其實香港在過去4年的艱辛年月下也能拙壯出一位咁受香港人喜歡嘅年青人出來真係可喜可賀,係香港嘅福氣!KT嘅歌迷真係男女老幼,什麼年齡階層都有,可見其影響力嘅廣泛和厲害之處。最難得這位年輕人沒有因此而驕傲,反而用已有嘅影響力去做一些影響更多人嘅好事。這點最居功至惠就係姜濤應援團。這個團隊背後組員的創意、進步和執行能力實在驚人,由免費搭電車、姜濤灣、歌迷轉化嘅善心行動等等,每一步嘅思維和策略絕對並非一般歌迷會能力可以應付咁簡單,看得令人歎為觀止, 實實在在係一隊「無可取代」全球最佳應援團隊, KT should be very blessed and very proud of you all! 👍Well done and keep up with the good work 👏👏👏👏🎉❤️🍔❤️🍔 Let’s celebrate! 🎉🎉🎉🎉
KT, even your song 沒有翅膀的天使 makes me cry. Your sweetness & kindness melt us all. You show us what is love, honesty & humbleness. You demonstrate what it means to be a human, to live simply, to care the people around us, to spend more time with the kids. The joy and hope that you bring to us are priceless. You inspire us that we can all be very beautiful inside and out, with a pure heart in spite of our imperfections.🍔
@cccho968 Жыл бұрын
Very well said 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 Totally agree with you ✌️✌️✌️😘😘😘