【阿云嘎/Ayanga】舞剧《破冰》主题曲《我将是你》宣传片MV 《I Will Be You》Theme song MV for《Breaking Ice》20240219

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@ahumanbeing812 10 ай бұрын
我将是你 / I will be you. __ 阿云嘎 (Ayanga): 有一种 熟悉的陌生 There was a sense of familiarity amidst the strangeness. 不声不响 湿润了眼睛 With not even a spoken word, my eyes were moistened. 李龙 (Li Long): 赴一场 暗黑的光明 I ran through the darkness towards where light was. 无声无息守护着 Silently, I protected -- 守护着向往 protected what I held dear. 你就是我 You were me. 阿云嘎 (Ayanga): 我将是你 I would become you. 李龙 (Li Long): 殊途同归的相遇 Though our paths were different, having the same destination led to our encounter. 阿云嘎 (Ayanga): 灯火阑珊的期许 A promise was made by the dim light. 李龙 (Li Long): 你就是我 You were me. 阿云嘎 (Ayanga): 我将是你 I would become you. 李龙 (Li Long): 约定在血脉中继续 The promise lived on in the blood and veins. 阿云嘎 (Ayanga): 在你身后无所畏惧 Standing behind you, I feared nothing. 有一个 A person -- 李龙 (Li Long): 有一个 A person -- 阿云嘎 (Ayanga): 回眸的转身 turned around to look 李龙 (Li Long): 回眸的转身 turned around to look 阿云嘎 (Ayanga): 忽明忽暗 The light was flickering, 看不清你的面容 and I couldn't see your face clearly. 李龙 (Li Long): 我知道你在看 I knew you were watching. 阿云嘎 (Ayanga): 赌一次 Risk it once! 合 (Together): 命运的较量 A duel with fate! (阿云嘎 (Ayanga):选这条路 / The path had been chosen.) 合 (Together): 毅然决然 如影随形 如影随形 Resolutely, we became inspearable partners. 李龙 (Li Long): 多想陪你一程 How I wished to tread this journey with you! 阿云嘎 (Ayanga): 我会念你一生 I would remember you for a lifetime! (李龙 (Li Long):不要忘记我 / Don't forget me. ) 李龙 (Li Long): 一起等风雨尽头 Waiting together for the storm to end, 合 (Together): 一起等黑夜过去 Waiting together for the night to be over, 李龙 (Li Long): 心里总有许多话 there was lot in my mind 其实很想对你说 that I wanted to tell you. 在安危之间徘徊着 Yet, lingering between safety and dangers, 只能保持沉默 I could only choose to maintain silence. 合(Together): 我背对着你 I turned my back against you -- 因为我面朝黑暗 because I was facing darkness. 一起等风雨尽头 Waiting together for the storm to end, 一起等黑夜过去 waiting together for the night to be over, 我背对着你 I turned my back against you, 因为我面朝黑暗 because I was facing darkness. 一起等风雨尽头 Waiting together for the storm to end, 一起等黑夜过去 Waiting together for the night to be over. 啦 la ... 在阵阵狂风暴雨后 After the many rounds of gusty wind and heavy rain, 天边又多星一颗 there was one more star on the horizon. 子 (Zi): 你归来时彩虹飘过 When you returned, a rainbow floated in the sky. 天晴日丽 It was a beautiful day with the sun shining brightly.
@Ayanga_Ayunga 10 ай бұрын
您可以和我们联系一下吗?ayangacloudprairie@gmail.com 谢谢!
@steinzolo4114 10 ай бұрын
Good work!
@Adagio1.62 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for translating the tragic, beautiful lyrics.
@mayflower6600 10 ай бұрын
@mirandachenm2139 10 ай бұрын
@yanluk7162 10 ай бұрын
《我將是你》 來自雲端的聲音,來自靈魂深處的呼喚,致敬緝毐英雄。 動人的嗓音,滿懷的深情,滿腔的熱血,堅定的信念,充斥著父子之愛,同袍之義。 歌聲溫柔婉轉,像一首繾綣纏綿的情歌。 [多想陪你一程,我會念你一生,一起等風雨盡頭,一起等黑夜過去。] 溫馨軟語,濃郁的親情,平實而不冷淡 ,柔和而不脆弱,既堅毅又隱忍 ! [約定在血脉中繼續,在你身後無所畏懼。] 充滿積極向上而又溫柔的力量,將聽者帶到故事的氛圍中,緝毐英雄神聖的使命在血脉中繼續,入骨入魂 ! [赴一場暗黑的光明,無聲無息守護著,守護著向往,你就是我,我將是你。] 父子情深,血濃於水,如影隨形,緊密傳承 ! [我背對著你,因為我面朝黑暗,一起等風雨盡頭,一起等黑夜過去。我背對著你,因為我面朝黑暗,一起等風雨盡頭,一起等黑夜過去。啦.......啦...... 在陣陣狂風暴雨後,天邊又多星一顆。] 歌聲激宕迴旋,鏗鏘有力,慷慨悲壯,節奏振奮昂揚,一首雋永綿長的謳歌,沁入心田,使人恒久難忘 ! [你歸來時,彩虹飄過,天晴日麗。] 即使壯烈犧牲,遺愛人間,牽動心弦,充滿正能量 !
@leew8906 10 ай бұрын
@serenafu9183 10 ай бұрын
這個舞劇好動人,歌也好好聽,尤其是唱到後面高音處,和舞者的動作,氛圍十分契合。 兩位歌者配合的天衣無縫。 中國的舞台節目越來越精彩,為人們的精神生活增添不少歡樂。
@MeiJulie 10 ай бұрын
《我将是你》是一首献给缉毒警察的赞歌,非常好听!阿云嘎与李龙深情而坚定的歌声,将这首歌演绎得非常悲壮而又充满力量,讴歌了前仆后继, 共同战斗在生死第一线的两代缉毒警察!特别是阿云嘎在演唱过程中的每一个表情及每一次挥手, 抬臂都仿佛进入了角色之中,感觉他将浑身的细胞都融入到了这首歌中,特别令人产生共鸣!!
@pianosum 10 ай бұрын
@fsch852 10 ай бұрын
@laihongsanlai8998 10 ай бұрын
@张小七小九 10 ай бұрын
@yuetlingfan8900 10 ай бұрын
@sabrinalam1113 10 ай бұрын
BPG 舞劇《破冰》主題曲《我將是你》官方MV, 令我深有共鳴,雞皮疙瘩,意猶未盡 .... 謝謝作曲,作詞,編曲,管絃樂團各位老師們,舞蹈演員們 ,和聲團;當然非常感謝阿雲 嘎老師、李龍老師的真誠演繹,扣人心弦,叫人深入思考。
@evaling7330 10 ай бұрын
阿雲嘎這一首破冰的主題曲 好聽到我全身都起了雞皮疙瘩 實在是太好聽了👍👍👍👍👍👍💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
@yanluk7162 10 ай бұрын
血脈中的堅定,是英雄人生的延續,一起守護光明,阿雲嘎舞劇《破冰》主題曲,遁入黑暗守護光明 ! [這是一首寫給「逆光者」的歌曲,我或許永遠無法叫出他們的名字,卻能真實的感受到他們以平凡之軀守護的這片安寧。正如舞劇《破冰》所講述的那樣,一代禁毒英雄置身黑暗,守護光明。希望大家能夠喜歡我和李龍帶來的《我將是你》。] 2024愛你如一阿雲嘎! 我喜歡《我將是你》。
@steinzolo4114 10 ай бұрын
@EvgeniyaVasileva972 10 ай бұрын
Love this song!👍💖🌹
@omarose7504 10 ай бұрын
Very moving and dramatic performances by all involved. I wish we could see the entire production with interpretation and comments. Love these beautiful performers!
@philonenawong7876 10 ай бұрын
@sabrinalam1113 10 ай бұрын
The official MV of BPG's theme song "I Will Be You" from the dance drama "Breaking the Ice" resonates deeply with me, giving me goosebumps, and I still have unfinished thoughts ... Thank you to the composers, lyrics, arrangers teachers, dancers, Orchestra, and backing vocals ; Of course, I am very grateful to Teacher Ayanga and Teacher Li Long for their sincere , heartfelt performance, which holds our attention firmly makes people think deeply 🧡
@user-xo6gf2sg3u Күн бұрын
Beautiful song, both singers are very 👍
@susimg2401 10 ай бұрын
Thanks to amazing Ayunga 👏👌💕💕💕😍 and teacher Li Long for this beautiful song and beautiful voices 💐🌹
@mercy321 9 ай бұрын
@nelliegonzalez2915 10 ай бұрын
It's amazing how two people can harmonize this song so perfectly. The background choir the music, it creates a song so beautiful. It brings me to tears, it's like I can feel everything that the story talks about. The dancing is also beautiful. Now, this is ART. at its best. Beautifully ,magnificently done. Love it so much. Ayunga, your the best. Now I have to go and dry my tears.❤🥲🙏
@yanluk7162 10 ай бұрын
《我將是你》 [嘎:有一種熟悉的陌生,不聲不響濕潤了眼睛 。 龍:赴一場暗黑的光明,無聲無息守護著,守護著向往,你就是我。 嘎:我將是你。 龍:殊途同歸的相遇。 嘎:燈火闌珊的期許。 龍:你就是我。 嘎:我將是你。 龍:約定在血脉中繼續。 嘎:在你身後無所畏懼。 龍:有一個。(有一個) 嘎:回眸的轉身,(回眸的轉身)忽明忽暗看不清你的面容。 龍:我知道你在看。 嘎:睹一次。 合唱:命運的較量,(嘎:選這條路)毅然決然,如影隨形,如影隨形。 嘎:多想陪你一程,我會念你一生,(龍:不要忘記我)一起等風雨盡頭。 合唱:一起等黑夜過去。 龍:心裏總有許多話,其實很想對你說,在安危之間徘徊著,只能保持沉默,沉默。 合唱:我背對著你,因為我面朝黑暗,一起等風雨盡頭,一起等黑夜過去。我背對著你,因為我面朝黑暗,一起等風雨盡頭,一起等黑夜過去。啦....... 在陣陣狂風暴雨後,天邊又多星一顆。 子:你歸來時,彩虹飄過,天晴日麗。]
@nelliegonzalez2915 10 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for the english title❤
@yanluk7162 10 ай бұрын
@@nelliegonzalez2915 💃💃🌹🌹祝初十吉祥 .
@yanluk7162 10 ай бұрын
@yanluk7162 10 ай бұрын
@@nelliegonzalez2915 ❤️❤️
@yanluk7162 10 ай бұрын
@@nelliegonzalez2915 🌹🌹
@nelliegonzalez2915 10 ай бұрын
It's sad that drugs will always be a part of evil. And it is sad that so many many will die. Even those that try to do good and protect the world. Without them ,we would be in a worse world. So many thanks to all that try and protect us from all the evilness in this world. I'm not one to watch violent movies or bloody movies. It hurts my heart to know how there is so much hatred in this world. Ayanga surprises me of the right choices he makes. Since I'm not a hugger, I will send him a spiritual hug. I learned that hugs make you weak. It makes you vulnerable, I do wonder sometimes what it would feel like like to be hugged. But too afraid. My siblings use to tell ,even friends that I do not give hugs. Little do they know that I do crave and wish for a hug, but fear has a hold on me.
@jillr9057 10 ай бұрын
Gazi is certainly the.maestro His voice very recognisable strong emotional always a great performance from him He looks good too❤🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🇬🇧
@ManjaPregelj 9 ай бұрын
👋beatiful song with dramatic performanc ❤
@yanluk7162 10 ай бұрын
舞劇《破冰》改編自愛奇藝熱門同名電視劇,該劇以“雷霆掃毒”真實案例為題材,講述兩代禁毒民警不懼艱險、不畏犧牲,拼死撕破地下毒網,為掃毒禁毒事業奉獻熱血與生命,為守護人民的生命安全向死而生、守護光明的故事。 舞劇《破冰》再次以該真實事件為藍本進行舞台藝術創作,力圖以舞劇的表現形式講述禁毒民警們不畏犧牲,用熱血和生命守護正義的英雄事蹟。通過謳歌英雄,引導和激勵廣大觀眾特別是青年觀眾樹立學習先進、不畏艱辛、奮鬥進取的正確價值觀。 舞劇《破冰》以李飛父子的緝毒行動進行雙線索的故事敍述,通過調整結構、提煉情節等方式充分發揮舞蹈藝術特徵,融合現代審美的視聽創意設計,突出懸疑、熱血、奉獻、情感這四個着力點。針對電視劇中的部分經典場面,舞劇對此進行舞台化調整,故事情節刪繁就簡,保持原著的精神內核不變。
@mayflower6600 10 ай бұрын
@yanluk7162 10 ай бұрын
@@mayflower6600 親愛的, 太客氣了, 祝初十十全十美 !
@sabrinalam1113 10 ай бұрын
@ @yanluk7162 老師, 謝謝老師❤❤❤❤
@yanluk7162 10 ай бұрын
@@sabrinalam1113 🎉🎉❤️初十吉祥,十全十美。
@sabrinalam1113 10 ай бұрын
@@yanluk7162 大家咁話🫶🙌
@snowstar4621 10 ай бұрын
@yengoh7855 10 ай бұрын
@jadle8315 10 ай бұрын
好好听 好好看❤
@evaling7330 3 ай бұрын
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