Xenos Character Tier List: Maugan Ra Shard Giveaway: Warhammer 40k Tacticus

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DZG Jayce

DZG Jayce

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@Love-Sausage 10 ай бұрын
Great video as always, here are some suggestions for orcs. Gibbascrapz: After his grot tank dies instead of getting destroyed is stays inactive till it gets repaired back to life. This would improve his LRE game alot. For all orcs: They should have a faction trait like harkens passive. As they are battle hungry shrooms it would be fitting that as they kill more enemies in the battlefield they go berserk and deal more damage.
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
I love the gibbascrapz idea, super unique!
@alpacapunch9238 10 ай бұрын
Me too I think this is the beat buff!!
@EBBEzenekar 10 ай бұрын
Best idea so far! Grats. Would also add armor piercing for waagh +30%.
@beowulf__warrior6638 10 ай бұрын
Fantastic idea! Maybe if overkilled it could be destroyed immediately?
@klonvomhaus 10 ай бұрын
I highly dislike the idea of an immortal tank. For one, orc technology is not known for being long lasting, and for two, it could lead to a bunch of bugs and exploits where you hunker down behind the tank and other immortal summons and the enemy can't reach you and you constantly heal them. While it's great fun to break the game in that way and every advantage we can get over it is fair game, I also think Snowprint would never go for it. The idea of having something left over when the tank breaks however I like. Maybe the grots could swarm out, especially when Snotflogga is still alive? Or trigger every grot on the field to double?
@bhanukawijeyaratne6243 10 ай бұрын
I think “waagh” should be a trait shared among all the orcs where if you bring two or more orcs they have +number of hits or +damage or +movement. Winning with orcs on the tabletop are heavily reliant on rng and high dice rolls so maybe have a trait like “dakka dakka dakka” for a percentage chance for more hits with anything would also be pretty cool. They can even change Gulgortz active to “‘ere we go” for +movement.
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
The synergy!!!!!
@QuinnMacKenzie-w7v 10 ай бұрын
You mean give the orcs "let the galaxy burn" kind of thing.
@belacor 10 ай бұрын
one of the best ideas for improving the game i've ever seen mate. besides this i think there should be a "team buff" for every faction, i.e if you set your party with full members of a faction it should add a buff suitable for that faction. we can find similar thing with DG (death guard) with the corruption aura and +1 movement speed. sorry for the bad grammer
@bhanukawijeyaratne6243 10 ай бұрын
⁠@@QuinnMacKenzie-w7v correct I’m thinking it would be something unique where if there are two or more orcs in the field the waagh trait will proc where for each round has passed it would scale one of their stats lets say damage for example. Creating a snowballing effect where the more rounds go by the harder they hit. In the lore the more orcs fight the bigger and more powerful they get. This will make them more viable in LREs.
@v1kt0r1997 10 ай бұрын
Great Video Jayce, i really like these tier lists even if they're long, as a lot of perspective can be put into them. Now some ideas to make the orks better/more interesting. General synergy: Da New WAAAGH: Every time an ork character attacks in Melee they have a 5% chance to summon a random ork summon. This chance doubles for every other ork character on the battlefield. This effect is capped at 50%. Notes: In lore, the greater an orc battle becomes, the more orks it attracts - whether through generation of new orks or other orks traveling to the 'krumpin. I thought it could be a really cool faction synergy to make them all summoners in a sense. It also makes sense as Gulgortz in the campaign fights to become the new warboss. The summons would be either a grot, regular ork boy or a storm boy. These summons would have to be somewhat weak to balance the potential to summon them, and scale with the lowest level passive ability of deployed orks. I capped it at 50%, as i thought an 80% chance at 5 orks might be too much. Some changes to individual characters to hopefully lean into this trait: Gibbascrapz: Remove grot tank battle fatigue. Snotflogga: Active also makes adjacent units with the battle fatigue trait make one attack. Passive extends to all units with the battle fatigue trait adjacent to Snotflogga. Killa can: Active changed to "Tantrum: Rush towards an enemy unit within 5 hexes making a normal melee attack +X damage. This attack gains +1 hit for each hex NOT traveled. Tanksmasha: Obviously tweak stats. Gain Rapid assault trait. Active now also stuns targets with the Big Target or Mechanical trait. Passive makes the squig attack ANY enemy that moves into melee with tanksmasha, and also triggers "Da New WAAAAGH" Boss Golgortz: Active now affects allied orc characters regardless of whether or not they have moved or attacked. Will not affect orcs that have used an ability. Notes: Snotflogga is now reinforced as a grot/summoner herder, while not being completely useless on his own. Boss Gulgortz also reinforces the "Da New WAAAGH" by potentially giving eve every ork character another chance at summoning more orks for the Waaaagh! Remade Killa Cans active to be more melee oriented and feed more heavily into the "angry grot made powerful" stereotype. Tanksmasha has become more effective as a stand alone unit with the new trait "Rapid Assault" and makes the use-cases for his passive more reliable. Hope you like my idea!
@v1kt0r1997 10 ай бұрын
This may be overkill but i really think it would make the orks as a faction a lot more interesting while retaining some of the randomness and fun that draws people to them.
@robinlaffin520 10 ай бұрын
Anuphet deserves a promotion : its minions are good but slow to summon. BUT : 1. You can speed things up if mechanic units are destroyed 2. Aleph-Null is a top tier character you automatically get, so it will be in your team : and its scarab will multiply and get destroyed fast. 3. Anuphet's minions are resilient, and can be healed by Aleph-Null Conclusion : if you play those two together (which si very likely), you gain a quick and very hard to kill army, with big damages, that will heal automatically. It soon becomes a nightmare for your opponent
@DesertKarmaGT 10 ай бұрын
Appreciate this video! I saw the first two weeks later, but really found them helpful (confirm things you know, but then give additional things to think about). After sharing with my guildmates, a number of them have started watching. Also, thank you for referencing your other videos in these videos where they relate. I was not aware of the "Crit Chain" video until this one, but after you mentioned it, I was able to find it! (I know its late... had to work a lot this week, but suggestion for the competition): Imospekh: Per your own rating rules, someone could be considered "Strong" (highest tier) if they absolutely dominate in one or more game modes. Is Imospekh not one of the best chars to use for Xenos Onslaught and Legendary Release events? Though the players who use him know this, your video didn't highlight that Imospekh's passive standsout from Re'vas in the fact that he can do the multi-hit EVERY TURN! He is like a 6+ shot reliable auto-turret. I think a lot of your perspectives weigh heavier on Guild Raids and Tournament Arena (which are the harder game modes, so that makes sense). But for people who are trying to farm shards for a player without a campaign reward, Onslaught is very important. For Xenos characters, Imospekh ensures you can reliably (and QUICKLY!) beat Onslaught. Granted I am a lvl 39 player (so maybe he weakens at higher difficulties), but I thought the "he is the closest thing to auto-turret" is worth considering for low on the "strong tier", given its weight for those 2 game modes. Thanks again and keep up the awesome work!
@FJrifleman 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for taking the time to do all this!! Great video as always!
@Everblight4 10 ай бұрын
Having played Eldar on the table top for a long time I am glad that they seem to be doing quite well in this game, I am quite new to Tacticus but I am quite enjoying it aswell
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
Welcome to the game mate! Feel free to reach out anytime you need something!
@ashesseekethembers2135 10 ай бұрын
For the orks, I feel like Boss Gulgortz needs to have a better armor rating and maybe even a passive like the Mk X Gravis on Brother Burchard where the damage has to pass through the armor twice because he’s supposed to have the mega armor and yet for this stats he’s really just a tank in health rather than armor. The orks have plenty of health already so stacking his mega armor with extra defense plus Gibbascrap’s buff would give a good synergy to more of the ork faction (plus make them stronger).
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
Or at least a double armor item instead of block%
@Draupnir_BR 10 ай бұрын
I think Jain Zar should be higher on the list. The reason I say this is because what the TA meta is. People default to deploy a team with a bunch of overwatches and huddle them up with thadeus buffing. Jain zar can just get in and use her active to deal a lot of damage. Also the fact that she has 4 movement lets her tag overwatch units so other units can close the distance and shoot them without the fear of overwatch. People have difficulty dealing with her. Her passive is also pretty cool. Less damage is always appreciated.
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
I agree, and I think that's the reason she landed average and not weak. I don't know if she dominates TA to the same degree that other characters do to deserve being strong.
@LayronPK 10 ай бұрын
@@DZGJayce i tried her in TA and I'd say she's not. She's quite squishy so you either need to do something in that one turn she can win you (which is hard since positioning is made for you) or she gets killed right away and after that - the rest of the team
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
Pretty much mirrors my thoughts@@LayronPK
@joshuarawes 10 ай бұрын
I think something that would help Tanksmasher would be to have him be able to retaliate to all melee attacks rather than just once a turn.
@visbaluz 10 ай бұрын
NOT retaliate. . That would mean he has to TANK the hit in the first place and tanksmasha defenses are ridiculously bad .. He needs to PREEMPTIVE strike all melee attsckers . Just as jaeger ...
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
I think playing into his mount more would feel more rewarding.
@aretynlink3957 10 ай бұрын
Something neat that ive found is the synergy between yarrick and winged prime. Prime can spam fodder summons that do a little damage(battle fatigue buff from yarrick), when they die they give yarrick more guardsmen
@eddieworrell9358 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for the video! 1. Boss Gulgortz should have a 15% armour increase and something that reflects having mega armour: perhaps the first attack each round is reduced to 60%, not quite as beefy as terminator armour. 2. Gibbascrapz, instead of spawning a Grot tank, on the 3rd (or 4th) round can summon a warbike for him to ride with plus 25% armour, 5 movement, close combat weakness, some nice dakka-dakka ranged big guns
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
Agreed Gulgortz is wayy too squishy
@PilotInTrouble 10 ай бұрын
Having pulled good ol' Tanksmasha from two 10 pulls just before watching the video, it's nice to see you trash him nice and early in the video : )) Orkz need buffs! I'd argue orcs don't have to be complicated, just give them high enough numbers so that they're competitive and address their lack of armor piercing capabilities. So this one in particular could be remade to, well, smash tanks. Give him some piercing attack, either through ability or change his damage type and adjust base damage accordingly, make him a propa tank as well, as a nob he is supposed to have top weapons and armor and just let him smash.
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
Funny enough I pulled him so many times that I have him blue starred, and man that felt bad XD
@PilotInTrouble 10 ай бұрын
@@DZGJayce Ouch, mine is nowhere near that, but when they finally remake him to be great and everyone's gonna want him, because he's gonna carry Elite Octarius with his smashing skills, we will be laughing and ready! : ))
@klonvomhaus 10 ай бұрын
The Orcs are a rush faction, both in Tacticus as well as the tabletop. They like to be in melee, they hate prolonged combat, they wanna SMASH SUMTHIN. PROPPA SCRAP. They already have abilities to get them into melee faster, like Tanksmashas active or to swarm them like Snotflogga. What they need is the power to either oneshot enemies or sustain them. So you have two possibilities. Either you give them enough health to survive the first shot of Maugan Ra, and then let them heal up again the next turn, or you give them enough damage to oneshot enemies they can reach. As it stands, range is their biggest weakness, but they CAN reach most enemies with the Boss' active. They just don't kill 'em fast enough to not get retaliated on, especially on bigger maps. You could give them a sort of vanguard deployment to fix that, but let's focus on the overall combat capabilities first. Orcs, lorewise, as they stand together, create the WAAAGH. That sends their reproduction into overdrive, meaning they constantly spread spores that will make more orcs, it lets them survive incredible wounds, and sends them into a combat frenzy, making them stronger. Therefore, I would give them a faction passive, like the Death Guard. The more Orcs stand together, the less damage they take from individual hits. Or, if that's too powerful, make them heal after every turn, but only a little bit, like Aleph Null passive. Or raise their armor to simulate the Orc toughness when they WAAAAAAAAAAGH out really hard. There's so many avenues one could take, and I don't really know which way to go, because I don't have the statistics Snowprint have access to.
@matthieuhuon5024 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for this list. 1) Give way more armor for the ork boss and snappa 2) For the faction : perhaps have a waaagh system for each unit killed granting a %boost for crit and damage. This could have a huge impact for onslaught and legendary events
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
Solid suggestion mate!
@dimatut007 10 ай бұрын
Hello! The suggestions: 1. Boss - more armor, power attack in melee, heavy round on shooting; active is ok, but recharges, when he kills anyone in melee, so you can use it again; passive - just +1 hit and crit/damage buff in melee for everyone in 2 hexes (maybe some restrictions only for orks); 2. Gibba - power melee attack (non-imperials really need power attacks, cause not everyone has Ra and Aunshi); 3. Snappa - give Gulgortz's passive to him, piercing 2 attacks to represent anti-armor capabilities, on active it can be some kind of rocket one target nuke, the damage increases with each round; 4. Snot - passive - like Tyranid prime one, but with grots; active - summon kamikadze squigs (depends on the number of rounds passed), which can immediately attack targets with aoe blast (hits everyone, of course=)); 5. Smasha (would change him completely to ork apothecary, stormboy or ork commando, but that is not the option, I suppose) - just turn him into something like Godswyl, but with rechargable active, if he kills the target, with big amount of damage or high piercing damage; passive - automatic hit on move with additional damage and some armor ignore. General - more health to everyone, orks should be healthy guys. And ye, the faction trait - smth like "strength in numbers", when the more orks you have on the battlefield, the more damage you deal in %.
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
Haha I love the "Uh just replace Smasha entirely" response mate, made my night.
@vellogan6269 10 ай бұрын
New to the game, so this video is very helpful. Nearly all the characters I have right now didn't even make the list, so I will keep it 100 and not give a useless recommendation. 😭. Keep the insight coming👍🏽
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
I do have an imperial and chaos tier list (imperial list is most up to date on my black templar video due to the rework) hopefully those can help you out a bit!!!
@ao1778 10 ай бұрын
First video of yours that I've seen - definitely subscribing!
@georgesarch1423 10 ай бұрын
I absolutely love Maugan Ra. I tried to unlock him at his LRE, and even though I grinded so much, I managed to get only 130 out of 150 shards. Not even eligible for the 'so close' offer. I think I was depressed for 2 weeks, and I was so close to stopping playing the game. However, I didn't, and then I saw him in the guild shop. I bought every shard until I reached 500 (from 130) and continued farming him from there. He will be my first D2 character for sure. Thank you for your content, dude! It's one of the best out there!
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
Oh man that set you so far back in XP But he's so worth the investment. I'm hoping to spare some people that pain a little bit! Thanks for watching the video mate!!
@georgesarch1423 10 ай бұрын
@@DZGJayce Exactly! I would have been in a much better position now if it wasn't so unfair the previous LRE system. But in the end it's a game and we should enjoy it. Even though sometimes we feel like getting punished for playing the game by SW! I bet your video where you mention all these problems was a shock for them. Keep up the good work mate!!
@Oldgreg9229 10 ай бұрын
Others have mentioned it but the Orks really need a shared trait to tie them all together. To pick just one to improve: Both of Snappawreckas abilities make it seem like he should be a CQB character but he’s very squishy and does more damage from range. Either buff his armour and have his active do more damage % based on armour or change the active do have an AOE explosion dropping him to 1 hp (could then be repaired by Gibba).
@BenLuft 10 ай бұрын
Wish I had these videos when starting out, great stuff! As for the orks, two ideas: Increase dmg for health% lost, like a "frenzied waaagh" or have them roll for a special waaagh each (turn?fight?) where red = +1 movement, purple = deep strike etc. Many good ideas out there already tho. And who knows, with the templars getting some attention maybe the boyz will be next.
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
Well you have them now!! I feel the black templar changes were WAY better than the Necron changes were, hopefully this will be a continuing trend.
@benjaminbeha4428 10 ай бұрын
I think you were spot on about the Orks and the Necrons, I think both factions need the same sort of love that BT got. I think specifically Bulgortz’s active could be tweaked to trigger the actives of the other Ork characters & maybe giving them some sort of attack/crit boost, or maybe a distance boost of some sort. Just generally, all of the characters that don’t have an elite campaign or a campaign yet need an asterisk. Don’t get me wrong, I agree with the ranking of all of your rankings of them, it just decreases their usability and efficiency because there isn’t a campaign to continue leveling them for. Suggestion on the game, ability to organize teams in the character screen to create teams to deploy easier than having to remember which teams are best for arena, for an event, for raids, or whatever else. Idea for another video for you, ranking team comps of some of the different teams that you list here.
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
Now that the core 3 lists are out, I can experiment with different kinds of lists/graphics etc while keeping the old stuff updated. Stay tuned for faction breakdowns coming in a week or so :D
@Bulgarian021 10 ай бұрын
Suggestions for the Orc (ork) faction : A. give all Ork heroes more armor and more melee dmg, Gibba should probably not get damage though, he is a support guy with summonning. B. rework the garbage Tanksmasha to make him specialized vs something - either create a great melee bonus dmg to certain enemies, for ex. v those which are mechanical or human enemies (a new passive giving him thi dmg +some more crit chance v a certain group, mechanical for example ) OR let his passive remain unchanged but simply give him much more melee dmg and more hits. Change his active : let me offer this - attack a unit of your choice which is adjacent to him and the attack is a guaranteed crit and stun (mechanical units cannot be stunned)+ after attacking shout right away to give all nearby orcs faster movement speed for this turn and the next (but you get to control them in stead of running chaotically like after the boss shouts)
@Voidkey11 10 ай бұрын
Commenting to cause the all-knowing algorithm to summon more people. ;) Will finish watching past Cal in the morning. Cheers mate.
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
The algorithm and perhaps some Ra shards!!!
@chichoissensei4357 10 ай бұрын
Hi there, PhénixNoir in tacticus game here, Thanks for this analisis, I love orcs, and think they could have been designed someting like a negation to T'au since they principally are close combat and strong people. The fact bad moons are keen on mechanics in WH40K could be reflected in power armor. The boss has none, but he should. On another way, maybe Olog tankrazeur could get "charge" that could double his number of attacks, but until first target encountered only. He could be then more efficient on a single target, the player would have to choose wisely the one to be hit. WAAAAAAAAAGH !!
@samuelgerhardt8706 10 ай бұрын
I like the idea of the Ork theme being a greenskin horde, so I'd up the importance of Grots. First off, Snotflogga replaces Gulgortz as a mandatory character - would need a campaign re-jigger in terms of dialogue so it's not the best idea on that front, but from a pure gameplay perspective Snotflogga is much easier to unlock through general play than boss and this makes the campaign more accessible. As a player trying to improve at guild raids, Boss was very low down my list of priorities for a long time, so I missed out on even starting the campaign until about 4 months in. Now for the grots. Firstly, they need to be able to replicate even when injured - chance to replicate is maxed at max health and decreases to a set minimum at low health threshold. This could be very low, but still non-zero, which reflects the Ork lore of being near impossible to eradicate barring total destruction. The existing multiplier capping the total number of grots on the battlefield should also still apply and maybe be made more harsh to stop things from getting too out of hand whilst still allowing an injured grot or two to remain dangerous if left unchecked. Secondly, they could gain "inspiration" from their superiors in the form of a trait. My idea is that anytime either the grot gunner or Snappawrecka use dakka-boosted attacks on a target, the grots move one hex toward that target and attack any enemies they move within range of. This allows for some control over the AI horde and could also work to a player's detriment if not used carefully, so a bit of risk/reward there - more emphasis on attacking as a unified group. Finally, to even further emphasize the teamwork-with-grots aspect, I'd change Gibbascrapz's active to be able to upgrade the gear of adjacent grots. What could be really interesting is the active giving a choice of upgrade between additional armour or extra range on their weapons, with more turns having passed allowing you to upgrade more grots at once. This leads to the player having to choose between increasing the effectiveness of fewer grots straight away or risk losing unbuffed Grots before being able to use a ramped-up active - considered play will be needed. Increased armour would benefit their ability to replicate by taking less damage, whilst improved range would be a serious boost combined with the dakka interaction. Increasing levels in the active increases the values of damage/armour for the improved gear. Sorry that was so long, the more I thought about it, the more fun the grot-focus sounded.
@lionelfriedrich901 10 ай бұрын
I really love this series. Thank you for the effort for making these long video. Keep creating, good luck and I hope this channel and community thrive
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
I love doing it! I'm just glad it came out smoothly in one take :D
@mpraxis 10 ай бұрын
I think an obvious one is to have waagh be a faction trait, giving buffs to each ork per ork on the field. I like the idea that ork tech gets better the larger the waagh, so I think the easiest to balance would be 5% increase in pierce per ork.
@Nicholas15517 10 ай бұрын
I think Thutmose deserves to be higher than pass. I'm a newer player and he's pretty useful for some missions in Indomitus Mirror. My Aleph-Null isn't high enough to solo everything yet (and won't be for a long time), and the other two Necrons struggle to take out Inceptors, which Thutmose has no problem at all with - especially so because he's relatively mobile so he has good threat range. He's also useful for clearing clumps of guardsmen and setting up for Imospekh active.
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
Thutmose has good pierce percentage yes. But I promise you, Aleph null can almost entirely solo the indom mirror (and elite) campaign. All Mak and Imo need to do is not die and Aleph can handle the rest lol
@chesterookamiwolfchild1453 10 ай бұрын
Hey Jayce! Hope the acid reflux gets better, it can be awful when that flares up. Thanks for the great vid :) I feel like orcs need a melee buff. Theyre meant to be a melee army but dont have anything that stands out. I feel orcs could be individually buffed, like giving them an extra hit on the round they enter melee combat, and/or buffed faction wide, something like if two orcs are engaged with a single target, or if multiple orcs are engaged with a target, they get something like 10-25% pierce ratio. I dont think gibba needs to have mechanical, but i think it could be really neat if every time he heals a mechanical unit, he gets a portion of that heal value. Could also make this that anytime he heals an orc mechanical unit specifically he gets that heal. I could also see doing something like making snappawreckas passive an aoe ability that gives the armor reduction on hit to all allied orcs within 2-3 hexes. For any tier list changes, I cant think of anyone there that should be moved up or down a full tier. If anything, maybe bumping Winged Prime down to top of average -> since he or an allied nid needs to not kill their target in one attack to spawn gaunts, its almost incentivizing those characters to be weaker or going into combat with enemies that are stronger than them.
@thomasesmith4930 10 ай бұрын
I'm new to this game would like n could use it no idea but really like the game as well as all the cinematics . I appreciate all the info really helpful
@martonmark6396 10 ай бұрын
The orks really need a buff in stats and in ability as well Some suggestion: When Tanksmasha "dies" he dismount instead of being killed (with lower stats) and his active ability will replaced with "revive" kind thing. With the active ability he is reviving his "friend" and mount up again with max hp. This change can make him a lot more tankier. Overall orks change: They need to change "Dakka" to lika stat buff, where the buff is significantly increasing with the number of orks on the map. And they can count in Grots too. I think the orks can hunt down everyone in groups after this change
@piotrzareba60 10 ай бұрын
Hey man, I am subscribed for a long while now, not sure if you can see it tho. Good job, interesting to see, as my xenos are lagging far behind imperials and chaos. As for the Orc buffs: Lore friendly solution is to make them stronger as more come in, including grot summons, they all get buffs for more than 2 orcs on the table, more than 4, more than 6 etc. Damage % buff I'd say, maybe even all stats % buff. Tanksmasha could sure use more health and armor, but also enemies hit by his charge should get stunned imo. Boss Gulgortz could have some summons pop up in a fashion similar to winged prime, when he waaghs for example. Orcs are a swarm based, superior numbers faction! Keep it up, cheers.
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
I probably will be lenient with the "public vs non public" sub thing. But I believe you! I love all of the "lore friendly" buff ideas I'm seeing :D
@ijskender 10 ай бұрын
Hello! Another great video! I would make Orks tankier, and then make Waagh passive stat for all of them - either a stacking buff or berserker buff - more dmg, less armour. They should have a "dakka" trait for more hits, maybe add some of their colour worship lore? As for Necrons - poor Thutmose deserves a passive buff dmg aura. Also - Makhotep should get a teleport - why not... The Tyranids would benefit from more of their link, somehow.
@vaguelycertain8968 10 ай бұрын
Literally just unlock Eldryon today. Apparently I have every one of the strongest characters except Maugan Ra, so no complaints. I've only been playing a few weeks, but one character I vastly underestimated is Calandis - in the recent arena pvp I got absolutely wrecked by her several times, being unable to effectively shoot or melee her on her go turn is brutal
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
Gratz on Eldryon!!!
@Wind501 10 ай бұрын
Awesome Orc buff that's lore inspired: Orcs get stronger the more damage they take. Increasing damage and resistances the lower their health is is such an awesome way to give them a unique ability with a chance at having an attack that doesn't outright kill them turning them into the angry green beasts they deserve to be!
@tamaskarsai2072 10 ай бұрын
Over all I can agree with most of this tier list. Only imospekh where I feel ifi about his position, but than again, I didn't used him much after he got buffed.
@Lacsap231 10 ай бұрын
Great vid, was looking forward to it! Ork recommendation would be a Faction buff: Heart of the Waaagh +20% HP and dmg if another Ork is on the field, +10% per additional fellow Ork (including summons).
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
Sorry to keep you waiting on this video!
@OriginalTurgeis 10 ай бұрын
Can't wait to see how my precious Dark Eldar will rank on your list
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
Dark Eldar sound like they will be pretty awesome.
@williampykus6604 10 ай бұрын
Necrons orcs and death guard all need major buffs. To fix Makhotep giving him over watch and the heavy weapon trait will help and for his passive give him a percent chance to resurrect any killed summons would make him great and allowing him to use his active more then once
@richiep3520 10 ай бұрын
New faction ability - "Fight Arder Boyz". When on member of the ork line up is defeated, all other orks gain 15% damage boost and ignore impassible hexes (like unstoppable) or become immune to overkill / negative hit reductions like on fire hex or height. They go into a frenzy when a fellow ork is killed and summon up crazy tankiness.
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
Oh you even gave it a name :D NICE
@richiep3520 10 ай бұрын
@@DZGJayce it's not the most creative faction trait like something simple as buff damage and Def but I think it would keep in line with the ork mentality. They become entranced when one of da Boyz gets killed.
@TheElderPETE 10 ай бұрын
Awesome video Jayce! Thanks. All orcs should be melee orientated and mechanical. So Gibba can heal all orcs including himself. And all actives and passives must be melee-based. Boss his active should work after all other orcs have used their turn. So it's basically and extra turn.
@tamastasnadi-tulogdi9775 10 ай бұрын
It's not hard to suggest any improvement for the orks, literally anything would make them better. What I would suggest is not something related to the character itself but something I think would make Snappa useful. That is if the armor reduction from his passive did apply to GR bosses as well, something like Roswithas ability that does affect immune. Especially with higher armor bosses I think you could make use of it and it would be really fun. Regarding the tier list I'd argue that Deathleaper should be way upper, he's really strong in PvP when used right, and basically worst case he grants you a 1-1 trade, only that you could take the most important enemy down.
@rockenrollern 10 ай бұрын
I would move up Gulgortz to strong because of his effectiveness vs screamer-killer. With his active you can move Eldryon into doom range on turn 1 wich gets you a couple of thousand extra damage with Maugan. He is big target so he can't be thrown and ends up doing decent damage with buffers with his 8 hits. All this makes him a great tank to use against the screamer. I've also used him to great effect in TA by taking people by surprise with his charge range and ending the match early, though I'll admit that there are many better alternatives to choose from there.
@glimftw7255 10 ай бұрын
Hi, im new player so my suggestion dont carry much weight and take them with a truck of salt. 1. Have not played with orcs much yet, they seem to lack in almost every department. Dmg, pierce... Skill sets dont synergize. Atleast remove the battle fatigue on a tank and rework snappawrecka skills to more complement his ranged attacks. 2. I found the tier list spot on, if i have to pick one, i have to say that Plasmamancer helped me to add Calgar into the req pool faster (silver1 Aleph, bronze2 Imo and Plasma, bronze1 Makho). Skills i took 1/8 and he was an asset, but i dont plan on upgrading him any time soon. Still he helped. Keep up the good work.
@mauroventimiglia5208 10 ай бұрын
I just found this channel since I've been playing for a few days and want to understand better how to use my resources, so I find these tierlists very useful! The only thing I have to say is that orks need a "waaagh" ability for their whole race, kind of like the one for necrons, and make their damage more consistent
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
Welcome to the channel and the game mate!!
@mauroventimiglia5208 10 ай бұрын
@@DZGJayce thanks!
@duskden 10 ай бұрын
I think have more synergy around orks. I'd love to see Gulgortz either give everyone a move twice or maybe he moves twice, snappy shoots twice, gibba gets out 2 tanks, smasha charges twice and maybe two sets of gross are brought out. Really make it a set up and unleash ability
@namebober5025 10 ай бұрын
Nice vid man. Snappa - For Pete's sake give it armor, and an extra melee hit, it's the whole point of it's passive Boss - more armor probs Tanksmasha - rework passive - trigger before every hit? It's just physical after all
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
Thanks mate. Yeah boss is way too squishy
@mattdanielson1655 10 ай бұрын
I would argue for moving Deathleaper up into the average tier, I had some good uses for him in the last TA, especially paired with Winged Prime. Because the Winged Prime's alpha warrior summon also has synapse, it gives a wider area where deathleaper can pop up with his active ability. He takes a couple turns to set up but then can be a great finisher, as long as you have Winged Prime to help him out.
@mightyzoosh101 10 ай бұрын
One simple change to the orkz could be to make dakka almost work like Bellator's passive. It is a bullet spray so it would make sense to effect targets which are adjacent get peppered too. Otherwise, the only character on your tier list which I'd say needs demoting is Imospekh. He still needs a buff in my opinion, especially is overwatch passive. It scales so poorly and barely kills anything unless it's been buffed by eldyron (which only helps on onslaught and perhaps GR if you have nobody else better). I'd put him in average at best
@PseudoAnalyse 10 ай бұрын
1. Definitely include a "Waagh" trait buff where when there are more orc characters on the field, they get a bonus of some sort, maybe increase in movement or damage, fitting of how a "Waagh" should be. Otherwise, right now the orcs seem underwhelming in a lot of the game modes or there are characters who can do their "roles" much easier. 2. I feel that Deathleaper could be placed higher on this list with its potential to constantly heal through killing enemies and sustaining that way, could see strong use in Legendary Events for tracks that might not include a healer/repair character. Additionally, could see some play with it in Live Arena with its Active ability. Definitely don't think it is weak and could potentially move up to Average. Another character that could be moved up would be Makhotep. Its passive ability acts as a secondary healer albeit not as much but still worth something for Legendary Events. Additionally, leveling him up provides a lot of other value such as the Mirror and Elite campaigns. The living metal trait for all necrons make them suitable for long-drawn battles such as Onslaught/Legendary Events as well. Could consider bumping him up to Strong.
@kylehill8864 10 ай бұрын
If they added a Wagghhh trait similar to the 1K sons where doing damage, like psychic for 1k sons, buffs the rest of the orks on board. It would help with the summons and would make me want to summon more with them. More summons triggering a whole group ability would let me argue that Snotflogga could be moved up a rank
@zephramkoepke745 10 ай бұрын
I've just picked this game up, so I'm not sure if these suggestions will be broken or bad: -Make Grots eligible for Gulgortz's WAAAGH! -Give Gulgortz better armor, maybe similar to Gravis -Give Snapwrekka something similar to Gulgortz that lets him shoot his melee target and reduce the damage from his active ability -Gibbascrapz passive re-work into a shield instead of extra armor. Or extra armor + damage reduction
@Graccus1330 10 ай бұрын
Gibba's passive should boost the damage of adjacent orks. His passive just doesn't do enough. If he boosted the tank, it could be useful against SK for newer players. Also, extra damage could help gulg with doom combo
@robinetthebest8632 10 ай бұрын
I really think tanksmasha should be, first, buff in all of his stats, second, should get a different damage type for his passive ability, and most importantly, should get an IMPORTANT damage buff for his active ability, because, right now, you're literally losing a turn by doing it.
@lotharhans9062 10 ай бұрын
Orks need a passive ability to boost them if there are other orks on your team. Example: one ork on your tema nothing, 2 orks bonus to damage, 3 orks bonus to crits, 4 orks extra attack, 5 orks auto healing. When orks die then the bonus is reduced to the next tier.
@br7016 10 ай бұрын
Snappawrecka needs to have multiple area hit representing him flailing wildly on his active ability. Something else I would love to see in these videos is the minimum level you need to take required character to be able 3 star campaigns. Knowing end game characters is great but as a beginner I need to know what I need to get shards on farm.
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
I plan on doing something like that in the future, stay tuned!
@Smatte13 10 ай бұрын
Thanks so much for the tier list! It really helps figure out where to allocate my resources, especially cause I dont spend any money on this game 😂 I really like the ideas behind the ork units, but they feel like they lack any real cohesion. I like the idea of giving them an orc wide passive that helps make them stronger. Also maybe something like an enrage passive where living hits buff some of their stats. Eitherway they just geemrally need some armor buffs imo
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for watching! And I'm glad mate, this was the exact reason I wanted to make this series. As long as it helps one person out, I'm happy.
@nk4606 10 ай бұрын
The Orks could get buffs based on their belief system where they get stronger when they kill someone. And other units (maybe even foes) could get the same buffs when they get a kill because the Orks think they’re strong so they actually become stronger. And the buffs are better if there are more Orks on the field because more of them have stronger belief powers. I’m new to the game and could really use Mangan Ra since my two strongest characters are Eldryon and Aethana so they would synergize well with him.
@silasschliebner8502 10 ай бұрын
Hi great video. My suggestion for the orcs would be some kind of a trait like a headcount that gives more buffs for every orc unit on the field. I peronally find aun shi a top tier character in arena and for a strong passive that can be restored. With the dmg reduce at the start i use revas to tank through overwatch attacks and use the active ability of both characters.
@GeneralKnight117 10 ай бұрын
I think the whole Orc faction needs some love and then each character individually as well. The way Snowprint seems to want to frame Orcs is as an aggressive meele faction. But most of them are waaay too squishy for that. So maybe they could add a new trait called "Ard Boyz" (or various other titles), that gives Orcs the ability to reduce incoming damage by a certain percentage? After all, Orcs are supposed to be able to take wounds that would kill anyone else twice over and keep going. Additionally, Dakka makes no sense the way it works right now. It incentives Snappa and Gul to attack from range, but the rest of their kit is not build around that at all. So instead we could incentivise going into meele by adding their ranged attack to their melee damage (and Gulgortz gets a new passive into the bargain). Either one of these two buffs could help get the faction going in the right direction. Gulgortz: For Gorks (or Morks?) sake, make this boy ARDER. Even with the potential new faction buff, Gul needs to be tankier. He has potentially EIGHT hits in melee which should be insane. But he is just too squishy to really make use of it. So some stat boosts could already make him better. If Dakka is changed and he gets a new passive, you could let him boost other orc characters, kind of like Abaddon (except please not quite like Abaddon). And if you want to go completely crazy and make him legendary tier, you could change his active to just give every orc character on the team an extra turn. That might be too overpowered but it would be a unique ability and in line with him pushing his boyz forward. Gibba: Make him mechnical as you said in the video and change his passive to not only give a general armor boost but also to buff up his grot tank specifically, as long as he stays close to it, which is what he wants to do anyways in order to repair it. That buff could mean negating battle fatigue or just a straight up stat boost for the little engine that could. I think that would already make him much more useful. Snappa: He wants to charge into melee and lower armor with his hits. So he too needs to be ard enough for that to work. The new trait plus some more armor might help. And change his active so that the damage to himself does not scale up (or way less) that way its more rewarding to level it. Or you could just rework to "Charges into battle towards a target and once there, melee attacks everyone around him. That would synergize nicely with his passive, lowering everyones armor! Snot: Stat-wise probably needs less help, make his passive hit a bit harder and make his active a bit less wonky to use. Perhaps he just summons one grot next to each target on the map (up to a maximum of four or five). He wants to flood the map with the little stinkers, let him do it. Wouldnt make him op but much more useful. Tanksmasha: Starting to sound like a broken record but they LITERALLY WANT HIM TO CHARGE INTO MELEE. So make him tankier. Perhaps give him a taunt on his active for everyone he displaced? That might be too strong in PVP. Alternatively let his Squig bite everyone he pushes aside, lowering armor so that the rest of the Orc crew can more easily cut them up with their low pierce ratios.
@jeff1664 10 ай бұрын
My suggestion would be to take snappawrecka's passive and apply it to all chain weapons. One hit @20% armor pen and 1% armor removed. This would let the orks wear down the enemy. Gulgortz would remove 5% and snappa 2% tanksmasha 3%. I think it wouldn't increase alpha damage but would help the faction overall. Would also be a buff to Ragnar. To move Thutmose up a tier have his passive hit a random target within two hexes. He is too squishy to be in melee and this would help when he is in hiding behind Aleph null
@jameswestwood3756 10 ай бұрын
Great video as always Jayce. Always learn a great deal from the information you provide and it's definitely helping me get better at the game! Thank you 🙂
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
That was always the goal, I can't believe I'm reaching so many people now.
@simonmasset2238 10 ай бұрын
I'm entering the competition: I think ork could have a buff which is based on 40k universe and the color beliefs of orks, could make them very versatile, don't know if it will make them worth it but i think it would be quite lore friendly and fun, and maybe something you could choose in your ork faction which one is activated For example in 40k orks believe red is the color of speed thus vehicule painted in red are litteraly faster, in tacticus that could be +1 movement, purple is the sneaky color so might give them infiltrate, yellow is either wealth or firepower so maybe a % increase of rewards per ork used or +1 hit on range attacks, black is toughness so might be the trait resilience, blue is luck so maybe a % chance of block, white is "killness" so maybe a higher % of crit
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
Imagine each yellow ork increases gold gained by X%! That would be cool :D
@simonmasset2238 10 ай бұрын
@@DZGJayce yes I was thinking that maybe all those wouldn't make them competitive but at least yellow could make them be useful for farming ressources or gold, which would be their thing in tacticus and even make sense lore wise too
@yuriauditore9460 10 ай бұрын
Dzg has definitely made me a better gr player thanks for the help man a lot!!
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
I'm glad to read this mate, helping players learn was always my goal.
@jacobnadin8513 10 ай бұрын
I like the idea of the 'Green Tide' with the orc faction - as described in the Warhammer codex. I think there should be a faction trait to increase movement speed, like having the Waaaggh! ability of the warboss to be controlled by each individual toon. Also something needs to be corrected so the warboss hits actually do some damage. I think currently he has chain damage at 20% piercing and the figures never seem to scratch anyone in the arena. Snotfloggas grot summon should summon flying warboys perhaps instead as the grots are just so passive in nature. Think the killacan Snappawrecka needs to have some alteration to his active ability where it doesn't blow him up. Also the physical damage trait prevalaent with orcs could be fine, if the figures they put up weren't so low. Think the warboss should be demoted to weak/pass category as a result.
@tylercampbell6401 10 ай бұрын
Love the deep dive into the tier list. Keep up the solid work!
@JamJestKox 10 ай бұрын
Snappawrecka would've been easily fixed if you picked 2 out of 3: -Gains unstoppable like Ulf. -It's active either does more damage or at least doesn't merk it. -Can suppress the enemy with ranged attacks.
@PavelKnizhnikov 10 ай бұрын
good videos, thank you. I use them regularly to train people in my guild.
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
Always feel free to reach out if you have something you want me to do a video on!
@salvovhett4863 10 ай бұрын
Jayce was the most useful content t me as a beginner and I've been following him ever since. i think Boss Gulgortz little Grot should jump off when he goes down, kinda like the Grotz Snotflogga spawns. Another idea I have no Idea how to implement. In a book I read Ork Space craft leave a debris flied from all the loose bolts and rust and stuff falling off, so in space battles you can't follow directly behind them. Maybe the tank could leave a debris field behind it for a turn or two. Like fire. Also, there;s gotta be a brutal cunning trait of ability. Maybe they just need to great a new faction of Orks like Kommandos.
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
Awhh thanks mate, glad I could help!
@TheCelticBear7 10 ай бұрын
For the Orks: Tanksmasha I think needs either a hits or a damage buff, he has potential to be a fun glass cannon if the cannon aspect is improved! Gulgortz definitely needs a higher armour stat, he's far too squishy as a Warboss in the Ork equivalent of terminator armour. Maybe adding a trait similar to Terminator or MkX Gravis to Gulgortz to represent this, like extra protection against ranged attacks to encourage melee scraps!
@jamesmonks4643 10 ай бұрын
Would love to see Tanksmasha or Snappawrecka get a buff. Tanksmasha's buff could be a 50% chance for his squig to take incoming damage (with no health max) which would add a lot of chaos ... and fun. A damage boost to Smasha in general is severely needed as well, depending on his ability to soak damage. Snappawrecka's buff could be similar to Boss Gulgortz's, where if he gets to do a melee attack he can also fire his weapon at a reduced number of hits. That, or that his Kan Opener ability works on GR's, effectively making him a buffer. It would make his usefulness as a character be specific.
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
Immune stops so many cool things from being a factor.
@rolandsimon4676 10 ай бұрын
My suggestion is some kind of Horde Bonus for the big Boss. Maybe increased crit for every Orc on the field. I would promote Calandis, because of the useful Performance in PVP.
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
My brain instantly defaulted to metal gear when you said big boss XD
@mikepyle839 10 ай бұрын
Awesome video gonna go make some changes to my pvp team thanks for sharing
@abellyofanarmy 10 ай бұрын
Ok! You explain me why i should give love to my 3 tau... Orks are cool... All should be buffed on range and meele, waag should be more than whats right now... Like buff meele and range, extra movement and somekind of invul for One round. Something like that... As a up or downs no The tier list, i agree with almost everything. Some characters i dont dont even have them unlocked... But thanks for the tau advice!
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
The T'au might just be the single greatest faction in the game. It's rough to say because of how valuable the Eldar are.
@billyeliott8383 10 ай бұрын
Great content dude, keep going 👌 About ork car : Snotflogga passiv should catch and taunt an ennemy caracter in contact like the holy duel skill does + a buff for 1st turn damage for the grots Ork faction : despite boosting the core stats i think reworking the armor pen is mandatory so a faction trait could be : the more orks are in close combat the more bonus to pierce they have and / or armor debuff for the target Cherry on the cake : tiers list downgrade => Imospekh should be in average. I've got ur points about accessibility but he's not usefull in anymode and a guildmate got him at d1 cause he's crazy about necron and it's not even spectacular. That's it for me, keep going on ur vids 👍
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
I may have been coerced to give him a bit more love than he deserves XD but he's still a solid character in my opinion.
@Ragefist666 10 ай бұрын
Great video as always. Keep up the good work.
@colbeckfrancis5583 10 ай бұрын
Hey there DZG Jayce I have Subscribed & Liked Moving Along. Wow well Sigh, The Orcs wow there are lots of things I'd love to see. I wish that I could make a case for SNOTFLOGGA as He is one of my main units. That said, I would change his; PHYSICAL X3 melee to PIERCING X3 & Use the 3 Grots we have in game already and include them to his summon pool. For example: (Helmet Grot) could have a ranged attack and armour. (Normal Grot) could get +1 movement (Ammunition Grot) promoted to summon exclusively next to the Grot tank giving it a second attack for 2 rounds before Running away. I'll stop there because I could say so much more... Give him or at the very least his squig Final vengeance. And as for Aun'Shi H definitely should be in the Top-Tire and you said it yourself 1 million damage. Thank you for your consideration and just take a moment to picture The ammunition Grot ;)
@stephenwhite258 10 ай бұрын
Snappawrecka is actually my favorite character that I have right now, but I do think his active is weak, a possible fix would be two changes. 1. decrease its damage slightly but put it on a 2 turn cooldown 2. If snappawrecka kills the target, it should greatly reduce the amount of self damage dealt
@Tyrkkl 10 ай бұрын
Great review for endgame. Would be nice to see some comments about building through early and mid have. For orcs, a strength in numbers would be a nice buff. Here an adjacent orc would make an additional melee attack to the same target.
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
I think I do have some considerations of the early to mid game. But I can definitely agree I have end game bias.
@bato2loco 10 ай бұрын
I think devs should increase pierce ratio of chain damage, this would make snappawrecka, tanksmasha & Boss Gulgortz more attractive for tournament arena, at least.
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
And make the campaign feel alot less miserable too.
@OzzyThunderMan 10 ай бұрын
As someone that have heavily invested in Orcs, my belief would be to give the non mechanical orc's a trait which would be Ard as Nails: Reduce's Incoming Ranged damage by 25% I think Orc's should be able to brute force move into Melee without worrying about overwatch, most of the time for me in Arena (I generally run full orcs) I skip first turn then Use Boss Gulgortz Active to generally clean up the enemy force, but this is Arena, so it's not really a good tactuc outside of Arena. I do think Orcs need either a buff or another set of Orcs to grace Tacticus, really want a Pain Boy or Flash Gitz to show up
@rodasxp97 10 ай бұрын
Great tier list. For the Orks, I think they need to remake snappawrecka from scratch. It's active actually kills him and his passive doesn't link well with his kit, and honestly just doesn't fit in the game. Orks could use some more actual range threat
@davesens17 10 ай бұрын
Just starting too. Awesome comparison
@dylanvenne5888 10 ай бұрын
Great video! Very accurate tier list!
@crede69 10 ай бұрын
I would like to see Tanksmasha being more of a anti-summoner. Rework his passive, so that his Squick eats summons on contact. Snappawrecka could be cool if his kit focused on the lorebased ork trait, where the power of the Orks collective imagination and belief, enhances their weapons and vehicles with certain traits. If you could change Snappas colour during battle to priorities speed (movement), power (damage) etc. Orks also need a racial trait that they share.
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
Concur, faction synergy is always nice
@silverblack110 10 ай бұрын
I love Re'vas. Super strong and one of my first characters. Also... I love big robot/gundam mechs! That said, lots of weak Orks. I'm afraid I have to disagree with making them tougher or faster, necessarily. I think it is way too easy to overbuff them with this approach. I think the Orks need more variety with their damage type, and better synergy between them. Physical and Chain are too weak with penetration and should probably be buffed, or changed to another damage type. I think the minion spawning is also a tad weak and unorganized. Snotflogga can be nuffed by changing his summon, something similar to Thousand Sons, and spawning X grots around him based on damage dealt or enemies attacked in melee by Orks. Additionally, maybe Boss's active could cause a summons to Pile in more often or get a similar move/power buff. If nothing else, maybe give Orks a trait that improves their pen%. Maybe based on # of Orks taken to incentivize an Ork team.
@andreasstamm2222 10 ай бұрын
Done. I think they should make a new mechanic for the orks. And make skins for the diffrent heros. When do you think my favorite faction World eaters are coming, to the game?
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
I'm sure loads of people would pay for cosmetics. And idk but I am hoping the next faction after Ad Mech will be Chaos.
@cyruslupercal9493 10 ай бұрын
Eldryon is just above every buffer, in his own league, because Doom doesn't require you to stand near the ones you buff, but rather two hexes from target wich is much easier to position. 22:40 it doesn't count for the Grot tank. 100% sure. 29:10 50% chance per hit. Gibbascrapz's armour buff is mostly irrelevant, because penetration exists (in campaign it's all low damage multi hit chain, bolter and flame anyway). Would need to give block or flat out damage reduction.
@use0fweps 10 ай бұрын
Boss G really needs to have better armour. It's mental that he's wearing actual power armour but still has the worst protection of all the orcs. Mine are all still Iron 2 because I've got more urgent places to spend my energy, but with equal upgrades equipped, Gibba and Snot both have double the armour of poor old Boss man! They also have 1.5 * Snappas armour, which is also crazy, but one thing at a time!
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
Armor item > Block items always
@nasrunsofian573 10 ай бұрын
Still new so unsure how useful imospekh would be late game, but I personally feel that he would belong more in the average tier than strong tier. I've tried, and am trying, my best to make good use of him but despite having continuous overwatch, he doesn't seem to quite cut it. One, i find him to be really squishy, and if he doesnt murder the first unit that comes into overwatch range, he then loses alot of value. That being said, perhaps I just need to grow imospekh a little more to see his value. And as a counter argument to mine, I do believe imospekh is overall a better character than makhotep and putting them in the same category feels wrong.
@Carnagepwnz 10 ай бұрын
Orks definitely need a rework. Waaagh is dificult to use turn 1 because you want to get your summons out, then it only effecting units who have not taken a turn and melee attacks nerfs it again. I think it needs to trigger summons in range to take a second turn like relentless march and effect ranged attacks as well. If you really want to boost it, have all orks move and attack again. This would give them a first turn that hits like a truck, but still relies somewhat on positioning and ai targeting. And Orks should hit like a truck and be someone mindless in how they do so. I'd also remove the battle fatigue trait from the snot tank, or have it trigger after being crit or below 50% hp.
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
100% agree, if mak can do it, why not Gulgortz? Even if it's only for the grot tank and grots.
@zopfgrind6283 10 ай бұрын
Love your Content! Hopefully you can give us a update about the zero to hero account in the near future
@Kaijushorts 10 ай бұрын
Id like snappawrecka to be more focused like you hinted at. I love the armour debuff passive, but the Orks with ranged seem to be much better at picking things off, which is just weird play wise and lore wise. Ramming speed is just the worst, I get it's a risk reward thing but given he's critical for campaign and is so squishy at the lower levels it's practically unusable. I want to love the Orks but man, it's rough
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
Yeah in a game mode where someone dying is a big no no, that active feels real bad
@RustyBandit86 10 ай бұрын
Out of all the let down must be Typhus, he deserves to Respected
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
Poor Typhus and Abaddon :(
@avaddon2545 10 ай бұрын
Hey jayce, I think orcs should have an ambedded passive making use of their thematic WAAAGH or belief mechanic which is what makes them unique. Waaagh could give them a boost based on strength of opponent. Belief could balance this by boosting/penalising opponent snd own characters based on characteristics eg red characters getting an additional move tile
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
There are so many lore awesome ways to improve this faction.
@muradkhaled1055 10 ай бұрын
For Okrs I'd suggest buffing their overall states by at least 20%, Changing their damage type from physical and chain to something like pierce, or inventing a new damage type just for them like "Blunt" for example that has average damage but stuns enemies, or some shit like that, also changing their gear to the likes of Kut Skoden, double armor items or something like that, i mean they're orks they're meant to be tanky as shit and take a huge amounts of punishment, either that or simply make it cheap af for us to gear them up to D1 & D2, i think that's a fair trade too since they'll only be used for the campaigns and Lre and definitely won't be breaking the game in terms of arena GR ect because they'll still be shit.
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
SO TRUE. Gulgortz having a block item instead of double armor item or something feels very bad. He just gets ABSOLUTELY melted.
@ChaosSwarm 10 ай бұрын
​@@DZGJayceThe blok item is probably to represent on The tabletop. They have a 5+ invurnebul save (tactikus version of that is The block gear)
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
I've never played Tabletop :(
@Belerickmainofficial 10 ай бұрын
Ork suggestion:Make so that the higher the total power of the enemy the more mvmnt.they have in intervals of 1000
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
I'd love to see the scaling breakdown for this idea.
@Belerickmainofficial 10 ай бұрын
Every 1000 total enemy power increases movement by 1 to a max of +3 movement
@Rhiimed 10 ай бұрын
I think if the Orks leaned into lower pierce ratios, but some gnarly damage stats for those big boy hits (especially the characters in yellow like Gulgortz or Snappa), that would be a huge help. They’re just so weak for some of the biggest boys around. And just overhaul Tanksmasha. Such a sad case of bad character
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
That'd also increase their valuation whenever D3 rolls around (hopefully not soon)
@WhoDatNation7 10 ай бұрын
Change Tank Smasha passive to if target has over X health increase damage to X. Does direct damage vs large targets. Then he lives up to his name and smashes tanks.
@DZGJayce 10 ай бұрын
It would have to have a cap on it for GR purposes but yeah that's solid!
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