Me and my family have immigrant to New Zealand from Hk over 20 years ago and we have travelled to Japan two years ago also not buying much stuffs as well. Nice to see you guys being a happy family in Taiwan.
@@andylam2523 大陸鄉下青年的勇,只不過是nothing they can lose,是另一種的勇。 而我們的下一代有如此表現,不能怪他們。因為他們的表現,証明了你混得還不錯,在他們成長至現在,累積了不少好條件給他們,要他們出去拼,他們怕 something they can lose。 他能維持現有收入生活,表示他生活自在,生兒育女目的在於此。 他不外拼,你看到是一個輸,我看到的則是兩個羸。我該恭喜你,而且你拼了半輩子,現在該好好享受退休生活。