看看以色列国防部长怎么说的。 加兰特说:“我已经下令全面封锁加沙,没有电、没有食物、没有燃料、没有水、封锁一切,我们正在与人形动物作战,我们采取相应行动。”(I have ordered a complete siege on Gaza,no electricity,no food,no fuel,no water,everything is closed we are fighting human animals and we act accordingly)。
Do you think you are qualified to give advice to a nation that has been displaced for 2000 years and has not been assimilated?
@zephyrzhang925311 ай бұрын
@@MattisW.-hp7pq Ys, I think everyone could provide kind advices for any nation.but whether the nation will take the advice or not is not our repsonsibility.
@edward6995110 ай бұрын
@@MattisW.-hp7pq Everyone has the right to express his opinion.
很精彩,也聽完了,但關於基督之死的典故是羅馬人造成可能太過簡陋或是誤導了,故還是想餔充說明下: 1.基督被猶大出賣被捕後,當晚被送至猶太法庭(Sanhedrin trial),由猶太大祭司(Caiaphas)及長老進行審判,罪名是自稱彌賽亞及神的兒子(Messiah and Son of God)。 2.定罪後,大祭司及長老將基督移送至羅馬法庭處,要求當時總督Pontius Pilate定罪(Governor of Roman Judaea)。Pontius Pilate不願審判基督,並將基督交由猶太希律王Herod審理。Herod因無實據,且認為是宗教事件而非政治事件,怕生事端而不願審理,又將基督交回羅馬總督Pontius Pilate。 3.Pontius Pilate仍不願審理基督,向鼓譟之群眾及猶太祭司建議,提出將基督與另一犯下謀殺,姦淫及偷竊的在押罪犯Barabbas,要求猶太大祭司帶領之群眾,必須擇一特赦另一審判,猶太祭司及群眾選擇特赦Barabbas,審判基督。 4.在避免猶太大祭司及其群眾可能之暴動下,Pontius Pilate先定罪基督鞭刑Flog Penalty,但仍未能滿足猶太祭司要求處死基督,不得已判決基督死刑,並執行於十字架上Crucifixion (completion of the Passion)。基督死後,神以狂風黑暗地震,摧毀了當初審判基督的猶太神殿。 5.在最後宣判基督死刑前,因虐待折磨基督的羅馬士兵受到Pilate喝斥制止,要求合理善待基督,但最初逮捕並虐打嘲諷基督之猶太士兵並未受到大祭司Calaphas制止,反而是受到縱容鼓舞對基督之虐待暴行。 6.以上非個人杜撰或電影情節,有興趣之朋友可自行參考四大福音之記載:Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John。福音中對基督逮捕,審判,及最後受難中的細節雖有出入,但其經過及過程基本是一致且詳盡的,電影Mel Gibson的The Passion of the Christ,個人覺得很考究及根據,基本上福音書的最大公約都有考慮了,有興趣之朋友可參考。 7.綜上,基督非羅馬王定罪釘上十字架的,而是Roman Judaea地區的羅馬總督Pontilus Pilate判決定罪的,而審判基督非其所願,而是受到猶太大祭司,長老及其鼓譟群眾要求,在脅迫暴動威脅下的決定。故直至今日,許多傳統猶太祭司Orthrodox Conservative Rabbies,仍反對猶太建國Zionism,認為Zionism是一切罪惡的起源,阻礙了因謀殺神子之罪的救贖之路,也造成至今無數無辜巴勒斯坦人民的苦難。
THE KEY REASON THAT JEWS AND ARABS FIGHTING ONE ANOTHER IS: Jews are the sons of Sarah who was the 1st wife of Abraham while Arabs were sons of Hagar - an Egyptian maid of Sarah became Abraham's 2nd wife. Jesus Christ blessed both of them to have 12 tribes however, since Jews are the sons of the real wife while Hagar were not although her son Ishmael was Abraham's 1st son. Even in the Qur'an, Arabs people said they should be the chosen people. Therefore, they tried to use force to get the title of the 1st son of Abraham. The fighting between Jews and Arabs will never stop until Jesus Chris 2nd coming.
@gracecao4143 Жыл бұрын
@badmintonlove2 Жыл бұрын
@AkashicDream Жыл бұрын
该隐和亚伯, 以撒和以实玛利, 以扫和雅各, 约瑟和他的兄弟们, 家族传统
@matachongchong3352 Жыл бұрын
He is still in deep sleep!zzzzzzzzzzzz-z-zz-z-z-z-zzzz