我之前係香港諗法都好負面,政治因素等等,我話想要英國遠離個個腥港我先會快樂,我老公話我離開左都唔會改變負面的思想。我應承佢唔會。里左英國我有時會講下大陸衰嘢,甚至乎英國,之後佢話如果你離開左仲係咁多負面思想,你去到邊都一樣唔會開心。所以最根本的問題係自己個諗法到。同自己一齊既人都會覺得好氣餒,都為你做咁多野,你都係情緒咁低落,所以我決心為另一半改變,只focus 正面的事物,包括新聞影片,原來feel good 只係一種習慣,而家我老公都輕鬆左。
@@deeptalkemily 仲搵得返個text ,再同佢講返你冇放法定機構就無ground扣我,最後算啦俾佢扣100 ,仲追咗佢好多次過數😹 Me “Hi xxx, may I have reference number for my deposit in TDS? How about the remaining rent as I tho I shall have it returned by the time I move. The total is 750 I believe, can we settle by 24th the latest. I hope your new tenants are doing great.” Landlord “The deposit is no longer in DPS as I have taken it back out to send to you. Please remember 200 has been deducted from the initial deposit. “ 可能之後係我call佢,唔記得啦都兩年前嘅事……印度妹嚟嘅,亞洲人大家都好數口好小氣,好似嬲咗我,其實蝕200磅俾佢都算合理嘅,100更加合理啫😹
@geraldli77623 ай бұрын
Carry on Emily go straight. things change you are right, advising to do exerxice or meeting new friends etc are no use speak up your inner feeling and will let the outside sunshine come you are not alone carry on til tomorrow
what I can say your emptiness feeling is caused by the uncomfortable feeling got from your unstable life in UK oand your partner, surely, your non-regular working hours (12:00 to 22:00), to be a workforce in retailing, you gotta not much talking with friends or your partner. So, beware of falling into depression in a day!