頂禮愛琴古文明, 頂禮普世萬代邦。 皈命東方正教會, 皈命基督受膏王。 詠歎鐵城抗土夷, 詠歎君國保燦斐。 大觀連綿碧穹隆, 大觀錦繡紫經緯。 稽首迢遙三聖哲, 稽首悠聖索菲亞。 敬尊天京鎮四海, 敬尊凱撒開天下。 歸拜奧古斯都高皇帝, 歸拜君士坦丁聖皇帝, 歸拜查士丁尼武皇帝, 歸拜君士坦丁十一世凱撒高聖武皇帝。 Hail the Aegean's Ancient Light, Hail the Universal Eternal Legacy. Prayer to the Eastern Orthodox Church, Prayer to Christ, the Anointed Monarch. Gratitude to the Iron City for Resisting the Barbarians, Gratitude to the Sovereign for Preserving the Splendor. Praising the Continuous Blue Dome, Praising the Lustrous Tapestry of Purple Threads. Ave the Wisdom of the Celestial Sages, Ave the Divine Sophia. Homage to the Heavenly Capital, the Admiral of Four Seas, Homage to Caesar, the Ultimate Imperator. Bow to Augustus, the High Emperor, Bow to Constantine, the Holy Emperor, Bow to Justinian, the Martial Emperor, Bow to Constantine XI, Caesar, High, Holy, Martial Emperor.