个人经验还有看法:我以前在新加坡读小学和中学(2009-2018)现在在马来西亚读college,所以我对教育议题有一些看法,避免篇幅太长,我就以我中学的经验来讲。我在新加坡读中学的四年是非常美好的,虽然每天来回jb新加坡很辛苦啦。我遇到的老师,95%都是对教育非常有热忱的,他们都对自己教的科目都非常了解,因为它们教的科目都和他们的本科是有关联的。我的英文老师都是英语文学或语言学毕业的,华文老师都是中文系毕业的,历史/社会学老师是政治学毕业的,所以没有老师知识素质不配的问题(不过我的数学老师是物理系毕业的,因为学校不够数学老师)。而且每个老师都有去上教育相关的文凭+实习才可以当正式老师。我所听过老师讲他们的中学成绩,都是非常顶尖的,所以几乎没有成绩差的去当老师的(但不能排除有些老师因为中学成绩平平就不敢讲啦,而且有些人比较迟才爆发) 说到考试呢,就有一个很特别的感觉,因为死记硬背在新加坡的olvl只能让你到B,你要拿A就要靠你的higher order thinking skills了。我就讲我上的科目,英文;考试没得背,只能靠你的阅读经历来撑,因为英文是“没有考试范围”,意思就是什么都会出,从小说的故事到经济,政治,生物,历史,千百种课题都可以考,所以很考阅历和对英语的敏感度。数学/高级数学:基础题肯定有,不过higher order thinking question占15-20%,而且没有选择题,没有蒙对,只有硬实力和小心的程度。物理/化学:因为我拿combined(50/50)所以会比较简单,不过如果你拿pure science就会有很多higher order thinking questions。历史/社会学:这个就很有趣了,因为即使你吧课本的每一字每一句都背下来,吐在考卷,你也只能拿40%,剩下的60%就是要靠你的思考能力来解答(我在其中一个comment有提到这个,你们自己去找啊🙂)华文:我们没有背课文这种东西,因为不会出,也、、所以也是要看你的阅历了,而且写作文可以用电子词典,所以看的是你的表达能力还有文笔。 最后我想说的是,其实以我的经验来看,马来西亚需要做出更多改革来改变现况,因为马来西亚的教育是培养一群只会跟随,没有主见,没有思考能力人(我觉得这个有点政治因素,你们自己想一想吧)。不过我们能做的就是去看多一点BBK,看多一点知识型的频道来培养思考能力,不要只局限在学校的知识上,做一个有素质的人。其实新加坡要的教育也不是百分百完美,也是有自己的缺点的(例如教师工作时间,有些教学内容过于偏袒政府好的一面,压力大)所以外国的月亮不一定比较圆,毕竟不管你在哪里,你看到的月亮都是同一个的啦。 有什么问题,我也可以补充哦😀
@李子-s8p2 жыл бұрын
@yeehanaw52072 жыл бұрын
@@李子-s8p 我有看过2018spm addmath的考卷,其实也差不多一样难度,有些题还难过新加坡的。至于差别就是在higher order thinking skills上,新加坡很注重思考,连我中学的 vision是“values centric,thinking school” (这样不就暴露了我中学是在哪里读的吗哈哈)很多在学校的活动都会有reflection来让你去想。
@kirili3642 жыл бұрын
@@yeehanaw5207 其实不用去到学校。不少孩子们的higher order thinking skills小时候在家里就已经被家长扼杀了。
Pendidikan moral is really spot on. 🤣I still remember the day before the exam, I have to memorise every single words of the definition for those crazy 36 values. After the exam, those definition will automatically be deleted from my brain!!!
@luna_lunilu.art052 жыл бұрын
U know when they say that what u study in school is often useful when u go into society?? Imagine being asked this : apakah nilai universal yang awak ada ??
@vincentaw19882 жыл бұрын
i totally give up this subject , go in write name bullshit till time allow us to leave 🤣
@cnash56472 жыл бұрын
And there's always the four moral values that is universal for every question, I remember it's rajin, berdisiplin, mematuhi undang-undang and something like that.
@1chai2 жыл бұрын
After SPM exam, only Pendidikan moral paper cannot be taken back or let the book publisher to print as past year exam practice. They know their PM questions are ridiculous.
@我特热妈惹法克2 жыл бұрын
So i don't care about moral. Just memorize the nilai murni is enough
最 be tahan 就是那個 SPM format BM. kertas satu 給兩粒鐘頭半,kertas dua 要寫 karangan 卻竟然只給兩個鐘!!? 然後原因是因為 kertas dua 只要有兩個問題,kertas satu 有很多問題。害到我們寫 karangan 趕到要死,kertas satu 早早做完就在那邊盈盈無大事,無所事事。 寫作文是需要時間的。雖然 kertas satu 問題多,但是我覺得不應該看哪一個問題多就給多時間,問題少就給少時間。應該要按照問題需求來分配時間。
其实小学的时候,老师是很用心教,我也因此学会很完善的华语,我真的很感谢他们,中学的时候,也有很好的老师,真的,老师在改中四的作文,中五的我问她我可以也写给你吗,然后你一起改, 然后老师也很乐意答应了,我还自己做了biology past year 拿去给老师改,老师还一个一个解释给我听。。。。 我要说的是只要学生要学 没人可以阻拦, 老师如果看出了学生的用心,老师也会把学生教好。 这是互相的。 谁说国中生不能优越过外国生?
Half-half agree, cause I still have some friends said that PI (pendidikan islam) has their own difficulties too, despite that when u look at moral the question often uses bombastic words to confuse students, sometimes when I do moral paper. I feel like I'm doing a higher version of malay paper
@boonkeechew48282 жыл бұрын
@@luna_lunilu.art05 Indeed, you must know how to tackle the questions, especially the marking scheme, my teacher explained it in detail and we must follow a particular way of writing the answers. Simply elaborating the points is not enough to score. I agree with you. PI has its difficulties as well, but honestly it is not as confusing as moral question paper.
This reminds me of the past when I managed to get into one of the good Polys in SG after SPM. I still rmb the first day of class here. All our projects required comprehensive writing. 50% Exam and 50% project-based. Wow! Everybody's comprehensive writing skills are so good plus they're very hardworking and efficient. Kept pointing out my grammar and sentence error. Sien. Finished the project within 2 weeks before the deadline with little of my help. (There were a few modules). Guess what, my overall GPA so-so.
是啊。我以前在数学考试题里,我用不同写法写formula (只是把formula写短了)。 我:miss, my formula got nothing wrong . Why you didn't give point . 老师:can't write like that , in PMR or SPM got no point one la ..
Tbh. Singapore standard of education is definitely higher than ours. But i think is not fair to determine whether our student are lower in IQ. This is merely academic smart vs street smart.