嗨,愛麗絲,你的這些紀錄非常有價值! 你的一字一句說出了我內心深處的想法 不僅僅是短暫的情緒上感同身受、這世上有很多人與我有相同煩惱而感到安慰、平安 更多的是 你的分享也將會成為我在這個煩惱難題上,解題過程中的一塊拼圖 你說得很對,學著與茫然共處 我好像在不遠處看見一盞明燈一樣,不再恐慌、不再失眠了 今晚可以安心睡上一覺 ☺ wish you all the best
@Aliceeelife Жыл бұрын
@cccjerry Жыл бұрын
6:03 真的是很有共鳴😅 或許可以轉換想法:吃想吃的、做喜歡做的、該休息就休息,生活就會帶著自己前進 Sometimes don't think, just do what you like will be the best way to move on.
you feel sad, down, happy, satisfy, empty, busy...... many many more...... congratulations ..... you are human..... try to deep breath, empty your mind.... clear..... when you down, sad or emptiness. you will find a direction when you calm down because you can see better and think better. dont force yourself to sort the problem out when you struggle. Good luck and enjoy life. smile everyday.