I live in Dubai a couple month every year. Lin's explanation may be the most accurate. Thank you. The easiest way to think of Dubai is to think Dubai as the new Singapore. Btw, China helped build much of the Dubai's infrastructure. I plan to get the Visa myself. You are right. Everybody's trying to copy Dubai now.
小 Lin 每次聊到一个国家的经济,总能用简单易懂的语言把经济这种看似枯燥的话题讲得生动有趣。在这里,满满的干货,小 Lin 用生动的例子和幽默感,让经济和金融知识变得轻松易懂。感谢小 Lin 用心制作出这么高质量的视频! 在此敲碗,希望小 Lin 能分享一下关于沙特的经济,尤其是沙特 2030 愿景和一系列的改革措施,谢谢!
Dubai表面上光鮮亮麗,其實問題一大堆 -- 財政赤字(負債額是其GDP的125%),地產泡沫(外海那些人工島嶼項目都爛尾了),勞工問題,貧富差距,FDI也在下滑...之前金融危機時為了跟老大哥Abu Dhabi借錢,把Burj Dubai都改名成Burj Khalifa(AB的老大叫Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan)😂😂😂