Stand with HongKong. Stand with who are always stand with Democracy and Human right. Hope HKer everything will be ok in Taiwan. As a Tamsuier of Taiwan Who really Welcoming the HK’s people coming and live in Taiwan. 我是一個普通的台灣淡水人,衷心歡迎港人在台生活一切順利。
A. 真正的香港人,選擇移民台灣,我們是歡迎的 B. 但是現在香港掌控在北京的共產黨政權,他們是有系統地安排親共的港籍人士移民台灣,簡單講,就是要統戰台灣 C. 當年香港97回歸前,共匪就是先滲透統戰人員,進入香港各個階層,以便順利接管香港,香港人無奈,只能接受一國兩治,只是承諾不到25年,就破裂了 D. 台灣有自己的軍隊、政府,共匪統戰招數,台灣人了然於心,所以現在港人要移民台灣,已沒那麼容易了,為了國安考量,請真心想要移民的港人,入台要有耐心,否則可以考慮去英國、新加坡,反而可能比較容易
Yes! True children of HK will take our pride, dignity, diligence and pragmatism to the new soil wherever we find outselves standing on this day. We can lose our home's land, roads and buildings, temporarily or otherwise, to the invaders who violated our rights. But we will always keep and grow our HK-ness, generation to generation. We will always be one of the best, friendly and high-achievinig cultural tribes welcome by all freedom-loving people of the world. We will be better than ever, to the jeolousy of our invaders. They can imitate us, wear our doctors robes, print their diplomas wth our universities' insignias, etc. But they can never be us. The world knows.