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Write five pairs of prime numbers less than 20 whose sum is divisible by 5. | Learnmaths
#pairsofprimenumbers #lessthan20 #sumisdivisibleby5 #Writefivepairsofprimenumberslessthan20whosesumisdivisibleby5. #Learnmaths
prime numbers|what is the sum of the prime numbers less than 20?|6th class maths playing with numbers chapter 3|maths chapter 3rd playing with numbers class 6|class 6th chapter 3rd playing with numbers|chapter 3rd playing with numbers class 6th|class 6th playing with numbers ex 3.2|class 6th playing with numbers|playing with numbers class 6th ch 3rd|write three pairs of prime numbers|wrire 5 pairs of prime numbers|