小魚爸先生,你的例子是一次性付清保費後開始計每年5%,我想請教的是分年供固定保費: Lets say已付保費 2014年-2018年每年交£2,000, 5年共£10,000,如果2023年即第十年提取,可以有多少的金額得到延稅? 2014年 £2,000 已付保費,2023年 5% x 10年累積 = £2,000 x 50% = £1,000 2015年 £2,000 已付保費,2023年 5% x 9年累積 = £2,000 x 45% = £900 2016年 £2,000 已付保費,2023年 5% x 8年累積 = £2,000 x 40% = £800 2017年 £2,000 已付保費,2023年 5% x 7年累積 = £2,000 x 35% = £700 2018年 £2,000 已付保費,2023年 5% x 6年累積 = £2,000 x 30% = £600 答案是否£4,000? 這樣理解是否合理?有冇example可以提供?
@SmallFishBa2 ай бұрын
本人並非稅務或財務專家,以下純粹我個人理解,非專業意見 👇 Hi SKIIwine. 個概念都係一樣。 你攞錢嗰年: (Total premium paid x 5% x no. of policy years) - amount withdrew before where no. of policy years 最多20年. 因為超過20年 x 5% 會超過100%. 而最多只可以攞100%本金而唔 trigger chargeable event.
本人並非稅務或財務專家,以下純粹我個人理解,非專業意見 👇 Hi Jackson. 我不是這個意思。我意思是離開5年內如果你賣出資產而有賺,因為當時並非英國稅務居民,所以唔需要付 CGT給英國。但如果離開少於5年內回英國又成為英國稅務居民,HMRC會追會你不在英國時的 CGT。 但留意,你所說的是海外保單。海外保單有特別處理。 你在non-residence 其間退保所得到的利益,依然要計 income tax。 但是計入你將來回英國那一稅年的收入。所以要小心。 "Certain types of income received during the period of temporary non-residence will also be treated as arising in the year of return" www.gov.uk/government/publications/temporary-non-residents-and-capital-gains-tax-hs278-self-assessment-helpsheet/hs278-temporary-non-residents-and-capital-gains-tax-2024
@JacksonTsoi-j6x2 ай бұрын
@JacksonTsoi-j6x2 ай бұрын
@SmallFishBa2 ай бұрын
@@JacksonTsoi-j6x 謝謝鼓勵
@travelingman54013 ай бұрын
@garyhui86924 ай бұрын
👍very helpful information, solve my big problem, thank you very much🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😊
@SmallFishBa4 ай бұрын
You are welcome, Gary That's not all about foreign life policy. I will go through the tax reduction for them in the next episode.
@cheungvivian604924 күн бұрын
謝謝小魚爸無私的分享 🙏🏻 我有一個保費係30年前買嘅15年供款嘅危疾,已經完全供完畢,希望喺明年1月攞返所有錢,退保呢筆錢嘅總數只有1萬磅,請問要唔要喺 self assessment去申報?但與此同時我有 HK 嘅銀行利息收入係要申報嘅。
真心感謝你分享交稅嘅知識, 想double check一次, eg, 一個儲蓄保橫跨30年, 喺未成為英國稅務居民前提取咗嘅錢(已提取價值), 係咪可以disregard 唔需要報英國稅呢? 期待下一集睇到關於做咗英國稅務居民後退保, full surrender嘅報稅概念. 例如保單keep咗30年, 只係做咗英國稅務居民兩年, 係應該點樣計呢? One suggestion on using a darker font on a light blue background. 感謝!
本人並非稅務或財務專家,以下純粹我個人理解,非專業意見 👇 Hi Lam. 我睇文件同讀書嘅時候,對於 foreign life policy 嘅保費點用唔會再細分。總知最後收幾錢,減你交咗幾錢,就當係盈利交 income tax。無論係 Gain, 係股息都好,一律一條數用 income tax rate 去收。
@BillWong3 ай бұрын
@@SmallFishBa I think the answer is simple because the portion of non capital gains have been deducted by the insurance companies. They don’t reflect on the surrendering value .
@BillWong3 ай бұрын
@@SmallFishBa I checked my insurance policy, which I surrendered last year. I am correct. They only showed the portion of premiums that contributed the gain. It was not the total amount that I paid.
本人並非稅務或財務專家,以下純粹我個人理解,非專業意見 👇 Hi Tomato. 虧損唔需要報。而且 foreign life insurance policy 係以 income tax 計算,所以唔會有 capital loss可以報。除非你早前為提款交過英國稅而張單最後又係虧損,咁可以有Deficiency relief www.gov.uk/government/publications/gains-on-foreign-life-insurance-policies-hs321-self-assessment-helpsheet/hs321-gains-on-foreign-life-insurance-policies-2023#loss-or-no-gain-on-the-policy
@BillWong4 ай бұрын
Some policies are contributed monthly in US$. It is so complicated to convert all of them into £. I reported self assessment last year. By the period rules, the taxable amount was much less than my personal allowance, but I forgot to convert my contribution amount into £ by using the exchange rate yearly . The contribution period was last 25 years. Do you think I need to recalculate and correct my self assessment? However, I think the taxable amount will be less than the amount I reported because the exchange rate was generally higher in that period.
@SmallFishBa4 ай бұрын
I am not a tax or financial adviser. The following is purely my personal understanding, not professional advice 👇 I think it is up to you. HMRC allow us to use monthly or annually hmrc exchange rate, as well as London Exchange daily rate. So, if you think you may be better off by using another rate, you can still amend your self assessment last year.
@BillWong4 ай бұрын
@@SmallFishBa Do you have any idea how I may make adjustment on HMRC's website? Or I need to file paper form?
@SmallFishBa4 ай бұрын
@@BillWong Assuming you used HMRC Online Service: 1. Sign in using your Government Gateway user ID and password. 2. From ‘Your tax account’, choose ’Self Assessment account’. 3. Choose ‘More Self Assessment details’. 4. Choose ‘At a glance’ from the left-hand menu. 5. Choose ‘Tax return options’. 6. Choose the tax year for the return you want to amend.
@BillWong4 ай бұрын
@@SmallFishBa I just found that your exchange rate calculator is not suitable for CGT and insurance products. It can't calculate the transaction before 2021. 😂
It goes back to the first principle, which is whether the policy has cash value. Actually, the insurance companies combine two or more types of policies into one.
@HKETang2144 ай бұрын
@HKETang2144 ай бұрын
請問split year adjustment是否適用呢?
@SmallFishBa4 ай бұрын
@@HKETang214 本人並非稅務或財務專家,以下純粹我個人理解,非專業意見 👇 如果你提款係同一稅年但喺 split year 之前,咁係可以用 split year treatment 而唔需要交在香港時提款嘅稅。 但如果係成為稅務居民之後先提款,就同 split year treatment 無關。無下一集會講到 time apportioned reduction,呢個會減到部分收益。
@SmallFishBa4 ай бұрын
本人並非稅務或財務專家,以下純粹我個人理解,非專業意見 👇 Hi Mabel。如以下 Bill Wong 就回覆,有 cash value 同 gain 就係如我片中所講咁報。但記得睇埋下集,因為呢集個例子未計有得扣稅嘅部份。
Tom兄,I think只要是提取,不管是紅利或現金都是withdrawal,5% X number of years applies! 小魚爸先生,你的例子是一次性付清保費後開始計每年5%,我想請教的是分年供固定保費: Lets say已付保費 2014年-2018年每年交£2,000, 共£10,000,如果2023年即第十年提取,可以有多少的金額得到延稅? 2014年 £2,000 已付保費,2023年 5% x 10年累積 = £2,000 x 50% = £1,000 2015年 £2,000 已付保費,2023年 5% x 9年累積 = £2,000 x 45% = £900 2016年 £2,000 已付保費,2023年 5% x 8年累積 = £2,000 x 40% = £800 2017年 £2,000 已付保費,2023年 5% x 7年累積 = £2,000 x 35% = £700 2018年 £2,000 已付保費,2023年 5% x 6年累積 = £2,000 x 30% = £600 答案是否£4,000? 這樣理解是否合理?有冇example可以提供? I would be very grateful if you can share your opinion before I go to my tax consultant.
小魚爸,是否離英超過5個税務年度,便自動脱離税務居民身份,用用申報及辦什麼手續?另外,脫離税務居民身份後,可否領取之前供落的 state pension ? 唔該曬。。。😅
@SmallFishBa3 ай бұрын
本人並非稅務或財務專家,以下純粹我個人理解,非專業意見 👇 Hi fff。 離開英國滿5個 full tax year 係脫離埋 Temporary Resident。無手續申請。只係如果你真係5年內回英國定居,佢會追返你呢5年嘅海外CGT。 State Pension 無影響。就算唔係英國稅務居民,只要你夠 qualifying year 都一樣可以攞到。但非英國稅務居民嘅 state pension 會以開始攞嗰刻固定金額,無得隨通脹增加。
@@jackylam729 IPTM9220 - Overseas insurers: reporting duties: policies not denominated in sterling
@kencmw3254 ай бұрын
以當年交保費時英镑是12.xx, 現在計 Gain 用收款時10.xx, 似個 gain overstated, 對 taxpayer 不利
@SmallFishBa4 ай бұрын
本人並非稅務或財務專家,以下純粹我個人理解,非專業意見 👇 Hi Yvonne. 謝謝你提出兩點。 第二點應該係我下一集先講到嘅內容。下集會講埋 Time apportioned reduction 同 top slicing relief。所以呢集個例子係話無任何扣稅嘅情況下嘅計算,簡單啲。 至於第一點關於匯率。Very interesting。你唔講我都無為意。我揾過喺 HS321 初初2014年出嘅版本有提到你所講嘅方法: "Gains on foreign life insurance policies, life annuities or capital redemption policies should be calculated in the currency in which the policy or contract is denominated and the gain converted to sterling at the rate of exchange applicable at the time of the chargeable event." 但好奇怪,2020同之後嘅 HS321 已經唔再見到呢一句。係 delete 咗,但又無特別講個計法係咪變咗。你會唔會知道有其他 HMRC reference 有提及? 同時我亦問緊 HMRC。不過應該有排先會回覆。 非常感謝你見到資料有可能有問題而提醒。如果 HMRC 覆咗我,我會睇吓點更新返。
@SmallFishBa4 ай бұрын
@@jackylam729 Hi Jacky. 如我回覆嘅留言。 2014年版本嘅 HS321係有寫。但之後更新嘅版本就 remove 咗嗰句。 以下 link 喺第三方地方仲有得 download 到2014年版本。 喺 Part 5 - How to calculate a gain, page 18. www.aesinternational.com/hubfs/Independent-Reviews/HMRC-How-are-insurance-bonds-taxed.pdf