WOTB | Skill-Based MM Is NOT What You Think

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Today, we talk about two things : 112 and the skill-based matchmaking. Le'ts hope WG comes back on this decision :/

Пікірлер: 114
@CrossriderBankai23 Жыл бұрын
This game is making me want to stop playing it....
@sardonicspartan9343 Жыл бұрын
Do it. No point playing if you don't like it.
@pigscanflyhigh8464 Жыл бұрын
It is a very good idea. Saying this from experience.
@CrossriderBankai23 Жыл бұрын
@@sardonicspartan9343 trust me, I don't hate the game, if you know you know...
I think I ll do the same cuz I feel like I lose my time when I play, let’s play ps4 and DOOOOOOOOMM
@thuviqua5320 Жыл бұрын
Just quit playing it, if u missed the feeling then download it again for some salty games, i quited when researched 32 tier X and bought them all, i skipped these new lines
@reaperoftheyeari4481 Жыл бұрын
i feel like in the new mm they are trying to balance the good players by putting clueless team mates in their team and putting 2 good players in the enemy team and the rest of them being average instead of giving you an average team like in the last update. as a Unicum player i never had any issue with the mm in the past apart from some really unfortunate games but i feel like after the update there are just some battles that their fate is sealed in the very second the game starts by your clueless team mates and you cant make a difference regardless of how much you try. although i have to say platooning seems to be working for now
@lowresman Жыл бұрын
The MM is worse now with the enemy teams always getting great players, unlike me always getting the the dumbest players that makes camping in an e100 is the best strategy in the entire game
@sardonicspartan9343 Жыл бұрын
They've always done that.
@CeceliPS3 Жыл бұрын
Funny. What you're perceiving now is what I always perceived. And the game feels exactly the same to me. I'm 57.78% WR and 1668 DBP btw. Unicum/WN8 measuring for me is meaningless.
@consultant2678 Жыл бұрын
EU server ruined with the CIS players - they only speak Russian - always do their own thing - no team play and they suck at the game always waiting back not moving to help. WR on 2 accts been affected - so much harder to win and new MM doesn’t help!
@sardonicspartan9343 Жыл бұрын
We have the same issue on NA server. They people doing it are just from south America.
@pigscanfly8700 Жыл бұрын
Russians have 2 gears: 1st gear: Yolo rush to death and scream: "Cyka blyat" 2nd gear: Camp spawn.
@consultant2678 Жыл бұрын
@@pigscanfly8700 Wow you nailed it in a nutshell ! I think the Belarusian Govt forced Blitz to move the CIS players to EU on behest of Russia to teach them better tactics against possibly NATO due to this mentality lol
@rictic1929 Жыл бұрын
100% right. Let noobs buy tanks for money and put them in tiers, they have no right to be in, and then good players have to put up with this b.s. makes people frustrated and say goodbye. I also lost 98% of the players in my clan because they didn't want to invest lots of money in the game and then end up playing either higher tiers or noobs all the time or worse yet,both.
@sardonicspartan9343 Жыл бұрын
They really should give a small buff to older premiums. Nothing so strong as to be better than newer ones but make them relevant again.
@justinricey5496 Жыл бұрын
That would disincentivize buying new tanks though
@CeceliPS3 Жыл бұрын
I just came back to this game after years to test this "maybe new MM system" and... nope. It feels exactly the same. So if WG said that they changed stuff, they're even more scumbags than we thought. Tier 10 is still considerably worse than Tier 8. There's still noobs who go to the wrong lane, by themselves, die and then curse someone from the team that has nothing to do with it. They push you, block and make you get shot. You see 60% players on the other team while your team has 40% players. It's all the same old BS! Which is sad, because the game is really fun, if you're not getting in these rigged matches, even the ones which are rigged for you to win.
@jarlaxlebaenre5151 Жыл бұрын
I’m noticing one team has a 60 to 70% win rate player and a higher concentration of 50% plus players, the other team will have a couple of players around 50%, and the rest are high 30s to mid 40s.
@HamiltonFord Жыл бұрын
WZ-112 Glacial has always been bad. Average penetration values are wishful thinking. You’ll waste shot after shot even at close range, while your armour puts up zero resistance to enemy shells.
@PlumCastleonBlitz Жыл бұрын
Just as a small note, the new match maker is not a skill-based match maker. All it does is is push the extremely bad (and or troll) players in a different match. I kind of feel like the system is getting hate just because of some rough RNG. But I could be wrong. EDIT: I am now noticing this issue myself.
@Dwagonier Жыл бұрын
Every game im top placement and still lose while the enemy team is far better. This wasn't one bad game out of many good ones, this was every match im playing up until now.
@PlumCastleonBlitz Жыл бұрын
@@Dwagonier I am now facing similar issues.
@Dwagonier Жыл бұрын
@PlumCastle on Blitz oh yeah win one lose 3 basically
@PlumCastleonBlitz Жыл бұрын
@@Dwagonier Yep.
@laszlocarreidas9548 Жыл бұрын
You nailed it. I am off to Tank Company.
@consultant2678 Жыл бұрын
If you get 3 wins in row teams get worse and you have to drop tiers - 10 > 8 > 6 just crazy
@sardonicspartan9343 Жыл бұрын
I've tried jumping tiers. It makes no difference. If you go to t3 right now, most of them are 55% win rate with 40k battles.
@consultant2678 Жыл бұрын
@@sardonicspartan9343 I’m getting 30- 48 WR’s with 2K-30k battles - they are awful - have to wait for specific time in eve when there are less of them which is hard
@sardonicspartan9343 Жыл бұрын
We don't have skill based MM. Just look at the win rate of the players. It's the same mess it was before.
@agoodmeme4823 Жыл бұрын
Matchmaking is cursed, that is all I’d say about it. I’m not really sure what to change, it’s kind of a more intense roll of the dice now. More than it ever was
@wisecraftlive Жыл бұрын
Ever since this update, tooning with my friend had been impossible as we both have higher stats, and we get paired up with the worst players and it's become so hard to win.
@OctoLemon06 Жыл бұрын
Tbh I like the glacial. I didn’t play for months and when I got back I played a single game in it and I got 5.2k damage 4 kills and an ace. But yeah it feels a little lack lustre with armour
@stan3449 Жыл бұрын
His armor is op
@sardonicspartan9343 Жыл бұрын
@Stan 344 no it isn't.
@stan3449 Жыл бұрын
@@sardonicspartan9343 240 mm lower plate effective, 260 mm upper plate when not angled, in front of you. When you use the 6 degrees dépression almost 400 mm upper plate while 200 lower. Turret : about 300 to 500 effective. Sadly it has 180-190 weakpoints. 140 effective side armor, impenetrable when slighly angled. 120 mm effective Armor on the tracks wheels. Definitively not as strong when sidescraping but still very good. Only weakness of this tank is its weakpoint on the turret.
@alexromero7532 Жыл бұрын
I completely agree. My tier X 30 day before the update was about 3.1k avg and around 77% wr. And the first day after the update came out I had a 33% winrate and damage avg was nonexistent. But you just have to take on the chin and move forward.
@jeeptk Жыл бұрын
I have quite a few premium tanks with zero battles because of matchmaking. The 112 is one of them. Losing hope here
@sardonicspartan9343 Жыл бұрын
So you bought them and didn't play them?
@jeeptk Жыл бұрын
I have not played them yet. MM is terrible makes it no fun to play.
@jameson4844 Жыл бұрын
The MM isn’t that bad for you to not have any battles in tanks.
@jeeptk Жыл бұрын
I also have E100, IS4, Bat Chat, T57 Heavy and others with no battles. I used to play 20 or more games each day but not anymore.
@thomasdmuchowski301 Жыл бұрын
And when u read the comments on discord they are so nice to the devs …. U gotta tell them they are shooting there own feet off with every update trying to nerf and buff to please lord knows who when they really need to make a single player mode lmao … or give lessons and make a license test necessary for tanks over tier 5
@warroompainstate2661 Жыл бұрын
Omg…. I just realized I suck. Thanks for the gut punch reminder.
@robertsiegenbruk5166 Жыл бұрын
I hate the new match making system so much. It says that I will encounter better enemies but also get into better teammates. Well guess wich one is false and wich one is true. Right! My team sucks even more than before. Sure, I can't get all the time a OP team, but it's like constantly. As soon as i am dead we lost. I still fight with people who don't even have a camo on their freaking tier 10 VK 90. Like, why do I play with them? They have like a win rate from 40% meanwhile I have 58%.
@sardonicspartan9343 Жыл бұрын
It's always been that way. Lol
@robertsiegenbruk5166 Жыл бұрын
@@sardonicspartan9343 well yea, but I lost 2% Winrate since then. And I got like so much better at the game.
@coldwalker7389 Жыл бұрын
I also have the same problem, I have 2 accounts one is my main ACC and one is reroll. before the update in my 20k ACC, I rarely see any player with no clan or no camo and have no clue what they are doing, but in the reroll ACC there is a lot of them, maybe that's because of the newbie MM. but now, these players just raging in my main account, and it's so frustrating. I even tried to go to rank battles but wtf how there is a 6k battle and 46WR% player could be in the same match with a player with 20k battles and 61% WR. they said that rank battles based on winrate, right?
@greatgrayowl4113 Жыл бұрын
Yes the new system is terrible. I am only a casual and average player but am being teamed with very bad teams most of the time now. I see that they position and move badly at the start and have lost before we begin. On the other hand if you never play better players you cannot improve so the high skill players should be more tolerant of those who are learning. Teams should be balanced, with a mix of skilled and less skilled people on each team in proportion to one another. If my situation of being on hopeless teams goes on, I and others will pack it in. This change was a mistake!
@draginyo Жыл бұрын
What same skilled players I literally got 40% players even tought im a 60% er
@bobanmeijer Жыл бұрын
its probably linked to your Rating score
@sardonicspartan9343 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. It's the same as it was before.
@sardonicspartan9343 Жыл бұрын
@@bobanmeijer naw, most people don't play ratings.
@jelicadujmovic9781 Жыл бұрын
I just know that after new matchmaking im waiting much longer to get in to battle. My current waiting in que record is 13min and 27sec haha just makes me play less
@eastcoastdrones4517 Жыл бұрын
I’m a mid 50% WR player with 1600 avg damage. I’m either in games with mid to high 50% players OR 30 to 40% players with no avg damage. WG WTF?
@YousufHasan98 Жыл бұрын
No actually they have made a very little change in MM but, by playing matches what I'm truly experiencing is they haven't made any changes at all! It is basically same as before. Example: 5 bad players + 2 good players vs 5 good players + 2 bad players. The MM system still rigging when your press the battle button. If it forces you to play with a shit teammates, no matter how hard you try you can't change the outcome. I'm still getting win streak or lose streak. In skill based matchmaking those win/lose streaks don't happen to a player. There is no rigging, no RNG. In skill based MM if you did something well you would get something well, if you did something bad you would get something bad. The summary of skill based MM is "In skill based MM or mirror MM you will make your fortune in the battlefield. The MM won't take control over your fate"
@tsuaririndoku Жыл бұрын
MM is kindda more rigged than ever. Literally I keep shoving on bad players team. Like srsly I keep seeing 7- 0 more frequent than before. And most effort was done by me. IDK why my team is worse than previous patch. It seems WG listen to minority about MM. or they listen to Players that are on RU server before. The MM is worse than I’ve expected. Maybe WG thinks we are a total idiots here. What WG should do is making MM balanced in a way that shouldn’t be disgusting. How do I solve this mess. Very simple. Remove the WG ideas of match punishment or carry mode. Basically makes the Regular Battles into Casual Battles. Remove WR ideology and shove everyone all over the places. Doesn’t require how much WR you need to have per team. This solve the issue of Bad MM in overall. Cuz by removing the limits, MM just shove you in. It just being balanced by a Tank Roles. Not WR. Means you still gonna have Better WR vs Worse WR still or even in common/rare cases equal WR battles. Basically makes it Jack of All Trades. Not this Rigged mess. It just making the game fun and makes a lot of mains vehicles more engaging. Or my personal Idea of rework entire game. By literally Making the game become Team Death Match with respawns. With Class Base Tanks. Means you required to unlock LT, MT, TD and HT to work. Ofcorse you’ll earn more credits and free XP while also unlocking any tanks now.
@nigelperrin6012 Жыл бұрын
When I'm the best player on the team, I know the team is bad. I've had 17 losses in a row its never happened before. What you're most losses.
@ericmiller9382 Жыл бұрын
I love the honesty. Well done
@pedrosabino9788 Жыл бұрын
Great video 👍 The game sound its a little bit loud
@LeeMadik Жыл бұрын
I mean, it is realistic i guess
@samoerai6807 3 ай бұрын
Little did he know the game got absolutely ruined one and a half year later after he made this video because wg officially introduced this. It resulted in a huge backlash and luckily after a month they reversed it to random matchmaker again.
@King-hh3kl Жыл бұрын
MM is so bad now. I played with type 71 and guess what enemy shells went right into the gun mantlet while I was hull down. DIRECTLY in the Mantlet. God
@jupiter_1_348 Жыл бұрын
Pantouflee , you are correct, I completely agree and see players leaving the game due to wg actions, their mm is worse , players are getting frustrated with the game and changes , i don’t see improvements only worse changes to game for players and this will only cause more players and new players to not stay consistent with the game. Also the wz 112 i don’t even play this tank nor have i for a long time due to its uselessness in game.
@thomasdmuchowski301 Жыл бұрын
Wg is cracked I can bounce most shells in my t100 light tank but my heavy’s get slaughtered no matter how I try to angle or hide … I can’t penn most tanks with my heavy’s and they are slow but my meds well they will penn anything they relaod very fast and are very agile … that being said u can’t drive any team dependent tanks anymore as most of your team will be afk and the rest will be tds camping in the back waiting for u to be defeated so they can clean up and get the hp …. They s game will never get any better until they get the player base to work as teams … I don’t know why they don’t just offer insensitives like 5 gold for every tank that shots a red you call out or penalties for being to far form your team mates
@IMAyt_ Жыл бұрын
Actually, WG said something opposite - they are NOT making skill based MM but adding second MM queue for players constantly acting very poorly in battles. BTW skilled based MM doesn't work at all as you mentioned in vid.
@alexissandoval1284 Жыл бұрын
Whatever they did, the matchmaking sucks now more than ever before. I've asked my clan, friends, everyone agrees the new matchmaking is even more unbalanced.
@jameson4844 Жыл бұрын
Just look at cod with their sbmm
@sanjuanworm666 Жыл бұрын
Kinda been playing tank company for the last few weeks and not missing blitz at all...40000 battles on blitz and its gone to shit
@drachte Жыл бұрын
I came back to play this game after 2.5 yeras brake. I used to love to play wz120-gft but it is noticible its not the way it used to be. Plus they added some bizzare tank as annihilator at tier 7 who shots like 3 Times at Once. I can totally agree that they make old premiums less op or relevant for New ones. Then, standard tanks are tottaly garbage So they buff them that they are at the same level as old premiums. Look at New Minotaur. Totalny op at this momen. So i guess they implement New premiums that they would compete with them. Look even at ne event. Its Just New waffentrager with reskin and better reload. They abertise it like free tank which is not. The currency i 3/4 of the tank and if u really want in u need to pay remainings with gold. But eve to do So your clan have to make all the bonuses that are avaiable to unlock for buying ramaining currency. Wg at its finest
@andarchy1386 Жыл бұрын
I have noticed any difference in the mm
@tanksblitz4934 Жыл бұрын
Hey pantuflee do a video on crew skills And if it affects mm in 9.4 I have green check mark on crew skills Thanks again
@solarbear6012 Жыл бұрын
Wg need to translate the hyrogliphics
@sriramkannan2592 Жыл бұрын
The update is excellent for the matchmaking. In the Asia server, people from pro clans used to be in the match. Most of the time, they used to be toxic and bully newer players. But since the matchmaking update, things have improved. "Fight someone your own size" became a lot more relevant.
@tanksblitz4934 Жыл бұрын
Do you think crew skills affects mm
@Catch202 Жыл бұрын
Let's face facts ... at the moment with all these events on ... MM discussion is pointless .... It's going to be like this till Christmas. Next up is the clan event with platoons of the most OP tanks imaginable ... kill stealing ... rigging ... blocking ... you name it ... anything goes. Droodles last year was playing M7s in a platoon with other super unicums.
@thercanonlybeonewotblitz7670 Жыл бұрын
I don't think blitz will ever recover. Don't spend money on the game.
@OppoR-xf3nc Жыл бұрын
Not balance dang you WG, Balanced I will quit, Never satisfied 😌. Since beginning I never mind the MM, I just play and if I lose, rage a bit with thumbs down then start a new one. If you wanna same skilled team mates the enemy will also have the same skill, what do you expect?😌
@jameson4844 Жыл бұрын
They need to fix the mm before they ad in new p2w premiums
@exoticflavorsBulls Жыл бұрын
I don't know to me this tank really was trash i had its for few yrs I meant to get the one -2 im 55% wr in this thing 65% accuracy my is3 im at 75% wr 2k battles and 83% accuracy
@reashow Жыл бұрын
MM sucks so hard!!! 5x 0:7 lost in a row!!! i am the only one med in my team VS 2 magazine meds in enemy team = hard lost, its time to leave the game
@markogaudiosi5243 Жыл бұрын
I have such a hard time playing meds too. Exactly what you just said.
@tripsy851 Жыл бұрын
Certainly some strange goings on !!
@sardonicspartan9343 Жыл бұрын
Yes but not what most people are complaining about. They complain about things that have always been there.
@alexissandoval1284 Жыл бұрын
@@sardonicspartan9343 You're pretty stupid if you don't see a change from the previous update.
@0_willy_070 Жыл бұрын
I didnt notice anything 😶
@FluffyDaHellhound Жыл бұрын
at this point if blitz keeps gucking the game up ima resign myself and play WOT PC :/ at least there it becomes more enjoyable
@xaropemacgyver Жыл бұрын
@psychris_ Жыл бұрын
o7 wargaming R.I.P
@rctankgo Жыл бұрын
Pantou realising that EU "pro players" are little kids compared with pro Russian players.
@thercanonlybeonewotblitz7670 Жыл бұрын
I had an account on the RU server and it was easy farming every game.
@OytunBasegmez Жыл бұрын
EU server is dead after the server merge. Totally unplayable.
@sp4rtavus244 Жыл бұрын
Gg Wg. RIP Blitz
@HamiltonFord Жыл бұрын
MM problems are precisely because they’re NOT skill based, or rather Win Rate based. As others have said, you’ll often be the only 50%+ player on your team against several 60%+ players, in battle after battle. Language and tactics are the bigger problem. Most EU players understand English and communicate in it for strategy calls. Russians do not. I’m beginning to think Hold, Attack, etc mean something else to Russians. ;-) Playing TDs sucks when all your meds run off to hide behind the heavies. Teams these days don’t understand teamwork.
@swordfish_wotb2249 Жыл бұрын
Buy it guys, I have it and its legendary tank, like much better IS6
@sardonicspartan9343 Жыл бұрын
Not since the is6 buff.
@swordfish_wotb2249 Жыл бұрын
@@sardonicspartan9343 thats true but I like glacial more
@jeeptk Жыл бұрын
The IS6 used to be my most used tank. I probably haven’t played it in two years. It was always great for holding a flank but got power crept about that time.
@jame17 Жыл бұрын
turn down the game volumeeeeeeeeee
@themrgedas Жыл бұрын
I gread. My self play less and less. When in EU server start play russians already go bad this game. And MM still terabble. Or win or lost game I always always top player in team. Play like I must play with heawy in front line with meds spot suport no on the back game. But WR less when 60% how WG write to me what whey wona what all players get win TASTE. WOW IF YOU NOOB YOU MUST GO LOW TIER AND LEARN. BUT ALL CAN PLAY HIGHT TIER AND NO LIMITS. MUST DO SOMTHING WHAT IF AVERAGE DMG 600 NO ALAUF PLAY TIER EVEN 8 OR 1000 PLAY TIER X
@apollo2977 Жыл бұрын
This mm is still bullcrap, still garbage teams.
@panzer_jager6008 Жыл бұрын
This game has gone downhill since the start, just like Ukraine war
@kuskusdikus6014 Жыл бұрын
Yeah I'm new with around 1.5k games and most of the games I played are stomps, its not uncommon to see the other side with 5-7 tanks left at the end🥲. I spent a couple of $ at the start then I started feeling as if the game is intentionally making it harder to win in order to make you spend more, that just made me spiteful enough not to spend anymore.
@MM-je9wh Жыл бұрын
I have no problems with matchmaking....having around 80% on 20-40 games per day. In t10 ofc....have buddy and we both avg around 3k per game....t8 is irrelevant anyway. Playing it only when grinding. And problem with russians is that they are dmg farmers. But when you play in good toon you can take adv of it and inscrease wr.....problem is in players not wg....also pantouf this is touch game and you play it on PC? Is it only way to be good? Learn on touch and play it properly....
@rachaelknight8048 Жыл бұрын
the new mm is for big headed cnts like droodles
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