SOFT99 Wachs-Aktion: Kaufe 2, erhalte 3 - Tipps vom Wachs-Guru Andreas

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SOFT99 Wachs-Aktion: Kaufe 2, erhalte 3 - Tipps vom Wachs-Guru Andreas
🔧 Anzeige:* Hier die gezeigten Produkte:
Aktion von SOFT99:
Soft99 Fusso Coat 12 Months Wax Dark 200g
Soft99 Fusso Coat 12 Months Wax Light 200g
Soft99 Fusso Coat Dark 12 Months (200g) Auto Wachs Versiegelung Set
Soft99 Fusso Coat Light Premium-Set
Soft99 Fusso Coat Dark
Soft99 Mirror Shine Wax Dark 200g
Soft99 Mirror Shine Wax Light 200g
Soft99 The Kiwami dark:
Soft99 The Kiwami light:
Soft99 The Kiwami Dark Hartwachs (200g) Auto Wachs Versiegelung Set
Soft99 The Kiwami Light Hartwachs (200g) Auto Wachs Versiegelung Set
Soft99 Waterblock Light Supersplash
Soft99 Waterblock Dark Supersplash
Soft99 Dark & Black Wax
Soft99 - White Wax
*Als Amazon und Ebay-Partner verdiene ich an qualifizierten Käufen. Für euch ändert sich preislich nichts.
zur Website:
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Instagram: / detailingschoolofficial
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@chaos235 Жыл бұрын
Die 3 für 2 Aktion wird im Warenkorb angezeigt und beim letzten Schritt vor dem bezahlen fliegt der Rabatt plötzlich raus und man ist beim vollen Preis. Mit 2 Browsern getestet. So bestell ich sicher nix.
@Soft99Europe Жыл бұрын
Ja, gestern gab es einen Fehler auf unserer deutschen Website, aber heute funktioniert sie wie gewünscht. Wir entschuldigen uns für die Unannehmlichkeiten. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Ihr Soft99-Team
@chaos235 Жыл бұрын
@@Soft99Europe schöne Reaktion! Lob dafür. Habe jetzt bestellt und hat wie angegeben funktioniert. VG
@Jooe-s4j Жыл бұрын
Ah man. I follow your channel but it's never in English 😭 I'm a massive soft99 fan
@flowinthrou 7 ай бұрын
I watch in translation, too, you get the gist.
@georgeker1 Жыл бұрын
Und obwohl auf der Homepage steht „ab 20€ gratis Versand“, beim check out fallen noch 3.99€ an. Dann wird eben nur aus Prinzip nicht bestellt.
@stefanT90 Жыл бұрын
Ja das wundert mich allerdings auch.
@ritterder6kantnuss583 Жыл бұрын
Das wird später im Bezahlvorgang dem Rabatt hinzugefügt, muss also nicht bezahlt werden. Hab ich gerade ausprobiert.
@georgeker1 Жыл бұрын
@@ritterder6kantnuss583 soweit bin ich nicht mehr gekommen weil scheinbar mein angelegter Konto nicht mehr existiert…
@flowinthrou 7 ай бұрын
I`m intriged to use fusso coat and mirror shine on top. The old and constant question to me is if the mirror shine (or whatever there`s on top) fades, the fusso coat (or whatever base) is revealed with its properties? Or the allegedly blend of two goes away together
@AndreasSchwarzinger 7 ай бұрын
In short: no, doesn‘t work that way. Here‘s the simple truth and short version: you can use ANY protective product on top of ANY other protective product! You can top anything with everything. But no combination really makes sense. The long version: There‘s no right or wrong answer to this question and that‘s the most important thing to understand here. My personal opinion is that a good protective product doesn‘t and shouldn’t need another product to work properly. Before I start, I want to say that I also sometimes staple products on top of each other. So by no means I am completely against it. And the simple answer to your question is: you can. You can put anything on top of everything. It‘s fun and sometimes it works. I also like to experiment with topping / layering, but that‘s the main message of my posting: it is always an EXPERIMENT! Because at the end of the day, noone can tell you if it really works. The main question here is why you want to top a product with another product? If the answer to that question is that you want to protect the first product, then let me ask you this: Would you hire a security guy to protect another security guy? It‘s a protective product and you don‘t need to protect that. If you feel the need to do so, you chose the wrong type and kind of protection and should have gone for a stronger one from the outset. From a purely objective standpoint, TOPPING DOESN'T MAKE SENSE! Let me explain why: 1. If we are talking about topping / layering / stacking different waxes with each other, then you have to know that many, if not most waxes (i.e. so-called „cleaner waxes“) contain stuff that‘s partially abrasive. So by applying the second "coat" you will harm, destroy or remove the first one. 2. If you aim to apply a durable base product first and then create „gloss“ by applying a second, more glossy product, then let me tell you this: "Gloss" comes from perfectly preparing (polishing) your paint. Factually and if you would measure gloss, you would most likely see a decrease in gloss when you stack products ontop of each other. 3. In order for topping to actually, chemically and physically work, it would be necessary that the protective products you want to top onto each other actually form uniform, enclosed layers - which pretty much most of them simply don't. By topping different kinds of products onto each other it's much more like you are creating a mish-mash of products. 4. It's perfectly possible that the second product you apply ontop of the first one does loosen up the first one, especially if the second one contains strong solvents. Some products do actually contain such aggressive solvents, the probability is very high that you actually harm or damage your first coat by applying a second one. 5. Some products, i.e. ceramic coatings, you can actually damage the first layer and make things much, much worse. Some "detail sprays" e.g. contain butoxyethanol which is a solvent for silicones and if a ceramic coating contains siloxanes, those detail sprays will actually harm the coating. Other coatings react rather poorly to detail sprays which contain certain types of silicones, which leads to streaking issues and/or making the water spotting issue of coatings actually worse. 6. It is perfectly possible that the second product you apply on top of the first one doesn't actually stick or bond. This means that you apply the seond layer which then pretty much immediately during the first rain, extremely hot or cold weather or during your first wash comes off. If the first and second layer products are both equally hydrophobic, you won't even notice that. 7. If your first layer product is very hydrophobic and you then apply e.g. a product for the second layer which is taylored towards "gloss" (see above) or slickness, this product will actually decrease the hydrophobic effect of the first product. This e.g. accounts for products like P&S Beadmaker. 8. Even if the topping technically works and your second layer product bonds to the first layer product, let's assume they are both very and equally hydrophobic (e.g. Soft99 Fusso Coat 12M and Sonax BSD): how will you ever be able to tell if it is the first or second layer product that creates a strong beading and sheeting effect? Right, you can't, which is why you could also just ditch the first layer and only use the second layer, as the first layer won't do anything better or more! 9. Wet coat type products (like Gyeon WetCoat, AB MagiSeal, KKD Purity X) - per definition - need water in order to work and bond properly. If you already have a wax, sealant, or coating on your car, then there simply isn‘t enough water on your car in order for those products to react properly. Even worse: because the water on your protected car accumulates in small drops, the wet coat type product also accumulates in those drops which is why it then bonds only in those drops. That‘s why so many people have issues like streaking or spotting with those kind of products, but it‘s a simple user error! If you don‘t care about any of those thing then go ahead and apply whatever you want on top of each other. I‘m just saying that technically, it doesn‘t really work and that people shouldn‘t make promises based on topping that fall apart if you have a closer look at them.
@flowinthrou 7 ай бұрын
@@AndreasSchwarzinger You have a strong point there and I don't disagree, just some thoughts.. 1. Cleaner waxes are not that popular any more and at least speaking for myself, I don't use them. 3. This is actually what puts me off, instead of stacking two layers, having a Mish-mash of product or a blend of unknown properties of them. 4. I would like to believe that strong products used as a base layer, like fusso cost or adbl synthetic spray wax can easily withstand the amount of solvents potentially a wax may have 6. Let it be, I would have made a try lol 7. Hydrophobicity may not be always first priority 8. Again, let it be, Bsd is very cheap (and 5L containers of rimtector, ssw etc) 9. Solution is application on the stream of water jet, you've shown it yourself in a video. People should not make such promises, but we would like to make experiments! Lol
@pascalpfister3362 Жыл бұрын
Ich habe das fusso 12m und hole mir vllt irgendwann noch das f7. Aber nochmal drei wachse sind dann doch zuviel des guten 😅
@gamersido5284 Жыл бұрын
Kann man das auch auf Kunststoff anwenden zbs Spoiler ect?
@AndreasSchwarzinger Жыл бұрын
Nur auf lackiertem Kunststoff
@martinabbema Жыл бұрын
Ich habe dieses Jahr 4 BMW in Uni schwarz aus der Familie aufwendig poliert. Hat jeweils 3-4 Tage gedauert bis das Ergebnis wirklich perfekt war. Anschließend das Waterblock Supersplash aufgetragen. Jedes mal hatte ich danach diese "Wachshologramme" drin. Ich hätte heulen können!! Nach so viel Arbeit dann diese Optik. Die Performance von dem Wachs ist überragend! Aber diese Hologramme auf schwarz zum heulen! Auf anderen Lacken hatte ich keine Probleme
@wartenberx Жыл бұрын
War bei meinen ersten Durchgängen mit FussoCoat und auch F7 ebenfalls so. Ich bin fast verzweifelt. Mein Charger ist auch uni-schwarz - bin also bestens über deine Herausforderungen im Bilde :) Durch Zufall konnte ich während meines Urlaubs in Japan bei einem Kurztrip nach Yokohama eine Ausstellung besuchen. Soft99 war auch da und sehr hilfsbereit - obwohl dort niemand englisch gesprochen hat, war dennoch jemand da der mit gezeigt hat wie Soft99 Produkte richtig anzuwenden sind. Was soll ich sagen: auch bei 34° Außentemperatur lässt sich ein FussoCoat wolkenfrei mit dem beiliegenden Schwamm verarbeiten. Geduld und Präzision sind hier der Schlüssel: Zügig, gleichmäßig und SEHR dünn auftragen. Das erfordert etwas Übung aber klappt hervorragend wenn man den Dreh raus hat. Den beiliegenden Schwamm richtig zu benutzen kann bei den ersten paar malen frustrierend sein - nimm dir einen (nicht zu teuren) Mikrofaser Applikator zur Hilfe. Damit sollte es leichter gehen die geforderte "sehr dünne" Schicht aufzutragen.
@katerdriver19786n Жыл бұрын
Nach 3 Jahren schmeisse ich alle 3 weg weil alle ausgetrocknet sind .
@Sven_life_travel_urbex Жыл бұрын
So schnell Trocknen die nicht aus
@tt-rs1457 Жыл бұрын
@@Sven_life_travel_urbex Besitze mein Dodojuice Banana seit ca. 15 Jahren und es ist wie neu....
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