1,我覺得神印能直接把人類(或人類尸體)變成尸變躰的設定非常矛盾。 如果說神印可以直接讓人類變成尸變躰,那采礦殖民地爲什麽是在被切開后爆發?而不是直接爆發? 如果說只有尸體狀態下才可以被神印變異成尸變躰,那游戲過程中遇到的躺在地上的尸體,爲什麽不會自己變尸變躰?必須得經過蝙蝠尸變躰的“幫助”才能變成尸變躰? 2,我爲了簡化劇情,并沒有把神印這個東西說的很複雜。研究能源只是表面現象,本質是用能源來强化自己的戰鬥力。 以游戲裏的時間綫往前推200年左右,那時地球的政府叫Sovereign Colonies,是老地球政府。後來地球爆發了獨立戰爭,新地球政府勢力崛起(游戲中的地球政府 Earth Government Colonial Alliance)。 然後老地球政府爲了鎮壓新地球政府,打贏獨立戰爭,所以他們就開始四處尋找能源來强化自己的戰鬥力,并在2311年,在Tau Volantis星球找到了原版的神印。 但老地球政府在研究原版神印的過程中反倒被神印帶來的災難拖垮,導致他們輸掉了和新地球政府的戰爭。 事後,改朝換代,就好像民國推翻滿清一樣,老地球政府人就成了新地球政府人。 現在該明白爲什麽我認爲地球政府是爲了武器而研究神印了吧。/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~ 數據來源於:deadspace.fandom.com/wiki/Earth_Government。 The Secession War evolved from dissatisfaction with the Sovereign Colonies, compounded by the ongoing resource crisis. The war raged on for years, with the Sovereign Colonies gradually forced into the defensive by material losses and dwindling public support and later, due to Scenario Five, the total collapse of any coherent military command. The covert expedition to Tau Volantis in 2311 was an attempt to turn the tide of the war by securing limitless energy provided by the Markers.[4] However, the Sovereign Colonies discovered that in doing so, they created an extinction-level threat to humanity and the Colonies' governing council invoked Scenario Five: The destruction of all research and personnel related to the Marker research. The extent of the purges nullified their ability to continue the war. The Secessionists emerged victorious, dismantling the Colonies and founding the Earth-centric government: Earth Government Colonial Alliance.[5] The Scenario Five was kept confidential and all evidence of it destroyed, leading the newly formed fledgling EarthGov to assume it was nothing but a strategy of scorched earth, scuttling their fleets and making their commanders disappear to avoid handing them over to the victors.[note 1][6][6][6][7]