I am so booked, already! Toronto is my favorite city to visit even without a World Pride Day! If it only had a theater district like Broadway I'd be in heaven on earth!
@miketimes214 жыл бұрын
I am humbled and honored the World Pride 2014 is being held in our backyard and we will all be a part of something bigger than ourselves. You belong! Welcome to Toronto, to Canada, to freedom, you belong, we all do!
@djazr14 жыл бұрын
I'm so excited for pride this year and even more excited for world pride!!!
@imfeelincunt884210 жыл бұрын
It's almost time!! So excited to be apart of this!
@Reephio10 жыл бұрын
Felicitaciones desde Suramerica
@adogandi12 жыл бұрын
This is cool. I think I might go. From Michigan! I love Canada!!! :)
@jason099811 жыл бұрын
I love Toronto!
@ontariobuds13 жыл бұрын
World Pride 2014 will be in Toronto. They got the 2/3 majority votes!
@MrBlahblahhhhhh12 жыл бұрын
Damn KZbin on iPad sucks... Will book my hotel pretty soon as it will get more expensive the sooner it comes. Will be packed too!
@sheldon66611 жыл бұрын
can't fucking wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@LIFEinMOLLYWOOD10 жыл бұрын
Ah, the good old days before the Rob Ford circus came to town. (or should I say "Crazy Town") Screw Rob Ford, the party rolls on and I can't wait!
@xlartanislx15 жыл бұрын
toronto needs something like this, although we are a very multicultural city, homophobia is still in the forefront of many peoples minds. Being out is hard living in the outskirts further away from downtown, like north york west end, jane and finch, jane strip, going to the east end in scarborough. The problem is that there is very little tolerance toward our community, hopefully by having world pride we could open up the eyes of the ignorant.
@MrBlahblahhhhhh12 жыл бұрын
Will book my hotel pree
@USSRGeorge15 жыл бұрын
Lucky you man, but many people are going to be stuck in toronto
@homebuddie15 жыл бұрын
@Iconoclastithon10 жыл бұрын
I believe GLBT's deserve equal human rights, there is nothing wrong with being such. Now, A MESSAGE TO THE GLBTTQ/ALLY{of which I am one, an "ally"} "COMMUNITY"/MOVEMENT(Particularly Gay Men}, said as an "ally": It is disgusting and frustrating to see "Pride" rallies, protests, events, where supposedly mature, responsible adult gay guys{and some others} show up on the crowd{or floats,etc} half-naked, not even that, but wearing nothing but tight, tiny underwear, at family/public events, right in front of children/kids, and all those allies and other GLBTQers who condone and support this. It is no wonder when homophobes stereotype gays as a bunch of sexually promiscuos perverts! Do you think that this is acceptable when you do this? That it helps the Glbtq "community" and rights movement? It is hurting the cause. It is counter-productive. I mean, use your heads people! You don't prance around in public, in front of children in nothing but skimpy, tight underwear! What are you thinking? Really, use your brains, or are you completely dense? Or are the homophobes right in their stereotypes? Glbtq and allies and event organizers should not be allowing this to be done at these events. Nor should the local govt's and police,etc; why? Because they would'nt allow this in general from anyone for any reason, why should gay men be given the special privelage to act like perverted promicuous fools in public- in front of kids when no one else can in any other context. You don't want to be stereotyped as "sexually promicuous perverts or as harmful to kids, well...then don't like that stereotype, if you do, you have no right to complain when you get stereotyped and judged as such! Grow up and use your heads! Again, I say this an an 'ally" of the movement.