西游记动画 (Journey To The West) intro theme

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Filapawa Dawntasy

Filapawa Dawntasy

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Пікірлер: 20
@Ven43568 Ай бұрын
That was a powerful voice of the singer!
@nicholascosakavega1456 6 ай бұрын
So nostalgic
@DawntasyRevelate 6 ай бұрын
I agree. It is nostalgic! Ty for commenting! VIP Exclusive: In Medias Res Yaya stood at the edge of Unknown Town, a sense of foreboding washing over him as he gazed upon the desolate town before him. Unknown Town was further than Yaya had ever ventured. The moon cast an eerie glow over the abandoned streets and at once Yaya regretted coming on this mission; he wished he had just stayed home. He had once dwelled in Bear Village, a Utopia that he would never forget. He had been one of the village’s most honourable warriors, but ever since the delinquents had come to Bear Village, plundered everything and took everyone he loved, he knew that he had to fight not just for the legacy of Bear Village, but also for the world. But that was when his epic journey commenced. After he had been banished out of town by the Bear Chief for ‘letting them down’, he had encountered numerous perils which had extended his combat capabilities to a grade in which he was selected into the Time Rebellion League, a group of fearless rebels devoted to taking down the evils of the world, abolishing totalitarian rule and liberate the land of Isllandio off the clutches of the notorious tyrant known as Time Smith. Only a few months ago did Time Smith place his draconian laws in place, and it didn’t take long for a single brave mutineer known as Blokk to hold a rebellion against him. Blokk had called it the “Time Rebellion League”, “TRL” for short. He had set up their ‘secret hideout’ on a small sequestered outpost they called Sepdet Outpost, a few miles from Unknown Town. Blokk knew that just himself wasn’t enough to liberate Isllandio. He needed an army of people who all fought for the same obligation. And so Yaya joined with the hope of achieving redemption within his Bear community and being recognised as a saviour to Isllandio. Yaya also knew of Captain Salvapige, a legendary hero who had died before his grandmother’s eyes, who had written a recount and died seconds after. He had died for his own city, Doenoughts. For a split second Yaya felt like Salvapige, who had always been a menace to ruffians. But the thought of Time Smith made him step back once more. He had gained a reputation of never failing a task, but this was different. This was Time Smith he was facing. He felt a knot of apprehension tightening in his chest as he contemplated the mission that lay ahead. It proved to be a daunting challenge, but Yaya knew that the fate of his people depended on his success. He had been given a chance to prove his worth, and this was it. He couldn’t give up right now. With a deep breath, Yaya pushed aside his doubts and stepped forward into the darkness. As he ventured deeper into Unknown Town, Yaya picked up the odor of corpses; this was a place where safety was not guaranteed, at all. Around him, dilapidated buildings crumbled and the reflections were a menace. The once vibrant city had been reduced to a ghostly shell of its former self, a testament to the cruelty of Time Smith's rule. Time Smith had taken everything from him, and though he had never caught a glimpse of this notorious tyrant, he knew that everything, EVERYTHING was Time Smith’s fault. With renewed determination, Yaya trudged on, his heart set ablaze with the fire of justice. "Stop right there!" A voice shattered the silence, slicing through Yaya's thoughts like a blade. He turned slowly, paralyzed by fear, to face the source of the command. Before him stood a figure cloaked in army attire, bearing the scars of countless battles etched into his weathered face. His muscles bulged beneath the fabric, and his eyes gleamed with a warlike intensity that made Yaya's spine quake with anxiety. In his hand, he held a sharp spear, its tip aimed directly at Yaya's heart. "What... what are you doing?" Yaya's voice trembled as he struggled to form the words. "Putting you under arrest," the man growled, snarling menacingly. "But I'm allergic to manacles," Yaya blurted out, his mind racing to find a way out of the predicament. "Are you?" The man's tone was dismissive as he raised his spear until it was touching Yaya’s throat. Yaya felt the manacles tighten. "Yes. Last time I was near them, I almost got anaphylaxis. Take it off please," Yaya insisted, grasping at any excuse to evade capture. Despite Yaya's protestations, the man moved forward, his grip tightening on the spear. With one swift stroke, he leapt at Yaya and before Yaya figured out what was going on, the bear was in manacles, led away by the guard. As they walked, Yaya's eyes fell upon the badge adorning the man's uniform, proudly proclaiming allegiance to BOMT. He recalled the stories he had heard about the organization's ruthless tactics and unjust arrests, its commander being the one and only Time Smith. Yaya threw himself back onto the guard, then grasped at the chance to escape from his manacles. It did not take long for the handcuffs to snap. His hand instinctively went for his pike, his trusty weapon that had aided him in almost every battle, and brought it down on the guard, who cried out in pain. Though Yaya despised violence, he knew that in this world of treachery and betrayal, sometimes it was necessary to fight for one's freedom. As he stood over his fallen adversary, he vowed to continue the struggle against tyranny, no matter the cost. Even policemen turned to bitter hatred and mind-numbing evil, and they joined a notorious and massive organisation called BOMT. It was dedicated to massacring people in big numbers and gaining control of everyone’s homes, just like Big Brother did way back then, in 1984. After that, the organisation would take full control of everyone’s minds. What next?
@DawntasyRevelate 6 ай бұрын
The Final Stand “Yaya,” a voice said behind him. “What are you doing here?” Yaya turned around, expecting to see Time Smith, but the voice was oddly familiar, in a good way. Aegis Wick, his former master, stood there, wielding his golden sceptre of enlightenment. Master Wick was a frizzy haired man who had mastered inner energy, having granted the power of the Golden Purity. In fact, his martial arts and fighting capabilities had reached to an extent in which even though he was at the crippling age of 74, he could fight the world’s strongest man and even win. Aegis Wick had taught Yaya his entire life as Yaya honed his skills in combat prowess. “Ahh! Old master! We meet again,” Yaya whooped, but his joy was ephemeral. A group of guards had followed them into the dilapidated hut they were situated in, and they were cornered. “Get ready, Yaya. Remember what we talked about. Always be careful. Come on, this will be a breeze,” Aegis Wick said as he raised his sceptre. “Got it. Let’s show ‘em.” Yaya raised his pike. The air crackled with tension as each blow landed, the air laced thick with the blood of battle. Despite their best efforts, the guards pressed on relentlessly, their numbers overwhelming. Yaya gritted his teeth in frustration, his heart pounding with the weight of the battle. He glanced over at Aegis Wick, his mentor and friend, his eyes reflecting a silent plea for strength and guidance. Aegis held his ground, duelling three soldiers at once, drawn equal to them, pushing them back using ancient mojos in the form of a celestial forcefield. Yaya was duelling another soldier nearby, his eyes locked in the battle with furious concentration. The soldier completely knew what he was doing, and Yaya struggled to defend against the soldier’s quick reflexes. And then, in the blink of an eye, it happened. Aegis Wick stumbled backwards, a look of shock and pain etched onto his face as a blade pierced his chest. Time seemed to stand still as Yaya watched in horror, his mind unable to process the sight before him. "No..." Yaya's voice cracked with emotion as he rushed to Aegis Wick's side, his hands trembling as he attempted to staunch the flow of blood. "You can't leave me, master. Not like this." But Aegis Wick's strength was fading fast, his breaths coming in ragged gasps as he clung to the threads of his dear life. He reached out a trembling hand, grasping Yaya's arm feebly. "Yaya," he whispered as rivers of blood poured out of him. "You must carry on. The fight...is not over." Tears welled in Yaya's eyes as he listened to Aegis Wick's final words, his heart breaking at the thought of losing his mentor and friend. But even as grief threatened to consume him, he knew that he had to honor Aegis Wick's sacrifice and continue the fight. With a heavy heart, Yaya watched as the light faded from Aegis Wick's eyes, his mentor's final breath escaping into the cold night air. And as the sounds of battle raged on around him, Yaya vowed to carry on Aegis Wick's legacy, to fight with all his strength and courage until justice was served. Behind the Veil John Michaelson Liberalis Benignus Timeothy Smith sat in his office, clicking his pen and jittering his teeth. He preferred Time Smith, by the way. Just Time Smith. He knew nothing of himself, well, almost nothing, except that he rose to power some time in his life, dreaming to shape a Utopia. It was quite queer to think that he didn’t recall a single thing of his early life, who his parents were or how he came to be. But that, in the present, was not his primary concern. What was, however, was the rebellion. “Sir?” Sergeant Bicket, a former police sergeant and his current sidekick, said. “One moment, Bicket,” Time Smith replied with no emotion. Bicket still wore his police uniform, but he no longer held the loyalty to the “former” government, he now diverted all his devotion to the current government, BOMT. There was another uniform for this matter, but he wore his former police uniform as a disguise to beguile any rebels. “We can’t have this bear, Yaya, messing around with our business,” Time Smith said. “I had planned this for a perfect society, a world without war, a world without cruelty, sadness and…and…” “I know sir,” Sergeant Bicket said. “Tough times. They’ve turned on us, and spread lies about us.” “Any ideas on what we should do now?” Time Smith asked. Sergeant Bicket remained silent. “We only have one choice,” Time Smith suggested. “Send out the troops and tell them to invade Sepdet.”
@DawntasyRevelate 6 ай бұрын
Mourning Shadows Yaya sat in the corner of the room, in one of the few huts that he had called home for 2 years. He wished he was back at Bear Village, with his family, he wished he was back with Aegis, who was like family to him. Sepdet was a great place to live and for the years he spent living there he had thoroughly enjoyed it - but it never gave him the vibe of his old home. Throughout his head were a dozen horror movies that he had literally experienced in real life. He knew that such a heart-wrenching and unpleasant memory would be stuck in his mind forever. Nothing would bring solace to Yaya now, with his heart shattered into millions of pieces. Bear Village. Aegis. It was all because of Time Smith. He reflected upon the golden days “What happened?” said Questa, Yaya’s friend who had just walked in. He sat down, holding a folded map in his hands. He knew how Yaya felt. He had been faced with numerous hardships too, such as being separated from his loving brother during the Isllandio Downfall, when deep in his heart, he knew that it was far from over, from finding his brother again, let alone defeating Time Smith. Questa knew that the topic of the Isllandio Downfall was not to be taken lightly. The Isllandio Downfall was the initial commencement of the BOMT policy, in which Time Smith took charge. Thousands of people in Isllandio lost their jobs and were forced to work under the totalitarian hierarchy of BOMT. They had been separated from family, with pipe dreams of seeing their relatives again. Questa was one of them. However, he did not lose hope. He continued to fight for the cause, knowing that his brother was strong in combat, and was out there somewhere, fighting for a similar cause. “I know how you feel, Yaya. It's the same for everyone. Ever since Time Smith took control, we all had to bear the brunt. It’s not just you.” Questa spoke with dignity, his seemingly harsh words like daggers to Yaya’s heart. “But-” Yaya started. “I’m not trying to discourage you, Yaya. I, too, am very sad about your mentor’s passing. We all know that. But we must move on. We cannot change the past. But we can change the future,” Questa said once again, but this time Yaya knew that Questa was right. He couldn’t mull over Aegis Wick’s death forever; he had to get over it eventually. He stood up, then slowly walked to the table, and sat down with a cup of coffee in his hand. “Aegis Wick died for you, Yaya. He wanted you to live on with the motivation that you would follow his footsteps, honour his legacy and fight in the throes of war,” Questa said warmly. He had served under Blokk, the leader of the rebellion, for quite a long time, and he knew that once, he was a junior agent like Yaya, inexperienced in the adversity of the world and blinded by fear. “No. The future of the world is not in my hands. But the cup of coffee is,” Yaya replied, tears flooding his cheeks. He was trying his best to lighten the mood, but he could never get over the fact that his mentor had so many plans for him, done so much for him, and died right in front of him. Yaya took another sip of his coffee.
@DawntasyRevelate 6 ай бұрын
Tiding “Time Smith is rising to power,” said Blokk, who was the head of the TRL, against Time Smith. “Yaya,” Blokk continued. “How was the scout mission?” “It didn’t go as expected,” Yaya replied, eyes looking down, and his face twisted in a frown. “Aegis…he is no longer with us.” “Oh no. This is just as I feared,” muttered Blokk. “That ain’t good news.” “What do you think we should do, Blokk?” Yaya replied in despair. “There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you, Yaya. I didn’t start the TRL just because of Time Smith. Something supernatural is at play. That’s why I sent you to Unknown Town. Something tells me that Time Smith isn’t who we think him to be. Only you can perhaps achieve what I want to know. Solus may be able to tell you. He knows Time Smith more than anyone else. So if you want to avenge Aegis, your first step is to find Solus.” Blokk said gruffly. “Who’s Solus?” Yaya asked. “He’s one of the few mages that possess arcane power,” Blokk explained. “He resides in his hut at the edge of the forest.” “Are you sure about this, Blokk?” Yaya asked again, doubtfully. “I’m absolutely sure,” Blokk said.
@DawntasyRevelate 6 ай бұрын
The Lone Hermit Yaya trudged through the dense forest, the weight of his mission heavy on his shoulders. He had heard tales of a solitary hermit who dwelled in a remote cottage deep within the woods, a hermit rumoured to possess knowledge of the ancient arts of battle. Determined to seek aid in his quest to defeat Time Smith, Yaya pressed on, guided by a flickering hope that he might find an ally in this mysterious recluse. After what seemed like hours of wandering through the labyrinth of trees, Yaya finally stumbled upon a clearing where a solitary cottage stood, its walls blending seamlessly with the surrounding wilderness. With cautious steps, Yaya approached the cottage, his heart pounding with anticipation. As he reached the doorstep, Yaya hesitated for a moment before mustering the courage to knock. The sound echoed through the silent forest, and moments later, the door creaked open to reveal a figure cloaked in shadow. He was dressed top to bottom in a thick robe, covering everything but his old, weathered face. "Who’s there?" a voice growled from within the darkness. Yaya swallowed hard, his nerves getting the better of him. "I come seeking aid," he replied, his voice steady despite the tremor in his hands. "I seek the wisdom of the one known as Solus." The figure in the doorway regarded Yaya with piercing eyes, the flicker of a fire casting eerie shadows across his face. "Solus is no friend to strangers," the voice replied, laced with a hint of irritation. "What makes you think I would aid you in your foolish quest?" Yaya took a deep breath, steeling himself for the task ahead. "Because I fight for a cause greater than myself," he said, his voice ringing with conviction. "I fight to rid our land of the tyranny of Time Smith, and I believe that together, we can achieve what none have dared to dream." There was a long pause, the silence broken only by the rustle of leaves in the breeze. And then, to Yaya's surprise, the figure stepped forward into the light, revealing the face of the hermit. He was covered in lacerations and wounds from the last world war, wounds that he knew would never mend. The man's name was Solus, and he was a former police sergeant of the Isllandio Interplanetary Police Force, Division Nine, and it was his prime duty to bring all criminals to justice, and to restore peace in the world. He worked with his closest colleague, Sergeant Bicket, who had always followed him. Solus had once saved Bicket from an ambush, but that was 14 years ago. Now, Solus tended to spend his life away from others, as a hermit, living a life of solitude. A battle veteran he was, but all he ever wanted was peace. “Come in, come in.” Solus ushered him in. Yaya followed him in, and at once he could smell the pleasing scent of flowers. “I suppose Blokk sent you here?” Solus said as soon as they sat down. “Yes. What do you know about Time Smith?” Yaya asked. “Blokk tells me you know of the tyrant.” “Time Smith is no ordinary person,” Solus replied, shadows forming on his back. “Yet very powerful. I studied arcane magic for 10 years, and when I clashed with him, I didn’t stand a chance.” Yaya remained silent, though he was capturing every word that Solus was saying. Solus continued, “It has come to my attention that Time Smith in some way, may be linked to a force we cannot comprehend. He is a warrior of celestial power, Yaya. You must not underestimate him.” “And what about my master, Aegis Wick? He was murdered by one of Time Smith’s minions,” said Yaya. “Let’s not get over that topic. Sadness will only slow you down. Aegis was one of my best buds. Blokk, Aegis and I.” Solus spoke with wisdom, spirits forming from out of his hand. “Can you like…revive him?” "Unfortunately, necromancy bends the cycle of life and death. So no. Even if I revive him, he will never be the same. I have fought many battles, Yaya," Solus said, his voice heavy. "I have faced Time Smith and his minions, and I have seen the darkness that lurks in the hearts of men. All my efforts were in vain, for in the end, my comrades fell to greed, to lust, to the very vices that led them to join that tyrant’s side," Yaya listened intently, his heart aching for the pain and loss etched into Solus's weary face. "But that does not mean we should give up hope," he said, his voice filled with determination. "We can forge a brighter future," Solus regarded Yaya for a long moment, his gaze searching and unreadable. "You speak of hope, young warrior," he said, his voice tinged with bitterness. "But I have seen too much of this world to believe in such illusions. Peace is all I seek, and I will not be swayed by your lofty whims." Yaya's heart sank at Solus's words, but he refused to give up hope. "I understand your reluctance, Solus," he said, his voice soft but determined. "But I believe that together, we can find a way to bring peace to our land once more. Please, join me in this fight, and together, we can make a difference." And with that, Yaya waited in tense anticipation, hoping against hope that Solus would see the light and lend his aid to their cause. Solus turned his back on Yaya and poured himself a glass of the most expensive wine, which he then poured down his mouth in a quick fashion. Slamming the cup on the bench, he stood up and he ambled to his garden, wearing his typical gruff demeanour. Yaya followed him tentatively. “Please, sir,” Yaya pleaded. “If you don’t help, soon there will be no place for a bit of peace and quiet.” Solus suddenly turned to face Yaya. He was covered in wounds from the First SMILE War. Looking at them, Solus grimaced, or he might have grimaced. It was impossible to tell with the massive hood hanging over his whole body. He had practised arcane magic for all those years, just to defend himself. Over the years, he had suffered torture and pain beyond comprehension, and all he wanted was peace, but he knew that Yaya was right. If he didn’t fight for peace, there would be no peace. He grunted. Maybe this was the way to go. “Alright, fine. But if any of my friends asks me what I’m doing for some kind of stupid mutiny, I’m gonna say that you guys blackmailed me into this shenanigans business.” Yaya whooped in delight. Beri Forest As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the dense canopy, Yaya and Solus found themselves walking along a narrow path that wound its way through the unprecedented Beri Forest. The air was cool and crisp, filled with the scent of pine and earth. Silence hung between them for a while, broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves and the soft crunch of twigs beneath their boots. Solus made sure he walked 3 metres away from Yaya, but deep in his soul he knew how Yaya felt, and he wanted to fulfil what Yaya wanted. He understood Yaya’s loss, as he had similar experiences, experiences that had drilled holes in his heart. But he wanted to help Yaya too. "Solus," Yaya began tentatively, "do you ever wonder about the path we've chosen? About where it might lead us?" Solus looked at him, his eyes reflecting the flickering light of the torches that lined the path. "All the time," he admitted. "You never know. I didn’t even know magic existed until I stumbled upon that grimoire in the library.” Yaya nodded, his thoughts drifting to the events that had brought them together. He had set out on this quest with a singular purpose - to uncover the truth behind his mentor's death. But now, in the company of Solus, his goals seemed to have shifted, blurred around the edges by the complexities of their shared journey, and had somehow intertwined with Yaya’s. Solus sighed. "I never imagined that I would find myself walking alongside you," he confessed, hiding his eyes from the light that shimmer down on them. “But that’s a good thing. I’m glad you came to my doorstep, to be honest,” Solus replied, then looked up into the sky. “Night’s coming, Yaya. Let’s camp.” For about ten minutes the duo was warming themselves by the fire, not bothering to talk to each other, locked in a silent tableau. “You look sad, Yaya,” Solus spoke suddenly. “I am. Aegis died. I can’t get over it,” Yaya weeped, tears flooding down his cheeks as he shook his head. “Ah, that’s tough. But I already told you before. Keep on going.” Solus picked up a couple of twigs from the ground, then tossed them into the crackling fire. “My old mentor. He is my mentor…or was my mentor. He meant everything to me.” Yaya dipped his head low as the fire emanated its heat onto his face. “How did he die?” Solus asked. For each second that he conversed with Yaya, he felt a deep connection in his heart, a calling that Yaya wasn’t very different to him. “It was murder. I don’t understand…he never lost a battle, in fact when were on Terracontinent Island, he held his ground and vanquished two of the most powerful shrine keepers. I don’t understand how he would die to a mere guard,” Yaya said, taking a deep breath in, then out as melancholy wrenched his heart in agony. “Maybe,” Solus said. “It was deliberate.”
@ALfollower Ай бұрын
Hearing this intro play would bring instant joy to my 7 y/o self
@adelazhou6769 2 ай бұрын
@Sunnyside45335 2 ай бұрын
@NeoUltra27 8 күн бұрын
So fire 🤘
@likpasaaa8074 11 ай бұрын
@LouisTheMusical 5 ай бұрын
@NeoUltra27 10 күн бұрын
1:31 very fire
@ChiquibabySuazo 4 ай бұрын
Tori: Well sun wukong is better than the villains welp at least sun wukong is my boyfriend ♥️ and I’m his girlfriend☺️
@Oldies90s Ай бұрын
monkey king mere brother
@jianwang1691 3 ай бұрын
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