真的很感谢您。最近无力起床面对自己的生活。被有毒的关系消耗殆尽,感觉自己一直是那个被母亲语言暴力的内在小孩,对有毒关系抓着死死不放手,好像觉得这个是自己能得到最好的选择……虽然已经失去了自我。 感觉您的那句 ”相信一切会好起来的” I can’t tell you how grateful I am for this video. I cried so much watching your video and thinking everything will be fine and it’s my own responsibility to love myself.
@sherrysnotesofficial2 жыл бұрын
Think of this as a new beginning. Remember, You are more powerful then you think!
Dear Sherry, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for making this video. This is one of the most healing videos I've ever watched because I've always known that some of my 'childhood traumas' have affected my adult life. And it's extremely challenging to find empathy and validation from people, especially our closest ones. The typical feedback I'd get would usually be, 'I don't understand why you're still fixated on the past. It's been years already.' And I would blame myself for it, which is exactly what you mentioned. It's so nice to feel validated. I've been trying really hard to live in the present and live a positive life. And I have. However, like everyone else, I do struggle and during these times, the memories just want to creep back on me. Anyways, I'm talking too much, I just want to tell you I really appreciate you for creating such an educational channel. Thank you very much and I look forward to watching more of your videos.
很棒的影片說明得很仔細!!! I'm been down this road before. 其實這個社會的教育和社會期待,造成許多人從小就封閉內心,自己是沒有真實的感受, 大多數是透過大腦或是理性的學習,去認知感受這件事情,這非常可怕! 這會造成很多人與人的衝突和摩擦以及溝通上的侷限,源自於無法感受到對方的感受和情緒。
@joyh49252 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for your videos. They are really helpful. 🙂