『有些人會質疑我摧毀一顆有百億生命的星球的權利,但是真正能理解我的會意識到我無權讓他們活著。沒有大到不可承受的犧牲,沒有小到可以容忍的背叛。』 "Some may question my right to destroy a world of ten billion souls, but those who understand realize I have no right to let them live. No sacrifice is too great; no treachery too small." -- Battlefleet Gothic: Armada
然後為了避免有些人又"人類主義"過頭跑來嘴混沌是靈族問題,還是得提一下,原始設定裡混沌其實主要是人類的問題: As human numbers increased and human civilisation grew away from its natural roots the particular warp energies created by humans began to dominate the warp. Where the energies of nature were harmonious and benign, those of man were often disharmonious and dangerous. Power, ambition, greed, lust and a thousand other human feelings took root in the warp and began to grow. As the thoughts and emotions of men became stronger, the natural rhythms of the warp were disrupted and became less accessible to the shamans. Inevitably, the process of civilisation severed mankind's links with the natural forces of the warp, and created new ones based upon his own character. In time these disharmonious forces were to grow into the Chaos Powers. 為什麼以前會有KTN三神誕生於人類中世紀的說法,因為混沌規則書裡真的這麼講... 而且這設定也沒有被覆蓋掉,目前只是GW不再明確提及,但是從密教的故事來看,恐怕依然存在...密教裡的靈族司戰說的是: 「你們(人類)是銀河的惡疾,你們將會成為它的末日或是救星」,從原始設定來看他並沒有說錯,而且要注意到,雖然他對人類帶有情緒,但是他的說法並非單純人類是末日,而是人類可能是末日,可能是救星。也就是說人類作為混沌壯大的根本源頭,其實是有機會自我救贖的...司勞達雖然對人類有偏見,但單就這段,顯然是在"陳述事實",也就是說人類要嘛成為銀河的災難之源,要嘛想辦法成為銀河的救星順路自救 很明顯地,人類並沒有做到