娛樂圈中男女感情特別複雜? 藝人應怎樣面對拍拖? Say no 有幾咁難? 陳李聯Fun 主持:陳志雲 李婉華

  Рет қаралды 19,377

李婉華 Anita Lee

李婉華 Anita Lee

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#陳志雲 #李婉華

Пікірлер: 86
@madelyncallu 4 күн бұрын
兩個前輩都講得好好!兩位前輩喺娛樂圈咁多年,係神係鬼一眼都睇得出!你哋兩個對林明禎嘅評價已經講得好仁慈😝Edan今次係跣咗一嘢,但係學咗一個好寶貴嘅一課,佢一定可以走得更遠! 學兩位前輩話齋,早跣早着,可以快啲企返起身!再老D啲骨頭都脆,好難企返起身😂 希望Edan可以睇到你哋呢個節目,以後學識帶眼識人,唔好再咁單純俾人利用咗都唔知❤
@afchan892 4 күн бұрын
@happygaga-sr2er 5 күн бұрын
認同Anita ,個女仔一d都唔簡單,機心好重,30幾歲仲扮Q。 我覺得佢想靠男方名氣幫自己事業推上一把
@lightspot8994 2 күн бұрын
呂爵安性格正面樂觀💜, 有佢既訪問就有😂笑聲, 又謙虛有禮貌, 學歷同音樂也咁叻, 但從不驕傲又坦白說喜歡明禎, 好有風度, 保護個女仔, 影響到班女粉絲退訂影響事業, 但今次比女方利用了!
@aqua.blueeee 5 күн бұрын
@helen311 5 күн бұрын
Edan單嘢,企響Edan角度只係將自己鍾意1個人嘅個人感情表露出嚟,佢有咁嘅勇氣好Respect ,唔明點解部分人要批評佢🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️加上件事Po出嚟佢有同明禎商量,不如為呂小兵打打氣😆😆
@TheTonyfan3245 5 күн бұрын
@ttbaby6470 4 күн бұрын
@cheeyinlai 5 күн бұрын
❤❤❤ 大師真係好有智慧令我智商增加多謝😂😂😂😂😂
@elvatong 5 күн бұрын
@Mirror_mirror12_cp 5 күн бұрын
@Mirror_mirror12_cp 5 күн бұрын
最主要啲網民一路發酵,Edan只係有風度,唔想俾網民『以為佢同林明禎「打咗羽毛球」』,所以佢先Threads 澄清話有好感,追緊女方,但一直都係朋友關係!
@lorfun1216 4 күн бұрын
@conniehsyu 3 күн бұрын
@metaphor9425 4 күн бұрын
@user-hz9um5lx9g 4 күн бұрын
@Rosawong730 4 күн бұрын
無錯,林明楨已經娛樂圈打滾10年,應該比Edan更懂得處理同面對傳媒,林明楨第一日見記者甜絲絲,明顯比大家感覺蜜運中,第二日立即變另一人,感覺好冷莫。 我一直奇怪明楨咁耐都無記者追問,佢屋企人在馬來西亞都知單新聞,宜家年代media咁強咁快,點會台灣無人追問明楨?女方出道10年機場竟然無記者追訪?可能只係最近先開始被認識。反之Edan出道幾年好快走紅,fans多到每次活動都塞爆成個商場,Edan太年輕今次事件仲走粉,影響事業,明楨今次事件就見得越紅,多人去search,多人去談論有關佢嘅事同背景。 明顯地林明楨完全置身事外,Edan輸在太年輕未夠經驗。希望[了解中]代表佢哋關係[拍拖中],否則Edan雙失,失咗同明楨姐姐戀情,事業上失粉失去熱度。
@jEnX_a 4 күн бұрын
我只係覺得如果兩個人(藝人)真係有心想維持一段感情,應該唔會咁高調,但係依家俾人感覺就係似炒熱度、增流量,女方好似仲講有咩part 2、part 3?不過有花生咪食囉!😁
@Rosawong730 4 күн бұрын
@garyao5937 3 күн бұрын
最騎呢係林小姐話Edan 出po 前有知會她。如果佢唔想搞大件事一定唔會同意佢用呢啲字眼出po,甚至叫佢唔好出, 要低調。如果Edan 真係比佢睇過draft, 佢又同意 E 出, 真係唔明咩玩法。
@beckychan1997 5 күн бұрын
Thanks🙏今集有陳李聯fun開live 見到Stephen志雲大師🧡Anita婉華💜 2位主持真係好分享
@jcjcjc9303 2 күн бұрын
@may018 3 күн бұрын
姑勿論雙方有無拍拖Edan 真係上咗一課。結果不似佢預期。fans都有上一課,附出越多失望越大變到因愛成恨惡言中傷可必呢?多謝兩位中肯嘅分析又有錢入袋。
@dorothydorothy1630 5 күн бұрын
@0908__ 5 күн бұрын
什麼時😅什麽日🫠都十分捧場 Anita & Stephen 支持🫰🏻👍🏻🫰🏻👍🏻您們🫶🏻🫶🏻
@firenzeong317 4 күн бұрын
After days of debating Edan and LMC's relationship, we've observed that most comments come from Edan's fans. Based on insights from experienced artists and channels discussing this hot topic, I'd like to share my perspective as a neutral third party. My views are purely observational, without any bias, animosity, or ill intent. 1. When Edan and LMC were seen having brunch in Europe a month ago, Edan explained that he was there for an event and that LMC happened to be there for her work, leading them to meet up for brunch. 2. Considering the vastness of Europe, it's worth pondering whether this meeting was merely a coincidence or if they were intentionally spending time together. 3. An Instagram post shows a photo of Edan and LMC having lunch together, and another post mentions that Edan was seen wearing a Fujifilm Instax Mini Evo camera around his neck. 4. This raises a question: Who leaked the photo to the public? Was it Edan himself, perhaps to gauge his fans' reaction to the idea of him dating LMC? Despite this, interviews with his Mirror team members suggest that few believed Edan could actually be in a relationship with someone as esteemed as LMC. 5. Following the photo's release, Edan addressed the situation during an event in Hong Kong, clarifying that he and LMC are just friends. He expressed concern about future meet-ups due to potential backlash from LMC’s fans in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Malaysia. Nevertheless, he jokingly warned his team not to underestimate him, hinting that he might take further action if challenged. 6. This could be seen as a strategic move on Edan's part, possibly designed to manage the situation if their relationship became public. 7. On the day of the horse racing event, Edan was asked if LMC would be in Hong Kong on September 13 for the Nickon event. He urged the media to show mercy towards LMC and stated he would handle any further questions. 8. On September 13, while attending a fashion event, LMC was surrounded by media inquiring about her relationship with Edan. She appeared sweet and seemed to indicate a deeper connection. 9. LMC cleverly reminded the media to show "mercy" regarding questions she preferred not to answer. She either smiled or deflected such inquiries, directing them back to Edan. She mentioned that they are in the process of getting to know each other and that there is potential for future development. Additionally, she revealed that Edan had communicated with her about whether it was okay to announce their relationship, which raises the question: If they weren’t dating, why would he have asked? 10. At the Nickon event, LMC's stance shifted dramatically. She stated that this would be her final clarification, asserting that she and Edan are indeed just friends. 11. LMC also directed the media’s attention to her upcoming music video set to release in October, using the opportunity to generate buzz for her new project. This seems to be a clever strategy to leverage the media focus on her personal life for promotional gain. 12. At 34, LMC is seven years older than Edan. While age is often considered just a number, LMC’s nearly decade-long experience in the industry suggests she is well-equipped to handle admirers and public scrutiny. 13. Given her age and the desire to potentially start a family, LMC may prefer a partner with status and financial stability due to her own familial responsibilities in Malaysia. 14. Edan, who began his career five years ago as a member of Mirror, is still establishing himself and working towards a comfortable lifestyle. After the news of his relationship with LMC, some fans withdrew their support. While such reactions may seem inappropriate, it is important to recognize that artists' personal lives are no longer taboo, and fans don’t have the right to dictate their relationships. 15. t appears Edan has openly expressed his interest in LMC, but she has made it clear that her current focus is on her career. She hasn’t dismissed the possibility of a relationship in the future if the right person comes along. 16. From an outsider’s perspective, it seems LMC may be using her association with Edan to boost her profile and promote her upcoming projects in Taiwan. This strategy appears to have achieved her goals. 17. Contrary to Edan’s claim of attending an event in Europe, it seems the pair were actually on vacation there, as well as in Taiwan. 18. Fans are upset because they feel Edan was dishonest about the nature of their trip and relationship, leading to frustration and disillusionment. 19. Edan seems to be gaslighting the situation, which has eroded the trust and damaged his image among fans. Despite his apparent efforts to protect LMC, his actions have led to complications, while LMC's fan base remains relatively untroubled by the drama. This discrepancy raises questions about the underlying dynamics of the situation. 20. In conclusion, Edan's handling of the situation appears to have compromised his credibility and strained his relationship with fans, while LMC has managed to maintain a more stable position within her fan base. Despite Edan's intentions to shield LMC and promote his own career, the inconsistencies and lack of transparency have led to a complex and potentially damaging scenario for both parties. The differing reactions from their respective fan bases highlight the broader implications of how personal relationships are managed publicly and the impact on an artist's career and reputation.
@anitalee6084 4 күн бұрын
Well said
@ranbabyify 5 күн бұрын
@chananna5223 5 күн бұрын
@user-iu8qc3kt1z 5 күн бұрын
@metaphor9425 4 күн бұрын
@C95131 4 күн бұрын
欣賞婉華敢言性格。 贊成大師嘅comment, 如果冇講"瞭解中",可能件事未必發哮至今,當然如果佢地已經係拍緊拖,想漸進式試水温又唔同,真係得佢地自己先知。
@lingwow7932 2 күн бұрын
37:45 大師分析得太好!!!!
@PoohPooh-t6p 2 күн бұрын
@bobbylhasa7251 5 күн бұрын
我都好鍾意聽你倆做節目, 志雲大師真係智者, 獲益良多.
@siulaitse1974 5 күн бұрын
@fongjoyce 5 күн бұрын
前輩們閱人無數 分析得好好 解答咗我內心嘅疑問 明明edan出示愛post之前已經問準女方 但最後竟然被fd zone 好似玩佢咁
@alisonwong5664 4 күн бұрын
@jcjcjc9303 2 күн бұрын
@sandywan1575 5 күн бұрын
@chankathy6564 5 күн бұрын
@chankathy6564 5 күн бұрын
@henrywong2375 4 күн бұрын
This combination always so informative
@lightspot8994 2 күн бұрын
林明禎巳34歲, 就快40歲了, 點會怕記者訪問呢, EDAN太傻豬豬了, 為左個女人叫記者手下留情, 說自己要公開追求, 但這次訪問明顯林明禎話自己愛低調, 專注工作, 代表已🥲拒絕了EDAN追求了, 咁點解你俾個氹Edan踩,唔阻止EDAN公開追求你呢, 你根本知道EDAN會講咩,林明禎巳成功公開收咗EDAN粒兵了........😩EDAN好慘, 如果不是Edan關係, 我根本唔識林明禎是誰?????
@V__123abc 5 күн бұрын
Really learn a lot,,, pretty inspired.. thank you
@CandyTSANG-lo9et 5 күн бұрын
@cherrywong9888 5 күн бұрын
@mangoc9191 2 күн бұрын
Edan在娛樂圈時間太短了,love is blind, LMC在娛圈這樣久,真係要小心,旁觀者清當局者迷.
@charlesjuniorho2357 4 күн бұрын
@dorothydorothy1630 5 күн бұрын
志雲大師用cat n dog比喻十分之生鬼和貼切。其他人唔懂箇中道理米鬼理佢la. Excuse me😂😂😂
@Huhh788 4 күн бұрын
女方叫大家留意佢快出歌,擺明順水搏宣傳。 男方出名沙滾友更係想食。女方行走光湖甘耐,冇甘易落坑,派個lemon俾E只認朋友,做兵啦。 就算有affair,最终都係玩完88。
@winnieleung6630 5 күн бұрын
❤❤❤❤❤hello ❤❤love your Live Chat Anita and 志雲大師
@jcjcjc9303 2 күн бұрын
@yin638 5 күн бұрын
@anitalee6084 4 күн бұрын
@yin638 4 күн бұрын
@@anitalee6084 感謝您們有好節目給我們.🫶🏻🫶🏻👍🏻👍🏻
@anitalee6084 4 күн бұрын
@jennychan8812 5 күн бұрын
@Ling12368 4 күн бұрын
我都覺得呂爵安畀嗰個女仔被出賣咗 好肉赤呂爵安😢😢
@ymlau2 5 күн бұрын
@chankathy6564 5 күн бұрын
@cookiesktv 4 күн бұрын
@chananna5223 5 күн бұрын
婉華💞志雲大師💜我真係唔明😂你喜歡嘅名人或偶像點解要連佢哋嘅私生活都講晒出嚟,佢哋都係人😂😂唔係神😂😂都要食飯 飲水去廁所㗎!😂😂專重下人專重埋人哋嘅決定啦🙏😂😂😂😂
@dorothydorothy1630 5 күн бұрын
做呢行系預左㗎la, 人地糸做節目㗎,米咁天真la, 況且又冇得罪果兩件😂😂😂
@GloryCheng8477 4 күн бұрын
Anita 好靚☺️♥️
@anitalee6084 4 күн бұрын
Thank you
@dorothydorothy1630 5 күн бұрын
@joojootful 5 күн бұрын
@wingkitsang2251 5 күн бұрын
@Orange_pink 5 күн бұрын
人靚就多 haters.....‘’我索!我想㗎??”婉華可以咁諗😜😁
@anitalee6084 4 күн бұрын
@chankathy6564 5 күн бұрын
可能大家諗多咗喇.我覺得Edan祇不過真係想追求女神而矣所以這樣回答 .而女神係世界女一名 .点會比Edan毀佢多年努力建立女神型象.亦未必會接受Edan
@RandomChris11 5 күн бұрын
Hi Anita support Anita
@elain8338 5 күн бұрын
@paradisocreations4127 23 сағат бұрын
依家有啲女仔要見佢都難! 啲雜誌寫少啲不正常關係,班垃圾仔少啲寫衰嘢,啲亞媽就放心啲囉!日日見報、睇電視都係呢啲,都煩死!溫情片都吾知幾希望睇,因為現實中太多悲情了!
@HonkwongChu 5 күн бұрын
@bobbylhasa7251 5 күн бұрын
婉華, 有EDAN FAN講, 唔係因為偶像拍拖而退群, 其實係因為偶像拍緊拖唔認.
@jackiekwokhk 5 күн бұрын
多餘啦,day 1 即刻講,啲 fans 咪一樣暴動。
@Yula4 4 күн бұрын
拍緊拖? 相係邊呀~ 唔好老屈喎
@teatea4138 5 күн бұрын
你地所睇到其實係好表面,個真正矛盾位係 fc 問題,當日佢自己走出來話佢自己會處理,但咁大家等了半年又半年都無任何動作及消息,當有人係 tg 谷提問時更漕到另一班人群起攻擊,指責搞事,直至今次事件才成為一個爆發點,其實佢有拖拍,大家都為佢覺得高興,並送上祝福,但問題係佢為個女人,一個大話Kam 一個大話,失晒理智令一班為護航既人成白痴俾人當笑話及耻笑,fc 事件包括會費去向,如何處理及選舉暴假等等,佢一直都無處理,視而不見,講左就不了了之,才引起粉絲們既不滿及績怨爆發出來。
@abubulee3483 4 күн бұрын
@vida8066 4 күн бұрын
其實FC單嘢牽涉法律問題, 應該由公司跟進, 點會要個藝人處理埋, 有fans 呢個時候死追fc事件, 係故意為難Edan, 乘機話佢掛住溝女, 唔理fans, 其實當日佢話會處理, 係安撫群眾, 唔通真係自己出手攪咩, 不過MKV唔生性, 咁耐冇交代, 累死自己啲仔
@teatea4138 3 күн бұрын
@@vida8066 你要搞清楚,係 Edan 佢自己本人走出來話佢自己會處理既。
@maggieking2988 5 күн бұрын
@gm.5375 5 күн бұрын
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