Xaiv Lub Neej Tso Kuv Niam. 12/9/22

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Xaiv Lub Neej Tso Kuv Niam
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@lsswap715 2 жыл бұрын
In life, you only have one mother. Once she is gone, she is gone. On the other hand, your marriage may end tomorrow.. You can always find love and happiness with another women. If your wife is willing to end your marriage over this, her love for you is not that big, isn't that strong. You basically got punk by your wife and the next time she wants it her way. It's time for that ULTIMATUM
@janievee279 2 жыл бұрын
Totally agree!!
@missysmart8620 2 жыл бұрын
Yep! That’s coming up next. She’s not strong enough to realize that it’s not his doing or saying but it’s his family and that they both need to stick together to weather the storm and shouldn’t make him feel like he has to choose between his wife and his mother. Yes it’s ugly but that’s family.
@MiZdEbBieVuE 2 жыл бұрын
You might as well live with your momma for life lmao
@xxkk1241 2 жыл бұрын
Amen! Lol
@lsswap715 2 жыл бұрын
MiZdEbBieVuE I would if I could, but my mother is deceased.. I can tell you that no one else can fill my mother's shoe or her name.. No matter where I look, I still haven't found another one like my mother. Still can't find Mother's love. Just you wait. One day, you will wake up, and your mother will be gone, and you will then feel the pain and void that is left when you can't ever find another mother.. I've been through countess women to finally find my fiancé. But still haven't found another Mom yet. But how would I know right.
@mayxiong1166 2 жыл бұрын
Brother you've chosen to follow Christ. Follow Christ with all your heart, mind and soul. Forgive your parents and love them for what they believe. Ask our heavenly father to bless your parents and siblings that one day they will see the light. God bless. 🤗
@payang3701 2 жыл бұрын
Tim koj poj niam thiab koj cov neej tsa Yog koj poj niam hlub koj tiag ces nws twb los yuav koj lawm ces nws yuav tau los yoog koj thiab koj tsev neeg thiaj yog.
@missysmart8620 2 жыл бұрын
Lol! Tsis txhob hais2 tias tim nws niag poj niam tsam nws niag poj niam muab nws veg thiab os. Koj tsis nco qab part nws tus wife hnov nws niam hais tias kom nws rov qab es nws niam mam yuav ib tug tshiab raus nws es nws thiaj li mag nws niag poj xas nws rov qab los cas 😅!
@isabellexiong227 2 жыл бұрын
Koj tus nyab yuav siab phem ib yam li koj ua rau koj niam koj txiv yog zoo ces txhob ntsheeg vaj tswv xwb vim av luaj tawg nphej koj tawm koj thiaj tsis hiub vim koj nyob qab tiab xwb
@nanciechen-van1095 2 жыл бұрын
BRAVO! zoo kawg uas koj txiav txim siab ua li ko nawb yeej yog li koj hais os yus cov niam tub yog yus txoj sia kev ua neej pw hmo ntuj nyob uake nruab hnub mog. koj niam lawv ces yog ib qhov chaw mus ua qhua lawm xwb os.
@hmoobmekas2567 2 жыл бұрын
Neb tsis Kam yuav niam pog txiv yawg tsis hlub niam pog txiv yawg neb mus hlub niam tais yawm txiv xwb
@caaspasvang7427 2 жыл бұрын
Cov tub nyab zoo li no Tsi txog twg os
@pajthao4813 2 жыл бұрын
Yog tsis nyiam niam pog txiv yawg es nws mus nyob nws xwb yog tiamsis nws ua tsis taus txiv nws nyoo nws tus pojniam
@jessielor1380 2 жыл бұрын
Tus tub no nws tsis paub qhov yog qhov tsis yog. Tsis paub qhov zoo qhov tsis zoo. Koj tus poj niam yeej yog koj lub neej tab mas koj yog txiv neej txiv tsev. Koj yuav tsum paub tias qhov yog yog dab tsi. Koj twb paub tias koj niam koj txiv yog tus neeg coj li Cas, kev coj dab coj qhua coj li Cas. Vim koj pheej muaj koj tus poj niam saib hlob thiab ee nws xwb. Kev ntseeg tsis txwv tab mas kom koj paub tias koj tseem muaj niam muaj txiv, muaj kwv muaj tij, muaj muam muaj koj tsev neeg. Kev ntseeg yog ib txoj kev pab tau qee leej qee tus tab mas kev ntseeg yeej tseem rhuav rhe tau ib tsev neeg vim tib txoj kev ua nyias ntseeg nyias txoj kev xwb. Vaj tswv los tsuas yog dab qhuas ib yam li poj koob yawm tswv txoj kev caiv thiab xwb. Tos koj niam koj txiv lawv ntshai los vim lawv twb paub tias yog thaum koj poob rau sab ntawv lawm ces koj txias cais lawv li lawv yog qhua sab nrauv xwb. Tu siab tias koj tsev neeg tsis txawj qhuab qhia koj kom koj paub tias qhov lawv txwv txiav yog dab tsi...vim thaum koj mus rau sab ntawv ces koj yeej ntxub ntxaug thiab txwv txiav koj tsev neeg ntawm xub ntiag vim tib txoj kev ntseeg lis ntawm vaj tswv. Vaj tswv yeej muaj txoj kev zoo tab mas vaj tswv tseem rhuav rhe tau yus tsev neeg....
@kuab50 2 жыл бұрын
Tus metub, kuv yog ib tus txiv neej hmoob laus thiab kuv ntseeg Vajtswv tau ntau tshaj 30 xyoo lawm, kuv zoo siab uas koj txiav txim siab yog lawm thov Vajtswv foom hmoov zoo rau koj nawv, tab sis cia mam thov Vajtswv coj koj thiab koj poj niam nrog koj tsev neeg txoj hauv kev kom txhuas yam ntawm koj tsev neeg nrog koj poj niam yuav txawj sib to tau sib zam txim rau koj thiab koj niam koj txiv nej lub neej tom ntej no nawv, tus nyab ntseeg koj yuav tau zam txim rau koj tus txiv hlub nws tiag, koj los yuav tau ua siab ntev rau koj niam pog vim lawv tsi paub tsi to tau txog peb kev ntseeg ces lawv ua txawm txhaum koj lawm thiab,tiag2 koj yog tus ntseeg tiag koj yuav tau ua siab ntev thiab zam txim rau lawv ib hnub twg lawv yuav los nrog koj ntseeg Vajtswv mog.
@hmoobmekas2567 2 жыл бұрын
Cas koj tus poj niam ho tsis ua li koj lub siab xav mas es koj ho mus ua li koj poj niam siab xav ces qhia tau tias koj ya tsis tau txiv xwb
@dungvang8897 2 жыл бұрын
Ntseeg Vaj tswv ces yog lawm os tus phooj yws
@skhuzooheevlioskhosiabtsha2563 2 жыл бұрын
Pab nrog leej niam leej txiv tu siab os lo ...
@黎宏宇 2 жыл бұрын
lwm kj cov me nyuam yuav muab koj tso cia thiab ma koj thiaj puab tu siab os
@yiachang4622 2 жыл бұрын
Yog, yus ua li cas rau yus niam thiab txiv ces yus cov me nyuam ntsia tsoov yus kawm
@xeeyang5867 2 жыл бұрын
Li cas los swb u lub neej, thiab swb txoj kev ntseeg
@maiherojj 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly, we just have to respect other's belief/religion.
@shawnyang3400 2 жыл бұрын
Only church Hmong church goer teach their daughter that when " you marry him you have to bring him into God 's life" her parents do not teach their daughter that "when you marry him follow him whatever he does". Who say church people are going to fly straight to heaven with Jesus? Why they still go to the hospital when they get sick?
@maiherojj 2 жыл бұрын
@@shawnyang3400 yes too... but it also goes both way. The most important thing is for the couple to talk and decide before marriage. Religion is always a big issue and the pair needs to decide beforehand what they will do and let their parents know.
@leevue7803 2 жыл бұрын
Coj txoj twg los yeej zoo tab kuv twv koj lub neej yuav tsis txog qhov twg vim koj rov taws tuam ntuj
@douayang2163 2 жыл бұрын
Tuag lau yog li no os
@minecraftboy2676 2 жыл бұрын
That is why you should and any sons out there should be paying for their own wedding and wife and save all that money for their own retirements!!! This is a lesson to learn for all parents out there. Parents DO NOT pay for your sons' weddings and educations too!!! Let them do it themselves!!!!
@bosslady8498 2 жыл бұрын
This , I agreed! 👏🏼 It’s 2022 going on 2023, whoever want to be grown and get marry they should pay for their own wife & wedding or school! Don’t depend on the parent or anyone ! So you don’t feel like you owe anyone anything or parent don’t think just because they pay for your wife you have to listen to them good or bad . Everyone want to live life the way they want and wish so go out there and be independent and be legit!
@nkaujkiablaujchannel8215 2 жыл бұрын
G tim koj niam nkawv os tim koj niam tai yawm txiv tim koj poj niam tim koj nawb koj kuj ua koj tu poj niam xeem hmoob lo pob koj ce nkim zog yug
@maokhang9549 2 жыл бұрын
Koj tus poj niam yeej tsis hlub koj tsuas yog koj hlub nws xwb es koj thiaj ua txhua yam kom nws zoo siab xwb. Nws yeej tsis nyiam thiab hlub koj tsev neeg li os cov neeg coj li koj tus poj niam ko na. Koj mas tsis tsim nyog tau txais koj niam txoj kev hlub li laus. Nroj koj niam thiab koj txiv nkawv khuv xim nkawv lub zog hlub koj tshaj plaws li os. Tu siab heev li nawb tus tub coj li koj na!!
@kuvkuv3165 2 жыл бұрын
@janievee279 2 жыл бұрын
And to the fact that he was sleeping and holding his mama’s maws maws until he was 12 years old. Karma yuav los sais sais.
@jaythao1022 5 ай бұрын
Koj zaj dab neeg no mas pab koj txaj muag kawg li os
@maryly09 2 жыл бұрын
As a mother, i will never make my children choose between me and their spouses. My life is with their father and will end with their father. My children's lives are theirs to choose with their spouses, not with me. I will never understand parents like this.
@ThePrincessWorrior 2 жыл бұрын
That’s what I’m saying. These people say like they will last their children until the children are underground then they die following them.
@JRxwb 2 жыл бұрын
You can say that now but we never know the future. What if their wife was abusive or drug addicted or casino life than your answer might change lol 😂 In the future we never know but if you were to say that you’ll allow your son to follow his wife’s religious if that’s what he want than that’s a different point. I hope you understand 😁
@ibobpebplaub9354 2 жыл бұрын
Wait until you are old and your nyab buy expensive jewelries and buys tickets to her parents to travels and go to her parents all the times but never even come to your house once. Don't even let you touched your grandkids cuz she think you are Evil and disgusting, wait until your nyab locked her doors and won't let you in even though she knew you were outside ringing the door bell. It's too early to say things now, if you by then you can live by yourself and not shed a tears then you are the best parent...if not, I hope you will remember what you are saying.
@baothao1728 2 жыл бұрын
Wow that’s so hard and big decision for you. Tab sis hnub no koj xaiv koj poj niam menyuam kuj zoo rau koj lwm hnub koj thiab koj poj niam neb mam ho rau koj niam thiab koj txiv nkawd nkaum khau xwb maj peb ua neeg nyob ces yog ib leeg muaj ib lub voj ces ib leeg yuav tau ua ib zaug poj ib leeg muaj ib lub dawm ces ib leeg yuav tau ua ib zaug yawm os. Kuv paub nej yuav hais tias kuv mas yeej tsis coj li 2 niag laus ntawd. Tu siab tsawv thiab yom vim koj mus kev cai tshiab koj tuaj txog koj tsis paub pab cov hauj lwm qub lawm ne. Zoo li koj txiav koj niam koj txiv lawm ntag tiag.😢
@cibthoj813 2 жыл бұрын
Yog kawg. Tus mus ntseej kev cai tshiab lawm ces tuaj txog ces niam txiv kwv tij tua qaib tua npua los yeej tsis tshua kam kov lawm ces yeej ua rau lawv tag kev cia siab tiag
@hmoobmekas2567 2 жыл бұрын
Ces muab neb tus tub tua tua tua kom tuag tsuav mos mos yaug nrob qhov Viv mus vim lwm hnub neb tus tub yeej ua ib yam li neb ua rau neb niam neb txiv thiab
@kaoyang8598 2 жыл бұрын
Thaum ub koj noj niam mis koj mloog niam lus nim no koj noj nyab mis koj thiaj yuav mloog nyab lus
@xeeyang5867 2 жыл бұрын
Peb ua niam tub ua ib tse neeg, peb txoj kev sib hlub ntawm tsev neeg yeej g tu, yuav sib hlub mus ib sim, peb lub neej yog g muaj kev sib hlub lawm, yog ib txoj kev nyuaj thiab tusiab, tsuas u Ntuj tshaj plaws li , tus mi nus kj xaiv yog lawm, kj niam lawv txawm yov tusiab los, ntawm txoj hlub u yuav tsum txhob pub tu. U yog tug ntseeg vajtswv lawm, u zam txim rau lawv mog, thov vajtswv coj kj tsev neeg nyob nrog txoj kev kajsiab xwb,
@caaspasvang7427 2 жыл бұрын
80% ntawm cov nyab ntseeg vajtswv yeej coj cov tub ua Tsi ntseg mus ntseeg vajtswv tag li lawm cov niam txiv ntseeg vajtswv xyov lawv qhuab qhia lawv cov ntxhais li cas. Too bad
@maiyang7845 2 жыл бұрын
You made the right decision. Always pick your wife and kids over anybody else including your own parents.👍💯
@suemay2597 2 жыл бұрын
My marriage ended because I was a church girl, and my ex mother Inlaw was unhappy that she’s not happy that her son is happy, she did whatever, went above and beyond to break our marriage, and saying she can buy him a new wife. The mother Inlaw was selfish. You did the right thing, it’s so hard being in the middle, it’s sad to be in a position that you had to pick. Seriously why can’t people just be happy and support their kids. Glad you picked your family.
@janievee279 2 жыл бұрын
When you married your husband, did you not know that he’s not a church man? You chose to marry him meaning that if you are Hmong and your in laws paid a dowry, you basically goes with whatever your husband belief is. You don’t change him to be like you and expect the in laws to be ok.
@suemay2597 2 жыл бұрын
@@janievee279I never took him to church we practiced his parents way, shamanism, I gave up church and did everything, and the mother hated the fact that I was a church person. And finally she took him to go get another woman and that’s when everything ended.
@janievee279 2 жыл бұрын
@@suemay2597 I’m sorry to hear that.
@suemay2597 2 жыл бұрын
@@janievee279 I truly believe things happen for a reason, I wouldn’t know how well it would had been, but his wife after me divorced him because of his mother. So his on his third wife now, which I hope he will man up and pick his wife. I’m completely content, but felt bad for my two kids who had a broken family, but they’re big now and are very independent which I’m proud of. 😊
@pajyaj5328 2 жыл бұрын
My husband and I r some my in law family cut my husband off because my husband chose me.
@musibsim2151 2 жыл бұрын
Txawj kev ntseeg koj ntseeg yam twg los yeej zoo tabsis koj yuav luag tus tub ces koj yuav tau mus yoog luaj thiaj yog
@nkaujseelee4905 2 жыл бұрын
Koj Yog ib tug tub cag, Koj yuav tsum tsis txhob hloov koj txoj kev caiv ntseeg ntawm koj niam thiab koj txiv. Muaj Ib Hnub twg koj Poj niam tsis yuav koj lawm ces koj yuav rov qab Mus khaub zig koj niam koj txi xwb. Koj tus Poj niam Yog hlub koj ces yuav tsum hlub koj tsev neeg. Tiag tiag mas koj xav Mus npaum twg los cas koj tsis tos koj niam koj txiv tuag tso mas…kuv nrog koj niam koj txiv tu siab kawg…
@lawvpojniam 2 жыл бұрын
Txawm coj txoj kev twg los tsuav sib hlub xwb los ma
@lisvaj7375 2 жыл бұрын
I never understood why this wasn’t discussed prior to your marriage. Religion is so important even though some people say it is not. The only time when religion isn’t an issue is when both people do not care for it. I have a lot of friends who have converted their husbands to be Christian’s like them too. Although I feel it’s a personal choice, I do see it effect their relationships with their husbands side of the family. Please be open minded to both religions even if you don’t believe it. Respect goes both way. Support both families. You seem like you do more for your wife and her family then your parents, this is probably why your parents are upset.
@maivelasquez9024 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, I see that too and to ripped out the Xwm Kab without saying anything, that is wrong and disrespectful.
@xongyang4392 2 жыл бұрын
Peb cov tub ces nyob hauv poj niam qab tab xwb yeej tsis hlub niam thiab li os kuv tus es twb tsis tau yuav es twb coj khiav mus lawm
@melaxiong8355 2 жыл бұрын
@touyang5608 2 жыл бұрын
Ever since the world began, not a single human being ever proved true…that God exist. With that, religion is just a hope/faith of social support among people.
@nkaujkiablaujchannel8215 2 жыл бұрын
Ua neeg nyob yu niam yu txiv txoj cai twg ce yuav tau ua li yu niam yu txiv xwb koj tu poj niam phem zog lawm muab koj mu coj li niam tai yawm txiv lawm gvzoo nawb yog hnub twg g muaj ob tug lau lawm e koj ho mob yuav tuag kho gvtau e vaj tswv ho kho tau no koj mu ntseeg thiaj yog os
@mayvue828 2 жыл бұрын
Koj tus poj niam yog ib tug nyab tsis zoo..nyab zoo tsis coj lawv tus tub mus ntsheeg yus hom kev cai..
@missysmart8620 2 жыл бұрын
Aib thaub no los nws hlwb tsis duav nws cev thiab os. To be honest, a good wife and neej tsas will never allow the husband to choose between mama or wife. I didn’t quite get how they go from living one hour away from the parents to going to church! How did that come about. I mean once she’s married to him, Cas nws hos tsis los coj niam pog txiv yawg cov kev cais es hos encourage aib thaub no mus church thiab mus kawm uas xib hwb? To all church ladies goer, if you can’t change don’t go marrying someone outside of your beliefs because you’ll just gonna be a family wrecker.
@yingvang1276 2 жыл бұрын
Listening to the whole story before judging, the only selfish ones in this story is his family, playing bully, putting ultimatums, threatening of disowning. And most of these commenters thinks these are all good thing on behave of his family. Brother, follow in the words Jesus teaches, your life will be full of blessings, not perfect, but more blessings. I'm happy of your decision. All you've said are wise words.
@yerlee1277 2 жыл бұрын
Twb yog vim muaj kev tsis sib to taub sib cov nyom li ko es vaj tswv thiaj kom peb cov uas los ntseeg vaj tswv lawm txhob mus yuav cov tseem coj dab los ua yus tus poj niam los yog ua yus txiv ntag mas .
@crystalxiong735 2 жыл бұрын
Cov laus lo lus hais tias " peb yug nej loj xwb tsis yug nej laus." Tus leej niam no hnov qab lawm.
@yogkuv7218 2 жыл бұрын
Txawm li caskoj yuavtsum nrog koj pojniam me nyuam ualub neej mus
@avnamo5787 2 жыл бұрын
Kuv yog ib tug neeg ntseeg vajtswv mus church. Kuv xaiv kuv niam over kuv poj niam menyuam vim kuv tsis hlub kuv poj niam thiab kuv niam tsis nyiam kuv poj niam. Kuv lub neej paus twb yog tim kuv niam wb ntag. Kuv tham tham hluas nkauj lub neej thiaj paus. Kuv tso kuv poj niam menyuam tseg vim kuv hlub kuv niam tshaj kuv poj niam.....kuv niam tsis muaj neej tsis muaj chaw nyob kuv thiaj xaiv kuv niam. Poj niam ces they come and go but kuv muaj ib leeg niam xwb ces kuv xaiv kuv niam.
@xuangxongxuangxong8687 2 жыл бұрын
Phem zoo los yg yus niam yus txiv hais ib lo quaj ib pluag rau yus lawm ces lub neej tsis vam Meej li os
@fuemoua8345 2 жыл бұрын
hmoob txoj kev ntseeg yog kab laig kev ntawg rau dab ntxwg nyoog xwb tus tuag lawm yeej tsis los noj los haus yog dab ntxwg nyoog txia ua yus niam yus txiv los xwb
@pangvang8902 2 жыл бұрын
Pab tsis tau vim koj twb tsis yog vaj tswv yug ne koj niam koj txiv yug koj os mog
@cheevue7009 2 жыл бұрын
Kv tsis paub tias cas peb mus ntseeg vaj tswv xwb es cas tej kwv tij tej niam tej txiv pheej tsim txom luag lub neej luag ntseeg vaj tswv xwb es pheej saib tsis taus peb txoj kev ntseeg peb tsis cais lawv ho lawv cia li cais peb thiab cais peb ces thwm tias lawv yeej hlub peb lawm zoo li lawv muab muag tuag rau tom dab lawm thiab lawv nrhiav txhua yam los tsim txom yus kom yus tej niam txiv txij nkawm lub neej tawg xwb peb tsis paub tab sis vaj tswv txoj yeej hais tias noob neej tsis nyiam vaj tswv leej tub ces lawv thiaj ntxub tus ntseeg neeg leej tub mas tu siab tshaj kv xum xaiv kv tus vaj tswv os
@yenthoj9061 2 жыл бұрын
koj poj niam tsis paub kev tseeg vaj tswv txoj kev tseeg yog ua neeg zoo txua yam paub zam txim rau txua tus xwb tsis coj li koj ob txiv ko vaj tswv txoj lug tias hlub niam hlub txiv niam txiv yog lub ntuj qhov no yog vaj tswv qhia
@macyxiong1279 2 жыл бұрын
Yus twb yog neeg ntseeg vaj tswv es hu me nyuam vaj tswv xwb txhaum thiab
@nubthoj1156 2 жыл бұрын
Txawm neb nrheeg lo txhob mus caum niam tais ma tim koj ua tsi tua txiv ne
@nkaujhmoob1164 2 жыл бұрын
Koj ua li cas cia rau koj niam koj txiv ces koj yuav tau txais rov qab xwb txawm yog vaj tswv yawm saub los yeej tsis pab tus neeg coj li neb koj twb yug tau me nyuam thiab koj yeej yuav tau txais txoj kev ua koj tau ua cia vaj tswv yeej hais tias koj cog dab tsi cia ces koj yuav tau sau rov qab na
@pajlee3167 2 жыл бұрын
Koj ua yog lawm os mog
@baoyang6462 2 жыл бұрын
Tu txiv tsev hmoob muaj siab rau cov tub vim lawv cia siab tias tu tub yuav los tuav lawv tu ncej dab yeej paub kawg Koj tsis mus yuav tu coj qub kev cai Koj mus yuav tu coj kev vais tshiab ua cas Koj poj niam ho tsis los yoog Koj es koj ho mus yoog nws nrog Koj tu siab kawg ua Koj ua tsis tau li koj niam Koj txiv lub siab ntshaw hnub no Koj xaiv Koj lub neej yeej yog kawg tab sis Koj yuav ua lub neej tsis kaj siab ntawm Koj tu kheej yuav ras duj dheev txog koj niam thiab Koj txiv vim Koj muab nkawv tso tseg nws yog tu muab txoj sia rau koj zoo tam 1 tug vaj tswv rau koj thiab os tu txiv tsev pab Koj nyuab siab kawg .
@hmongremark2686 2 жыл бұрын
Yog neb ob niam txiv sib sib hlub, koj yuav tsum xaiv koj tus poj niam thiab koj cov mi nyuam 100% vim koj niam tsis kav koj thiab nws tsis yog koj lub neej. Tab sis yog koj tus poj niam tsis txawj hlub koj vim nws tsis hwm los yog tsis txawj yoog koj, koj yuav tsum xaiv koj niam xwb vim koj paub zoo tias neb lub neej yuav tsis txog txij twg tom ntej no mus.
@pasaiy.8578 2 жыл бұрын
Apparently, this is test of how much the guy loves his wife, but what about the wife, how much does she love him? Not much at all. She gave him an ultimatum to choose HER religion and reject his family. The guy loves the wife more than the wife loves him. She should have found a way to compromise.
@pasaiy.8578 2 жыл бұрын
I know how to solve this, return the bride price. 🤣
@shawnyang3400 2 жыл бұрын
Cov mivnyuas vaajtswv yeej coj nyuab npaum le ko ntaag lau.
@nonoupxz6429 2 жыл бұрын
Koj xaiv yog lm me nus aw....... Txawm ntseeg yam twg los txhob sib thuam os ntseeg tau zoo nyob lawm zoo xb ma ntseeg lawm lo yus kuj nyob yus li qub sib hlub li qub xb lo ma ca ho sib thuam na koj ma hais yog tshaj plaws yus muaj yus neej lawm rov mu nrog lawv nyob g paub nyob li pua thaum yus hlua lawm os g ntev mu ce ntxub kiag yus lm xwb os
@PayeeThao-fk6lw Ай бұрын
Tos li peb thiaj mtshaw2 me nyuam coob vim ib leeg mus lawm los tshuav ib co thiab ne
@pkcyang2910 2 жыл бұрын
“Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” Brother, you and your wife are one flesh. You did the right thing. May God bless you and your family. Like Jesus said, "for they do not know what they doing ". If they know they will not try to mock you and your wife. But Jesus was God and still get hated. His diciples will face the same thing or worst. But He said, don't be afraid of the one that can kill your flesh but be afraid of the one that can throw us in Hell.
@leahvon5905 2 жыл бұрын
From now on, the church people should not be asking for the hmong money from the daughters when they get married, because there is nothing in the bible that says Hmong church people should still be asking for the Hmong money from the daughters when they get married, that's including you especially you study very well in God
@PandYThao 2 жыл бұрын
@@leahvon5905 Going to church has nothing to do with a Hmong wedding dowry. The dowry is out of respect for the parents wishes and due to old tradition. Don’t take this story so personal. It’s not right or wrong. Everyone has a choice.
@leahvon5905 2 жыл бұрын
@@PandYThao yes it does, because Hmong church people are the ones making other non- church believers bad in their story, if Hmong church people are so believed in God why do they still practice the Hmong traditional wedding and expect to get paid for the daughters, according to the bible it doesn't say anywhere for the hmong church people to continue to collect the money from the daughters when they get married. Hmong church people should get their beliefs straight.
@PandYThao 2 жыл бұрын
@@leahvon5905 Where does it say that you have to be Shaman to collect a dowry? Other cultures collect dowries regardless of their religion. Maybe you need to take some history lessons because going to church has nothing to do with accepting money for your daughter when they get married. The dowry is out of respect for the OGs as an old tradition dating back to ancient times.
@leahvon5905 2 жыл бұрын
@@PandYThao it doesn't matter. Other cultures were still able to respect another cultures beliefs, unlike the hmong church people. Since the hmong church people based their beliefs on the bible why can't they convert into it 100% and why still carry the Hmong traditional practices into God's religion. Since you're so smart maybe you could tell that to the Hmong church people Ms. Smarty pants.
@choualy1532 5 ай бұрын
Mama boy!😂
@meandeverythingelse2056 2 жыл бұрын
Your kids you give birth of them you support them. Don't hold that against them and keep saying that they own you they have to take care of
@botmcg6886 2 жыл бұрын
Koj niam koj txiv koj tsev neeg ua li no tsis yog ib qhov zoo.lawv tsis yog koj lub neej.ob tug neeg koj mus cuag lawv yeej hais yog lawm.
@ntxawmxyooj6595 2 жыл бұрын
Kuv mloog koj zaj neej neeg no mas koj niam thiab koj niag poj niam nkawv phem ib yam kuv twb yog ib tug neeg ntseeg vaj tswv thiab kuv li kuv txawj yoog tib neeg kuv tsi coj li koj tus poj niam hos koj niam los yog ib leej niam ua muab coj nruj dhau lawm
@kaciewanh1986 2 жыл бұрын
Peb cov laus2 no pom cov nyab coob tus los tsis kam yoog, tsis nyiam, tsishlub pogyawg tsevneeg ces tsuas yuav tub thaum zoo neej & muaj nyiaj xwb. Hnub twg tub muaj mob nkeeg ces raug ncaws tawm, tsujcaij, tsis yuav, tsis hlub, tsis tu. Hom nyab no mas nws kom tus txiv nrog nws hlub cov neejtsa 100%, hos ntxub niam/txiv pogyawg tshaj plaws, tabsis ntshaw2 puag tub pw heev.
@angielo06 2 жыл бұрын
Tsis ua cas os tus mi nus aw, lub neej ces ib txheej ua dhau ib txheej ib tiam ua dhau ib tiam xwb mog. Thiab yeej yog kawg os, thaum koj tuaj txog tim koj niam txiv lub tsev es lawv teev lawv tej dab tej qhua es koj tsis khiav vim twb yog koj niam koj txiv lub tsev ne, yog koj niam koj txiv tuaj ua tim koj lub tsev ces koj haj yam yuav khiav deb mog.
@chuechang3860 2 жыл бұрын
Xav mas neb kaj tsij sib hlub xwb txhob muab tej ntawv los txiav neb txoj kev hlub yus twb yog neeg ntseeg es zam txim rau lwm tus thiaj yog mog
@ggghgjvjdgdhjgfj970 2 жыл бұрын
Nrog​ niam​ tu​ kawg​ li​ os​ yog​ li​ ces​ tsis​ tas​ hlub​ kj​ tus​ tu​b li​ lawm​ mas​ cov​ niag tub​ ces​ txhob hlub2​ lawm​ nawb​ saws aw
@kahouayang535 2 жыл бұрын
When will mothers of sons understand, to be close to your sons you must be closer to your daughter in laws. The mother was in the wrong, she used her “mother” title to ask her son to divorce his wife. Young people nowadays loves their spouse and children more then they love their parents. And that is what all parents should want for their children. I’m glad you chose your family.
@จอสรรค์วรรธนะ-ย9ฐ 2 жыл бұрын
Koj lubneej hajtseemtsitau kawg nebtsitxhob rawmtusiab raukoj niam kojtupoj niamneb yeejyuavtau uaniam thiabtxivib yam nebyeejyuav tsumpaub txojke uaniam thiab uatxivloma nebloyeej yuavtau nyobtsev lauibyam kau
@yeebntshachannel9254 2 жыл бұрын
Cas koj Niam tais yawm txiv tsis them koj nqi tshoob rau koj Niam es koj thiaj tsim nyog koj noj2 koj niam lub mis laus tas txog rau hnub koj zoo li tus noog thaum muaj tis ya Tau ntawm Tus poj Noog lawm mas, nkim koj Niam tej kua mis xwb os 🙏🙏 txawm yog zoo li ko es peb poj Niam thiaj tsis xav ua poj nrauj ntag vim rov qab mus nrog Niam nrog txiv txawv thaum ub lawm nej txiv neej nkag Siab lawm pos
@Crochet2894 2 жыл бұрын
Peb cov niam cov txiv txhob cia2 siab rau tu me tub ntxawg txhob muab kev hlub sau tag tag rau tu tub ntxawg faib kev hlub kom txhuas2 rau cov me nyuam os
@xaiher9236 2 жыл бұрын
thov cov tub tsi tau mu lawb dab thov tsi txhob mu yuav vaj tswv , yu yog vaj tswv yu mam mu yuav vaj tswv nawb
@samlao2489 2 жыл бұрын
Es twb mus vaj tswv lawm...es vaj tswv twb Kom zam txim no ne.....ua li ntawv vaj tswv tsis zam txìm pob....
@m468hue5 2 жыл бұрын
Me tub aw koj yeej ua tsis yog lawm thiab koj niam koj txiv muab nyiaj mus yuav nws los hlub koj nas tiag mas nws yuav tsum los yoog koj thiab coj li koj coj mas thiaj yog cov ntxhais ua nws yuav luag tus tub es pheej yuav coj Kom tau luag tus tub mus ntseeg li niam tais yawm txiv hais thiab coj li lawv hais nas cov nyab zoo li no ces yog tus yog txiv neej tiag nws yeej tsis yuav tus pojniam zoo li no nawb cov tub tsis yog txiv neej tiag ces nws thiaj li ua li nws tus pojniam hais xwb
@xc208 2 жыл бұрын
Koj them koj niam cov kua mis koj niam cov roj ntsav uas that koj nyob have kojniam lub play thiab koj niam lub zoo ntsub koj koj thiaj this npam nawv
@niamtxoojnomchannel23 2 жыл бұрын
Lub neej yog yus lub xwb os yus niam yus txiv los yus yeej yuav hlub thiab tiam sis yuav tsum Yog sib nkag siab os mog peb cov laus los yuav tsum tau nkag siab tej me nyuam thiab
@kerlee7536 2 жыл бұрын
neb txawm ntseeg vaj tswv lawm los zoo txawm lawv yuav hais yuav cem los kav liam zam txim rau lawv vim lawv tsis paub qhov lawv yus yuav tau sib hlub thiab ua zoo hos koj tus poj niam los yuav tau coj zoo hlub tej llaus ces yeej yuav muaj hnub zoo xwb koj tus poj niam los coj phem ua phem pauj thiab ces thiaj nyuaj 2 xwb tus poj niam zoo li ko yuav los yeej mus tsis txog twg koj tsis ntseeg saib mus nawj ib tug neeg ntseeg thiab fwm vaj tswv tsis coj li ko nawj mog
@nkaujhnubvue1503 2 жыл бұрын
Kuv mas ntxub cov niam pog es 1 los 2 los los hais tias muab nrauj kiag kuv mam yuav ib tug tshiab rau koj! Kuv mas ntxub tiag22.. cuag li niam pog nrog nws tus tub pw ua neej los cas! Thov peb cov niam pog thiab cov muam tsi txhob coj li no rau tus nyab.
@tsis-k-koj 2 жыл бұрын
Everyone needs to learn to live their own life and stop trying to bend everyone to their will. If you don't have kids it's one story. If you have kids it's a totally different story.
@Lifemoments54 2 жыл бұрын
I believe the resentment from your parents is rooted deeper than religion. I believe it is the lack of care and love for them, You and your wife should be more open minded, show some love and kindness and they will come to accept but you rather battle it out with them. At the end no one win
@sengtheking 2 жыл бұрын
One simple fix to your problem: if you wife loves you, convince her join you in the shamanism religion. Religion is all in the mind. If you believe in whatever religion you put your heart in, you will think that is the right religion to be follow. Your wife is selfish to do that to you knowing you'll lose your parents. Your parents are also selfish to not accept your religion.
@ayang3040 2 жыл бұрын
Your words are full of hypocrisy. He was never forced, but he should force his wife to conform? He needs to respect his parents but they should’ve never put him in this position? You don’t make a life with your parents. They’ve lived theirs and need to let him live his.
@sengtheking 2 жыл бұрын
@@ayang3040 Hypocrisy? His wife clearly denied his request to return to shamanism as he tried to hold his life and not lose his parents at the same time.
@maryly09 2 жыл бұрын
U prob didn't hear that he WANTS to follow Christ in the first place. The wife may have influenced him, but it was HIS decision to follow Christ. The ONLY reason why he even thought of coming back to shamanism was bc his parents threatened him and he felt obligated only.
@sengtheking 2 жыл бұрын
@@maryly09 no i did. He chose to work out something that will keep both his parents and life. He’s wife refused to let him. That’s why he’s wife is selfish for doing that and he’s parents are selfish for putting him in a bind. You’re the one that didn’t listen to the story or understand it
@nkaujntse5196 2 жыл бұрын
Religion is a choice. They should wait till the parents pass away before converting to Christian.
@lubsiabzooyang2806 2 жыл бұрын
Txhua yam ces yeej yog tim koj yog tus tsim txoj kev lwj siab txhua yam. Vim koj yeej paub koj niam koj txiv lub siab zoo tshaj plaws es koj tseem ho xaiv hlub tus hluas nkauj ntseeg. Txhua yam ces yog tim koj txoj kev ruam.
@seethao79 2 жыл бұрын
Kuv mas ntxub cov nyab es yuav tau lawv tus es pheej coj tus mus raws niam tais yawn txiv thiab pheej yuav kom mus ua li nws hom mas sim neej no kuv pom mas kuv yeej tsis ntsia li os.
@chailee6256 2 жыл бұрын
Brother tou doing the right thing. So forgive your parents because they’re don’t know what’s your know, proud or you brother. God bless you and your family Amen.
@chuechang3860 2 жыл бұрын
Kuv mus txog cov ntseeg kuv yeej nrog lawv qe muag thiab as
@Nlorbliaya 2 жыл бұрын
Tub los phem, niam thiab txiv los heev. Finally no one get happiness.
@joeycha7555 2 жыл бұрын
Mommy boy
@tongher8912 2 жыл бұрын
Ntsej muag lim hiam koj kawg npam
@msmaix808 2 жыл бұрын
You gotta understand from your parents' perspective, too, and not just what your wife wanted. Is like slapping your parents in the face and telling them to calm down like nothing happened. Regions are the saddest thing because it divided people. I'm glad i didn't choose either.
@maithao8838 2 жыл бұрын
Niam thiab txiv tu yus loj xwb tsi kav yus laus. Txog caij yus muaj neej lawn ces yus yuav mus ua yus lub neej. Peb txhob muaj txoj kev ntseeg los yuam neeg. Thaus peb yug peb tej menyuam peb tsi tau sign contract Tia's peb loj los peb yuav ua li ub li no. kev hlub niam hlub txiv yog hlub thaus tseem ua neej nyob xwb.
@HER5585 6 ай бұрын
Old school parent's need to rest in peace and let them kids live in peace.....No right or wrong wht region you wanna worship.......
@saLLy0608 2 жыл бұрын
People just need to respect each other’s religion. Putting others down doesn’t make you any better. Bravo to the man for standing his ground and choosing what makes HIM happy. Our love for our parents will always be there, but lawv lub neej yuav tsis kav peb lub. I’d rather see someone love my child and make him/her happy, than have my child live with heartaches and sadness alone. I understand when he said his parents’ home doesn’t feel like “home” to him anymore. It’s true. I’ve been there. Once you have a family of your own, your parents’ home is no longer yours.
@saleyna 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for being a good husband & father. Shame on your mother & sister for saying the things they said. I feel sorry for their ignorance but keep on keeping faith in your marriage. Love your parents, love your siblings but most of all, love your wife & your kids. They're the ones who will carry you through life. Your parents started this journey for you but your wife is the one who will continue this journey with you till the end.
@tongher8912 2 жыл бұрын
Tim koj poj niam thiab koj koj yawm txiv lawv tag ntsho nej tib cov lim hiam ib yam nkaus kav tsij mus ib hnub twg koj yuav mus quaj tim ntxa rau koj niam koj txiv lau. leej twg kom koj nrog koj niag poj niam mus lawv dab nawb
@hlubyang4072 2 жыл бұрын
Nej cov tub hmoob es niam thiab txiv tseem coj qub kev cai qhov zoo tshaj plaws nej txhob tham cov ntxhais ntseeg vaj tswv xwb...yog nej tham thiab yuav ces qhov teeb meem no yeej tshwm xwb xwb li...txhua txhua tu tub kuv pom paub ces raws kiag li zaj no ntag...tu nyab yeej coj mus vaj tswv lawm zoo li tu tuag es tsis hnov moo...yog nej hlub nej niam nej txiv...nej cuab kwv tij kav tsij yuav cov tseem coj li nej xwb thiaj li tsis muaj teeb meem...
@chuechang3860 2 жыл бұрын
Cas cov laus no yuav ua nyuaj rau tej me nyuam ua luaj naj
@lovetoplaywithyou3530 2 жыл бұрын
Praying that God will give you the strength to endure this situation
@maiyamoua8920 2 жыл бұрын
Kuv xa mas koj tus poj niam hlub koj phaum koj hai no yuav tsum lo yoog koj tsev neeg maj thiaj li hlub koj no koj twb noj koj niam mis laus tag li ko cas koj tsi nco koj niam li kua mis li na yog koj noj nyuj mis mas kuj yog ib yam hai thiab na
@jhmongmusic2614 2 жыл бұрын
Kuv tsis qhuas koj poj niam cas ho tsis los yoog koj hos koj ho mus yoog nws koj niam tais yawm txiv tsis paub qhuab qhia tub ntxhais xwb
@caaspasvang7427 2 жыл бұрын
Thaub aw Lwm hnub koj cov tub tseem hab yam ua rau koj mas kawg koj dai caj dab kiag, koj twb ua Tsi taus txiv koj txhob txawj2 qhuab hmoob os
@Loves_GodSR 2 жыл бұрын
What a hard decision. A story to learn from
@BNP-HAWJ 2 жыл бұрын
We all know the all future daughter-in-law wear the pant! If someone truly love you, they will change! Doesn’t matter what you believe in, still have to respect everyone equally!! If you go church and don’t show up at your parents house for a gathering just because they don’t go to church, that’s wrong! Show us where it say, “ we should separate those who don’t believe in god!”
@sombunman5551 2 жыл бұрын
Ob txoj kev no Mas zoo nkaus li gaib thiab ge , xyov gaib ua ntej Los ge ua ntej hais tsis hum li os !
@pajhuablaujchannel3731 2 жыл бұрын
Xav mas tus txiv tsev no ua tsis yog lawm tej laus zoo thiab phem los yuav tau hlub nawb . Kj tus poj niam siab me thiab tsis txawj xav neb ua li no yeej tsis ua neej tsis kawg xwb os
@maileevang1034 2 жыл бұрын
Tus me tub koj yuam kev rau koj niam koj txiv lawm nawb mog ua ib tug tub zoo rau koj niam koj txiv nawb mog poj niam muaj puv ntiaj teb nawb
@nengthao7112 2 жыл бұрын
Tus tub no hais tau tsis qhaub thaj li
@NtxawmCheng 2 жыл бұрын
Tej me nyuam no ces ua niam ua txiv txhob hlub heev heev thiab es thaum lawv loj tuaj lawv tsis yus ib tug laus los ob tug laus thiaj tsis tu tu siab heev. Tus txiv tsev no nws hlub nws niam nws txiv li cas ces nws cov me nyuam yuav nws li ntaw rov qab xwb os. Tus txiv tsev koj thiab koj tus poj niam neb txhob hlub hlub neb cov me nyuam vim neb cov los yuav ua ib yam rau neb thiab. Nyab siab phem ces yog tus no
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