To: Wing Chung 所以點解當年唔轉型呢?真係遲咗好多,嗰十年啲人去哂聽K-pop(之前仲興緊J-pop)就係唔肯畀錢聽廣東歌,所以你話係邊啲人令「樂壇已死」呢?又係邊啲人令歌迷包括外地華人留意返香港樂壇呢?又係幾時開始歌迷接受小眾音樂同主流音樂界線模糊化呢?佢地以為打低願意突破嘅年青人,講到佢地樣樣都係錯、乜都唔掂、搶走佢地嘅成果,自己就會長生不老,其實轉型條路仲有好長,無咗有心嘅年青人佢地窮得只剩下錢(之後就無以為繼啦)~😂
i think the hong kong market is way too small. compared to korea and china, hk only has a mere 7 million population, theres just not enough talent to go around. in china, talent gets scouted and recruited to be idols, models, singers, there are beautiful people everywhere to be found, but in hk, the potential talent is just limited. and the actually talented ones choose to go to china or korea to gain fame, which in my opinion is thr sensible thing to do because they earn more money and more fans in a more global market. therefore, leaving the remaining talent stay in the hong kong market. thats why they say hk entertainment is dying. because everyone thats good leaves to do greater and better things. for hk entertainment to expand, we need money and the resources to find and promote talented artists and we have expand our music with a global audience in mind, like the so called kwave, or else hk entertainment will forever be stuck in hk.
@maxchui1172 жыл бұрын
@GaryCheuk-g1x2 жыл бұрын
鄧紫棋 90後
@marelo6243 Жыл бұрын
你好。首先,你講得岩,多d關心父母,點解 追求一啲冇實力嘅人啦,真正有實力嗰啲都返咗大陸啦
@九尾狐大師2 жыл бұрын
咁我咪要買多啲眼淚水 喜療妥 jamieson (張敬軒),fresh (柳應廷) 沙宣(jeremy ) 蒸餾水(Tyson yoshi )破產了要