公私立學校的選擇,最主要還是要取決於家庭的經濟能力是否許可。我們住在KS州,這個州的教育品質是全美倒數第二,這是很多年前看到的新聞,所以我兒子是念私立學校從幼幼班到高中,都在同一所學校,後來我兒子大學選擇了UC Santa Barbara,因為校園太美了,我都覺得像在渡假,記得高中指導學生申請大學的老師她都是建議學生申請私立的大學,主要是怕在小學校長大的小孩到了外州的州立大學會無法適應,不過幸運的我兒子已畢業在工作了。記得他大一跟我說過,下課時每個學生都在找腳踏車,因為好幾百人的課,不過還好我老公幫他買了閃亮的橘色腳踏車,讓他一眼即可找到,記得當初我兒子看到他老爸選的顏色不是很高興,因為他是一個低調的人,不喜歡被認出,還好入學時是我陪兒子在校園辦理入住宿舍等事宜,我老公負責外出採購所需用品,所以才會選了閃亮的橘色腳踏車。 現在還是會有朋友問我公私立學校的選擇,我都會說經濟能力許可,我就會選擇私立。
In general, America’s private schools can’t and don’t offer high quality education as public schools. You will see it more obvious as your child reaches to middle and high schools. AP & Honor classes, extracurricular classes will become very important in your child’s education. Private schools here are not as good as the ones in Taiwan. Your school district is considered one of the low ranking/achieving districts. Many people rather rent or buy a house that is within a high ranked school district than going to a private school. You will see its outcome soon, private schools are not as good as you think!