I did not know he did so many things. I thought fans were angry because of him getting married as well. Thanks for making this video and let more people know the real reason.
@lmyyy89664 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your understanding TT
@lovelyelf4ever4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for understanding ELF situation!!! As an ELFs, we always hope our oppas can get married as long as they happy.
@TheLiquidMiracle4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for taking time watching this video!
@saltedfish21924 жыл бұрын
I remember the scandal... And same I also thought ELFs were mad bc he fell in love. I did not know he went as far as not participating in group activities, giving away his fans presents to his wife and using sj's name to promote his love life and his wife. I'm glad I watched this video. I did not know he was such an irresponsible, unprofessional, has no respect to the sj members and his fans, and a selfish person.
雖然不是死忠elf但也看SJ超過10年,以前還最喜歡晟敏…晟敏讓我死心的是他的改變,以前他一直說自己是在SJ中很中間的位置,不是說C位,而是年齡身高體重、唱歌跳舞能力、知名度等,讓他有時會找不到自己的定位,所以他很重視隊友,因為隊友的存在讓他找到自己的價值。我很理解他找到一個自己愛也愛他的人,他很想抓緊珍惜,但這個人很自私,也不為晟敏著想,甚至對晟敏說著洗腦他疏遠多年隊友的話,讓晟敏把她和自己放在高於隊友與事業的第一位,讓晟敏做著傷害隊友的事,自己亦對對SJ粉絲無禮嘲諷,而晟敏……不是對這些事情默許,而是在公開的言語行為間同意並支持妻子的所作所為。本來我曾經一直對晟敏抱著些許的期望,但最後被他在粉絲聊天室的「ke ke ke」給笑走了……給不理解的人,當時晟敏已結婚了,粉絲都在群組聊天室盡最後努力給他提議去修補與隊友和elf的關係,而金小姐卻在群組發表了侮辱嘲諷粉絲的說話,有粉絲請晟敏要對妻子的發言勸導一下,不然晟敏多年建立的形象都要被她敗光了,而當時晟敏回覆是韓文發音的「ke ke ke」……我不會說那些「粉絲是偶像的衣食父母」那樣的話,因為粉絲的購物只是偶像的其中一個收入來源,但粉絲把心掏出來去支持你,卻換來你與妻子這樣的說話,你瘋了嗎?