@Sun Sun 我也很想知道怎樣的女生會跟認識七天的人發生關係? 而且據黃醫生說,孩子是無法自然受孕,才[苦口婆心]拜託先生做試管的,還指定要男嬰。可見他先生並不是很想和她有孩子。也想知道,黃醫師當初堅持要生孩子,是為什麼? 黃醫師說了這麼多年了,她要什麼,想什麼,有些觀眾大概知道。只能說,陳家真可憐,都離婚了,還要被公審。
Sincerely suggest the producer to have more meaningful discussion. Why always gossiping other people whether divorce or cheat by their husbands...etc. why can this program discuss more important issues for common people such as 3 times stimulu package created so many problem for the people and goverment as well? this program should do the same discussing as did for the KMT when they promote NT$3600 years ago. Why changed to discuss ONLY the gossip right after DDP came in to power? Please discuss some stupid policies from current goverment.
Because this channel was set up to bash KMT regardless good of bad policy. Now they cannot even face the reality that DDP having so many stupid policies since they are in power. They put their head in sand to feel GOOD like the fog in the warm water to get boiled one day soon.