@sally chan:D 熟悉返當地嘅路面情況👍🏻 想法非常正確!我都幾建議過到去先考... 睇得出你已經做足資料搜集!叻女! 如果hotel man同wine,我會覺得hotel man較好,因為wine真係好窄,但有時真係窄先會夠精。我諗睇興趣啦,hotel man就多方面嘅嘢都會學到,front of the house同back of the house每一個關於酒店嘅部門都要學,一直以來,讀酒店出身嘅人都係可以出嚟做72行都得,對你烘焙整餅方面一定係好啲,但你要知嘅係酒店唔係一種專業。wine study就應該真係會學埋種子、種植、grape嘅認識、到之後做酒、賣酒等等,其實係非常非常專業嘅知識。好多做wine嘅國家都需要呢方面嘅人才! 你係今年DSE定一早讀完?如果仲有時間同果邊開關,可以飛去睇下先,如果唔係就問多幾知人意見。hotel man嘅野你都可以問我😀
@@hchan753 我1516既位有兩個: 第一,間大學響維多利亞州,全澳洲爆武肺爆得最勁既地方,一面怕佢touch wood如果又爆多輪唔開返關口,比廿萬要對住個Mon上堂,另一面佢開返關都係怕武肺。 第二,七月澳洲公佈延長畢業簽,夠五年就有“pathway to PR",但其實“pathway to PR"實際上點運作都未有詳情,如果同獨立技術移民一樣鬥高分,我冇信心三年後仲夠分。
you should separate UK & Australia, no one will migrate into any of those countries only because of the driving licences, and if people already decide to go UK, they won't care about Australia (do we need to go through USA, Sweden, EU countries, France, Japan....etc???), so people will only want to consider the difference between HK and just ONE of the countries involved. Other than that, they will have to skip your footage for so many times.