中國有今日,不是把自己推上全球第一,是全球多國把他推上世界第一,主題是一帶一路合作共贏不干涉別國內政,聯合國上維護世界和平。 (tic Tok 是人民生財工具,又充滿娛樂性交流,利用政治收購,是傷害兩國人民互相交流,極度不可取的)(中國數字貨幣是用作支付,交易方便快速。而美國加密貨幣是用來收割炒買政治操作)
Very good session, just add some point, agree with Mr Zhang instead of Mr Li. Saying China is no 1 is not to be cocky or complacent, on the contrary, US has the habit of attacking No 2 to prevent No 2 becoming No 1. Saying China is already No 1 would calm US down, stop senseless destructive behaviour. China is bigger and better than US in many more areas, land size, population, trade power, industrial production, GDP (PPP), scientific research, military size (number of military personnel, warships, drones, missiles etc). If US can understand, more cooperation would benefit Americans and people around the world.
@39:35 where Charles Li's said "people's sentiment will prevail... especially in electoral democracy" directly flies on the face of facts at the issue being discussed, which is TikTok!! All three branches of this "electoral democracy" already gave death penalty to TikTok, even with 170 million, out of the 350 million population opposing the ban. One has to remember, these 170 millions are mostly adults. The rest includes toddlers and babies, computer illiterates. Therefore 170 million is a super majority, which is still hanging on one man's capricious mental state. Where does he or many of these Hong Kong people get the confidence on "electoral democracy"?
@edwardchen10718 күн бұрын
Prof. Sachs是個正直樂觀的和平主義者。透過海外投資將人民幣國際化的前提,是資本的安全性。不受保障的人民幣隨時可能面對某些國際聯盟的制裁,或是當地國政變後的沒收…… 中國近期的軍力展示,就是顯示對海外的投資的支持。無論是新三樣海外擴市,或是一帶一路基建項目的持續發展,都要讓當地國了解合作才能共贏,想搞鬼會遭到教訓。 軍武本就是櫥窗工業,沒到生死關頭不會動用。但沒有軍武,海外投資就是沒主的待宰肥羊。
It is still in the beginning of the national rejuvenation for China. Premature arrogance can be deadly. Self-confidence is NOT arrogance. I think Mr. Li confused the concept. Nevertheless there is a pretty fine line, between self-confidence, slight cockiness, then arrogance, so we should always keep reminding ourselves.
The balance of power has changed as a natural course of global development. It is a natural reaction from the former superpower U.S. towards the new world order. However , it is the DAO either the U.S. wants to embrace the change or not, the world will move forward.
@simwan-g6m7 күн бұрын
@williamzhuang33919 күн бұрын
Chine is not strong enough to let RMB free conversation. And Chine do not have enough experience to play capital game.
@baselmaniac9 күн бұрын
两位教授的话有理有节,张教授据理力争不卑不亢,给一个大大的赞👍 a question to Mr. Charles Li, since when did he care about what the little people think? During his administration on the HKSEX, he single handedly created the best foundation and environment for shadow banking and money laundering services for the corrupted mainland tycoons, benefits of the little people? What are you joking about?
Perhaps China needs another financial conduit to interface with the world that is out of the western system. Using the HK conduit may not shield china from the western shock and influence of democractic movement that create instability. One conduit for BRICS?