The chinese 30-episodes version drags the story too long. It can get boring and easy to give up. The Netflix version is more compact and combines all three book volumes in integrated storyline. Yes, the mainland Chinese hates it because the Netflix version set in London. But how can the American version be speaking Chinese and set in China? Understandably, mainland Chinese are not logical when they complain. Also the 8-episodes is BASED on the 3 books, not the exact retelling of the novel. As an international audience myself, the Netflix version is thrilling and exciting.
故事雖然很玄但是畢竟還是沒有覺醒的人寫的小說,有沒有可能外星人或是別的生物生活在與人類不同的或是更高維度的世界,比如他們沒有實體,存在於四維度以及更高維度的宇宙,四維度還是存在於二次元空間,所以它們有些是人類認為的善而有些確實惡的侵略者!人類本來就是渺小與不同宇宙空間存在,但是人類還是努力的活著,而那些覺醒的人他們理解來三維空間就是體驗,找到自己的高我揚升到更高的維度!肉體會死但是意識或是靈魂會一直存在,我更希望有開悟,覺醒的人寫四維以上高維度的故事,擺脫一切我們現在認識的rules & book of knowledge! These are create or set by human, can someone write beyond what we known?