You failed to mention British's popular management system: divide and rule. They usually grouped certain race to do certain task and never mixed. Chinese in tin mining Indian in rubber plantation Malay in office admin and catch fishes.
@harry129 ай бұрын
lol spot on
@tanchengs55029 ай бұрын
Divide and rule, to some extent, resulted in the Chinese and Indians retaining their own characteristics in this country and not being assimilated (Just stating the truth, not trying to whitewash colonialism).
Kampung baru 被你批评的一文不值的马来区,还要强调高上的华人和游客都不去,可是哪里是英殖民时期被保留的历史马来区,没有什么翻新,却是实实在在的城中村,人们有自已的房子和地 。
@candiceluo90299 ай бұрын
@yangchan80029 ай бұрын
I live in America and it is a country with different people and ethnic group so I am used to seeing different people when I was working my coworkers including Korean Mexican and Philippines even I had a doctor he was from afica 😅 but the good thing on this I was able to eat different ethnic food and around my home there are few Mexican restaurants within miles even a steak house but us Chinese can't get behind so I can get Chinese food or Japanese food and they are not far away from me if I want something quick there is MacDonald not too far 😅 that city has different ethic groups so you could try their food for a change 😂 the city is close to the Sea and the air are humid and temperatures are high you do get sweaty and do need to shower few times a day but if you have air conditioning in house that should be ok and becareful about the typhoon if the city is in a low flat land it could flooded that house was up high like that It tell me the place can get flooded during typhoon seasons 😅 it's not like nother China which doesn't get too much typhoon also becaful with the insects during summer there will be alot of them 😢 Singapore is a nice place but it might be too expensive compared to China 😅 but you can find out for yourself and see if you can tolerate the price
@78simeonelee9 ай бұрын
Welcome to Malaysia 😊
@terencetay9989 ай бұрын
@linustw6 ай бұрын
yr observation is spot on re: malays into politic, chinese into business and Indians into construction (general speaking). BUT malays into politic is just a very small numbers (less than 0.01% of population). More accurately shld be majority of malays into Gov Administrative and defence,
Kampung Baru 夹在高楼大厦之间,明明是一块黄金地,却好像被发展的巨轮遗忘了一样,自始至终保留原本的面貌。 这个事情说明,第一,在这个国家,私有财产神圣不可侵犯,政府不能以发展为名逼迁那里的村民。 第二,村民有自主的意识,团结一致维护自己的权益,去对抗那些觊觎这块黄金地的发展商。 如此,才有屹立至今的Kampung Baru ,村民依然可以平静地在那里生活,同时享受周围的一切便利。那不叫杂乱无章,叫“我自岿然不动”。