燕妮 Yan Ni - 月光下的鳳尾竹 Fernleaf Hedge Bamboo Under The Moonlight

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@PracticaProphetica 8 ай бұрын
Great sensitivity, and beautiful video work. It's nice to hear a vocal version of this song which is often performed instrumentally with Hulusi.
@HoanC36Ma 11 жыл бұрын
Đẹp quá . Người Việt Nam đầu tiên khen ngợi ca khúc này
@victorhsutn 6 жыл бұрын
真有味道 ! 絕品 !
@ck.youtube 4 жыл бұрын
*== Lyrics Translation ==* *《月光下的凤尾竹》* *Phoenix Bamboo In The Moonlight* 词 : 倪维德 (Lyrics : Ni Weide) 曲 : 施光南 (Music : Shi Guangnan) 唱 : 燕妮 (Singer : Yanni) 谱 : www.qupu123.com/Mobile-view-id-997.html *Lyrics:* 月光下面的凤尾竹哟 The phoenix bamboo* in the moonlight, 轻柔啊美丽像绿色的雾哟 Like a green mist so tender and light. 竹楼里的好姑娘 In that bamboo cottage lives a good girl, 光彩夺目像夜明珠 Radiant and dazzling like a luminous pearl. 听... 啊,多少深情的葫芦笙 Listen... Oh, those Hulusheng ** songs are full of passion, 对你倾诉着心中的爱慕 Pouring out to you their deep adoration. 哎... 金孔雀般的好姑娘 Eh... the golden peacockesque good girl, 为什么不打开哎 你的窗户? Why not open your window and peer? 月光下面的凤尾竹 The phoenix bamboo in the moonlight, 轻柔啊美丽像绿色的雾 Like a green mist so tender and light. 竹楼里的好姑娘 In that bamboo cottage lives a good maiden, 歌声啊甜润像果子露 Her song is like fruit syrups so sweet and pleasant. 喂,痴情的小伙子 Hey, that lad who is so love-crazy, 野藤莫缠槟榔树 Wild vine should not tangle with Binglang tree. ** * 姑娘啊... 我的心已经属于人 Oh, My heart already belongs to somebody. 金孔雀要配金马鹿 Golden peacock matched with golden deer is to be. ------(Interlude)------ 月光下面的凤尾竹哟 The phoenix bamboo in the moonlight, 轻柔啊美丽像绿色的雾 Like a green mist so tender and light. 竹楼里的好姑娘 In that bamboo cottage lives a good maiden, 为谁敞门又开窗户? For whom her door and window will be open? 噢,是农科站的小岩鹏 Oh, It is the Agri-Station's young men Ah Peng, 摘走这颗夜明珠 Who has plucked away this precious luminous pearl. 哎... 金孔雀跟着金马鹿 Eh... the golden peacock and the golden deer, 一起走向那哎 绿色的雾... Toward that veil of green mist they walk together... 哎...哎... Eh... Eh... Translated by ck 2020-04-06 ------------------------ * "Phoenix Bamboo" is also known as Fernleaf Hedge Bamboo. ** "Hulusheng" here may be a misnomer for "Hulusi". While both are reed-pipe musical instruments made of multiple bamboo pipes on a gourd, using reed strips as sound generator, "Hulusheng" is constructed in a right-angle shape, more popular with the ethnic peoples of Yi, Wa, Lahu, Hani peoples, etc, whereas "Hulusi" is constructed in a straight shape, more popular with the ethnic Dai people, which is the subject of this song. ** * "Binglang" is also known as Areca Catechu, a species of palm tree. It has straight and slim trunk, neat and elegant shape, as opposed to the unruly mess of a wild vine. 注:歌词里提到的 “葫芦笙” 可能是 “葫芦丝” 的名误。 葫芦笙 呈直角曲形,单簧气鸣乐器。主要流行于彝、佤、拉祜、哈尼、傈僳、纳西、普米、怒、苗、黎 等民族之中。 Hulusheng:m.yueqiziliao.com/zhonglei/20191888.html 葫芦丝 (又称 葫芦箫) 呈直线形,单簧气鸣乐器。主要流行于傣、阿昌、德昂、布朗、佤 等民族之中。 Hulusi:baike.baidu.com/item/%E8%91%AB%E8%8A%A6%E4%B8%9D 参看考证: *在“非遗”语境下看葫芦丝的演变* www.jrmznet.org.cn/node/539 ------------------------ *《月光下的凤尾竹》* 是由我国作曲家施光南创作的傣族乐曲,词作家、诗人倪维德作词。该曲以其悠扬的曲调、娓娓动听的旋律,给人心旷神怡的感觉,让人不由联想起那郁郁葱葱的凤尾竹林;那别具一格的傣家楼阁撒落在竹林间,有如天上的星子,依山傍水。在融融的月光下,竹林中隐隐飘出的阵阵葫芦丝乐声,幽攸抑扬,轻清淡雅。 此曲以葫芦丝演奏的轻音乐版本最为常见,其它乐器也有过演奏。歌唱版,从艺术性和民族性方面讲,以我国著名女中音歌唱家关牧村和著名女高音歌唱家于淑珍的版本最为经典。关牧村的演唱就像绿宝石,于淑珍的演唱就像红宝石,都熠熠生辉、分外美妙。值得关注的是两位艺术家演唱版本歌词稍有不同,集中体现在最后一句:关牧村的版本是“走向绿色的雾”,柔美、浪漫;于淑珍版本是“走向结婚登记处”彰显当时“计划生育”的时代政策特色。 *创作背景:* 1979年,词作家、诗人倪维德在芒市坝子看到傣族青年男女在妩媚的月光下成对配对的在竹林中谈情说爱,卿卿我我,情歌呢喃,葫芦丝声声... 诗人诗兴大发之际,挥笔写成《月光下的凤尾竹》歌词。 本曲当初的创作背景是为了在傣族地区能顺利宣传《婚姻法》而创作的。最初的歌词中,前面部分与现流行版本相同,不同之处为最后一句。最初的歌词为:“金孔雀跟着金马鹿,一起走向那结婚登记处”,这是于淑珍老师在各电台电视台做节目时候特意指出的。 *乐曲赏析:* 当乐曲清幽飘起的时候,我把自己带到了瑞丽江边翠绿欲滴的凤尾竹林,穿起心仪已久的筒裙,在碧波莹莹的江边漫步起舞,等待心上人的到来。 你听 -- 竹林中传来了阵阵葫芦丝乐声,淡淡悠扬。美丽的姑娘轻倚在凤尾竹旁,清澈的双眸中流露出期待的目光。月光斜洒在她的衣裙上,把她曼妙的身影一直拖到金色的水面上。 乐声渐渐轻灵飘逸起来,姑娘起身来到水池旁,在月下忘情的轻舞着、旋转着。波光中叠映着她婀娜的身影,月光下裙摆也轻轻飘扬。 落寞的小伙子斜倚在凤尾竹旁吹奏起情歌,眼前生出心上人飘逸轻灵的舞姿,着一缕花衣,似一个精灵,在月光下的竹林小径上,泻一地旋转的身影。 微风轻拂凤尾竹,远看像一层绿色的雾在舞动。竹楼里美丽的阿妹正深情地凝望窗外;竹楼外痴情的阿哥爱慕的葫芦丝乐声,在静谧的夜晚愈加缠绵,彼此正倾诉着心中的爱恋.... 资料来源:baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%9C%88%E5%85%89%E4%B8%8B%E7%9A%84%E5%87%A4%E5%B0%BE%E7%AB%B9 ------------------------
@chweethiam264 5 жыл бұрын
MV拍的很有傣族味道!漂亮。 水添29/6/19
@sanerpromjai334 6 жыл бұрын
So sweet....
@julimansyukur8411 4 жыл бұрын
@oongnarak 12 жыл бұрын
@DiANA-nw5bb 6 жыл бұрын
ยังฟังอยู่ค่ะ เพราะมาก
@翻墙卡住蛋 2 жыл бұрын
They are sisters and brothers of Thai people.
@sunnysmall 10 жыл бұрын
oa mn sao không lam sub luôn nhỉ
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