Prof. Shum, can you comment on whether the US stock market will experience the same from August, a downturn? The Kua and your explanation is very precise thanks so much, Ray Dalio is saying the same thing for US markets after the election. Thanks again 🙏
恭喜發財大師。我有聽到你說特朗普個人有啲心理不平衡。可能你講嘅說話有少少啱佢個人呢就好多口沫橫飛。但係呢他在任的時候美國經濟非常之好。你講關於閉關閉門在美國你知唔知道我哋而家有幾多難民入咗嚟啊?過, 400,000,000啊。有好多還是在中國大陸來的。他們就係來這裏逃避共產黨和很多年青人失業。所以你有沒有聽過charity start at home我們現在要保衛這個國家先可以開放給其他人。我身在美國36年從沒有看過這個國家現在這麼沮喪。很多人瞓街所以我希望你真係要了解多啲美國而家嘅慘況。這個政府完全同共產黨一樣。民不聊生。
so many saros cycles. theres several eclipse in a year. its very common. why this guy say how ancients will know 2024 will have eclipse. every year also eclipse yo...
@畢仕達11 ай бұрын
真係唔使等咁耐. 美國聯邦政府同德州政府響處理邊界問題上出現嚴重分歧, 德州州長已經表明唔會依從聯邦政府既命令. 並且有25個州既州長支持德州. BBC都有報導. 題目係:25 Republican governors back Texas in escalating border standoff with US government. 只能說現實永遠出乎現實想像!