@@financialzoo 你好,正在嘗試填的時候,有下列3個問題,不讓我按NEXT到下頁: 1/ Date of birth: Age cannot be less than 15 years and 9 months - 2/ Please enter date you moved to this address: The date you enter must be a valid date. Please amend your entry. 3/ Date untaxed income received from: The date you enter must be a valid date. Please amend your entry. dd/mm/yyyy - 已按照要求格式填都不接受 是否我理解錯誤問題填錯了什麼? 沒有工作, 只有利息收入. 2022年到埗, 2022-2023 沒有報稅因不超額, 2023-2024 是第一年需要報稅. 謝謝.
多謝你的分享,想請教一下,請問SA109的Box 10 "Number of days spent in the UK during 2023-24” 應該怎樣填呢? 假設我在5.9.2023入境英國,之前從未到過英國,我於16.9.2023才有固定居所,Box 10是否填11日(由5.9.2023 至15.9.2023=11日),謝謝你🙏
@mon-lala Жыл бұрын
Thanks ! 即人工收入填在 no 17 section 是嗎? thanks
@financialzoo Жыл бұрын
employment income要填‘Employment’ page (SA102)
@ukhkger24244 ай бұрын
May I know which form should be used for HK old-age allowance? Thank you for your advice.
@alexcmk Жыл бұрын
7月時已做了 Registering for Self Assessment and getting a tax return, 但一直未收到回覆UTR 和是否需要報稅,應該如何處理 ?
@financialzoo Жыл бұрын
如果你login 返government gateway入面都無你UTR,你份申請通常都入左黑洞,要直接打電話去HMRC問,話過左10日都未收到UTR。有無需要報稅係靠自己判斷,佢地唔會比答案你,但可能都會求其問下你點解要申請。香港人通常既原因都係apply split year或者報foreign income
請問 我係2023年做agency 工,只做三個月,但係agency 無扣PAYE TAX,所以我系米當自僱人士錦樣,填SELF assessment form ,交番稅
@financialzoo7 ай бұрын
要視乎你係自僱做定透過其他形式,有一d受僱嘅情況因為出糧前會用你NI number check你要扣幾多交稅同NI,知你未過allowance 可以唔扣起你錢先,所以要睇返清楚同agency d terms係點
@lyc211 ай бұрын
Hi , 謝謝你的分享,想請問一下,如果第一年報稅,要填SA109 split year, 填表時遇到困難,請問你知唔知box 10是怎樣填?如果在22年8月6日到英國,請問是否寫6/8/22-5/4/23留在英國的總日數?
@financialzoo11 ай бұрын
BOX 10 係填你係英國但又計overseas part嘅日子,例如有D人黎到係住BNB/酒店,未租到樓無"home"個段時間,唔符合box 3揀嘅case要有home嘅情況(參考SA109 notes, Box 3段最後個point ,"put the number of days spent in the UK for the overseas part of the tax year in box 10 ")
@holax483 Жыл бұрын
你好,想請教下 如果要報uk income(say bank interest from uk banks) for non tax resident, 計算日期係由入境英國當日開始計還是係香港時就計? 因為未入境前就收緊幾個月的利息收入。唔該晒🙏🏻
@financialzoo Жыл бұрын
uk sources無得split走,全個tax year都要計
@lydiaming729610 ай бұрын
請問我香港有份人壽保險退保,收返啲現金價值同埋利息,係咪應該屬於foreign income呢?
@financialzoo10 ай бұрын
賺到嘅錢屬於foreign income
@Mitsui96 Жыл бұрын
謝謝教學,我22年6月到,先住酒店,7月中租到屋,海外收入是否由7月中起計,又請問網上申報怎樣申請split year
@financialzoo Жыл бұрын
海外收入是否由7月中起計--> yes 想網上申報split year,要用第三方軟件做報稅。直接向HMRC申報只可以用paper form
@Mitsui96 Жыл бұрын
@@financialzoo 用第三方軟件做報稅,是否等同網上報稅,dead line 為明年1月,謝謝
@financialzoo Жыл бұрын
@Mitsui96 Жыл бұрын
@@financialzoo 謝謝指點🙏
@mikelam3892 Жыл бұрын
Thank you
@MegLeung-o6d Жыл бұрын
@financialzoo Жыл бұрын
@MegLeung-o6d Жыл бұрын
@@financialzoo 十分感謝你🙏
@WooWoo-te1eu10 ай бұрын
你好,我想問一問: 1. 我在2022年11月到英國,在香港時(即2022年11月前)有full time job,到埗後已經沒有full time job, 但有其他part time foreign income (part time income 唔過免稅額). 我離開香港時已經清稅(即已交2022年11月前full time job 的稅),請問我現在報稅時需要申請split year 嗎? 2. 香港戶口存款的利息,如果唔過免稅額,但我都報有幾多利息,會唔會收到我錢?
@@financialzoo 真的感謝你的資訊!!very informative and truly helpful!!
@WooWoo-te1eu10 ай бұрын
@@financialzoo 你好,想再請教你,雖然我在2022年11月到埗,但我在2022年7月用BNO前往英國探家人10天(當時已經申請咗BNO visa), 然後回港辭職,再於11月到英國開始新生活。我在報稅申請split year 時,會否受到7月短暫到達英國影響呢? 我split year 填11月為到達日期是否正確?
遇到咁既情況...如果打多次換左另一個人聽都唔得,可能要話上HMRC Community Forums問左.. community.hmrc.gov.uk/customerforums/pt/7537b713-c6d4-ed11-9ac4-00155d9771aa 再唔得就試埋講website 邊版邊句叫我咁做...都搞唔掂的話如果唔想浪費時間唯有比少少錢用commercial software交online form
如果你情況係好簡單,只係得股息,capital gains太細未去到要報既情況,apply以下呢個情況係其中一個可以唔洗報既exemption www.gov.uk/tax-foreign-income/paying-tax Reporting your foreign income You usually need to fill in a Self Assessment tax return if you’re a UK resident with foreign income or capital gains. But there’s some foreign income that’s taxed differently. You do not need to fill in a tax return if all the following apply: *your only foreign income is dividends* *your total dividends - including UK dividends - are less than the £2,000 dividend allowance you have no other income to report* 如果你想apply split year,或者有其他股息以外foreign income未必符合其他exemption既情況,就要再打去叫佢gen UTR比你。
@@financialzoo 吾好意思!較早前準備填2023~2024 SA100 form按主持講只需直接填此表格,但未找到合適位置,只有page 2找到 1.Income(interest and dividends from UK banks and building societies)但我需填報這100多是香港銀行利息收入。 2. Other UK income not included on supplementary pages 又好似同海外利息沒有關連。 吾好意思!又麻煩到你再指教下。感謝
@financialzoo7 ай бұрын
@@simonluk5108 香港銀行利息係屬於page 2入面嘅untaxed foreign interest ( up to £2,000),之後要係any other information (page 7)入面寫返你interest breakdown,e.g有幾多錢來自邊個地區
有一D情況乎合到係可以唔洗報(參考下面link),但如果你唔肯定自己係咪乎合,交self assessment報左佢係比較安全既做法,你外國利息金額細,會係sa100填埋就得 **Use the ‘Foreign’ pages if you received interest (over £2,000) and income from overseas savings ** www.litrg.org.uk/tax-guides/migrants/residence-and-domicile/how-are-foreign-income-and-gains-taxed
@ericeric3264 Жыл бұрын
Many thanks. 再想請教因我要做split year treatment,要用paper form 㴲交 SA100 及 SA109,噉欺其它 form 如 SA106, SA102 可唔可以網上㴲交?
請問:我已有gateway同UTR no., 前日用第三方軟件報稅,到付款完準備submit時, 平台pop up: make sure self assessment (SA) service has been activatied at HMRC webside, check this by login to HMRC online account where self assessment (SA) service should be listed under 'services you can use', 請問這是什麼手續?
@melodyng4459 Жыл бұрын
請問,我而家已經註冊咗government gateway ,係唔係等税局俾UTR number 我?
@financialzoo Жыл бұрын
註冊咗government gateway 之後要填SA1 form,先會俾UTR你
@michellelam59642 ай бұрын
已經交了SA109申請split year treatment,現時HMRC要我再填SA106,是否所有foreign income都填就可以?不用自己split開呢?我有Hk pension同利息,希望得到你的回覆,謝謝
@financialzoo2 ай бұрын
申請split year,未黎英國唔係resident個部分香港收入唔洗填,之後收到嘅就要申報
@FebieMok Жыл бұрын
@financialzoo Жыл бұрын
要填SA106 (Foreign)個份表,入面有一個部份係Income from land and property abroad
如果比你份form無特別注明或者印上去,就寄去 Self Assessment HM Revenue and Customs BX9 1AS United Kingdom
@user-ro7is6hv3t Жыл бұрын
@@financialzoo 請問已入境了但至23年四月仲未住滿183日呢.是否計183日後才是tax resident 。即23一24Tax year 明年才先報有關的收入
@financialzoo Жыл бұрын
183日係一個最直接既條件令你變tax resident,但仲有好多可能性要自己check返statutory residence test FYR: statutory residence test www.gov.uk/government/publications/rdr3-statutory-residence-test-srt/guidance-note-for-statutory-residence-test-srt-rdr3 Check your UK residence status www.tax.service.gov.uk/guidance/check-your-UK-residence-status/start/choose-tax-year
@wancathy256311 ай бұрын
6/2021 賣出自住物業,11/2021 到英國,請問是否需要報資產淨值稅。謝謝🙏
@financialzoo11 ай бұрын
自住物業一般情況唔洗計資產增值稅,但仍有一些情況有機會要按比例交,稅局唔會知每個人外國邊個單位係自住,有大數出入佢地又無記錄比佢地追問嘅機會就會大一點 如果21/22稅年符合做英國稅務居民條件,報split year treatment同黎到英國之前既非英國收入分開係比較容易嘅做法
@wancathy256311 ай бұрын
謝謝回覆。以為在英國沒有工作收入所以沒有報稅,是否可以在23/24 年度再報split year treatment,因21/22 年度巳跌入稅務居民身份。
personal tax account就係gateway入面顯示你個人資料同稅務情況個版😅,呢個情況比較大機會係你手打同佢系統記錄唔match,有可能係Long short form或者地址全寫同佢系統唔一致,不過係咩原因唔係重點,呢度既野有錯唔出奇,所以寄paper from去申請會比較好...
@user-ro7is6hv3t10 ай бұрын
@@financialzoohave Utd no and gateway ice ,login ok but no self ax option , still stuck after tried contact hmrc saying the interface short as means can’t recognise my self ax but actually ax submitted before. No activation got before is this means I must got activation code first, but some web said no more needed to have the code nowadays. Do u know what problem, not sure if could solved if I submitit again the self ax twice . Could help. thxxxx
@financialzoo10 ай бұрын
@@user-ro7is6hv3t 唔係太明你嘅情況,你係已經拎左UTR但login government gateway無得比你報self assessment?
Hi 你好,其實7月我已申請UTR但至今一直未有收到號碼,今日看到你的影片再用你提供的LINK再申請,希望成功。 另外我也曾试用你介紹的SELFTAX, 不過對方話佢無報税軟件🤔,反而介紹话有做bookkeeping, 如你所说,是否可以用其他software 去報税和做數交政府的? 還有的是你放在上面的SA100 form 我們是否可以用這份去交還是一定要向HMRC 申請?
@financialzoo Жыл бұрын
@@charmyhk1 如果申請左咁耐,又無收到reject你既message,通常都係唔知邊個位入左黑洞,最好直接打上去HMRC hotline話過左十日都未收到UTR 第三方軟件係HMRC一個統稱,唔會分用黎交申請係要客裝software入電腦,web base或者cloud base app等等,selftax佢係web base咁比人入去填再gen份報稅表send比HMRC,唔洗裝software Link個份係sample黎,想填paper form 的話要打去HMRC叫佢寄一份比你