I got one of the similar experience of yours here in USA back many years ago while I was working a part-time job and the boss gave me a full -time works and a very small pay-raise . I managed to get all the works done for 4 days and then quite . From someone in another area , found this boss never learn because he did the same thing to the one before me and quite in only two days . Later found such small firm was merged with another and this boss lost his job . I found another much better full time position with a big company. 👍🏻 😎
@AnthonyLuxuryTravel4 ай бұрын
Good for you. I think sometimes we need to say no and make a right decision even though it might be risky to some.
@yourenothing7662 ай бұрын
@AnthonyLuxuryTravel2 ай бұрын
@ivycyfung4 ай бұрын
Congrats 🎉and happy for you ❤ And thank you for your supportive sharing
@@AnthonyLuxuryTravel 哈哈,想起会唱Majulah哥哥仔。Btw,there is chinese girl home to her childhood Sg memory "YT, A 7-day rip to Singapore...“,very well warm hearted flim-scripted.
@AnthonyLuxuryTravel3 ай бұрын
And that’s only two years ago🫣
@clementihammock75723 ай бұрын
@@AnthonyLuxuryTravel oh yes, times flies, we may soon old and die. 😂 Come on, 哥哥仔。Let Jimmy Ruffin Song 躺平you。音乐响起,当当当....哦哦哦 As I walk this land of broken dreams I have visions of many things But happiness is just an illusion Filled with sadness and confusion What becomes of the brokenhearted Who had love that's now departed I know I've got to find some kind of peace of mind Maybe
@AnthonyLuxuryTravel3 ай бұрын
@uncleken35994 ай бұрын
哈哈 呢條片好relatable 😂 另外都可以俾啲STAR既小貼士你d觀眾 其實個Result唔一定要係positive, 如果個結果唔係positive嘅,只要你demonstrate到你點様learn from this 而應用喺下次同樣情況之下 同埋最最最最重要係聽清楚條問題,停一停諗一諗先至好答,我見到太多人都係聽完問題未消化好就已經去答,點知答到一塌糊塗
@AnthonyLuxuryTravel4 ай бұрын
補充得非常好,尤其唔一定positive同埋聽清楚先答。不過要小心,因為有機會you still haven’t learned from your own mistakes,因為錯重點🤣 你令我諗番今次interview 有一條問題問我what skills can you contribute to this company ,當不斷吹水吹左出公海,我要捫番自己番黎,問番interviewer “what was the question again?”定一定神,再regroup,好重要,唔好怕停,正常人諗嘢係要停嘅,呢一樣我係睇環姐答問題學番黎,時為1992年,冠軍Michelle McLean答一條好癲嘅問題,佢停左幾秒,然後好謹慎咁講,結果贏左。委內瑞拉就係唔停,講左先,結果大熱倒灶。呢個就係點解委內瑞拉雖然咁多國際選美冠軍,但成日都係二三名,近年比菲律賓超越嘅原因,因為佢哋乜都smooth talk world peace🤣
Frist time to hear from you and thank you for your sharing. Amazing to know you adapt to the life in UK so far so good. we returned to NZ since 2014 September. We understand where you stand. A great job. Nice to get to know you. Much Love and prayers.JS😇🤓💝💖💗🙏🙏👍👍💪💪
我其實唔知你申請咩工,所以唔敢講,始終見工都好睇你當時同interviewer嘅interaction,我有啲join左呢個義工scheme嘅都見唔成。 其實我嘅understanding係,你可以見,基本上都符合佢要求,反而有無做過義工又未必咁重要啦。但career manager有講,見嘅人其實同篩選你入黎嘅HR係唔同人,所以你一定要重新impress到見你嘅人,唔好諗住cv已講就定過抬油。呢個係佢對我嘅事前備戰特別強調嘅。 同埋speak their language 真係好緊要,每個NHS trust都有佢values ,一定要練熟,然後convince佢哋點樣apply喺你嘅工作同處事態度,祝你成功!
我擔心你哋有抑鬱,朋友又少,家人又唔能夠同你哋一起,你要好好保重自己,保持心境開朗啊! May God bless you all ! 😊
@AnthonyLuxuryTravel3 ай бұрын
謝謝你,我自己無事的,我22年已經預習左去澳洲讀左半年書(不過敗走😂因為肥左佬),我啲最好朋友都過左黎,仲有已經喺度好多年嘅朋友又住得近,所以成日約出黎食飯,再加上我住嗰區去商場都好近,基本上我生活好似喺香港咁,仲可以成日去歐洲玩,再講就好似曬命🫣 但我明白每個香港人嘅難處,對我黎講,我黎到最大嘅難關係搵工,因為一日搵唔到工,總有種被孤立嘅感覺,你都無辦法真正接觸local 人,而家呢個問題解決左,個心就會定好多。當然,我明白同local人加唔同種族嘅磨合會係另一難關,但我會好少少,因為我勝在唔停口又面皮厚😂 同埋我屋企人一早番晒天國,所以我其實喺香港仲唔開心,因為要成日經過佢哋經過嘅地方,我喺呢度有好多可能性,可以當自己做一個新人,反而搵番我自己嘅人生目標,亦都唔駛再好似以前返工咁對自己咁harsh,因為i have nothing to prove now.而家我唯一唔適應嘅仲係天氣,朝早凍晏晝熱,好易攝親。 再次謝謝你,主佑。
@sfjsfj8953 ай бұрын
@@AnthonyLuxuryTravel 非常多謝你講解左你的life situation for me, thanks a lot, once again, carry on ! Take extremely care of yourself. Good luck!☺️