耶稣的神性是从永远到永远的,人性是受造的,祂在地上是道成肉身的形式存在,从母腹里出生,从婴孩一点点长到成人,会哭,会笑,会饿,会痛,而且时常在祷告,除了没有罪性以外,肉身和我们常人无异。你要说祂的肉身在创世之先就已存在必定是荒谬的。请问如果祂只有神性的话,怎么还需要祷告呢?英文钦定版圣经在歌罗西一章十五节也说 :the firstborn of every creture. 稍有语法知识的人也知道应翻译成:”一切受造之物的首生者“。总之我们要正直分解神的话,是什么就是什么,不以人的观念好恶而改变。
@SouthernHomestay13 жыл бұрын
Part 1: This episode of Patterns of Faith really touched me, calling to mind the sacrifices of those on whose shoulders we stand, I have chosen to post this, Part 1 and Part 2, on FaceBook, for others to appreciate, hoping that the Lord can use it especially to speak to young people today, knowing that He is still calling such into His service! My name is Mike Southern, and I approved this post.