我是新加坡人。从没想到香港会这样。怪就怪在香港人耳朵软。听信西方的挑拨。李光耀曾说过, he does not believe Democracy works for every country. 所以,新加坡从来就不是什么100%民主国家。那些向往民主社会的亚洲国家 (比如台湾,香港)都错在这一点。很多人说新加坡政府严厉。是的,我们不许街头示威。(需要申请批准)现在终于明白政府的苦心了。所谓家和万事兴。香港不是被中国给毁了。而是被西方国家毁了。可惜。
all these super rich, super high achiever, are like water. today leave HK and China, one day might also leave Singapore. we have to get ready for it. Singapore will continue strive to be relevant and continue to be stable and continue to be attractive. hope Singapore will continue the "miracle" story for another 60 years! Happy 60th anniversary!
I wanted to laugh at him but realized this anti china Chinese is simply not worth the trouble.. Good for nothing just like all it's types .. How it came into my algorithm is beyond me