-Boost :D
@_namesjazzy9 жыл бұрын
I love Death Knight, Druid and Rogue. Druid got me interested, then Rogue, then DK. Personally I dislike Mage but, sometimes it is fun to play around for awhile, only thing is, I just don't like range damage. I love to do melee damage. Guess that's why I have a Frost DK, Feral Druid and Subterfuge Rogue!
@edschramm67578 жыл бұрын
I have to comment on one thing - when i first started out i tried to play a hunter... you didnt get a pet until level 10 so you had to kill whatever your target was before it could get close. then, your pet would run away if you didnt feed it often enough, and before it did its stats in combat would suffer. i gave up on that character around level 15 when my cat ran off and left me high and dry without being able to get a new one for some reason. I mained warrior from vanilla to mists, around the timeless isle patch. My primary alt is a prot pally... i like throwing my shield over and over and over again. makes me feel like captain 'merica.
@chadgoings63368 жыл бұрын
shadow priest was fun in 2006, i used to get second place iin dps for alliance with a priest in battle ground and 1 or 2 in healing in the same match.
@customizablemilk3533 жыл бұрын
those where the days.... wow still being a somewhat great game and dubstep being popular.
@Layarion9 жыл бұрын
we need more video's like this for all games with unclear but time consuming main choices
@85Reywas8 жыл бұрын
5 mins into the video I'd swear you were rapping if the music was different. Hahaaa Great video man! Great food for thought.
@Erratasx8 жыл бұрын
I can say the same for priest :D
@carcillian9 жыл бұрын
All 8 years I played I was always Tauren. My favorite class is hands down DRUID! But not to discount the other great races and fun classes like Gob-Warlock is a blast. Troll-Hunter Orc-War of course. But for me I'll always walk with the Earth Mother.
@einstini158 жыл бұрын
I would add the cool abilties that separate classes... like mage: creates food and portals, locks: summon ppl, shaman: self rez things like that
@ahegpbtrftcotu8 жыл бұрын
i main a shaman and i tend to find that in raids i can play healer better than the priests and at the same time still be in the top dps listings. excellent class, would highly recommend
@Ramon_929 жыл бұрын
I play a Disc priest at lvl 100 and i certainly recommend you to choose the same when you want to heal in PVP or in Raids.. The Priest has many abilites to stay alive and to keep others alive whilest in combat and a good PVP Disc priest can be nearly impossible to kill .
@Panthro-lo2lh9 жыл бұрын
Ret paladin. I have PLAYED (no boost) almost every class to 100 (conked out on druid at 96) and this class/spec fits me too well. I've always loved paladins in just about everything I played (Diablo, Baldur's Gate, IWD) so I'm probably biased, but a holy warrior of the light healing/buffing allies and beating the tar out of foes adds just enough flavor and variety to keep me hooked. Mage is a close second just because my mage lucked out on drops and I was able to see how strong they are relatively quickly.
@zabazios23349 жыл бұрын
I like the look of the warlock when you max out the demon bar for demonology if you dont use your form with max you have horns and purple strands floating around you
@saeed26398 жыл бұрын
as a shaman you are right, the worst weak point is their softness especially when you are leveling you character, shaman is poor against other classes but when you get your gear and fall in you cant be a easy target for them like when your healing spec is on you can beat classes cant heal themselves like mages and hunters also you can highly stand against rouges and deathknights due to totems and fast healing spells and would be a great support for your teammates in cases you are fighting against classes which deal with debuffs like moonkin druids. also i dont recommend element shaman for arenas and totally pvp because of its castings and bad handling in fistfights
@Codenamel3oom19 жыл бұрын
As a shaman I love my class for the aesthetic and lore, I've mained a shaman since classic. However I feel that Blizzard really doesn't know what they want to do with the class a lot of the time, as I always feel as though something is missing or that I am doing much worse in comparison to other classes. Regardless however I agree that Shamans remain pretty versatile and while we have lost many totems over the years we still have a few powerful ones that do the job.
@klowngaming45079 жыл бұрын
right now i main as an enhancement shaman, and while i wouldn't say i'm great at it i get no complaints in raids. next i capped a demo warlock, really fun class and spec but doesn't deal a ton of damage unless you really know how to play it. once you hit 90+ i STORNGLY recommend heading to thunder isle and getting a tome of the legion for the awesome cosmetic change, but be warned that it is not an easy find for everyone and it's intensely crowded by warlocks looking for the exact same thing you are xD. and last was my unholy death knight. i do really like the death knight class, partially for that battle rez, partially for the lore, partially for their really cool abilities that are basically less powerful version of what the lich king could do. now if they could just get that lich king's wrath ability (or whatever it was called that he uses at the end of the fight) they'd dominate pvp in every way lol
@IannisMaragakis9 жыл бұрын
You know your WoW :-) . Thank you for this excellent guide. Helped a lot.