[WWE] Drew McIntyre 2010-2012 Theme Arena Effects |"Broken Dreams"

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Wrestling Arena EffectsXP

Wrestling Arena EffectsXP

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Requested By: D Muqri
Drew McIntyre and his old 'Chosen One' Theme Song, "Broken Dreams" W/Arena Effects. Enjoy!

Пікірлер: 20
@joshsindall5334 3 жыл бұрын
I wish he had this nowadays
@romanxreign 3 жыл бұрын
I miss this theme! I hope that someday Drew will bring it back 🙌🏼
@philkennedy5758 3 жыл бұрын
@@romanxreign One of my top 5 favorite wwe theme songs
@kiyoshikaoto5147 2 жыл бұрын
@@romanxreign he brought it back at clash at castle
@AresSantana3877 3 жыл бұрын
0:23 0:28 0:32 0:38 0:40 0:43 0:48 1:12
@philkennedy5758 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly what I wanna hear when drew gets the choosen one gimmick back
@Philthorn Жыл бұрын
At least we got to hear it one last time at clash at the castle
@jordynstief3225 3 жыл бұрын
After the rather back and forth Lone Wolf TLC showdown Main Event... *Broken Dreams plays in the background* Announcer: Here's your winner, the Black Metallic Braveheart Nightmare Rose, Empress Madame Ninja Barrett! Michael Cole: Empress Madame Ninja Barrett saving Raw tonight from the eternal reign of darkness of the Lone Wolf. Guys, look at the now former Acting Raw General Manager. His master plan just backfired and blew up in his face here tonight against his own Lone Wolfess, Empress Barrett. Renee Young: *overjoyed* She did it! She did it here at TLC. She exposed his tenure as Acting Raw General Manager as what she believed and felt in her heart to have been a sham all along. It looks like justice has finally been served. Michael: And you know what? I'm glad it did. Corey Graves: The Lone Wolf has been dethroned and his world just crumbled right here tonight at TLC at the hands of my Liege, the Angel of Justice, Empress Barrett. Empress Madame Ninja Barrett: (safely climbs back down the ladder with the Raw General Manager's orb shining brightly in hand, while proudly wearing the Constable of SmackDown Live medal around her neck for the honor of the man that she serves as the personal representative, the Commissioner of SmackDown Live, Shane McMahon.) *sighs impatiently* I thought that match would never end. And now, his reign of darkness is over. The balance between the dual branded power triangles of Raw and SmackDown Live have finally been restored. (feels the merciful side of her return, slips out of the ring, gently rolls the unconscious body of her opponent, Baron Corbin, back inside the ring, gets back into the ring, waits patiently for him to regain consciousness, helps him back up and then turns to him, obviously extremely apologetic.) Baron, I'm sorry. But I had to save you from yourself. The power of the Raw General Manager's orb had clouded your vision and corrupted you, transforming you into a tyrant. You needed to be stopped. And I figured out that if it wasn't going to be anyone else that was not going to be strong enough to stop you, it was certainly and definitely going to be up to me to dethrone you as Acting Raw General Manager, regardless of whether or not you wanted me to. You can forgive me, can't you? Renee: Is she basically asking the former Acting Raw General Manager, the Lone Wolf, Baron Corbin for his forgiveness? Michael: (nods.) You figure, Renee. Maybe she internally feels like she may have hurt or betrayed him in someway. Corey: At least, she's apologizing for it right now. I highly doubt that Corbin's not going to forgive my Liege for what she's done here tonight at TLC. Baron Corbin: (romantically embraces his Lone Wolfess, clearly showing that despite the deep anger he currently feels brewing inside, he's willing to forgive his dearly beloved Lone Wolfess for what she's done against him in their TLC showdown for the Raw General Manager's orb.) Listen, my Lone Wolfess. I'm not angry at you for what you did just now. In fact, I'm glad you were able to save me from myself. If anything, I think I should be the one apologizing right now. Perhaps you were right when you said that I may have been in over my head as Acting Raw General Manager. I don't think I was ever meant to gain power and I guess it just clouded my judgement. Now that you've successfully removed one cursed Raw orb from my possession, I need you to help me make a decision about the second one. Ninja: Of course, Monsieur Corbin. Is this about the Constable of Raw orb? Baron: (nods in response to his Lone Wolfess's question.) The very same. Ninja: Okay. Well, about that particular orb, I've already decided in advance that I am going to let you go ahead and keep that particular orb because you obviously need it more than I do. Baron: I see. (motions her to follow him.) Come. Let's go find the others and we'll let them know of the match's result. Ninja: Okay, Constable. (follows him to the backstage area.) Oh. I hope you don't mind, but I already started on my potential new role as Acting Raw General Manager. Baron: Of course not, my Lone Wolfess. Ninja: Alright. Would you be upset with me if I told you that I may have reinstated Rhyno? (watches as the Man Beast approaches her.) Baron: You what?! I mean, that's great. Fabulous, even. Ninja: That's what I thought you said. (follows him back to the backstage area with Rhyno also following close behind the both of them.) Meanwhile in the backstage area... Kurt Angle: (nervously pacing back and forth.) Oh. I'm just nervous about what the final result's going to be. Bobby Roode: Listen, Angle. I think I speak for us all when I say that we're all nervous about what the final result will be. Paul Ellering: (notices his victorious client returning from the Lone Wolf TLC showdown with two gentlemen at her side, the Lone Wolf and someone else and runs toward her.) My client, you've returned! Chad Gable: I don't believe it. They actually found us. (points in the Glorious One's direction.) Look! There's Ninja, Bobby. Empress Madame Ninja Barrett: (embraces her advocate following the events of the match, being extremely careful not to accidentally drop the Raw General Manager's orb in her hands.) Rhyno: (appears from behind the Lone Wolves and goes to find his tag partner.) Braun Strowman: (with his arm in a sling as he approaches the Empress.) Good to see that you're alive and well, Empress. Ninja: Thank you, Monsieur Strowman. (turns to see her Raw tag team champion partner.) Monsieur Balor?! But I thought you said you were sick. Finn Balor: I thought so too, Empress. Luckily, I think it was just a false alarm. Ninja: Good. I was just nervous if it was going to be something sinister. Finn: Yeah. Me too. Ninja: Oh, yeah. Before I forget to hand it back over, (walks over to the Olympic Gold Medalist and hands the Raw General Manager's orb back to him, fulfilling her end of the deal.) I believe this is yours, Monsieur Angle. Kurt: (retrieves the Raw General Manager's orb from the Empress.) Thank you, Empress. (immediately changes back into the Raw General Manager's outfit after the transfer of the orb's effects wear off.) Ah. That feels so much better. Ninja: (walks back over to her locker room with her advocate and the Constable of Raw following close behind and they eventually arrive at her locker room with her royal guards, Darkiplier and Antisepticeye faithfully standing at the black metallic kingdom's door, then unlocks the door and escorts them inside for the night with her royal guards being careful to shut the door behind them on the way in and escorts the Constable of Raw to his chamber for the night and assists him with getting settled and tucked into bed for the night.) *sings the Whiskey Lullaby to ease him into a deep sleep* Baron Corbin: (lets her soothing lullaby engulf his increasingly weary mind and closes his very heavy eyes as he feels himself drifting off to sleep.) *yawn, voice trails* Goodnight, my Lone Wolfess. (falls into a deep, restful slumber.) *gentle snoring in his sleep* Ninja: *finishes her soothing lullaby at last* (watches as the Lone Wolf becomes lost in peaceful dreams, bids him goodnight with a rather long and very romantic kiss and turns down the lights so he could sleep without his rather sensitive eyes becoming blinded by light.) Sleep well, Monsieur Corbin. (quietly slips away from the chamber so he could rest peacefully in private.) Okay. (heads back to her throne and sits down for a few minutes.) Ah. That's much better. (prepares herself a nice little bowl of chilli and eats it.) *sings a verse from her entrance theme, Broken Dreams to herself* *knock on the door* Ninja: (sets her bowl of chilli down and rises from her throne in anticipation of whoever is at the door.) Oh. I'm not expecting any visitors at this hour. Come in. *door opens up, catching the attention of the Empress and Grand WWE Champion* Dr. Michael Hunter: I heard Raw has you to thank for Corbin being overthrown as Acting Raw General Manager. Ninja: (sits back down, takes the bowl of chilli and continues to eat it, relieved that it's just her confidante at the door of her locker room.) Dr. Hunter. Dr. Hunter: (as he's approaching his confidante's throne in order to heal her physical wounds following the events of the Lone Wolf TLC showdown while being careful to shut the door behind him as he enters.) I saw the whole thing. I must say that I was very impressed by your dominate performance in the match. I can't believe you were able to overthrow your own best friend and tag partner, despite the inevitable and undeniable heartache it might've caused between you both. I know how difficult it must've been for you to make the painful decision to dethrone your own best friend like that, but I also know that it took great courage to vanquish him. And I also knew that you were strong enough on your own to stop him.
@jordynstief3225 3 жыл бұрын
A while later in the black metallic kingdom locker room of the Empress and Grand WWE Champion after the events of TLC 2018... *knock on the door* Empress Madame Ninja Barrett: Come in. Dr. Michael Hunter: (goes over to answer the black metallic kingdom locker room door and opens it, letting whoever is at the door in and going back to the throne of his confidante.) Drew McIntyre: (in the doorway of her black metallic kingdom locker room.) Empress? You in here? Ninja: I'm up ahead, McIntyre. Drew: (as he's approaching the Empress's throne.) Oh. Hey, sweetheart. You seem battered and bruised right now. Are you okay? Ninja: (nods.) I'm not gonna lie, I'm still in a little bit of pain right now. Drew: Oh. By the way, is Corbin available right now to talk to me for a few minutes, if that's ok with you? Ninja: (shakes her head.) I just tucked him into bed a little bit ago. He seemed to have been feeling very exhausted. Drew: So, the answer's no, then? Ninja: (nods in response.) Yes. Drew: Oh. Okay. I just didn't know if he was asleep yet or not. Ninja: He just fell asleep not too long ago. He might not be up until the break of dawn tomorrow, knowing him. Drew: Okay. Ninja: Oh. By the way, did you get a chance to speak to either Bobby Lashley or Lio Rush at all? Drew: (shakes his head.) No, I haven't, Your Majesty. Last I heard, they were still licking their wounds from the Elias fight. Ninja: Oh, yeah. I've been meaning to speak to Elias about something. Drew: When I spoke to Elias, he said he was just going to drop off some stuff in his locker room and then be over to pay you a visit. Ninja: Okay. If you want on your way out, just leave my door open in case if he does decide to come over. Drew: Okay. (exits her black metallic kingdom locker room, while being careful to leave the door open behind him and bumps into the Drifter just as he's approaching her black metallic kingdom locker room.) Oh, Elias. The Empress and Grand WWE Champion has been expecting you. Elias Samson: (with his trusty guitar in its case in hand.) Hey, Drew. Do you know if Her Highness is back yet from the Lone Wolf TLC showdown? Drew: (nods.) Yes, I do. She just returned to her locker room from the match a little while ago. (points at the Empress at her throne in her black metallic kingdom locker room with her forensic pathologist confidante at her side.) You see her in her locker room with that world renowned forensic pathologist confidante of hers, Elias? Elias: (nods.) Yeah. I see her. Drew: That basically means that she's up ahead and she's in. (departs.) Elias: (heads inside the black metallic kingdom of her locker room with the guitar case in hand.) Ninja: (as she's watching the Drifter approach her.) Ah, Monsieur Samson. I was wondering how much longer you were going to be. Elias: (as he's approaching the Empress's throne.) I personally want you to know, Empress, that if there is a God, we see it in you. (quickly becomes a christian.) Hallelujah. May you be praised for this. Sweet salvation, I honestly thought you would never come. Ninja: Okay. I think I can accept that. (walks over toward the bed with the help of both her confidante and the Drifter and settles into bed for the night.) Elias: (sits on a stool placed nearby the Empress's bed and takes his trusty guitar out of its case.) Now, Empress. Why don't you talk to and walk with Elias for a little bit? Ninja: (as she's laying in bed, still writhing in pain from the TLC match.) Okay, Elias. Elias: Hey. Are you feeling alright? Ninja: Well, I am still a little banged up from the TLC match with Monsieur Corbin just now. Elias: Feeling sleepy? Ninja: (sleepily nods in response to the Drifter's question, obviously making it very clear to the Drifter that she's currently feeling very sleepy.) Mm-hmm. Very *yawn* sleepy. Elias: Okay. (thinks it over, clearly seeing that her exhaustion's starting to rear its undetermined feeling head and gets an idea.) *snaps fingers* (turns to the Empress and Grand WWE Champion as she's laying in bed.) Listen, Empress. Why don't you just ease up and relax and let me sing you a nice little lullaby? Ninja: Alright, Elias, if you really think it'll help. A lullaby would be wonderful right about now. Elias: Okay. I need you to just do me one favor. Ninja: Alright, Elias. What is it? Elias: I want you to just let my lullaby completely ease your mind and allow yourself to just focus on getting some much needed rest and gaining some much needed sleep. Ninja: Okay, Monsieur Samson. I'll have you know that I'm fully prepared to comply. Elias: Okay. Say no more, Empress. I'll take care of it. Let my lullaby soothe your weary mind and send you on a peaceful journey towards a good night's rest while walking with Elias. *plays his trusty guitar and sings her to sleep using a very soothing lullaby* Ninja: (lets the Drifter's soothing lullaby engulf her increasingly weary mind while snuggling and nuzzling up in the bed, obviously making herself rather cozy and very comfortable in the bed and *allows her breathing to start slowing down as her drowsiness steadily increases*.) *sleepiness slowly increases in her voice* I must admit that I do feel very sleepy right now. My eyes are getting extremely heavy, making it very difficult for me to keep them open and remain awake. Okay. If closing them will make you feel better and put your well thought out concerns about it to rest, I guess I'll have no other choice but to oblige. I can feel myself starting to drift off to your sweet lullaby. (closes her very heavy eyes as she feels herself going to sleep, allowing the Drifter's lullaby to completely engulf her increasingly weary mind and her vision of the Drifter to gradually become blurry until it completely fades to black, giving him an indication that she has just drifted off to sleep and that she doesn't want to fight her increasing sleepiness any longer.) Ah, much better. *yawns one last time, voice trails* Goodnight, Elias. (falls into a deep, restful slumber.) Elias: *finishes his soothing lullaby and soothingly coos her to sleep* (puts his trusty guitar back into its case, watching the Empress and Grand WWE Champion become lost in peaceful dreams safely in the warm embrace of her restful slumber in the bed, hops off the stool, tucks the Empress and Grand WWE Champion into bed for the night by draping a very warm blanket over her now sleeping body in order to prevent the Empress and Grand WWE Champion from shivering and developing a chill in her sleep, gently strokes her head with his hand in order to push sleep to the forefront of her mind and bids her goodnight with a rather lengthy kiss.) Sweet dreams, Empress. (turns down the lights so she could sleep without having her rather sensitive eyes becoming blinded by light and with the guitar case in hand, quietly slips away from her black metallic kingdom locker room, leaving the world renowned forensic pathologist confidante of the Empress to medically tend to her while she peacefully rests comfortably in the bed in the privacy of her black metallic kingdom locker room.) Dr. Hunter: (leaves the Empress's locker room to fetch some medical supplies from the Trainer's Room and walks out of the black metallic kingdom locker room, only to be greeted by 4 gentlemen pacing outside the door.) Seth Rollins: (as he and the other 3 gentlemen approach the world renowned forensic pathologist confidante of the Empress and Grand WWE Champion.) So, Michael. How bad is it? Dr. Hunter: *sigh* The patient is resting. She will eventually make a full recovery. Dean Ambrose: Great. Dr. Hunter: But, I highly doubt that she would be ready for any more visitors at this hour. Finn Balor: Oh. Bobby Roode: What seems to be the problem with her currently, doc? Dr. Hunter: The patient is currently suffering from bouts of extreme exhaustion, (removes his eyeglasses and looks toward the camera.) combined with intense physical pain. (puts his eyeglasses back on and looks back toward the 4 gentlemen.) All: Ooh. Dr. Hunter: Now, if you gentlemen will excuse me, I need to head to the Trainer's Room and fetch some medical supplies and I will be in the locker room of the Empress and Grand WWE Champion all night tonight in order to medically tend to her. (leaves to head to the Trainer's Room for some medical supplies for his patient.) Seth: Gee. Exhaustion combined with physical pain. No wonder sis seemed exhausted but never complained. A while later... Dr. Michael Hunter: (returns to the black metallic kingdom locker room of the Empress and Grand WWE Champion with the medical supplies from the Trainer's Room needed to help her and reenters her black metallic kingdom locker room, just as her funeral director is also walking inside her black metallic kingdom locker room for the night with the supplies in hand and returns to the bedside of his resting confidante to perform the series of medical tests on the body of his sleeping confidante as she's still under the relaxing, soothing and stimulating effects of the Drifter, Elias Samson's lullaby.) *knock on the door* Dr. Hunter: Oh. Someone must not have gotten my message then. (walks over to the door and opens it.) Oh. Hello, Shane O'Mac. Shane McMahon: Hey. Michael Hunter, right? Dr. Hunter: Yes. Shane: Do you mind if I come in and check on my Constable? Dr. Hunter: I won't mind at all. However, she's just fallen asleep, so she's currently resting. But other than that, please come in. Shane: (walks over toward the Empress's bed and kneels by the bed of his personal representative while she rests comfortably in the bed.) Dr. Hunter: (performs the medical tests on his resting confidante and successfully heals her following the events of the Lone Wolf TLC showdown for the Raw General Manager's orb.)
@jordynstief3225 3 жыл бұрын
The next morning... Empress Madame Ninja Barrett: *yawns* (as she wakes up from her restful slumber for the day, is gently helped out of the bed by the Commissioner of SmackDown Live and her confidante, takes the medication given to her by her confidante and walks out of her locker room with the Commissioner of SmackDown Live following closely behind.) Seth Rollins: (as he's approaching his Shield sister.) Hey, sis. Ninja: Oh. Hey, Brother Rollins. Seth: I understand that we have you to thank for saving us all from Corbin's threat of eternal career damnation. Ninja: Yes, that is correct. Seth: So far, you're the only person I know that would immediately confirm that. Ninja: Mmm. Seth: Hey. Are you feeling alright, sis? Ninja: (nods.) I'm not going to lie, I'm still in a little bit of pain right now. Seth: I honestly thought you and Corbin both brought down the house. Ninja: Thank you, Brother Rollins. I was only doing what I thought and felt in my heart was right, even if it meant making the heartbreaking decision to dethrone my own best friend and tag partner. (walks over to her mailbox, opens it and retrieves the payments of several Raw superstars.) Looks like I'll have to sit through the payments of several Raw superstars for the first part of today. Bobby Roode: (as he's approaching the Empress with Chad Gable following close behind.) Hey, Empress! Ninja: Ah, Monsieur Roode and Monsieur Gable. Chad Gable: Did you get our payment from last night? Ninja: Yes, I actually just got it. I was not expecting anyone to pay me back for the events of last night. I was just doing what I thought and felt in my heart was right. Oh. By the way, I heard bottles being popped last night in celebration. Bobby: Yes, this is all completely true. Ninja: I wasn't sure, so I figured I'd ask. The punk should've known that his reign's End of Days were coming. (realizes what she said.) *starts laughing* Bobby: Did you just make an End of Days joke? Ninja: Yeah. *hears the scream of Drew McIntyre* Sounds like Drew McIntyre's in trouble. (turns to run to the locker room of the Lone Wolf, the last known sight of her best friend and tag partner.) Hold on, McIntyre. I'm coming. (runs to the locker room of the Lone Wolf.) A while later at the locker room of the Lone Wolf... Empress Madame Ninja Barrett: (stands at the door of the Lone Wolf's locker room.) *knocks on the door and calls to her best friend and tag partner from the other side of the door* *door creaks open* Ninja: Guess he must've left the door unlocked. (lets herself in and searches for the Lone Wolf.) *calls out to him as she's searching for him* Baron Corbin: (from somewhere in his locker room.) Oh. Hello, my Lone Wolfess. Ninja: (faces her best friend and tag partner, the Lone Wolf.) Monsieur Corbin. I was just beginning to get nervous. I heard McIntyre screaming from over here and I didn't know what must've happened. Baron: Follow me. (leads her to the location of Drew McIntyre, who's currently lying down on the floor, unconscious.) I guess this is why he must've screamed out for you. Ninja: (enters the room.) Oh, no. McIntyre! (runs over toward the unconscious body of Drew McIntyre.) Baron: He was like this when I found him this morning, my Lone Wolfess. Ninja: Do you know if Bobby Lashley might've been the one behind the attacks on Monsieur McIntyre? Baron: (nods.) It very well could've been. Ninja: Okay. We need to get him moved into my locker room, now. Baron: Yes, my Lone Wolfess. (picks up the unconscious body of Drew McIntyre and carries it in his arms to the black metallic kingdom of his Lone Wolfess.) Ninja: (leaves the locker room of the Lone Wolf.) Meanwhile in the black metallic kingdom locker room of the Empress and Grand WWE Champion... Empress Madame Ninja Barrett: (to the Lone Wolf as she's putting the unconscious body of Drew McIntyre into her bed.) Look, I completely understand if you're still angry with me about what happened last night at TLC. Baron Corbin: Listen, my Lone Wolfess. Although I didn't agree with your actions at TLC during our Lone Wolf showdown last night, the more I thought about it, I eventually understood why you did what you did. Ninja: I see. *calls for her world renowned forensic pathologist confidante* Dr. Hunter. Dr. Michael Hunter: (runs over toward his confidante, the Empress and Grand WWE Champion.) Yes, my confidante? Ninja: Run some medical checks on Monsieur McIntyre. Make yourself acquainted with Monsieur Corbin. I'm going to hunt for the Almighty Bobby Lashley. Dr. Hunter: Yes, ma'am. Ninja: (steps out of her black metallic kingdom and begins her search for the Almighty Bobby Lashley with a steel chair in hand.) Okay. (bumps into her funeral director just as he's approaching her black metallic kingdom.) Oh, Monsieur Graves. Corey Graves: Good day, my Liege. Ninja: I'm going to investigate the attack on Monsieur McIntyre as of this morning, which I fully believe Bobby Lashley might've been the one behind it. (leaves to head to the location then arrives at the undisclosed location, which happens to be his locker room with the steel chair still in hand.) Here we are. *knocks on the door* *door opens* Ninja: Good day, Monsieur Lashley. I have a question regarding the attacks on Monsieur McIntyre this morning that I want you to answer as honestly as you can for me. Bobby Lashley: Okay. Ninja: Did you or did you not attack Monsieur McIntyre this morning in one of the chambers of the locker room of the Lone Wolf? Bobby: Seems like you caught me red-handed, didn't you? Ninja: Are you admitting to the attacks on Monsieur McIntyre? Bobby: Yes, I am confessing to the attacks on Drew McIntyre. Ninja: Okay. That's all I wanted to know. (turns to head back to her locker room, walks toward him with the steel chair in hand and returns the favor by attacking him the same way he did Owens, Zayn, Bálor, herself and now, McIntyre before finally dropping the steel chair and heads back to her locker room.) Meanwhile in the chamber of the funeral director in the black metallic kingdom of the Empress and Grand WWE Champion... Corey Graves: What happened? Baron Corbin: *sharply exhales* That's the million dollar question, isn't it? I screwed up. And now I have to take accountability for it. I mean, there's no getting around that. I screwed up. I took my Lone Wolfess lightly. And right out of the gate, she fought me to the bitter end of the fight, surprising me in the process. I then congratulated her. I told her that she was the better man and the better Lone Wolf and then, I apologized. Thankfully, she took both me and Drew McIntyre back. Corey: Speaking of McIntyre, how did he take the events that occurred last night? Baron: He took it very well, which completely surprised me because I originally thought he was going to be just as irate about it as I was. I guess I just made the mistake of judging a book by its cover. But then, he flashed me this look that for me translates to, "I told you so." During the Lone Wolf's interview with his Lone Wolfess's funeral director into what happened during the Lone Wolf TLC showdown last night... *door to the chamber opens* ???: (enters the room.) Excuse me for intruding, gentlemen, but is this a bad time? (notices both the funeral director and the former Acting Raw General Manager.) Oh. Hello. Corey Graves: (smiles nervously and waves at the gentleman.) Baron Corbin: (gets up from the chair and confronts the gentleman.) Who exactly are you? ???: Where are my manners? Allow me to formally introduce myself. The name's Aleister Black. Aleister Black: And I am the current NXT tag team partner of the Empress and Grand WWE Champion. Baron: I see. Oh. I guess it's my turn now, isn't it? I am Baron Corbin. I currently serve as the SmackDown Live tag team partner of the Empress and Grand WWE Champion, despite the fact that I was drafted to Raw in the Superstar Shakeup. Aleister: By the way, I saw your tag partner's performance in that fight against you last night and I have to say that I was very impressed by her performance in the match. She showed absolutely no mercy against you, which immediately caught my interest. And then, I saw her use my Black Mass to knock you out cold, not to mention, senseless. Sometime that very afternoon on the day after TLC 2018... Empress Madame Ninja Barrett: (outside her black metallic kingdom locker room still tending to her wounds from the Lone Wolf TLC showdown main event for the Raw General Manager's orb.) AJ Styles: (walks over to her with Daniel Bryan.) Tell me. What the hell happened?! How could he lose to you?! Daniel Bryan: Ninja, Corbin was supposed to beat you, not get pummeled by you. Ninja: Boys, there was nothing more Corbin could've done to save himself from the wrath of those he crossed. What the heck did you want him to do? Daniel: Like, maybe call out Rush, Lashley and McIntyre? Ninja: They couldn't get out to the ring in time to save him. And I would also be too much for them to handle by the time they even made it out there in one piece. AJ: Empress, I know this is probably going to be a stupid question, but do you feel any remorse at all for what you did last night? Ninja: (nods.) I'm not going to lie, I hated to have done him in like that, but, at the same time, AJ, I was not going to stand by and watch as Raw plummeted off a freaking cliff while self destructing at my best friend and tag partner's hand. As far as I'm concerned, his reign was living on borrowed time. And come last night at TLC, it was Corbin's End of Days. AJ: I see. Ninja: Even Corbin's men knew that it was Game Over from the start of the match. It was just a matter of time before his house of cards began to crumble and his world also began to fall apart. (walks back into her locker room.) Ah. (sees the Dutch Destroyer, Aleister Black as he's approaching her.) Oh, Monsieur Black. Hello. Aleister Black: Hello, Empress. Baron Corbin: My Lone Wolfess, you know this guy? Ninja: Yes.
@jordynstief3225 3 жыл бұрын
A while later into the confrontation between the McMahon Family and the former Acting Raw General Manager, the Lone Wolf, Baron Corbin... Vince McMahon: We made an offer to a close friend of yours that they couldn't refuse. Stephanie McMahon: So, Raw will not be without a new General Manager for long. We already have someone in mind for the role. While they might not be what we originally expected, but as far as Raw's concerned, they'll do just fine. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the new Acting Raw General Manager. *Broken Dreams plays in the background* Empress Madame Ninja Barrett: (walks out to the ring wearing a black metallic General Manager's outfit and the Constable of SmackDown Live medal around her neck.) Michael Cole: Oh my. Renee Young: I have a feeling things have just got interesting. Corey Graves: Baron Corbin fell to my Liege last night at TLC and now, he's got to answer to her?! Michael: I guess. What an interesting 24 hours it's been for Empress Madame Ninja Barrett. She takes down the Lone Wolf, Baron Corbin. She effectively ends his reign of darkness as Acting Raw General Manager, completely lifting it from Raw in the process. She successfully defended all of her championships and now, she becomes the new Acting Raw General Manager. Ninja: (enters the ring and gains a microphone to speak to the McMahon Family.) Thank you all for that very warm welcome. Now, I think what you all should know about me that I always rule in favor of my subjects. And as the new Acting Raw General Manager, I will continue to do what's best for my subjects, what's best for Raw and more importantly, what's best for business. And if anyone tries to oppose my rule as the new Acting Raw General Manager, I will personally make sure they know that the Authority always wins. Shane McMahon: *chuckles* I'm sure you will, my Constable. Ninja: Mmm. Triple H: I'm amazed at the fact that you still remember what myself and Stephanie said about what's best for business and also that the Authority always wins. Ninja: I think you and Stephanie both kinda ingrained it into my mind a couple years ago, Hunter. Triple H: Oh yeah. I kinda forgot about that. Baron Corbin: Wait a minute. My Lone Wolfess, you're now the Acting Raw General Manager?! Ninja: Yes. Is there anything wrong with the arrangement that you see, Monsieur Corbin? Baron: What? Oh. No, no. Nothing wrong with the arrangement at all, ma'am. Ninja: Good. You shouldn't have to worry about keeping me in line, darling. If anything, I think I should be the one that should be worring about keeping (points at her best friend, the former Acting Raw General Manager.) you in line. Baron: I see. Ninja: When I was sworn in as the new Acting Raw General Manager, I made myself a promise. I made myself a vow. I vowed that when I became the new Acting Raw General Manager, I would not be making the same mistakes that my predecessor, Baron Corbin, made during his tenure as Acting Raw General Manager. Baron: I would imagine so. Ninja: Which is why earlier this morning, I called in a favor from overseas to become my Assistant Acting Raw General Manager. So, without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, please be up standing. Put your hands together and give a very, very warm welcome to the new Assistant Acting Raw General Manager. *Rebel Son plays in the background* Emperor Wade Barrett: (walks out to the ring to join his Acting Raw General Manager wife and apprentice.) Michael: Oh my. Renee: This is a very interesting move by our new Acting Raw General Manager. Corey: Okay. This surprisingly makes sense. My Liege did say that she might need some help with the new role as Acting Raw General Manager. I just didn't think it would be her husband and master of all people is all. Wade: (enters the ring and gains a microphone to speak to the McMahon Family and the Lone Wolf.) Ladies and gentlemen, after a 2 year absence, I am making my return on this monumental night. It's the Raw after TLC 2018 and I can feel the excitement in the air. Thank you all for that very warm reception on this rather cold evening. (notices the first three McMahons.) Nice to see you three again. (notices the Commissioner of SmackDown Live.) Hello, Shane. Shane: Hello. Wade: (turns to face the former Acting Raw General Manager.) Hello, Baron. Baron: *nervously* Hello, sir. Ninja: I sincerely hope you 4 don't mind, but I have already started on the new role of Acting Raw General Manager. I have reinstated Rhyno. And I also booked a match for tonight. It's going to be the newly reinstated Rhyno taking on the now former Acting Raw General Manager, the Lone Wolf, Baron Corbin in a Unsanctioned No Holds Barred match. And that match takes place right now. Michael: I love it. Renee: Pop the champagne and let's go. Corey: I guess the former Acting Raw General Manager, the Lone Wolf, Baron Corbin's about to reap what he sowed by virtue of the new Acting Raw General Manager, my Liege, Empress Madame Ninja Barrett. Ninja: (walks out of the ring following closely behind the McMahon Family and her husband and master, the new Acting Assistant Raw General Manager at her side, just as Rhyno makes his way out to the ring, looks at the Man Beast and shakes his hand as she heads to the Raw General Manager's office to set up shop.)
@jordynstief3225 3 жыл бұрын
During the Empress's rather candid interview about her victory in the Lone Wolf TLC showdown for the Raw General Manager's orb over her own best friend and tag partner, the former Acting Raw General Manager, the Lone Wolf, Baron Corbin last night at TLC and why she accepted the offer to become the new Acting Raw General Manager... Empress Madame Ninja Barrett: I mean, I'm not going to lie, it did hurt at the time to dethrone my own best friend and tag partner, but, at the same time, I was not going to stand by and watch as Raw self destructs by my tag partner's hand. The punk should've known that his reign was living on borrowed time. And by TLC, it was ready to finally meet its End of Days. It was just a matter of time before his house of cards began to crumble. (turns to face the former Acting Raw General Manager, who's standing right behind the Empress and Grand WWE Champion.) *chuckles nervously* Oh. *clears throat* May I help you, Monsieur Corbin? Baron Corbin: You know, everybody thought that I was doing a good job as Acting Raw General Manager. That was until you did something about it. Ninja: *laughs* Boy, since when was the Raw locker room limited only to ten people? Anybody care about this man's tenure as Acting Raw General Manager? *cricket chirps* Ninja: Well, I guess that answers that question. Okay. You know what? I would really hate to be my Assistant Acting Raw General Manager master and husband's spitting image right now, but I'm afraid I've got some bad news. If I recall and or remember correctly, (points at the former Acting Raw General Manager, her best friend and tag partner, the Lone Wolf, Baron Corbin.) you were the one that actually brought this upon yourself. You see, I think we all know just how petty and vindictive you've become. So, Baron. I could choose to make your life a living hell. So much so that you'll wish you had been fired. And, to answer your question, yes, I’m still here unlike your Money in the Bank briefcase. Baron: Aah! That's not what I was about to ask, but thank you. Ninja: (pokes him in the chest.) And, if you were really a man, you would grow a pair of balls and accept some responsibility for your own misdeeds instead of acting like a bitch. *crowd erupts into deafening cheers for the new Acting Raw General Manager* Ninja: (gives the look of knowing that she has the Lone Wolf right where she wants him.) Elias Samson: (watching this from afar.) *sniffle* (wipes away a tear from his eye.) I'm so proud. Michael Cole: Listen to the roar of this crowd. Renee Young: I apparently didn’t realize my husband’s Shield elder sister was such a savage with absolutely no chill. Corey Graves: *laughs* My Liege just hit a sensitive button. Got the former Acting Raw General Manager, the Lone Wolf, Baron Corbin right in the feelings. Renee: That's what brutally honest people do. Seth Rollins: (as he’s approaching his Shield elder sister.) Look. Ninja: You being a Lone Wolf, now I get that. But, a Lone Wolf that looks like he’s currently going through either a midlife crisis or some round of chemotherapeutic treatment and just returned from a shift at either a restaurant where he might serve as a waiter or a head teacher in a school district somewhere in Kansas City like Baldi in Baldi’s Basics in Education and Learning just doesn’t make sense. Seth: Clearly, you must’ve really upset him here. Ninja: And, I want to let you know now, Baron, that compared to me, you're always going to be seen as the screw up. Seth: Oh my god. Elias: *applauds his fellow Drifter* Dang. Seth, your Shield elder sister just opened up a can of flamethrower on him. Ninja: (sees that the Lone Wolf's now silently fuming and is trying very hard to restrain himself from punching her dead in the mouth.) *breathes deeply in order to calm herself down, clears throat* Oh, I'm sorry. Did I touch a nerve? Baron: (nods in response.) Ninja: You see, Monsieur Corbin. Unbeknownst to either you, Bobby Lashley, Lio Rush or Drew McIntyre, you had dug yourself into an early grave and I only helped to push you into further decline and became the final nail in your reign of darkness's coffin. *sings her favorite verse from her entrance theme, Broken Dreams to him* Almost to the mountaintop, you slip and fall just like a stone, rolling ever faster to this nightmare you have sown. You had it all right in your grasp, but, in a breath, your minute passed. Now, at last, the end has come. You are all alone. Baron: Okay. And you wanna know what the sad part of that is? Ninja: What? Baron: All of that was completely true. Ninja: *chuckles, sighs* Look. I understand that you are probably still incensed by the events of last night, but holding a grudge isn't going to do you any good. I had to think about the situation and ultimately, what was best for Raw. And so, now the question becomes: Were you what's best for Raw? *crowd oohs at the Empress's burn* Baron: *sharply exhales* (nods.) Fair. You know what? Maybe I don't deserve their forgiveness. Ninja: Listen, Baron. I wish I could take back my actions during our Lone Wolf TLC showdown at the namesake pay per view last night, but I can't. And why would I? I want you to know that I don't regret a damn thing about last night at all. Baron: Good for you and you shouldn't. Ninja: And I also want you to know that I don't feel bad at all about dethroning you as Acting Raw General Manager. Baron: Okay. I can accept that. I guess I pretty much deserved it, didn't I? Ninja: Yeah, let's just say that you finally got what was coming to you in the form of becoming karma's latest victim. Let me share one piece of advice with you that I still remember. "Life is funny sometimes. One minute, it's kissing and hugging on you and the next, it's kicking you square in the nugget bag. Moments make the journey and the powerful play goes on." Baron: Interesting. Did you get that piece of advice from one of my ex-rivals? Ninja: Yes. Baron: Which one? Ninja: John Cena, last time I checked. Baron: Wait. I thought you said that you both were not on speaking terms. Ninja: No, we're still on speaking terms with each other. It's just that we've been so busy with our own lives, we very rarely have a chance to talk. Baron: (nods.) Mmm. Listen, my Lone Wolfess. Although I didn't agree with your actions at TLC last night, the more I thought about it, I eventually understood why you did what you did. Ninja: (approaches him in an attempt to comfort him.) Oh, Baron. You didn't give me any other choice. Baron: I know. You did what you had to do, my Lone Wolfess. I don't necessarily blame you. It's just that I was not expecting my reign as Acting Raw General Manager to end just as quickly as it began. I mean, it was nearly 4 months, Ninja. 4 months. How can you expect things to go back to the way they were before? I know you're afraid that I'm going to crack. Right now, I'm currently feeling so very *yawn* tired. Ninja: Mmm. (embraces the exhausted Lone Wolf, comforting him.) I know you and I still love each other, though, Baron. You should know that every chance will come again. I am extremely confident that the very strong love you and I both share is going to overcome this minor hiccup in our tag team union. Baron, I believe that what we've built together as a SmackDown Live turned Raw tag team is still salvageable. There is nothing we can not rebuild between us, nothing we can not endure. Baron: (smiles warmly, lovingly and romantically at her combined with the lustful stare, then romantically kisses his Lone Wolfess.) Of course, my dearly beloved Lone Wolfess. Ninja: Baron, do you wanna know what's eerie? Your defeat at my hands last night at TLC closely echos the defeat of Triple H and Stephanie McMahon's Team Authority at Survivor Series 2014, back 4 years ago, also at my hands. In the span of 4 years, I pretty much became the bane, so to speak, of the Authority's existence. Baron: I will admit that is pretty eerie in itself the fact that my defeat at TLC last night closely echos that of the Authority's 4 years ago at Survivor Series. Ninja: In both cases, the ones that were in a position of authoritative power were the ones that were eventually overthrown later on at my hands. You could very well be just the latest victim of a 4 year authoritative power removal circumstance. Baron: Interesting. Wait a minute. A 4 year authoritative power removal circumstance?! Ninja: It's not too common in this business, but it is something that could very well happen. Baron: Interesting. I'll have to look into it. Ninja: By the way, (reveals that she has the Lone Wolf's vest.) you left this around the ring area. Baron: Oh. (retrieves his somewhat missing vest from his Lone Wolfess and puts it back on.) Thank you. I was wondering where it went. Ninja: (walks back to her locker room with the Lone Wolf following close behind, leaving the interview segment in order to attempt to help the Lone Wolf with his clearly evident sleep deprivation.) A while later in the chamber of the Lone Wolf in the locker room of the Empress and Grand WWE Champion... Empress Madame Ninja Barrett: (helps him with getting settled and tucked into bed for the night.) *sings the Whiskey Lullaby to ease him to sleep* Baron Corbin: (lets her soothing lullaby engulf his increasingly weary mind as he's making himself feel rather cozy and very comfortable in the bed and closes his very heavy eyes as he feels himself drifting off to sleep, allowing her soothing lullaby to take control of his weary mind.) *yawn, voice trails* Goodnight, my Lone Wolfess. (falls into a deep, restful slumber.) *gentle snoring in his sleep* Ninja: *finishes her soothing lullaby* (bids him goodnight with a rather long and very romantic kiss and turns down the lights so he could sleep without his rather sensitive eyes becoming blinded by light.) Sweet dreams, Monsieur Corbin. (quietly slips away from the chamber so he could rest peacefully in private.)
@jordynstief3225 3 жыл бұрын
After a while in the black metallic kingdom locker room of the Empress and Grand WWE Champion, as well as the new Acting Raw General Manager and her husband and master, the new Assistant Acting Raw General Manager... Empress Madame Ninja Barrett: (as she slips away from the chamber of the now resting Lone Wolf.) Okay. (sees that the Drifter, Elias Samson must've snuck inside while she had her back turned.) *gasp* Oh, Elias. When did you get in? Elias Samson: (as he's approaching the new Acting Raw General Manager, the Empress and Grand WWE Champion.) I just thought I'd come in to check on you. Let me tell you something, Empress. I have never heard a promo quite like the one you dished out to the Lone Wolf during your interview earlier tonight. Ninja: Oh. *chuckles nervously* (blushes.) Elias, you should know by now that I consider myself to be a very brutally honest person on this roster even more so in this industry. Elias: Of course, Empress. Emperor Wade Barrett: (to his Acting Raw General Manager wife and apprentice as he's approaching them.) Who on earth is this? Ninja: This is the Drifter, Elias Samson. Elias, this is my husband, master and Assistant Acting Raw General Manager, Emperor Wade Barrett. Both: (shake hands.) Wade: Is there anyone else I should know about? Ninja: One more. *whistles* Oh, Aleister. Aleister Black: (walks toward the new Acting Raw General Manager, the Empress and Grand WWE Champion, his NXT tag partner.) You rang? (notices the Assistant Acting Raw General Manager.) Oh. My, my, my. Who do we have here? I'm Aleister Black. What's your name? Wade: Wade. Aleister: Wade what? Wade: Emperor Wade Barrett. I have returned to the WWE after accepting a favor from overseas to become the new Assistant Acting Raw General Manager from my apprentice and wife and being gone for 2 years. Do you know what it's like to wait for 2 years to make your return to something that you've known since late 2010? My word, it was like torture for my soul to bear. But now, after the final nail in the coffin was placed on the tenure of the former Acting Raw General Manager, her own best friend and tag partner not to mention, subsequently her own lover, the Lone Wolf, Baron Corbin at TLC 24 hours ago, I have made my return on this monumental night. It's the Raw after TLC 2018 and I can feel the excitement in the air as a new era of Authority is ushered in with the both of us placed in charge of Raw. I am finally back where I should be and to the one I'm with.
@saifsaedarnaoutwkta9445 2 жыл бұрын
@Arthurm25 3 жыл бұрын
can you make sam B no room in hell arena effect ?
@Otx_Humberto Жыл бұрын
When he brought back at Clash of Castle
@romanxreign 3 жыл бұрын
Can you make Hangman Adam Page’s theme and Jon Moxley’s “Death Rider” theme? I love your content so much! 💓
@wrestlingarenaeffectsxp 3 жыл бұрын
I'll have to add those to the list. And Thank You so much for watching! ❤
@romanxreign 3 жыл бұрын
@@wrestlingarenaeffectsxp You’re welcome! You have amazing content and please keep up the amazing work dude! 🤍
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