You say it like it’s only Chinese issues. Many many older actors in hallywood mention that They have hard time finding roles for them, same age actors wives younger than them… it’s societal issue of women are under harder criticism and people do not want to see aging on TV. The beauty standard in Asia is much more extreme for sure
有問題的是內娛劇本啊 大部分女主角都是幼齒、年輕、天真的角色下去編寫 以成熟女性為主角的戲少之又少 導致女演員到一個年紀發展空間就受限 觀眾和編劇要先改一改自己對幼齒少女的喜好 還有中年女性也有談場好戀愛的資格 但是即便有感情戲好像還是只能讓年輕人來談一樣 奇怪的價值觀 去看一下安海瑟薇的 The idea of you 人家就有辦法把中年女性的戀愛劇演得浪漫唯美 這才是劇本應該要改變的地方 女演員不願意退居二線、演配角 就是因為知道一旦開始演了配角和媽媽之後接到的劇本都是那類,聲勢也會開始下降