My translation from the Chinese lyrics, just for the love for this song: 难得一身好本领 Rarely equipped with great skills 情关始终闯不过 Never could I break through the bound 闯不过柔情蜜意 Can’t break through tenderness and sweetness 乱挥刀剑没结果 By fruitlessly swinging my sword 流水滔滔斩不断 Impossible to cut off torrents 情丝百结闯不过 Unable to break through the entanglement 刀锋冷 Blade chilled 热情未冷 Passion yet unchilled 心底更是难过 Even grieving at the bottom of my heart 无情刀永不知错 Relentless sword never understands the wrongs 无缘份只叹奈何 Without fate I can only helplessly bemoan 面对死不会惊怕 Not frightened as I face death 离别心悽楚 Hearts broken as we separate 人生几许失意 How often has life dejected one 何必偏偏选中我 Why just have I been chosen 挥刀剑 Swing the sword 断盟约 Break the oath 相识注定成大错 Acquaintance was destined to be the fault
@joekuang3054 жыл бұрын
1978年从广州开始听2020年在澳洲仍然听!Roman still is my Idol !🕵️fantastic! 😃