I live in Sydney and Henry quotes misleading and incorrect rental and property prices. I couldn't be bothered to finsh his video which does not get the basic facts right.
Henry 后面越说越有感情,共鸣了。我也和我父母讨论过出国是不是弊大于利?尤其是父母年龄大了,我们又是独生子女的那种情况。 其实也挺无奈,人到中年已经在国外立足了,想回国照顾年迈的爸妈,代价也很大,因为还有自己的孩子,不可能回国上学的。这种纠结怎么解决呢? 另外新加坡虽然安全,教育也挺在线,可是小六会考非常独木桥。想听听最近筹备来新加坡的Henry怎么看?
@monatam30199 ай бұрын
Agree. Don't have money, don't go. Outside is only for golden age, who doesn't have to take their job.