憑啥?中國不但沒自由民主,且朋友在中國烟台炸雞店工作,時薪人民幣12-18(中國沒最低薪保障,可能更低,也可能高點), 台灣最低時薪要给人民幣42。美國呢?The minimum wage in Los Angeles, California will increase to $17.28 per hour on July 1, 2024。人家美國洛杉磯 每時最低工資 125 人民幣。月薪每月最低 人民幣 21745。
,上海最低月工資 2690=美金374。它是中國最富裕城市和洛衫磯比,應不委屈。Starting April 1, 2024, all fast food restaurant employees in California must be paid at least $20 per hour. = 人民幣 145 ,意思是在美國速食點餐僱員保障最少工資人民幣 145/時 ,1160/8時/日,而中國普通工作,時薪人民幣18(中國沒最低薪保障,可能更低,也可能高點), 連看個病還會破產,但你講貴國好像很強大,了不起祖國。呵呵呵,好笑耶
The meaning of FREEDOM can feel quite different depending on where you are: In developed countries, it often emphasizes Freedom of Expression and Speech. In underdeloped countries, it tends to highlight Freedom from Want and Hunger.