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頁仙聲James Yezi

頁仙聲James Yezi

Күн бұрын

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@anchored555 7 ай бұрын
Just because you had a friend who slapped his girlfriend in public doesn’t mean women in Singapore generally have a lower status than in China or the West. Domestic violence exists everywhere, even in the West. In my personal circles, I don’t know of any woman who suffers from domestic violence. Many women here are well-educated and an important part of our workforce, and many women have made it to the higher echelons of management in the corporate world and the civil service. Women’s rights are also protected by law. So I would disagree with you that women here have a lower status.
@pgobserver254 7 ай бұрын
You are correct. In Singapore, the Women's Charter holds significant authority when enforced. Should a woman report being slapped to the police, the legal consequences for the man are severe. Similarly, if a wife refuses sexual relations and her husband persists, he can indeed be charged with rape under Singaporean law.
@oerioa 7 ай бұрын
@traceytan9466 3 ай бұрын
I don’t think women have generally low status in singapore. Couples that I know of respect one another. If the couple find themselves mismatched, they just divorce. Reading from news so far, family violence only happens to low income families when the girls cannot be independent and the man is not highly educated.
@josephhosooliang2070 7 ай бұрын
@mikelee-l9u 7 ай бұрын
@BingChengVision 7 ай бұрын
@@mikelee-l9u 新加坡人有選票,政府不敢像香港官員那樣亂來的
@ngleefong5638 7 ай бұрын
我觉得那位Aunty 是一番好意吧!因为在很多年前还是好多中国人都不会说英语的,如果遇到不会说英语的还要用英语对话,那才是歧视😅
@rainmanben 4 ай бұрын
@诚聘板主 7 ай бұрын
塑料的最大問題是難以分解,新加坡的垃圾基本上是完全送到垃圾焚化厰燃燒,燃燒后的灰燼再送去填島,所以對新加坡來説,不要亂丟垃圾才是重點。如果回收塑料再循環,事實上成本會更高。 所有的環保其實都是成本問題,如果以紙質產品替代塑料,同樣是有砍伐樹木再造的問題。成本問題都是商業考量。 但是有一點你說的對,用塑料袋裝熱咖啡,我也接受不了,因爲熱會溶解塑料,最後都喝到肚子裏了。不過攤販考慮的是成本,紙杯的成本比塑料袋貴,除非顧客不接受,他們才會改變。
@ct9245 7 ай бұрын
@ct9245 7 ай бұрын
新加坡有很多外国劳工, 多一毛钱的包装费对他们很重要,舍不等花
@ct9245 7 ай бұрын
@ttchua6523 7 ай бұрын
我是45年出生的老公雞(已接近80高龄).在求学时期所有小販.熟食攤位都用纸張及樹叶(物大的)包裝食物...后来因有了塑料袋才比较方便也更清潔(目前在超市一个塑料要付星币一角)... 新加坡很早就实行男女平等,任何一方如果犯錯就要接受法律的制裁...在求学时期的纸币就印有第一任总统的肖像(目前已取消了)-謝謝❤
@zhixuanchen6914 9 күн бұрын
@jacwah8570 7 ай бұрын
@shadowhawk 7 ай бұрын
I can understand where you are coming from for most of your opinions. However there are some misconceptions about plastic/styrofoam packaging vs paper packaging that you might have that I hope to explain. Yes plastic might not be as biodegradable as paper but it actually takes alot more energy to produce paper packaging than plastic packaging. Plastic are also more durable and it's less likely you need a second one due to one tearing. In terms of recycling, most paper packaging are coated or are contaminated by food and thus are difficult to recycle. In Singapore, most of our rubbish are burnt to produce energy and the fumes are filtered. In terms of environment conservation, plastic actually works better for Singapore as long as all the plastic are properly disposed in the bin. Of course bringing your own containers would be an even better option and this has become a pretty popular option during the pandemic where takeout packaging were in short supply and many people started doing that to help the shops. I do agree that the government can do more in terms of recycling prepackaged food items. They could maybe provide guidelines to manufacturers to indicate helpful instructions on how to separate the packaging into parts or improving the design to make separating easy. I am always impressed by how many of Japan products have this despite them being one of the highest plastic usage country in Asia.
@elainetan3822 7 ай бұрын
Appreciate your views. You are objective and very gracious in your words.
@诚聘板主 7 ай бұрын
@ckyeo81 7 ай бұрын
@kwongheng 7 ай бұрын
我不觉得 Aunty 在歧视你. 如果一开口就用中国腔的华语交谈 大多数的新加坡人会认为他们不会讲或听不懂英语。
@ct9245 7 ай бұрын
就如一印尼的马来客人,如果摊主认为他听不懂英语、就改用马来语跟他沟通。 所以如果摊主认为这中国客人听不懂英语,就自然要转语码,用汉语,或方言(粤语,潮州话,福建话,等)来沟通 这是摊主的好意,需要感恩
@hair_vincleong2278 7 ай бұрын
@Linqian-z4y 7 ай бұрын
I prefer to work at home, and man works outside.
@KelvinTan-wn3kg 7 ай бұрын
So your hubby is hsehusband moping n washing clothes at home now.?
@Linqian-z4y 7 ай бұрын
@KelvinTan-wn3kg I am a single woman, no husband.
@shadowj3311 7 ай бұрын
@heloisez5235 7 ай бұрын
@@KelvinTan-wn3kgyou don’t mop floor and wash clothes for yourself?😂
@poyehuaneo5348 7 ай бұрын
@ct9245 7 ай бұрын
新加坡的女权很高,是英女皇时代的产物, 新加坡的妇女宣章很厉害,所有法律有利的都需归女人
@thomasphua628 7 ай бұрын
有批评才有进步,你的批评是没有恶意的。 谢谢!
@JenOng-r8n 7 ай бұрын
About the auntie commenting about China Chinese couldn't speak or understand English, I reckon she did it out of kindness so that the hawker/whoever it is, could better communicate with you. Undeniably, most China Chinese are unable to communicate in English. One can't tell unless specified. By the way, elderly from much older generation were mostly illiterate so they only speak in dialect(s)
@calvinow2172 7 ай бұрын
Westminster parliamentary republics like india, South Africa, Singapore usually have such head of states. 建议你参考新加坡总统制在这几方面的特点1)民选 2)国家储备的角色3)委任高级政府人员
@Sugen-ob7in 7 ай бұрын
60 年代已有人用塑料袋装冰水来卖,到70年代用来装热的饮料。
@Sagepeh 7 ай бұрын
@chungmeng160 7 ай бұрын
@NonhumanyetSG 7 ай бұрын
抱歉,这一期您的意见没甚说服力 !😅😅😅 如果告诉您本地人也会対本地人同样笑他不懂英文呢 ?😅 如果在家吃饭,我们也有正式餐具,但在小贩中心,为了使摊贩成本保持低价,使用塑料餐具也是不得己的方法,虽然不是理想的处理方式。至于男女平等问题,新加坡一直都寻求进步,没太大爭议,男人使用暴力,只是个别问题,不以偏概全 。另外对于总统职位的必要,可以谷歌一下,会有较清楚的说明,在下对政府的安排,並无异议 。谢谢关心 😊😋
@angjane9050 7 ай бұрын
@nana0126 7 ай бұрын
I really love your videos and viewpoints, so real!!! For such a developed country m, Singapore’s recycling is backwards. We insensate all our trash so sorting of trash is not strictly imposed. A lot of our places are not providing single use pastiche bag and straws now. The drinks in a bag is more of a cultural thing where back in the days people buy drinks and hang it in their transport as there isn’t a designated cup holder. So it became a habit. Many younger ones dint really like it too. I’m also so sorry that you had to meet that aunty who said that to you. I love it that you told her off, she needs that. I hope you understand that there a large influx of Chinese who doesn’t follow social norms and made a huge fuss. Making many locals had bad impression of the whole group.
@liuanne9555 7 ай бұрын
@nana0126 Who are you to feel sorry of that aunty‘s act? 那位Aunty有自己的社会经验与平常和中国人交流的感受自然对他说出她的观点。我并不觉得她有冒犯页子的地方… 反而是像你一样的一些自认为自己是新加坡人,然后替新加坡人去胡乱道歉的人才真正的在冒犯新加坡的人!
@zanlee5272 7 ай бұрын
Nana, James said that this happened more than 10 years ago when he was in Singapore. It is not a recent incident. Means at that time, there is no influx of China ppl coming into Singapore. The aunty is just trying to help. She is not looking down on James. At most she is impatient n feels that communication could be improved n more effective if both hawker n customer converse in Mandrian. There is a saying: Do it right each time, every time. Efficient n Effective.
@nana0126 7 ай бұрын
@@zanlee5272 Yes, agree that it could be that she was impatient... lol yes being efficient is such a sg thing!!! Through the influx of Chinese be it workers, students and their caregivers were already high 20 years ago...
@nana0126 7 ай бұрын
@@liuanne9555 I believe we are all entitled to our opinions... so do you 😅 Initially, I was puzzled as to why you were upset.... I might be wrong but i suspect it's the understanding of the use of "sorry". From my understanding of the video, I believe that James did feel kinda discriminated against, so I felt sorry for what he had experienced. In English, when we use sorry it doesn't only mean apology (道歉), correct me if I'm wrong. For example, if you had a bad day.... I would say "hey I'm sorry to hear about your day..." am I apologizing? no. "自认为自己是新加坡人" I didn't 自认为 I am Singaporean, born and bred. Interesting for you to start by asking who am I... back at you ! lolol jkjk Anyway, I really like this channel and the platform for us to have liberal discussions like this...
@ct9245 7 ай бұрын
入籍外国,当新公民第一二代, 不要去过问新国家/新祖国/新母国的政治外交经济的上层文明的事物,只需默默的跟随主流走就行了。 要到了土生土长的第三代才能开始参加政治活动等上层建筑
@99tylim 7 ай бұрын
@chungmeng160 7 ай бұрын
@ct9245 7 ай бұрын
@99tylim 7 ай бұрын
@@chungmeng160 新加坡的妇女宪章是在自治邦的时期,1959年就开始讨论。那是执政党的竞选承诺,也是国策之一。1961年自治邦议会通过。
@qiangming3152 7 ай бұрын
@therover65 7 ай бұрын
I’m Singaporean, late 50s. Women being treated as inferior is rare.
@audreygiamlayhoon 7 ай бұрын
I am curious as to why there is so much discussion about Singapore , by Chinese, Taiwanese and Hong Kongers.
@valcheng8169 7 ай бұрын
@mlo3627 7 ай бұрын
@engkokcheong5837 7 ай бұрын
@chungmeng160 7 ай бұрын
@ivancen5020 7 ай бұрын
one important function of the president is to guard the country reserves. Any ruling party that wishes to dip into the reserves require the approval of the president. So in a sense the president is part of check and balance.
@DennisKoh-x1c 7 ай бұрын
In Singapore we have a lot of important ladies roles holder, be it Government, Opposition MP, Private organisation, NGO......etc.
@leanne2330 7 ай бұрын
@shkhor2263 7 ай бұрын
你错了, 新加坡女性的地位並不低, 许多法律都是有保护女性的。
@tehandy9087 7 ай бұрын
@ct9245 7 ай бұрын
@Lsw1974 7 ай бұрын
新加坡女权 在亞洲应该是最高的 我们有一个妇女宪章法律 是用来保护妇女的 如果跟欧美比较的话 或许会低些 这不容否认 终究欧美国家的女权运动 比亚洲早百年以上 尤其是华人社会 印度社会
@lianhengtan1828 7 ай бұрын
@hochyehon2976 7 ай бұрын
@chungmeng160 7 ай бұрын
@hg1012 7 ай бұрын
爱地球的人 赞👍
@ct9245 7 ай бұрын
当今加拿大国也没交税给母体英国。 但是母体英国一样有在财政上军事上护持加拿大。
@lonyukmui2734 7 ай бұрын
@jxxxzz4423 7 ай бұрын
我新加坡人,尽量不外带食物,也随身携带环保袋,朋友来我家都不用一次性碗筷,尽量不买塑料袋,尽量环保。 最近去小贩中心也看过一些人自带tupperware,tingkat去打包 我老公日本人用半桶水的singlish点餐时目前为止没遇到不愉快事件,最多重复几次工作人员都努力的听懂了 打女人的男人还真的没遇过,在新加坡女性蛮强的,男人被打的可能性不比女人被打来得低哦😂
@SnowCrystal3000 7 ай бұрын
If use paper plate, wooden chop sticks etc.... Trees will reduce soon....not eco friendly too.
@5kplamse 7 ай бұрын
@kimsengng 7 ай бұрын
对中国人不太懂英语 我想是很多人的普遍慨念吧
@zhixuanchen6914 9 күн бұрын
環保這一點Spot On! 身為曾經是新加坡某垃圾焚化廠的廠長,我每天都看到好多噸的塑料垃圾,我也經常參與不少環保意識的活動,看到的是新加坡人的少參與與莫不關心。 新加坡人想咨詢更多這方面信息的歡迎留言,我會盡力回復。
@iAxianguy 6 ай бұрын
尽管新加坡在许多方面取得了显著的成就,但也存在一些缺点和挑战。这些问题涉及社会、经济、政治和环境等多个方面例如高生活成本新加坡是世界上生活成本最高的城市之一。高昂的房价、医疗费用和教育成本对普通居民来说是一大压力.贫富差距尽管总体经济发展良好,但新加坡的贫富差距较大,收入不平等问题依然存在. 压力和心理健康问题:由于高竞争和高要求的社会环境,学生和职场人士普遍面临巨大的压力,心理健康问题日益突出。
@Jamesyezi 6 ай бұрын
@paulyuen8115 7 ай бұрын
1。新加坡男孩子要当兵两年,所以出来做工的时候,薪水会比较高。 有些人就以为我们男女不平等。 2。十多年前,有些外国老公喝醉酒还有因为一个车祸,就在一个地方示威和暴动!。 自从那时候,政府就限制卖酒的时间和地方。 你的观察和分享是OK的。继续努力。 我是一个新加坡人。😄
@paulyuen8115 7 ай бұрын
2。外国劳工。。。 对不起,刚才写错。😄
@ailinseah3190 7 ай бұрын
Our recycling is doing very well even tar now using recycled materials, no straws no plastic bags now even buildings materials some are recycled materials
@woonfaseng8737 7 ай бұрын
很赞同你说 男人不应该打女人 。。。。 应该男女平等。。。。 新加坡的确比较男性主体一点。。。一点点罢了。而且新加坡必须服役(当兵),必须靠男性 ,也要给它们一些 回报或 利用 补贴等。。。 所以难免有一点在政策 和 一些不经意的方面有一点 比较男权较为重,可是只是 官方 政策 或 政府方面 一点点,私营公司却完全不会。
@internationalsunshine 7 ай бұрын
The alcohol law is much stricter nowadays, and as a singaporean, I love it. People who drink usually make a scene after they get tispy and it is really annoying. So it is best to keep all the people who drink in a pub or bar and they can annoy each other. 😂 As for somking law it can improve such as building more enclosed smoking room. I feel the law should enforcement smoker to only smoke in those close smoking room in public open spaces. By doing so is nonsmokers don't have to smell their bad cigarette smells when we walk pass them.
@ct9245 7 ай бұрын
虚君立宪议会制,是英国式民主稳定的基石,比法国/美国式的民主制更稳定。 1)英国的民主历史不是农民暴力起义,而是贵族商人跟国王王室的一个和平妥协,国王让权给士大夫去管理国家, 国王做为人格化国家的代表,也是宗教(英国新教)的保护者, 2) 英国官员廉洁奉公的基石, 英国王掌管M15M16国情单位,就算首相(总理)叛国,英情单位可以除掉首相。 其实(已解秘了)英国会的提案,英王都一份稿,英王有秘密否决提案的否决权。 英王是有权对加拿大,澳大利亚,新西兰等的权力,法律来都是英王的国土。 所以这些西方国家有廉洁官方系统,有联序的法律系统,有联序的政治路线,有稳定不极端的寬容宗教社会环境,就是英王室在背后控制一切。 社就不会无底线,无法无天,谁都不听谁的,胜者为王 ,阿猫阿狗都想争做头人,什么东西都肯推倒从来的折腾。
@traceytan9466 7 ай бұрын
In Singapore now. Plastic paper for takeaway meals or groceries is now chargeable. I have experience with Chinese citizen in Singapore. I have no problems with those citizen who are my co-workers but my impression of travellers coming to eat or shops is not really good when I see the whole group’ behaviour in the public area. 😂
@yingchia2570 7 ай бұрын
@chungmeng160 7 ай бұрын
@ongyorkluan6061 7 ай бұрын
@mfzhang1973 7 ай бұрын
现在的快餐店不提供吸管了, 环保我们有进步但还不够 😅
@goggles7777 7 ай бұрын
好 和 不好 都应该说 !谢谢你
@ct9245 7 ай бұрын
加拿大的虚君立宪是英王,不是总督 楼主对虚君制的新国总统的对比错了,不是对比加拿大总督,而是英国国王才对。
@Jamesyezi 7 ай бұрын
我沒有對比這兩個職位。我的意思是新加坡總統,加拿大總督,這兩個職位相比其他政府職位,都不是非常有必要的存在。而且都是納稅人的錢在給他們發工資。 可能我視頻裡表達不清。抱歉。
@ct9245 7 ай бұрын
@@Jamesyezi 我的意思就是用英国普通法来说,这君主立宪制,加拿大的君主是英王(不是总督), 从新加坡的角度这君是总统(虚君) 这样子才是法律上的正确对比性。 因为就算英王没派总督到加拿大,英王还是加拿大的最高元首,法律就是英王,加拿大的法律就是这样写的。
@ct9245 7 ай бұрын
理论上英王是可派军情处来除掉加拿大总理的, 就算美国CIA要对加拿大总理动手,是需要得到英军情处与英王的同意的。
@ct9245 7 ай бұрын
@@Jamesyezi我之义,新加坡是从马来西亚联邦法律系统分出来的,马来西亚本来就有九个州苏丹国王,新加坡在加入马来西亚联邦时就没有反对马来西亚的国王制度。 所以从马来西亚分出来后在法律上就需要一个总统来代替马来国王(重点新加坡不是一个华人国家,国语还是马来语) 。 在未来新加坡在回归马来西亚联邦时、法律上就能直接接回马来苏丹国王制。
@TheJayJayYoung 7 ай бұрын
@teams222 7 ай бұрын
新加坡的社会一般会配合对方的语言(mother tongue)来谈话。也许会比较亲切也表示尊重对方。没别的意思。(除非他本身只会一种语言) 我是新加坡人去看医生。他们一般也会问我要讲华文或英文比较好. 谢谢😊
@ct9245 7 ай бұрын
⁠我之义,新加坡是从马来西亚联邦法律系统分出来的,马来西亚本来就有九个州苏丹国王,新加坡在加入马来西亚联邦时就没有反对马来西亚的国王制度。 所以从马来西亚分出来后在法律上就需要一个总统来代替马来国王(重点新加坡不是一个华人国家,国语还是马来语) 。 在未来新加坡在回归马来西亚联邦时、法律上就能直接接回马来苏丹国王制。
@kaiserlow652 7 ай бұрын
@ct9245 7 ай бұрын
@@kaiserlow652 新加坡有全民公投加入马来西亚联邦,全体新加坡人改换成马来西亚公民。 两年之后新加坡才被马来西亚国会全体批准,赶出马来西亚联邦,被逼独立建国。 新加坡邻导人有问过马来西亚领导人有关回归马来西亚的条件,马来西亚领导人回答到当今还不是时侯,以后才来谈。
@ct9245 7 ай бұрын
@kaiserlow652 7 ай бұрын
@@ct9245 新加坡加入马来西亚之前是自治邦。加入马来西亚联邦才一年多。加入和回归是有差别的
@kaiserlow652 7 ай бұрын
@@ct9245 加入马来西亚联邦之前,新加坡是英国殖民地,后成为自治邦。
@ct9245 7 ай бұрын
马来西亚国王的好处,在近年两党轮替的民主过程与疫情的混乱局面,国王出面稳住各种族,各党派,各宗教,各语言,的群体。 大家都服从国王的说话。都喊吾王万岁, 从而能实现民主党派轮替的顺利过渡。
@goldenspoon87 4 ай бұрын
本地有一部分阿姨确实是多事,不只外国人,如果换成是小孩不会点饮料也会来多管闲事。所以我一路来都是先想好才去买饮料。 对于男女平等,我个人想法是因为新加坡有兵役制度,所以我们对性别的潜在意识产生了义务含义。我也觉得在男兵役制的国家如台湾、韩国,女性也一般比较有依赖性。这只是我主观的意见。 对于君主立宪制,我只能说这是一个历史传承的结果。英联邦国家都有公投权,如果人民真想废掉也不难。
@leewn2319 7 ай бұрын
It is hoped that our Sg govt could learn from Japan to educate & inculcate its people how to recycle, upkeep cleanliness & hygiene at public spaces from nursery to secondary school. Such education should not just be on classroom civic lessons but actual good practices through the 12 yrs good practice will eventually become an inherent habit. They will then teach and educate their own kids when they get married & have children. In Japan people down anyhow discard / dispose refuse, the toilets are clean no smell of urea even in outskirts area. In Australia, the BBQ pits in forested parks & toilets are very clean too. This is very important for Sg as more & more foreigners migrate here and need to educate all.
@OnlyDrunkenTruth 7 ай бұрын
@OnlyDrunkenTruth 7 ай бұрын
@Joe-gf6vn 7 ай бұрын
All you have to do is Google "Singapore Landfill" and it will lead you to NEA's page on Semakau Landfill. Where exactly do you think the ashes from incineration is going?
@诚聘板主 7 ай бұрын
新加坡的總統制度是需要的,因爲他是全民的形象代表,團結各民族的代表,這個職位需要馬來人來輪流。新加坡地處穆斯林世界,我們需要有馬來人當總統。對新加坡至關重要, 但總理的位置是必須能幹的能人才可以,這就關係族群比例的選舉問題。 新加坡人口的民族結構,当中闽南泉漳民系约43%、潮州民系约21%、广府民系约14%、客家民系约3%),马来裔占15.0%,印度裔,孟加拉人,斯里蘭卡人,巴基斯坦人,錫克族(以泰米尔人居多)占7.4%,而欧亚混血人口和其他族群(包括峇峇娘惹)则占1.4%
@ct9245 7 ай бұрын
@ct9245 7 ай бұрын
土生华人(峇峇娘惹)在法律上是归类华族(汉族) 、不是別处一族
@Peter-ig2du 7 ай бұрын
@alvinlee4651 7 ай бұрын
@ct9245 7 ай бұрын
什么大机器大系统,都是后面有大推人在维护运做。 如迪斯尼圆,后面在底城有一大推人在维护运做
@黃金-p3o 7 ай бұрын
我不是新加坡人,但是因為其終年氣溫變化不大,對天氣變化敏感的人,特別適合居住。 新加坡總統責任除負責外事之外,還有一個監督政府的責任。政府總理負責訂定及推行政策,對決定了的政策,失効的施政卻不能因此撤回,須時刻留意改善,務必令政策可以完全落實。可否撤回失効政策的權力卻在總統。 新加坡是兵役制(最好的群育),成年男子要較女性遲兩年入大學/入職場,女性生育福利也優厚,對群體利益或者法律精神,在一般情況下,男性也較女性敏感,處事時那些可以堅持;那些應該讓步,男性處理起來會更順𣈱。
@ct9245 7 ай бұрын
当今新加坡的国会有设反对党的影子内格,就是在培养民主制的代替政府。 如果你有观察马来西亚的第一次民主政党轮替,一波三折,反复的很难看,公民都很失望,又无可奈何。 最终来救场的就是元首苏丹王王来扶平道路,给代替政府有机会做执政政府, 国王也用他是(回教)保护者的地位,压下宗教政党的搞乱。 国王也以对华人政党元老封爵的形式来安扶华族民众也引入华人社会入国族建设。
@pengui6152 7 ай бұрын
@olarius650 7 ай бұрын
Vast import of Indian nationalities, especially in the IT/Technology field. It is common for Indian hiring managers to bring in their 'entire village'. It this a common issue in Canada ?
@ianlim8655 7 ай бұрын
The same goes for Philippine and China HR as well, it is very rare to see them integrating into the local society.
@albertzhu331 7 ай бұрын
@dorischan5639 7 ай бұрын
您说的是事实 我也不能接受塑料袋装咖啡或茶 现在改变了是用一次性纸杯 至于环保我们现在逐渐展开 全面教育 我想这方面要下一番大功夫 我国是男女平等的社会 女生现在的工资甚至高于男性 精英制是不分男女的 我敢肯定的是99% 新加坡的男性不打妻子的 但丈夫不做家务的多 歧视的问题嘛 我会歧视中国人 因为有太多太多不好的体验 我去过日本 日本人把我们当我中国人 直到我们讲英语 日本人的眼神才不一样 在韩国一个中国人问我可以让她先付款吗 我说可以她叫来七大姑八大姨的整车人过来 这不是欺负善良的人 一次在新加坡机场一对年轻的情侣 不管三七二十一挤到柜台 当时我就在柜台啊 等等等 我真的怕他们八分 不是三分 自从小印度因印度外劳 喝酒闹事 推翻警车燃起熊熊大火后 我国政府马上下令 禁止十点后卖酒 其实喝酒小贩中心 咖啡店都能喝 食阁是不卖酒的 其实每条法律都有它背后的故事 也是约束某种不能自律的人 对守法的人是不受影响的
@waihwangtan1662 7 ай бұрын
SG’s recycling is horrible and backwards, especially compared to Taiwan or Japan. Use of single use straws are almost gone now. Most fastfood softdrink cups now have built in drinking mechanism designed into their caps.
@OnlyDrunkenTruth 7 ай бұрын
thaiwan bury trash but plastics do not decompose. Singapore incinerate trash to produce electricity, no plastic pollution issues. Straw is actually not a problem but many food chains pretend to stop straws actually to save cost.
@kennySg101 7 ай бұрын
Taking a more pragmatic approach. If u take a very purist way, one is supposed to wash plastic bottle b4 you dump also need to cut and flatten also. In water scare SG, not recommended.
@waihwangtan1662 7 ай бұрын
@@kennySg101 i actually do wash the bottles before recycling. Dont want the residue to contaminate the rest of mixed bin.
@rainmanben 4 ай бұрын
Fewer PRCs in singapore will be a good start
@calvinow2172 7 ай бұрын
@ssg-mc6gt 7 ай бұрын
@weifoowang8056 6 ай бұрын
@gohectcm4016 7 ай бұрын
我是新加坡人。我是位老师,个人很喜欢我的国家。但新加坡环保不是施行的很不澈底。原因,这些垃圾,最后会去焚化厂及丢倒在填土的海中。将来若不需要再填海了,以增加土地。 那么,垃圾将会是棘手问题。 用塑胶袋装热饮料,不只不环保,不雅观,更是慢性自杀😢。 总统制应该存在,只是薪酬应该可以降低。 总结,对你个人的评价,理性,正直,大义。中肯言论。。 谢谢你批价新加坡的缺点。。。我们诚心接受改善。。
@cfeng7740 7 ай бұрын
@dennisleong7866 7 ай бұрын
@ct9245 7 ай бұрын
@JH-kv8mt 7 ай бұрын
@JH-kv8mt 7 ай бұрын
@ailinseah3190 7 ай бұрын
@TionghimTan 7 ай бұрын
@hkchew03 7 ай бұрын
哪你因该想想什么减少使用塑料袋。 一天三个是有点多。
@TionghimTan 7 ай бұрын
@@hkchew03 想过了,买两个塑料桶,桶口比公共垃圾槽小一些,不论干的,湿的(比如鱼头,虾壳等),直接倒入公共垃圾槽,了事!
@Buttercookies0 7 ай бұрын
@@TionghimTan 感觉有种“逼狗跳墙”的后果😂😂
@dayneson 7 ай бұрын
树胶袋装饮料是我们东南亚一向来的做法… 我不觉得怪啦🤭
@Buttercookies0 7 ай бұрын
@ttchua6523 7 ай бұрын
@LuoXia-h3f 4 ай бұрын
@janechua403 7 ай бұрын
@liuanne9555 7 ай бұрын
虽然页子先生经常在视频中称赞新加坡,但是他的中国人陋习还是没有改!这就是万万千千中国人移民到世界各地而遭人怒的地方,这些中国人一旦拿到该国的身份证后,不是好好的落地生根,勤恳耕耘,融入该国社会中的历史、人文、民俗、文化、制度… 而就是马上一副大爷般的批评这个让他得到自由世界身份的国家!加拿大的总督制度请等到你的第三代最好是从来没有回过中国的,真正土生土长的加拿大人来批评吧!你自己都说了是由英国时期来的,那加拿大跟英国在历史上的牵绊与文化渊源,真的跟你的中国背景下得得加拿大身份证毫无关系有,该不该签名也跟你没毛关系!就像新加坡也是从英国殖民地一路走来,我们的法律也是从英国法律中制定来的,请问如果一个中国人就因新加坡发给的身份证而对新加坡的法律与制度指手划脚的批评,哪怕他从前的身份是中国法学院的精英,这对新加坡公平吗?合理吗? 很多年前我看过一个加拿大白人的视频,她很生气並且也很伤心为何她从小长大的街区,整条街都是中文字的商店时,我才幡然醒悟原来中国人对接纳他们的国土上所行的侵门踏户行为…… 才让我一个新加坡人开始从在地人的位置上感受並也理解从前东南亚各国排华的原由!
@ct9245 7 ай бұрын
落地生根 融入新祖国/新母国, 客随主便, 入国问禁, 自愿同化
@ct9245 7 ай бұрын
入籍外国,当新公民第一二代, 不要去过问新国家/新祖国/新母国的政治外交经济的上层文明的事物,只需默默的跟随主流走就行了。 要到了土生土长的第三代才能开始参加政治活动等上层建筑
@vickygwee8405 7 ай бұрын
In my 60 years in Sg, I have not seen any men slapped their girlfriend or wives. Not known among my family or friends too. We are quite equal. Surprised to hear your view about this. Recycling wise, there is room for improvement. I seldom take away food or order home delivery. I don't have much to throw. Will recycle even smaller plastic food packaging for throwing trash.
@wumpratt 7 ай бұрын
The plastic bag rule caused me to purchase oversized thrash bags for my home. End result = less convenience for me, spending extra money on oversized trash bags. More plastic wasted on these oversized trash bags that serves only 1 function instead of 2 functions the shopping bags serve(carrying stuff and trash bag) Very poorly thought out policy that does nothing but waste people's money and doesn't help the environment
@Joe-gf6vn 7 ай бұрын
Are you OK? This is not about you. Not all plastic bags get reused as trash bags. Those that aren't create extra unnecessary waste. People aren't - and shouldn't be - generating so much trash that they require the amount of plastic bags that supermarkets give away anyway. It makes no sense. There's definitely going to be wastage there. You mean you buy food and groceries and the trash generated from them end up occupying the same volume of the plastic bag you put them in ah? You will just end up with people generating waste and stockpiling plastic bags to be used later for trash bags. There's more than is required for trash. If they stop giving out plastic bags, then you have the right amount of bags to collect your trash. No waste there. And, please buy appropriate sized trash bags and use them as carriers for your shopping first if you're so desperate to get 2 uses out of them.
@wumpratt 7 ай бұрын
@@Joe-gf6vn @Joe-gf6vn yes I'm fine. And I have never said that using less plastic is a bad thing. There are good policies and there are bad policies....and in this case...It is just a very poorly thought out policy. it's akin to the claim that "EVs reducing pollution" which is actually false as the pollution just gets outsourced to somewhere else and not locally. The total use of plastics will not change in any meaningful sense.....hence...a poorly thought out policy that did not consider human action/reaction. And no, I do not keep food waste inside my trashbin for a week just waiting for the trash bag to fill up and attract cockroaches. The trash goes out of the house within the day if there's food waste in it regardless of how full the bag is. It's not just me who have these opinions. Basically everybody within my social circle has the same experience. In the end, most of them choose to just fork out the extra 5c for those bags. Nothing has changed except higher consumer costs and extra plastic wasted produced in the form of single use trash bags that we have to buy. In my 4 decades+ on earth, every single plastic bag that I used to carry groceries home have never been just thrown out without being reused for other purposes. I believe I have done my part in making sure these bags have more than 1 use in them. And please don't lecture me about how other's actions on wasting these plastic bags are somehow my fault.
@Joe-gf6vn 7 ай бұрын
That doesn't even make any sense and you and the people you hang out with are creating this problem for yourselves. You are also either straight up lying or contradicting yourself in saying you only had one use for the plastic bags you're buying and that you bought big sized bags when you needed smaller ones since you have to throw them out everyday. Buy the appropriate size bags, use them to tor shopping, use them for trash. Don't buy big size bags then complain complain complain. By the way, we got to this point in time in the first place precisely because of the kind of mentality people like you have. You only want the convenience but you do not want to pay the price for it. Guess what? With that kind of mentality, things will never change for the better and every policy is going to be poorly thought out. So, good luck with that.
@wumpratt 7 ай бұрын
​@@Joe-gf6vn keep raging man, you are gonna change alot of minds by acting like this. those trashbags I bought were oversized and no, at that point of time there were no stocks of bags that were appropriate for my tiny bins I use in my home. so i have 2 choices....make do with these oversized trashbags and buy smaller ones in future, or throw them out(like you are raging that i should do right now). who in the right mind brings these black trash bags to shopping? your mind ok or not? so if I buy these plastic bags bring it to shop for my groceries then bring it back to use it as trash bags....somehow that means i'm using less plastic than what it was before? can you even basic math? i'm sorry, but i focus on practicality and results. not utopian thinking that everybody's mentality have to change to fit my beliefs. if a policy does not produce results or redirects the problem elsewhere, then it is a poorly thought out policy that fixes the surface but not the root of the problem. problem = alot of plastic use policy comes out, discourages people from using one use bags thru a plastic bag "tax" people turn to 1 use trash bags = same amount of plastic waste created. = nothing has changed fundamentally = poorly thought out policy clearly thought up by naive people who do not live in the real world with real normal people.
@Joe-gf6vn 7 ай бұрын
Who's raging? And who's telling you to throw away the existing plastic bags you already have? And who's telling you I'm trying to change anybody's mind by replying? People can just comment on something if they disagree with it what, as simple as that. It's hilarious that you would consider yourself 'normal' when you don't even know there are plastic bags of various sizes readily available for sale since forever. That you don't even know this says a lot about you. You are not even making any sense. You are just making things up, finding excuses, creating problems for yourself and then complaining about it. You are determining whether something is well thought out or not based just on your individual preference and convenience. I already told you the overall number will be less since the wastage through the inevitable waste of plastic bags just being used as carriers and thrown away is reduced. At the end of the day, you're just unhappy you now have to pay for the plastic bags, isn't it? What practical la, what utopian la, what it really means is you just don't care and want to continue things as they were. It's hilarious and ironic that you will talk about it being utopian since it's you who refuse to accept the very non-utopian idea that there are inconveniences and costs that we have to accept if we want things to change. It's YOU who wants to pretend to live in a utopia, not me. That's all there is to it. All you have to do is say you don't want to pay.
@JenOng-r8n 7 ай бұрын
hahah....try being rough (just raising your voice) to women now.... Females are gettting higher and higher education in every generation, men have adapted to new way when interacting with women. Mutual respect is important
@tiger1960lee 3 ай бұрын
背景凌乱 感觉不太干净
@KenKen-x6l 7 ай бұрын
@gohck2846 7 ай бұрын
@ct9245 7 ай бұрын
⁠ 新加坡有全民公投加入马来西亚联邦,全体新加坡人改换成马来西亚公民。 两年之后新加坡才被马来西亚国会全体批准,赶出马来西亚联邦,被逼独立建国。 新加坡邻导人有问过马来西亚领导人有关回归马来西亚的条件,马来西亚领导人回答到当今还不是时侯,以后才来谈。
@MrRaymond72 6 ай бұрын
@ct9245 7 ай бұрын
你去问你的懂法律的朋友, 法律上,加拿大的土地也属英王的 加拿大公民也是属英王的臣民。 在紧急或打战时,英王有权拿走你的土地,财产,生命。
@Hosanna_zh 7 ай бұрын
@GPSalfredALLIANCE 7 ай бұрын
@Buttercookies0 7 ай бұрын
@ct9245 7 ай бұрын
@chweehar 7 ай бұрын
Your one friend who slapped his girlfriend does not represent females in Singapore as any lower than males, now a day most females have higher education and earn just as much and maybe even more capable. So one incident among the 5 million population doesn't qualify as any inequality. If anything I think it was your friend who did not know how to respect his girlfriend and everyone around.
@RobL-ej3es 7 ай бұрын
Oh @chweehar : please don't be Surprised! James yeeki is a Canandian Educator. Same feathers usually floats together lah!!! Don't U know meh!!
@lightbox1974 7 ай бұрын
Today u touched on many advanced issues. U need to do more in-depth research before concluding.
@hiroyukishinichi9873 7 ай бұрын
大家请继续追求 "进展“,而不是 ”完美“ 新加坡的 “Majulah Singapura” 就是 “Onward Singapore” 指 “前进”,“进展”
@andrewng7096 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for your assessment. Yes, Singapore indeed need to do more on recycling but irony people from Japan, Taiwan, etc. They find sorting out their rubbish are troublesome amd inconvenience. Only certain days the rubbish collectors will come to collect. As for women rights, we have the Women Charter Act to protect the ladies, it is very rare for someone to slap his girlfriend or wife. A personal protection order can obtain from court to prevent such abuse. Also in divorce cases, the law gives the women the right to claim alimony and maintenance for her and children. For drinking cases, Singapore has harsh laws against drunk driving and rude behavior in public which disturb the rest.
@weifoowang8056 6 ай бұрын
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