WOW THIS WAS SO GOOD! Equilibrium "Waldschrein"

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The Wolff And The Melody

The Wolff And The Melody

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Пікірлер: 19
@stefanstock953 8 ай бұрын
greetings and love from Germany again. Thanks to the patreon who requested this. I would have done it myself a long time ago, but unfortunately I'm just an ordinary subscriber. I would also have liked 'Equilibrium's live performance of "Rise Again" or the hilarious video for "Wirtshaus Gaudi". Well, you can not have everything. But I'm glad you heard this. When it comes to the Middle Ages, we Germans cannot be beaten. Apart from the witch burnings, of course, we invented Medieval/Folk Metal. I just say: 'In Extremo', Germany's best medieval band, in my opinion. Just look at their live performance of “Herr Mannelig”. Sung in the language 'Old Swedish', some also say it is 'Old German' or 'Gaelic'. Anyway...thanks for this reaction video and I wish you a peaceful weekend, mein Freund ✌
@Mossy-Rock 8 ай бұрын
I'm so glad you liked it! It's one of my favorite songs as it is so uplifting. It ticks all my boxes for Epic Folk Metal: the fantasy vibe, the heaviness mixed with the lightness, the symphonic element, the vocals (alternating cleans and gutterals), the harp and some synth. When I hear this song I just want to go out and hike the forest paths! Thank you!
@WNYretiree 8 ай бұрын
I loved this. The music was so lively and exhilarating. Loved the clean vocals and the growls didn't bother me that much because they were balanced. But, it was the music itself that drew me in and kept me there.
@DanTheSqueegeeMan 8 ай бұрын
Haha, what a good time! When I was a kid, I loved playing the Bard's Tale fantasy RPG games on my Commodore. The intro to this song immediately reminded me of it. So good. Thanks to the Patron for recommending this. Great pick!
@ThaBeatConductor 8 ай бұрын
So glad someone requested this. Such a good song for coming into springtime. I mentioned this in one of your folk metal reactions, glad you're getting to hear it. This whole album is pretty good. There's even a song that's like, reggae/death metal/ska.
@draug7966 8 ай бұрын
Fun and catchy as hell! I love folk metal, it can be like this or much darker but it always gets you into that fairytale/nature vibe.
@stasianitzouvara3114 8 ай бұрын
Awesome song with such a fantasy vibe!! Great reaction!!
@Moleman0815 8 ай бұрын
Thumbs up for Equilibrium, long time fan here. They were founded in 2001 they come from Bavaria in Germany and have a backlog of 6 albums, they mostly sing in German. Sadly the newer stuff becomes more and more Metalcore and the cool folkish elements are becoming less and less. I recommend older stuff like Blut im Auge (blood in the eye), Heimwärts or Unbesiegt, Der ewige Sieg. I could easily recomment the whole Saga and Turis Fratyr albums, they are awersome. First two albums are with the original singer Helge, the last 4 are with Robse. They have a new singer for the next album maby thats why they changed their style in music. I would also love to suggest you another German band called Callejon song would be Metropolis.
@TheWolffAndTheMelody 8 ай бұрын
Thanks so much! I loved this sound so much. Callejon? Will check em out.
@lizardanya 8 ай бұрын
This makes me want to go on a magical adventure somewhere. Maybe fight off a horde of goblins, ride on the back of a dragon, or go on a quest for some long-lost sword of legend.
@SDB311 8 ай бұрын
Awesome shirt bro! Great reaction and dive deeper into Equilibrium, you wont be disappointed.
@anco89 8 ай бұрын
Awesome! It reminds me of Nightwish a bit. If they were german and more mythology/fantasy oriented with a male singer😁
@gabrielkain1 8 ай бұрын
Definitely reminded me of a sped up Pirates of the Caribbean vibe on this one. Really cool keyboard, but I was not a fan of the lead vocals. The vocals during the chorus were way better than during the versus. Overall the music was super cool though.
@Prash_86 8 ай бұрын
Haha yes. Now I can't unhear it
@ThaBeatConductor 8 ай бұрын
If you want bigger Pirates vibes from them, listen to Wellengang.
@lokeforce8905 7 ай бұрын
This while album is fantastic. Made by one guy, plus the vocalist
@dukecehli 7 ай бұрын
Mana! Best song they ever released!
@hhattonaom9729 19 күн бұрын
@Rose-From-the-Dead 8 ай бұрын
I love these guys! They're like Finntroll without the black metal
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