春哥 you are very good already! Proud of you !That not just happen to you now, it's been like that since the beginning of the immigrant to all around the world. That why we more volunteer in help for all the person needs to have medical appointment of home care support.
好正面、真情的分享👍🏼👏🏻 英文溝通能力差我一開始會同對方講 please be patient with me, English is not my first language. 一般對方會想盡辦法令你明白。 至於 消炎藥物 唔可以喺藥房買到,因為一般香港人以為係萬能嘅消炎藥😂其實唔係萬能囉😂消炎藥食得多對身體唔好抵抗能力會弱化。
If you cannot manage your England life, leaving is your good choice! However, it is still a good struggle for your life and family! We Know that it is tough but should be helpful great struggles and unforgettable challenges