WILLIAM LAU 吳若希既分析力好過bella少少,但吳若希有時會太信人,不過佢計數好過bella既,吳若希第6、9、12、13玩得幾好,bella就比較識跟風、殺人,佢第5、7、10-13都幾好,而丁子朗就...比較有小孩子脾氣,但佢做皇帝嗰次幾好既,做刺客都還好,但做好人就容易比佢搞到輸。咁多個家族既人,我最鐘意吳若希,之後bella同joey,其實我本身最唔鍾意郭子豪,不過而家我最唔鍾意係譚嘉儀,哈哈
Like I said many episodes before Karl Ting can't hang on his own. Joey already got the two assassins identified from the first round. Arnold of course is king in this game and saves her. Seriously Karl... You play this so many times... You didn't tell people to kill Karl or Joey in the first round? How the hell you choose Bella to kill in the beginning? That move was "end game"