I've always wondered WHY there is no 游水魚 , thank you for your explanation. The biology is also very cool! Subscribed.
@plflorence8 ай бұрын
落蝦之後應唔應該cover 去keep住個溫度一兩分鐘先打開?
@gururio8 ай бұрын
Thank you 芷靈 for sharing! Really appreciated! Question on deveining. I've tried deveining from the second and the third join from the tail, with a toothpick. Which is your recommendation or does it matter. Thanks!
好多謝你嘅指教!根據英國食物標準局指引,cold running water 解凍方法唔應該用於生嘅肉類,除非連包裝沖水,有興趣歡迎參考:www.food.gov.uk/sites/default/files/media/document/defrosting.pdf 至於用篩裝住,係好好嘅方法,我哋喺餐廳廚房工作都會咁做!下次再拍攝蝦嘅時候,等我又試吓拍出嚟先,多謝你😄