A youngster grew up in a dysfunctional family. He then resorts to violence in dealing with people. He pretends to be indifferent to things that he really cares and hides his fears. Deep in his heart, he is a good person. He does not hate his enemies, he also protects people that he does not love. It dawned on him that he has to make peace with himself to find a brighter future.
這是關懷街頭少年的歌吧!?非主流陰沉的旋律,一直在降E大調、降E小調、藍調音間變換,像陰晴不定的心情.聽了心情沉重.雖然小調和藍調音帶出哀愁和blues的色調,陰影烏雲中仍透出大調的陽光和希望.我猜這首歌是青峰為了那個曾經萬華棕髮少年蕭小騰而作的.揣測敬騰唱這首歌的心情,是回到歧路少年那時候的心境.他想要為邊緣少年發聲.幫友洛依提起Michael Jackson 的You are not alone. You are not alone 和《以愛之名》剛好可以湊一對.You 調性比較光明,充滿希望,對外界的援手充滿期待,而且天降福音告訴他:Your are not alone. 《以愛之名》則有控訴的成份,雖然也有著希望,但那種希望比較像主角內心自發的力量--橫衝直撞,到處竄流的能量.終究有一天,果子自己成熟的時刻會來臨.聽了其實是心酸的.從前奏的陰暗小調,到尾奏以光明大調結尾--幸好一切都過去了,貴人出現,萬華少年變成陽光青年了. 選這種社會關懷的歌當主打歌,很有guts.敬騰和青峰, 你們很棒!